Revenue Accelerators

Deep Trikannad

Welcome to the ”Revenue Accelerators” podcast, your one-stop destination for the secrets, strategies, and stories of successful sales influencers across the globe. Hosted by 19-year Sales Veteran with leadership experience in Strategic, Enterprise, and Telecom Sales, Deep Trikannad. In each episode, we delve deep into the minds of the world’s top-performing sales leaders and business people. From startups to enterprises and beyond, we uncover the hidden gems of their success, their unique approaches to overcoming obstacles, and the strategies that have skyrocketed their business revenues. We take you on a journey through the dynamic world of sales, exploring complex topics such as relationship building, effective communication, closing strategies, and forecasting, simplified and broken down into actionable insights. Hear firsthand accounts from sales veterans about navigating through major deals, negotiations, and leadership transitions. Whether you’re just starting your sales journey or looking to take your sales game to the next level, this podcast provides invaluable wisdom and practical advice to help you accelerate your revenue growth and achieve unprecedented success in the ever-evolving landscape of sales. Tune in to the Revenue Accelerators podcast and unlock the strategies that will propel you towards your sales goals. read less


Breaking Free from the Rat Race: Exploring Franchise Opportunities with Adam Goldman
5d ago
Breaking Free from the Rat Race: Exploring Franchise Opportunities with Adam Goldman
In this episode of the Revenue Accelerators Podcast, host Deep Trikannad interviews Adam Goldman, the Founder and President of FranchiseCoach. They discuss how to break free from the mundane nature of day jobs in sales and explore the opportunity to build on existing skills through franchising. Adam explains that franchising is not limited to food and restaurants, but encompasses various industries such as mosquito spraying. He emphasizes the importance of being open-minded when considering franchising and shares that successful candidates often have business savvy and experience in sales. When asked about the time commitment required, Adam explains that it varies depending on the nature of the franchise. Some franchises can be operated with minimal time investment, while others require full-time dedication. The timeline for success also varies, but it typically takes a few months to start generating revenue. Adam advises that sales experience is a key prerequisite for success in franchising, as it involves business development and marketing. He also warns against bidding inaccurately, which can result in financial losses. Adam shares his personal journey into franchising and the value it offers to salespeople looking for more independence and entrepreneurship. He encourages salespeople to consider franchising as a way to leverage their skills and break free from the dependency on a company. Listeners are encouraged to reach out to Adam at or to learn more about franchising opportunities and receive personalized guidance. Ultimately, the episode aims to inspire listeners to think beyond their day jobs and explore the potential of franchising to achieve financial freedom.
Unlocking the Sales Secrets: The Art of Earning Trust and Setting Expectations
May 15 2024
Unlocking the Sales Secrets: The Art of Earning Trust and Setting Expectations
Summary: In this episode of the Revenue Accelerators Podcast, Deep Trikannad interviews Richard Harris, the null of The Harris Consulting Group. Richard shares his background in sales, starting from his first job selling jolly ranchers in school to working in retail and eventually moving into inside sales and consulting. He talks about his focus on earning the right to ask questions in sales and building trust with clients. Richard also discusses the concept of a respect contract, where both parties set expectations and agree to treat each other fairly in a sales conversation. He recommends using tools like Fathom for note-taking and active participation in meetings. The episode ends with a conversation about using different sales methodologies and the importance of coaching in sales management. Key points: - Richard's background in sales, from selling jolly ranchers to working in retail and inside sales - The importance of earning the right to ask questions in sales and building trust with clients - The concept of a respect contract in sales, where both parties set expectations and agree to treat each other fairly - Using tools like Fathom for note-taking and active participation in meetings - The use of different sales methodologies and the importance of coaching in sales management Note: The transcript provided may not be 100% accurate to the spoken episode but provides an overall sense of the discussed topic.
