Nichole Joy Show

Nichole Joy

The podcast where your soul’s highest expressions intersect… from evolutionary entrepreneurship, to conscious motherhood, radical body love, being your authentic multifaceted self, to your evolutionary journey in spirituality. Nichole is your guide, as you activate your highest expression and move into a new way of experiencing life… in a fun, deep, simple way. Connect with Nichole on instagram: read less


204. Trigger Warning: How to Navigate Triggers on the Internet
Mar 29 2024
204. Trigger Warning: How to Navigate Triggers on the Internet
In this episode, I guide you through the intricate subject of triggers. But first, a caveat: be sure to seek professional support as needed when triggered. Trust yourself here. I delve into encountering conflicting beliefs on social media and share my personal approach to handling such situations. I’ll explain the concept of multiple truths and the futility of engaging in online arguments. Reflecting on my journey, I discuss growth, compassion, and discernment in navigating relationships with individuals of differing beliefs, both personally and professionally. Here’s where it gets sticky: I encourage you to take a look at yourself when triggered, explore your underlying beliefs and take responsibility for your reactions. Overall, I cover personal responsibility, boundary-setting, and maintaining compassion, even if it means disengaging from certain relationships for the sake of mental well-being.  In outline form: Intro Setting the stage for discussing triggers Emphasizing the importance of seeking professional help for severe triggers Acknowledging Differing Beliefs Discussing encounters with conflicting beliefs on social media Introduction to my personal approach The Concept of Multiple Truths Exploring the idea that multiple truths can coexist Reflecting on personal experiences and beliefs Avoiding Online Arguments Stressing the futility of engaging in arguments on the internet Encouraging mindful response over reaction Personal Growth and Compassion Reflecting on personal growth journey Emphasizing compassion and meeting others where they are Navigating Relationships Discussing approaches to relationships with differing beliefs Personal anecdotes about family and business relationships Introspection and Responsibility Exploring the importance of introspection when triggered Taking responsibility for reactions and beliefs Evaluating Energy Investment Advising listeners to evaluate the worthiness of engaging in triggering situations Discussing personal energy management and boundary-setting Societal Trends and Conversations Lamenting the societal trend of avoiding conversations with opposing viewpoints Advocating for open dialogue and understanding Personal Responsibility and Compassion Emphasizing personal responsibility and boundary-setting Maintaining compassion even while disengaging from triggering situations Wrap up Encouraging you to reflect on your own approaches to triggers Additional links and things: Try Honeybook & get 25% off:⁠⁠ Try Descript with my link: ⁠⁠  Ways to work with Nichole: ⁠⁠ 4. Connect with me on Instagram: ⁠⁠
204. Trigger Warning: How to Navigate Triggers on the Internet (video)
Mar 28 2024
204. Trigger Warning: How to Navigate Triggers on the Internet (video)
In this episode, I guide you through the intricate subject of triggers. But first, a caveat: be sure to seek professional support as needed when triggered. Trust yourself here. I delve into encountering conflicting beliefs on social media and share my personal approach to handling such situations. I’ll explain the concept of multiple truths and the futility of engaging in online arguments. Reflecting on my journey, I discuss growth, compassion, and discernment in navigating relationships with individuals of differing beliefs, both personally and professionally. Here’s where it gets sticky: I encourage you to take a look at yourself when triggered, explore your underlying beliefs and take responsibility for your reactions. Overall, I cover personal responsibility, boundary-setting, and maintaining compassion, even if it means disengaging from certain relationships for the sake of mental well-being.  