Half-Cocked Tales

Half-Cocked Tales

Entertainment for the science and evidence-based reasoning inclined. Join us while we explore a little history, current events, snake oil,the fact checking quiz, and a little something good. read less


The Tragic Story of the Hamburglar
Mar 20 2024
The Tragic Story of the Hamburglar
This week in the lounge, the time machine takes the hosts back to the passing of the Equal Rights Amendment in the Senate and it’s ongoing status today. In science news, the James Webb Telescope is being used to identify different complex compounds in protostars and a new paper posits that Dark Energy doesn’t exist. This week’s snake oil involves a Love Scam Center in the Phillipines, the Professor is in the hot seat for “Fact Checkin’ Time”, and we have some feel goods about coral reef restoration. We’re so glad you’re here!   Equal Rights Amendment   The burning acid behind ant stings was spotted around two stars Dark matter doesn't exist and the universe is 27 billion years old Testing CCC+TL Cosmology with Observed Baryon Acoustic Oscillation Features - IOPscience   Hundreds rescued from love scam centre in the Philippines   PolitiFact | Who owns TikTok’s parent company? PolitiFact | Claim about number of immigrants and reemergence of livestock disease Photo Shows Woman Voting in Russia's 2024 Election While Armed Soldier Watches   A myth about Irish immigrants who came to the US during the potato famine gets debunked UK government says it will back legislation to ban foreign state ownership of British newspapers A Kate Middleton Theory: Is the Edited Photo From November?   Full Recovery for Coral Reef Within 4 Years – The Speed of Restoration They Saw was ‘Incredible’   Find us Half-Cocked Lounge Half-Cocked Gift Shop YouTube TikTok Instagram Facebook Patreon
1930’s crooner hasn’t sung in years, you won’t believe what he sounds like today
Mar 6 2024
1930’s crooner hasn’t sung in years, you won’t believe what he sounds like today
In this episode, the hosts discuss various topics including the Emergency Banking Act of 1933, the importance of leadership and trust in times of crisis, the genetic sequences responsible for humans losing their tails, and the use of high frequency radio waves for genetic modification. For the snake oil segment, they discuss a disappointing Willy Wonka-themed event in Scotland that was compared to the Fyre Festival. They explore the ethical considerations of genetic modification and the possibility of tail regeneration and other genetic changes in humans. The conversation then shifts to the fascinating encounter between an orca and a great white shark, highlighting the changing dynamics in the ocean. The hosts also touch on the fragility of the Gulf Stream and its potential impact on climate. They cover various fact checked stories in “Fact Checkin’ Time”, and the episode concludes with a heartwarming story about volunteers helping amphibians cross the road. Emergency Banking Act of 1933 Fireside chats We finally know why humans don't have tails Radio waves reprogram bacteria to become vital drugs with 91% efficacy Lone orca slays great white in less than two minutes and feasts on its liver I was hired for the Fyre Festival-esque Willy Wonka 'experience' — I felt like I was scammed The real-life Day After Tomorrow: The Gulf Stream could COLLAPSE as early as 2025   Stanley Cups Were Originally Invented for WWII Pilots? Phillies end $1 hot dog nights following unruly fan behavior No, Women Do Not Retain DNA from Every Man They've Slept With New study unpacks why society reacts negatively to male-favoring research Mark Twain Was Born and Died on Days Halley's Comet Flew Past Earth? Shania Twain, 58, unrecognisable in new photo   Village Saves 45,000 Toads From Roadway Deaths Cutting Casualties By 60% Find us at the Half-Cocked Tales Lounge YouTube TikTok Instagram Patreon
Ten facts about life you just won’t believe
Feb 28 2024
Ten facts about life you just won’t believe