Boosting Sales Through Thought Leadership: How to Create Compelling Content on LinkedIn with Andrew Devlin
May 13 2024
Boosting Sales Through Thought Leadership: How to Create Compelling Content on LinkedIn with Andrew Devlin
In this episode of the Revenue Accelerators Podcast, host Deep Trikannad interviews Andrew Devlin, the Executive Brand Strategist of Boost Win Rate. They discuss Andrew's sales career, starting from inside sales and transitioning to become a brand strategist. Andrew shares his experiences in sales and provides insights on prospecting, dealing with rejection, and building relationships with customers. Andrew emphasizes the importance of having a thick skin in sales and how it helps salespeople handle rejection and difficult conversations. He also talks about the transition from inside sales to Enterprise, where deals become more complex and require a deeper understanding of the customer's ecosystem. Andrew highlights the significance of timing when involving subject matter experts in the sales process and how it can impact the relationship with customers. Deep and Andrew then discuss the challenges of being a sales engineer turned account executive. They talk about the shift in perspective and the need to adapt to new responsibilities and priorities. They also share stories and lessons learned from their experiences in sales engineering and account executive roles. Andrew brings attention to the importance of trust in sales and how it can be earned through building strong relationships with customers. He shares examples of situations where trust was established by solving problems and providing support to customers. This trust can lead to long-lasting relationships and increased success in sales. The conversation then shifts to the power of video content in sales and brand building. Andrew encourages salespeople to create content on LinkedIn and become thought leaders in their industries. He stresses the importance of providing value to the audience and not using videos solely for self-promotion. Andrew believes that video content can help salespeople establish credibility and connect with potential customers. Lastly, Andrew shares information about his current startup, an app called HitchHUB Teleprompter. He explains how the app helps users during video presentations and meetings by acting as a teleprompter. Andrew also discusses his new venture, Boost Win Rate, where he helps sales teams improve their LinkedIn presence and create video content. Overall, this episode provides valuable insights and strategies for sales professionals to accelerate their revenue and build strong customer relationships through video content and thought leadership.
Unlocking Certainty and Conquering Common Sales Mistakes with Eric Konovalov
Mar 26 2024
Unlocking Certainty and Conquering Common Sales Mistakes with Eric Konovalov
In this podcast episode, Deep Trikannad interviews Eric Konovalov, the Executive Leadership Coach and B2B Sales Trainer of The Goal Guide. Eric shares his personal journey of realizing the need for change in his life and how he founded The Goal Guide. He discusses the importance of setting and achieving goals and how it can transform your life. Eric mentions that he learned from various coaches and joined mastermind groups to guide him on his journey. He emphasizes the importance of mindset and how happiness is a choice. Eric believes that people should wake up and decide to be happy rather than constantly searching for happiness. When discussing The Goal Guide, Eric mentions that they work with growth-minded entrepreneurs and salespeople. They offer corporate trainings on sales, communication, and leadership, as well as life and executive coaching. Eric explains the need to reprogram limiting beliefs and thoughts that hold individuals back, especially in sales. Throughout the conversation, Eric shares common mistakes that salespeople make. He mentions that many sales reps say "no" for other people before giving them the opportunity to say no themselves. He also highlights the importance of building rapport based on understanding the customer's pain points rather than superficial commonalities. Eric emphasizes the significance of the 4 S's: certain company, certain product/service, certain salesperson, and certain offer. Eric concludes by urging sales professionals to focus on who they are and how they show up in their interactions with clients. He advises learning the principles of influence to build trust and credibility. Deep shares his own anecdotes to illustrate the importance of trust and authenticity in sales. Listeners can reach out to Eric through LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or email.
Unlocking the Power of Referrals: The Science and Strategy Behind Successful Sales
Feb 8 2024
Unlocking the Power of Referrals: The Science and Strategy Behind Successful Sales
This episode of the Revenue Accelerators Podcast features an interview with Joanne Black, the Founder of No More Cold Calling. Joanne discusses how she stumbled into selling and the importance of referrals in the sales process. She emphasizes that referrals are a powerful and underutilized tool in sales. Joanne explains that referrals offer endorsements and trust, making it easier to get meetings with the right prospects. She also highlights the high conversion rate of referrals, which typically exceeds 70%. Joanne mentions that many companies have tried referrals in the past but haven't been successful due to a lack of system and accountability. When asked about the mental block some seasoned salespeople have about asking for referrals, Joanne suggests having conversations to help them understand the value and benefits of referrals. She differentiates between inbound referrals and outbound referrals, with outbound referrals requiring proactive and intentional outreach. She emphasizes the importance of coaching and reinforcement to ensure the adoption of referral selling practices. Joanne concludes the interview by noting that many companies are not asking all their clients for referrals, leaving a significant gap in their strategy. She encourages businesses to leverage their satisfied clients by developing a referral system and learning how to ask for referrals. Overall, the interview sheds light on the power of referrals in the sales process and emphasizes the need for a systematic approach to referral selling.