In outline form: Intro Setting the stage for discussing triggers Emphasizing the importance of seeking professional help for severe triggers Acknowledging Differing Beliefs Discussing encounters with conflicting beliefs on social media Introduction to my personal approach The Concept of Multiple Truths Exploring the idea that multiple truths can coexist Reflecting on personal experiences and beliefs Avoiding Online Arguments Stressing the futility of engaging in arguments on the internet Encouraging mindful response over reaction Personal Growth and Compassion Reflecting on personal growth journey Emphasizing compassion and meeting others where they are Navigating Relationships Discussing approaches to relationships with differing beliefs Personal anecdotes about family and business relationships Introspection and Responsibility Exploring the importance of introspection when triggered Taking responsibility for reactions and beliefs Evaluating Energy Investment Advising listeners to evaluate the worthiness of engaging in triggering situations Discussing personal energy management and boundary-setting Societal Trends and Conversations Lamenting the societal trend of avoiding conversations with opposing viewpoints Advocating for open dialogue and understanding Personal Responsibility and Compassion Emphasizing personal responsibility and boundary-setting Maintaining compassion even while disengaging from triggering situations Wrap up Encouraging you to reflect on your own approaches to triggers Additional links and things: Try Honeybook & get 25% off:⁠⁠ Try Descript with my link: ⁠⁠  Ways to work with Nichole: ⁠⁠ Connect with me on Instagram: ⁠⁠
203. The one time you should stay in your own lane
Mar 15 2024
203. The one time you should stay in your own lane
In this episode, let’s go deeper into the concept of "staying in your own lane," building on last week's discussion about its potential harm when imposed on others. We’ll explore the nuanced perspective of when it's appropriate to embrace this mentality, particularly in the context of personal growth and innovation. Nuanced Perspective: I acknowledge the gray areas, recognizing both the dangers of projecting "stay in your own lane" onto others and its value in fostering authenticity and innovation. It's crucial to resist blindly conforming to industry norms while carving out our own paths authentically, especially when we see alternative, more efficient approaches. Examples and Insights: Drawing from my time in the doula industry, I illustrate the importance of courage and innovation in breaking away from conventional practices. From there, I expand the discussion to motherhood, where societal expectations often butt heads with our own unique needs. Goal: flex your discernment and create your own realities. Navigating Industries: I share personal reflections on removing myself from toxic environments and cultivating a tailored approach to business and life, particularly along my entrepreneurial journey. Heavy on maintaining focus amidst industry noise and controversies, and staying true to our missions and values. Additional links and things: Try Honeybook & get 25% off:⁠⁠ Try Descript with my link: ⁠⁠  Ways to work with Nichole: ⁠⁠ Connect with me on Instagram: ⁠⁠
203. The one time you should stay in your own lane
Mar 15 2024
203. The one time you should stay in your own lane
In this episode, let’s go deeper into the concept of "staying in your own lane," building on last week's discussion about its potential harm when imposed on others. We’ll explore the nuanced perspective of when it's appropriate to embrace this mentality, particularly in the context of personal growth and innovation. Nuanced Perspective: I acknowledge the gray areas, recognizing both the dangers of projecting "stay in your own lane" onto others and its value in fostering authenticity and innovation. It's crucial to resist blindly conforming to industry norms while carving out our own paths authentically, especially when we see alternative, more efficient approaches. Examples and Insights: Drawing from my time in the doula industry, I illustrate the importance of courage and innovation in breaking away from conventional practices. From there, I expand the discussion to motherhood, where societal expectations often butt heads with our own unique needs. Goal: flex your discernment and create your own realities. Navigating Industries: I share personal reflections on removing myself from toxic environments and cultivating a tailored approach to business and life, particularly along my entrepreneurial journey. Heavy on maintaining focus amidst industry noise and controversies, and staying true to our missions and values. Additional links and things: Try Honeybook & get 25% off:⁠⁠ Try Descript with my link: ⁠⁠  Ways to work with Nichole: ⁠⁠ Connect with me on Instagram: ⁠⁠
202. Country Beyoncé and Breaking Down the 'Stay in Your Lane' Mentality
Mar 6 2024
202. Country Beyoncé and Breaking Down the 'Stay in Your Lane' Mentality