In this conversation, the hosts explore the history and purpose of calendar reform, the differences between the Julian and Gregorian calendars, and the challenges of implementing a new calendar system. They also touch on the drawbacks of daylight savings time and share interesting facts about snakes, including the discovery of two distinct species of green anacondas and a python with emoji-like patterns on its back. The conversation covers various topics including mosquitoes, fusion reactors, AI, Neanderthals, and timeshare scams. The hosts discuss the potential of AI in controlling fusion reactors and the ethical concerns surrounding its use. They also explore the ingenuity of Neanderthals in using glue and their burial practices. The conversation concludes with a fact-checking game where the hosts discuss news events that have been fact-checked. The episode concludes with stories about the reintroduction of black rhinos in Kenya, and a breakthrough treatment for tumors in dogs.     Gregorian calendar Calendar reform   Gigantic new anaconda species discovered in Amazon rainforest Breeder creates smiley face emoji snake that sold for $6K AI solves nuclear fusion puzzle for near-limitless clean energy Neanderthals' usage of complex adhesives reveals higher cognitive abilities Thousands of Americans fall prey to Mexican cartel CJNG timeshare scam   Only 6,800 American Soldiers Died in Battle in the Revolutionary War? Kid Rock, Jason Aldean didn't call off New York shows Executive Order 9066 authorized Japanese detention during World War II, not gift cards Mexico City may be just months away from running of out water Taylor Swift Has Reportedly Spent an Exorbitant Amount to Upgrade Kelce's Wardrobe Amid measles outbreak, Florida lets parents choose whether to send unvaccinated kids to school     Find us at the Half-Cocked Tales Lounge YouTube TikTok Instagram Patreon
One magic ingredient your hair stylist wants you to put in your coffee
Feb 13 2024
One magic ingredient your hair stylist wants you to put in your coffee
In this episode of Half-Cocked Tales, the hosts discuss various topics including the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, the fascination with organized crime, and the potential dangers of artificial intelligence and nuclear bombs. They then move on to the challenge of deciphering the Vesuvius scrolls, the dangers of contaminated 'Real Water’. As always there’s “Fact Checkin’ Time”, where guests try to tell which news headlines were fact checked stories and which weren’t. To end the discussion, the hosts examine the benefits of Tai Chi for high blood pressure. They mention a study from the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences that found Tai Chi to be more effective in reducing high blood pressure than other forms of aerobic exercise. The hosts express their surprise and interest in this finding and discuss the positive effects of Tai Chi on the body and mind. They also mention the accessibility and simplicity of Tai Chi compared to other forms of exercise.   Saint Valentine's Day Massacre Escalation Risks from Language Models in Military and Diplomatic Decision-Making Vesuvius Challenge 2023 Grand Prize awarded: we can read the scrolls! Jury awards $130m to Nevada residents who suffered extreme liver damage   Puppy Bowl 2024 is not a live event like Super Bowl LVIII Fact Check: Putin Defends Hitler's Invasion of Poland in Carlson Interview 'Woke' Garth Brooks Kicked Out of Toby Keith's Tribute Show?   Israel is holding up food for 1.1 million Palestinians in Gaza, the main UN aid agency there says Trump gave NATO allies warning: Spend more or he'd let Russia 'do whatever they want' We may have just lost Trinidad and Tobago.   Find us at the Half-Cocked Tales Lounge Discord YouTube TikTok Patreon
One Easy Trick that leaves Casinos Mad As Hell
Jan 30 2024
One Easy Trick that leaves Casinos Mad As Hell
In this conversation, the hosts discuss various topics including the historic military execution of Eddie Slavik, Bio-Hybrid cyborg robots and lab-grown meat, feathered dinosaurs, and AI poison to protect artwork. They also discuss the commodification of art and the impact of automation on artists. They then delve into a case of an online church scam and the fraudulent practices of a pastor. The conversation shifts to the game “Fact Checkin’ Time” before concluding with a feel-good story about the IRS cracking down on tax evasion.   Execution of Eddie Slovik Scientists design a two-legged robot powered by muscle tissue Video of cyborg biohybrid walking A newly identified ‘Hell chicken’ species of dinosaur Nightshade: a new tool artists can use to "poison" AI models that scrape their online work Online Church Pastor Accused of Pocketing $1.3 Million Through Cryptocurrency Fraud   Is 'Texas' Slang for 'Crazy' in Norway? Male Spiders Sometimes Use 'Random Trash' to Attract Mates Social media posts use outdated figures for comparisons between governments X blocks Taylor Swift searches after fake AI videos go viral ‘This is criminal’: Atlanta contractor slapped with $30K water bill for an empty lot Circus animals rescued after truck catches fire on Indiana highway   IRS Collected Half a Billion Dollars in Back Taxes From Delinquent Millionaires in 2023, Sentencing Some to Prison   Find us at the Half-Cocked Tales Lounge Discord YouTube TikTok Patreon