Mastering Emotional Regulation in Sales: Insights from Davidson Hang
Feb 6 2024
Mastering Emotional Regulation in Sales: Insights from Davidson Hang
Podcast Episode Notes: - Introduction: Deep introduces Davidson Hang, the CEO of Kaizen Sales, a Personal Development Company. They discuss how Davidson got into sales and his journey to becoming a sales consultant. - Davidson's Background: Davidson shares that he got into sales because he grew up in a poor household and was inspired by the potential earning opportunities in sales. He started a podcast called "The Reddit Sales and Business Development Professional Podcast" and interviewed influencers in the sales industry. - Starting as an SDR: Davidson began his sales career as an SDR for 4-5 years and enjoyed the role. He faced challenges when transitioning to an AE position due to his lack of industry knowledge. However, he gained confidence and mentorship from a manager at TriNet who helped him succeed in sales. - Emotional Regulation in Sales: Davidson wishes that there was more focus on emotional intelligence and emotional regulation in sales training. He shares an example of encountering a homeless person and being able to empathize and regulate his emotions instead of letting it affect his day. - Lessons from Sales: Deep asks if there are any lessons from sales that are hard to learn without experiencing them personally. Davidson mentions that top sales reps still have insecurities and self-doubt, and they constantly reflect on their performance to improve. He believes that emotional regulation and self-reflection are crucial in sales. - Applying Emotional Regulation in Sales: Davidson explains that emotional regulation is important when dealing with challenging prospects and difficult situations in sales. He emphasizes that understanding that rejection or difficulties are not personal can help sales professionals move forward and not let it control their lives. - Perfecting Communication: Deep and Davidson discuss the importance of communication in sales, particularly in emails and text messages. They emphasize the need to be intentional, thoughtful, and considerate in communication to avoid misunderstandings and build strong relationships. - Davidson's Current Work: Davidson is currently developing a mastermind program and workshop that combines his learnings from various personal development programs. He recently wrote a book called "Unapologetically, ENFP," which focuses on integrating fun, play, and adventure into life. - Final Thoughts: Davidson advises listeners to be intentional about their relationships and to reach out to friends and connections they haven't spoken to in a while. He emphasizes the importance of gratitude and appreciating the present moment. Note: The episode transcript provided is condensed and may not include every word from the original podcast episode.
Unlocking Success: The Power of Mindset and Sales Coaching with David Greenberg
Dec 5 2023
Unlocking Success: The Power of Mindset and Sales Coaching with David Greenberg
Episode Summary: In this episode of the Revenue Accelerators Podcast, host Deep Trikannad interviews David Greenberg, a Coach, Consultant, Educator, and Content Creator at David Greenberg Consulting. David primarily focuses on coaching and consulting in the area of improving sales and building sales processes. He helps individuals and small businesses optimize their sales process and create conversations that lead to business. David also discusses the importance of mindset in sales and how it can affect success. He shares his journey from being a computer engineer to becoming a sales coach and consultant. Additionally, David emphasizes the need to prioritize value over money and the role of mindset in creating success. Key Points: - David Greenberg is a coach, consultant, educator, and content creator in the field of sales. - He primarily focuses on coaching and consulting in the area of improving sales and building sales processes. - David's coaching involves helping individuals perform better in sales conversations and creating conversations that lead to business. - His consulting work focuses on optimizing the entire sales process and gaining valuable feedback. - David primarily works with individuals and small businesses, including solopreneurs and startups. - His coaching process starts with a free 2-hour coaching call, where he provides value and helps clients determine if they want to continue working together. - David emphasizes the importance of not chasing money and prioritizing value and ethics in business. - He believes that the mind is the predominant force of creation and that success depends on having the right mindset. - David encourages listeners to become lifelong students of mindset and to disidentify with negative thoughts. Episode Highlights: - Deep Trikannad introduces David Greenberg as a coach, consultant, educator, and content creator in the field of sales. - David explains that his work involves coaching and consulting around improving sales and building sales processes. - He mentions that he primarily works with individuals and small businesses, including solopreneurs and startups. - David discusses how his technical background helps him systematize sales processes and solve technical challenges for his clients. - He explains that his coaching starts with focusing on having more conversations and later moves to teaching clients how to sell without being salesy. - David clarifies that his coaching and consulting service is a blend of coaching and consulting, depending on the needs of the client. - He emphasizes the importance of not chasing money and prioritizing value and ethics in business. - David shares his journey from being a computer engineer to becoming a sales coach and consultant. - He advises listeners to become lifelong students of mindset and to disidentify with negative thoughts. - David mentions that he is also an educator and content creator, with a focus on mindset and psychology. - He encourages listeners to watch his videos on his YouTube channel and connect with him on LinkedIn. [end of episode]