Now, it's not my usual style to dive into internet drama, but sometimes, you come across something that hits close to home. Recently, I stumbled upon a post on Facebook where someone suggested that “Beyoncé should stick to her own lane and stay out of country music.” Now, this struck a chord with me, not just because I'm a fan of Beyoncé, but because it's reflective of a mindset that we should have left behind by now. Let's break this down together and understand why such comments are not just harmful, but also a reflection of someone's own limiting beliefs. As we enter 2024, it's high time we move away from shrinking ourselves and others based on preconceived notions. As a woman entrepreneur who has faced her fair share of challenges and risks, I feel a responsibility to address these harmful comments. Moreover, as a mother to black children, it's crucial to speak out against perpetuating stereotypes, especially when it's coming from one (white) woman about another (Black) woman. The claim that someone should stay in their lane is essentially a projection of the individual's small perception of themselves. We shouldn't be putting people into boxes, whether it's about their music, their work, or even their role in motherhood. We are here to expand, evolve, and try new things. Now, if you're in a position of influence, be it as an entrepreneur, mentor, or guide, remember the sacred responsibility that comes with it. Your words carry weight, and they can either inspire or discourage those who look up to you. Putting someone in a box not only limits their creative expression but also goes against the universal commandment of being fully expressed as individuals. The journey to self-expression involves shedding old layers and making space for the new, for your soul's expression. I'm currently diving into an audiobook on creativity, and it emphasizes that some of the best art can be polarizing. Not everyone has to like it, and that's perfectly fine. Our world needs a spectrum of voices, flavors, and expressions. So, instead of limiting others, let's be aware of our reactions and thoughts when we encounter such statements. Here are a few questions for you to ponder: 1) Can you cheer for others when they take risks? 2) Can you allow yourself and others to step outside of boxes and labels?, and 3) Can you embrace people's highest possibilities? It's time to break free from the old paradigm, hold visions of highest possibilities, and create a world where diversity and creativity flourish.  And by the way, have you heard Beyoncé's latest country tracks? They're on repeat in my car, and yes, I'm officially a country music fan in 2024. #influenced. Try Honeybook & get 25% off:⁠⁠ Try Descript with my link: ⁠⁠  Ways to work with Nichole: ⁠⁠ Connect with me on Instagram: ⁠⁠
202. Country Beyoncé and Breaking Down the 'Stay in Your Lane' Mentality
Mar 6 2024
202. Country Beyoncé and Breaking Down the 'Stay in Your Lane' Mentality
Now, it's not my usual style to dive into internet drama, but sometimes, you come across something that hits close to home. Recently, I stumbled upon a post on Facebook where someone suggested that “Beyoncé should stick to her own lane and stay out of country music.” Now, this struck a chord with me, not just because I'm a fan of Beyoncé, but because it's reflective of a mindset that we should have left behind by now. Let's break this down together and understand why such comments are not just harmful, but also a reflection of someone's own limiting beliefs. As we enter 2024, it's high time we move away from shrinking ourselves and others based on preconceived notions. As a woman entrepreneur who has faced her fair share of challenges and risks, I feel a responsibility to address these harmful comments. Moreover, as a mother to black children, it's crucial to speak out against perpetuating stereotypes, especially when it's coming from one (white) woman about another (Black) woman. The claim that someone should stay in their lane is essentially a projection of the individual's small perception of themselves. We shouldn't be putting people into boxes, whether it's about their music, their work, or even their role in motherhood. We are here to expand, evolve, and try new things. Now, if you're in a position of influence, be it as an entrepreneur, mentor, or guide, remember the sacred responsibility that comes with it. Your words carry weight, and they can either inspire or discourage those who look up to you. Putting someone in a box not only limits their creative expression but also goes against the universal commandment of being fully expressed as individuals. The journey to self-expression involves shedding old layers and making space for the new, for your soul's expression. I'm currently diving into an audiobook on creativity, and it emphasizes that some of the best art can be polarizing. Not everyone has to like it, and that's perfectly fine. Our world needs a spectrum of voices, flavors, and expressions. So, instead of limiting others, let's be aware of our reactions and thoughts when we encounter such statements. Here are a few questions for you to ponder: 1) Can you cheer for others when they take risks? 