Mastering Sales Development: Insights from Matthew Putnam, Founder of Sales Upskill
Dec 1 2023
Mastering Sales Development: Insights from Matthew Putnam, Founder of Sales Upskill
Matthew Putnam is the Director of Global Sales Development at Thomas and a sales trainer at Sales Upskill. In this podcast episode, he shares his experience and insights on sales development. Matthew started his sales career selling raffle tickets in Australia to raise money for the surf life savers. This experience helped him develop his sales skills and gain confidence in face-to-face selling. He later transitioned into tech sales and began working as an SDR for a company in the oil and gas industry. When asked about his focus on sales development, Matthew explains that he loves sales and enjoys working with SDRs to book meetings and build pipeline. He believes that success in sales development lies in a combination of quantity and quality. By tracking activity stats and understanding what works, sales professionals can improve their performance. Matthew emphasizes the importance of trackable stats in sales development. He recommends using sales outreach software to track key metrics such as call and email response rates. This data allows salespeople to identify what is working and make informed decisions on their approach. He also discusses the value of A/B testing and experimentation in sales development. By testing different strategies and messages, sales professionals can refine their approach and improve their success rates. Matthew suggests setting a timeframe for each experiment and giving it enough time to gather meaningful data. In terms of handing off leads to account executives (AEs), Matthew emphasizes the need for a clean handover process. He advises SDRs to ensure that leads are qualified and provide as much information as possible to AEs. This includes understanding the prospect's pain points, timeline, and stakeholders involved. Matthew also shares his approach to training SDRs. He recommends bringing SDRs and AEs together to establish agreed-upon criteria for successful handoffs. By aligning expectations and working collaboratively, SDRs and AEs can optimize their performance and achieve better results. In conclusion, Matthew emphasizes the importance of embracing a learning mindset and being humble when starting a new sales role. He encourages sales professionals to continually learn, experiment, and adapt their approach based on data and feedback. He also recommends checking out the free training resources available on Sales Upskill to further develop sales skills.
Breaking the Conditioning: Unleashing Authentic Conversations to Accelerate Sales
Oct 30 2023
Breaking the Conditioning: Unleashing Authentic Conversations to Accelerate Sales
Episode Notes: - The host, Deep Trikannad, introduces Jake Stahl as the CEO/Founder of Jake Stahl Consulting. - Jake Stahl explains that he is a training and development expert who specializes in fractional chief learning officer positions for companies. - He discusses his fascination with human psychology and how it relates to learning. - Jake Stahl shares his extensive experience in training, including training in six different countries and working with over 10,000 people. - He explains that his focus is on helping sales teams improve their skills and achieve better results. - Deep Trikannad asks about the difference between fractional learning and other fractional roles, such as fractional c-suite positions. - Jake Stahl explains that his role is to train sales teams and sales managers on how to improve their sales techniques and leadership skills. - He emphasizes the importance of understanding the conditioning and preconceived notions that people bring to sales conversations. - Jake Stahl discusses his Adaptive Conversational Blueprint, a training method he has developed to help salespeople improve their communication skills and build better relationships with prospects. - He explains that he works with companies of all sizes, but is particularly effective with smaller companies that are experiencing a plateau in sales. - Jake Stahl shares a personal anecdote about a challenging sales experience early in his career, where he struggled to communicate with a client and felt completely lost. - He emphasizes the importance of breaking out of the conditioning and scripts that salespeople often rely on and learning how to have authentic conversations with prospects. - Jake Stahl discusses the value of treating all communication as human-to-human interaction and breaking down the barriers between personal and professional communication. - He offers a tip for sales reps on how to open conversations in a more authentic and engaging way, by avoiding generic greetings like "Hi, how are you?" and finding ways to connect on a deeper level with prospects. - Deep Trikannad thanks Jake Stahl for sharing his insights and concludes the episode.
The Power of Relationship Building: Lessons Learned from Real Business Connections with Ben Albert
Oct 17 2023
The Power of Relationship Building: Lessons Learned from Real Business Connections with Ben Albert
In this episode of the Revenue Accelerators podcast, host Deep Trikannad interviews Ben Albert, Founder of Real Business Connections. Ben shares that his primary focus is on getting knowledge from people who have it to those who need it. He discusses his work with Real Business Connections, which consists of hosting and producing several shows on a network. He also talks about Bellbert Marketing, the marketing leg of his firm, which focuses on finding easy solutions to complex problems. Deep and Ben discuss the importance of being a lifelong student of sales and constantly experimenting and learning. They emphasize the need to adapt and adjust strategies as times change. Ben also emphasizes the importance of understanding what the customer wants and tailoring the communication accordingly. They discuss the significance of building relationships and diffusing sales energy in conversations. Ben shares a valuable lesson he learned from Jeremy Miner, which is to "always be diffusing" and avoid coming across as too sales-focused. They also highlight the importance of being proactive in consuming knowledge and constantly seeking to learn and grow. Both Deep and Ben stress the need to approach sales with curiosity and to ask insightful questions that empower the customer to make a decision. They encourage listeners to scroll to the bottom of their sales emails or messages and send valuable content or introductions to add value to their interactions. The episode concludes with Ben encouraging listeners to make it a daily habit to send messages that add value and provide something of interest to their prospects and clients. He believes that giving will result in receiving and that this simple practice can greatly enhance a sales career.
The Art of Sales: Building Trust and Boosting Performance with Thomas Ellis of EWC Consultants
Oct 11 2023
The Art of Sales: Building Trust and Boosting Performance with Thomas Ellis of EWC Consultants
Episode Notes: In this episode of Revenue Accelerators, Deep Trikannad interviews Thomas Ellis, the Chief Sales Coach of EWC Consultants. Thomas shares insights and experiences from his 35 years of sales leadership and coaching. - Thomas Ellis introduces himself as the Chief Sales Officer of EWC Consultants, a small business sales coaching firm that helps small businesses develop effective sales processes. - Deep Trikannad expresses his interest in learning more about Thomas' background and how he got into sales coaching. - Thomas shares that he has always had a passion for helping others become successful and developed a sales coaching business to assist small business owners who were struggling with sales. - Deep Trikannad asks about the transition from being a sales rep to becoming a sales coach and how that came about for Thomas. - Thomas explains that his passion for developing and growing people led him to start helping small companies and individuals improve their sales processes. He has been doing this for about 12 years. - Deep Trikannad inquires about the type of businesses Thomas focuses on and asks if there is a specific revenue target or size that he works with. - Thomas mentions that he primarily works with companies with 50 employees or less, and some with around 10 employees where the owner is responsible for generating revenue. - Deep Trikannad clarifies that the owner of these businesses acts as a player-coach, being both the head of sales and responsible for other aspects of the business. - Deep Trikannad asks Thomas to share a memorable lesson he learned from his experience in sales that has stuck with him throughout his career. - Thomas narrates a story about a potential opportunity to work with a credit union that initially asked for a proposal without providing enough information about their needs. He explains how he learned the importance of conducting thorough discovery before presenting proposals to ensure they are aligned with the client's needs. - Deep Trikannad asks about the status of the proposal and how Thomas went on to secure a successful deal with the credit union. - Thomas reveals that he did not send the initial proposal and later had the opportunity to meet two managers from the credit union at a networking event. They expressed interest in training for their sales reps, and Thomas conducted a thorough discovery session with them to develop a tailored proposal. Once approved, he began working with them, resulting in an increase in car loan sales by 15% and home equity by 4-5% within six months. - Deep Trikannad explores the challenge of sales reps being uncomfortable or lacking knowledge about selling new products or services and how to help them overcome this. - Thomas explains that sales managers can work closely with reps through ride-alongs and coaching to build their confidence and help them learn new skills. Trust and partnership between the manager and rep are crucial. - Deep Trikannad emphasizes the importance of building trust within the sales team and establishing a culture of support and learning. - Thomas agrees, stating that sales managers must show reps how to succeed through coaching, going on calls, and providing continuous support. This approach fosters confidence and helps reps improve. - Deep Trikannad discusses the dynamic between top performers, middle performers, and struggling performers and how to support each group effectively. - Thomas emphasizes the need for sales managers to partner with middle performers by understanding their goals, supporting their development, and engaging in regular coaching and ride-alongs. - Deep Trikannad highlights the impact of building trust within the team and mentions that establishing a learning culture can motivate the entire sales team. - Thomas concludes by encouraging sales professionals to strive to be better, unique, and desirable (BUD) in their interactions with clients. He emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement and differentiation. - Deep Trikannad thanks Thomas for his valuable insights and invites the audience to tune in for future episodes.
Help, Don’t Sell: Mastering the Art of Genuine Discovery with Sales Coach Matt Wolach
Oct 9 2023
Help, Don’t Sell: Mastering the Art of Genuine Discovery with Sales Coach Matt Wolach
Deep Trikannad is joined by Matt Wolach, the B2B SaaS Sales Coach of Xsellus. Matt shares that he has been in the software industry for a long time but found a passion for sales early on. When he started a software company, he had no idea what he was doing and had to learn from various sources. Through trial and error, he was able to create a process to generate a 63% call closing rate with his team. After multiple successful exits, Matt decided to start coaching sales leaders, salespeople, and CEOs on effectively closing deals to achieve high valuations and potential exits. He also runs a software company called Torawa's, which provides an SMS marketing system to help businesses communicate with their prospects. In terms of his coaching company, Xsellus, Matt explains that he works with sales leaders, salespeople, and CEOs to fix sales-related problems and help them improve their sales performance. He focuses on the B2B software industry specifically. Matt mentions that he works with teams of all sizes, from solo salespeople to teams of 10-20 people. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on helping the buyer rather than just selling to them, as this approach builds trust and leads to higher close rates. Matt also discusses the value of discovery in the sales process, where salespeople need to understand the buyer's needs and pain points before they can effectively connect their product or solution to those needs. He shares a personal anecdote about a time when he failed to conduct proper discovery and ended up demonstrating a product to a prospect who wasn't even in the industry. To break down the initial sales wall and create a more open conversation with prospects, Matt advises salespeople to share their personal "why" and why they care about helping prospects. By doing this, they create a human connection and build trust with the prospect. This approach helps salespeople establish themselves as advisors and consultants rather than just salespeople. Matt concludes by offering a scorecard to track sales stats and benchmarks, which helps salespeople monitor their performance and identify areas for improvement. Overall, Matt highlights the importance of genuine discovery, a customer-centric approach, and building trust in sales to drive successful outcomes. The podcast episode gives valuable insights into Matt's sales journey and his effective sales coaching methods.
From Homelessness to Sales Success: The Inspiring Journey of a Tenacious Rep
Oct 5 2023
From Homelessness to Sales Success: The Inspiring Journey of a Tenacious Rep
Episode Notes: - Deep Trikannad introduces the guest, Brad Adams, as the Senior Master Sales Trainer of Sales Gravy. - Brad Adams shares a bit about himself, mentioning that he is from Georgia and works with Sales Gravy. He enjoys helping sales professionals improve their skills. - Brad Adams mentions that he has 4 kids and loves spending time at his Lake House on weekends. - Deep Trikannad asks Brad about his role as a senior sales trainer and asks him to define what that entails. - Brad Adams explains that Sales Gravy is engaged by companies to help improve their sales discipline. He trains teams in various sales skills, such as prospecting, objections, and negotiations. - Deep Trikannad asks Brad about his career path and how he got into sales training. - Brad Adams recounts starting off in the finance side of a company after completing a degree in finance. He later transitioned to sales within the same company. He eventually joined Sales Gravy and focused on sales training after the company built up its sales training arm. - Deep Trikannad mentions that Brad has been doing sales training for at least 13 years. - Deep Trikannad asks Brad about Sales Gravy's focus and how they engage with customers and clients. - Brad Adams explains that Sales Gravy engages with companies through cold calling, cold outreach, marketing, and delivering a legendary customer experience. They specialize in sales-related training and provide content for various stages of the sales process. - Deep Trikannad highlights the adaptability of Sales Gravy's methodology across different industries. - Brad Adams mentions that Sales Gravy goes the extra mile to learn about the uniqueness of each company they work with and integrate that into their training. They make sure to connect their core methodology to the specific challenges and strengths of each organization. - Deep Trikannad reflects on the importance of adapting best practices to each company's unique needs. - Brad Adams shares a story about a sales professional named John who faced challenges transitioning from a successful football career to sales. John lacked accountability and a defined process. Brad worked with him on the 5 disciplines of ultra-high performance, which helped him turn his sales career around and achieve the income he desired. - Brad Adams also shares a story about a sales professional named Rodney who started off homeless and managed to get back on his feet by investing in sales training and applying what he learned. Rodney's story showcases the importance of perseverance and having a system in sales. - Deep Trikannad acknowledges the value of discipline in sales and how it applies to all aspects of life. - Brad Adams mentions that he keeps in touch with both John and Rodney and provides occasional guidance. - Deep Trikannad expresses appreciation for Brad sharing these stories and highlights Rodney's tenacity in seeking out sales training, despite his challenging circumstances. - Brad Adams concludes the episode, thanking Deep Trikannad for having him and stating that they covered important stories of tenacity and resilience in sales.
Unleashing Sales Success: From Sales Engineer to Sales Leader with Marni Heinz
Oct 3 2023
Unleashing Sales Success: From Sales Engineer to Sales Leader with Marni Heinz
In this episode of the Revenue Accelerators Podcast, Deep Trikannad interviews Marni Heinz, the Founder & CEO of MH Consulting & Coaching. Marni shares her background, including her 12 years at Salesforce where she started as a solution engineer and eventually moved into leadership. She also talks about her experience buying software while at Google and doing IT consulting work.  Marni explains that her focus now is on coaching sales performance and leadership. She helps leaders, teams, and individual contributors achieve sustainable results.  Deep asks Marni about her transition from sales engineer to sales. She shares that while buying software for Google, she saw the variability in the sales teams she interacted with and wanted to be on the sales side. She pursued a sales engineering role at Salesforce, with the intention of eventually moving into an account executive role. Marni discusses the challenges she faced when she made the switch and had to adjust to a new role and identity. Deep and Marni also discuss the importance of customer success in software sales and how it impacts growth and customer satisfaction. They talk about the role of account managers and customer success managers, and how they work together to retain and grow accounts. Marni shares a lesson she learned in sales, which is that customers will form opinions about you based on factors like your title, and it's important to be aware of the impression you're creating. She emphasizes the importance of building rapport and finding common ground with customers to establish trust. They also touch on the role of research in the sales process, with Marni noting that customers often do extensive research before even reaching out to the sales team. She highlights the importance of being prepared and coming across as a thought leader and advisor to customers. Finally, Marni discusses her coaching practice and the clients she works with. She helps individual contributors and sales leaders, offering one-on-one coaching, group coaching, and workshops on topics like emotional intelligence and sales skills. To connect with Marni and learn more about her coaching services, listeners can find her on LinkedIn and schedule a conversation.