2) Can you allow yourself and others to step outside of boxes and labels?, and 3) Can you embrace people's highest possibilities? It's time to break free from the old paradigm, hold visions of highest possibilities, and create a world where diversity and creativity flourish.  And by the way, have you heard Beyoncé's latest country tracks? They're on repeat in my car, and yes, I'm officially a country music fan in 2024. #influenced. Try Honeybook & get 25% off: Descript with my link: Ways to work with Nichole: with me on Instagram:
199. Teach your kid how to ride a bike: a lesson in skill compounding
Feb 6 2024
199. Teach your kid how to ride a bike: a lesson in skill compounding
In this episode, you'll learn the magic behind how I recently taught my youngest child to ride a bike without training wheels. Adds this to the list of topics that I never thought I’d podcast about. The response on social media was overwhelming, with tons of DMs asking about my technique. Tune in for my secret. I draw parallels between teaching bike riding and tackling those huge life projects like writing a book, launching a podcast, or creating a digital course. My not-so-secret sauce starts with breaking it all down into bite-sized, manageable chunks and relishing those quick wins. When taking off the training wheels, this starts with a piece of sidewalk chalk and a simple line on the pavement. You’ll hear my non-expert step-by-step method, where we celebrate every small achievement, creating an excited vibe. Then, you’ll hear my perspective on surrendering to the outcome. They key to this piece: a heavy dose of patience and trust. Whether it takes a couple of days or a week, the goal is to make it fun! And in true Nichole Joy fashion, I turned it into a business / life lesson for you.  As I draw parallels between teaching bike riding and conquering big projects, you’ll learn about compounding your skill set. It's like adding layers to your expertise in podcasting, writing, or any other area of life. Before you go, please don’t forget to share your experiences with me—whether it's teaching your kid to ride a bike or conquering your dreamy delulu projects. Tag me on social media, send a DM, or share your thoughts. I’d love to celebrate with you! 🚲✨ Ways to work with Nichole: Connect with me on Instagram:
199. Teach your kid how to ride a bike: a lesson in skill compounding
Feb 6 2024
199. Teach your kid how to ride a bike: a lesson in skill compounding
In this episode, you'll learn the magic behind how I recently taught my youngest child to ride a bike without training wheels. Adds this to the list of topics that I never thought I’d podcast about. The response on social media was overwhelming, with tons of DMs asking about my technique. Tune in for my secret. I draw parallels between teaching bike riding and tackling those huge life projects like writing a book, launching a podcast, or creating a digital course. My not-so-secret sauce starts with breaking it all down into bite-sized, manageable chunks and relishing those quick wins. When taking off the training wheels, this starts with a piece of sidewalk chalk and a simple line on the pavement. You’ll hear my non-expert step-by-step method, where we celebrate every small achievement, creating an excited vibe. Then, you’ll hear my perspective on surrendering to the outcome. They key to this piece: a heavy dose of patience and trust. Whether it takes a couple of days or a week, the goal is to make it fun! And in true Nichole Joy fashion, I turned it into a business / life lesson for you.  As I draw parallels between teaching bike riding and conquering big projects, you’ll learn about compounding your skill set. It's like adding layers to your expertise in podcasting, writing, or any other area of life. Before you go, please don’t forget to share your experiences with me—whether it's teaching your kid to ride a bike or conquering your dreamy delulu projects. Tag me on social media, send a DM, or share your thoughts. I’d love to celebrate with you! 🚲✨ Ways to work with Nichole: Connect with me on Instagram:
198. Impact over metrics, forever ever. A business lesson from the retreat.
Jan 31 2024
198. Impact over metrics, forever ever. A business lesson from the retreat.
Fresh off the 2024 Birth Worker Retreat, I’m excited to share my biggest takeaway & business lesson with you. Keep in mind, this was my first in-person speaking gig since 2020, and I have to say - it was better than I could have imagined. Back in 2020, my first in-person event had a handful of attendees. The plan was to keep them rolling every six months, but well, as we all know, life had different plans. Now, fast forward to the first Birth Worker Retreat – we had about 40 birth workers from all over the U.S. Plus, huge shoutout to two former clients who made the trek all the way from Canada, one who traveled 18-hours each way from Victoria to Clearwater, Florida. Pause. If you’re wondering, why birth workers? Sure, I work with various professionals – from nutritionists to real estate closers, youth sports camps to pediatric therapists – but my heart will forever and ever live in the birth industry. Birth nerd for life, amen?! So, my biggest takeaway from this retreat? The impact of my work, especially my podcast and voice, on real, living, breathing humans. People came up to me, sharing how they've been listening to and loving my podcast for some time, and were thrilled to meet in real life. I had no clue that my podcast was weaving into their lives in such a profound way. Here's the thing: many of these amazing humans never told me this before. No reviews, no messages, you get it. And, listen, in case I’ve never told you before… if you're enjoying the show, don't be shy – tell me (*bats eyes*). As a Projector in human design, that recognition is like plugging a freshly charged battery into me. What does this have to do with you? If you’re a fellow entrepreneur in ANY industry, remember that success isn't measured in metrics. Even if the algorithm seems to be ignoring you, or your engagement is low, rest assured – people ARE watching, listening, reading, and being impacted by your message. Let’s normalize telling people when their work helps us, moves us, inspires us. Up for a challenge? Let's make it a habit to tell five businesses or individuals this week about the positive impact they've had on us. Write a review, send them an email, text, or DM. Comment on their content. Remember, you attract what you ARE. And to wrap up the episode, I've put together a sweet compilation of clips from the retreat – snippets of attendees sharing their favorite moments. If you were there and didn't make it into the video, feel free to send it to me for version 2.  And if you missed the retreat this year, good news: we booked the same spot for 2025! Secure your seat here: Ways to work with Nichole: Connect with me on Instagram:
198. Impact over metrics, forever ever. A business lesson from the retreat.
Jan 31 2024
198. Impact over metrics, forever ever. A business lesson from the retreat.
Fresh off the 2024 Birth Worker Retreat, I’m excited to share my biggest takeaway & business lesson with you. Keep in mind, this was my first in-person speaking gig since 2020, and I have to say - it was better than I could have imagined. Back in 2020, my first in-person event had a handful of attendees. The plan was to keep them rolling every six months, but well, as we all know, life had different plans. Now, fast forward to the first Birth Worker Retreat – we had about 40 birth workers from all over the U.S. Plus, huge shoutout to two former clients who made the trek all the way from Canada, one who traveled 18-hours each way from Victoria to Clearwater, Florida. Pause. If you’re wondering, why birth workers? Sure, I work with various professionals – from nutritionists to real estate closers, youth sports camps to pediatric therapists – but my heart will forever and ever live in the birth industry. Birth nerd for life, amen?! So, my biggest takeaway from this retreat? The impact of my work, especially my podcast and voice, on real, living, breathing humans. People came up to me, sharing how they've been listening to and loving my podcast for some time, and were thrilled to meet in real life. I had no clue that my podcast was weaving into their lives in such a profound way. Here's the thing: many of these amazing humans never told me this before. No reviews, no messages, you get it. And, listen, in case I’ve never told you before… if you're enjoying the show, don't be shy – tell me (*bats eyes*). As a Projector in human design, that recognition is like plugging a freshly charged battery into me. What does this have to do with you? If you’re a fellow entrepreneur in ANY industry, remember that success isn't measured in metrics. Even if the algorithm seems to be ignoring you, or your engagement is low, rest assured – people ARE watching, listening, reading, and being impacted by your message. Let’s normalize telling people when their work helps us, moves us, inspires us. Up for a challenge? Let's make it a habit to tell five businesses or individuals this week about the positive impact they've had on us. Write a review, send them an email, text, or DM. Comment on their content. Remember, you attract what you ARE. And to wrap up the episode, I've put together a sweet compilation of clips from the retreat – snippets of attendees sharing their favorite moments. If you were there and didn't make it into the video, feel free to send it to me for version 2.  And if you missed the retreat this year, good news: we booked the same spot for 2025! Secure your seat here: Ways to work with Nichole: Connect with me on Instagram:
197. Sustainable Business Tip Inspired by Nicki Minaj
Jan 22 2024
197. Sustainable Business Tip Inspired by Nicki Minaj
In this episode, let’s break down a business lesson in repurposing, inspired by Nicki Minaj's new album. Through a few of my personal life examples, you’ll get a wider perspective on the value of repurposing and refurbishing.  I’ll explain the concept of "sampling" in the business world, show you parallels between how artists sample music and how entrepreneurs can sample ideas and concepts. To be clear, by sampling, I don’t mean copycatting without giving credit. Rather, sampling done right involves learning from others, embodying that knowledge, and applying it in a personal and meaningful way. Using examples from my own experiences, such as shopping my closet for an upcoming event or rediscovering old recipes, you’ll see the importance of repurposing and refurbishing existing assets in both personal life and business. Then of course, I’ll bring you back to your role as an entrepreneur, drawing a connection to digital assets in the business realm, encouraging you to revisit and repurpose your own content. In doing this for myself recently, I was inspired by my own past work, appreciating the value of these "energetic time capsules" that can be revisited and shared over time. If creating sustainability in your businesses is on your dream list, you can start by avoiding the constant need to recreate the wheel. My advice: find someone, whether that’s me or another, to guide you in creating your own sustainable business. Ways to work with Nichole: Connect with me on Instagram:
197. Sustainable Business Tip Inspired by Nicki Minaj
Jan 22 2024
197. Sustainable Business Tip Inspired by Nicki Minaj
In this episode, let’s break down a business lesson in repurposing, inspired by Nicki Minaj's new album. Through a few of my personal life examples, you’ll get a wider perspective on the value of repurposing and refurbishing.  I’ll explain the concept of "sampling" in the business world, show you parallels between how artists sample music and how entrepreneurs can sample ideas and concepts. To be clear, by sampling, I don’t mean copycatting without giving credit. Rather, sampling done right involves learning from others, embodying that knowledge, and applying it in a personal and meaningful way. Using examples from my own experiences, such as shopping my closet for an upcoming event or rediscovering old recipes, you’ll see the importance of repurposing and refurbishing existing assets in both personal life and business. Then of course, I’ll bring you back to your role as an entrepreneur, drawing a connection to digital assets in the business realm, encouraging you to revisit and repurpose your own content. In doing this for myself recently, I was inspired by my own past work, appreciating the value of these "energetic time capsules" that can be revisited and shared over time. If creating sustainability in your businesses is on your dream list, you can start by avoiding the constant need to recreate the wheel. My advice: find someone, whether that’s me or another, to guide you in creating your own sustainable business. Ways to work with Nichole: Connect with me on Instagram:
195. Your business called - she needs space. Listen for lessons in flow from prenatal chiro care, fascia rolling, pruning & calendars.
Jan 9 2024
195. Your business called - she needs space. Listen for lessons in flow from prenatal chiro care, fascia rolling, pruning & calendars.
Listen, just because it’s the second week of January, we aren’t yet jumping into full-on planning mode in my corner…yet. There’s still loads of space that needs to be cleared, and in this episode, I’ll share several fire lessons (if I do say so myself). Let’s take a glimpse at the examples… Example #1: If you watch my IG stories, you know I am into face yoga. In class, we do this exercise known as fascia rolling. The benefit of fascia rolling (per the expert)? Creating space in the face for circulation. Example #2: This one's for my fellow birth nerds in the room. Remember Webster certified chiropractic care during pregnancy? The first time I had this done (second pregnancy), the expert explained to me that while my baby wasn’t in optimal position, chiro adjustments weren’t to ‘get baby into position,’ or to put me into labor, per se. Rather, she explained that her job was to create space within the womb… so that the baby has space to potentially move into a better position. Example #3: A bit of a preview to next week’s episode, this example is from that time (like three months ago) when we cleared a lot of ‘fluff’ off of a client’s calendar to avoid burnout. We made SPACE. The full circle moment for this one will come next week!  Example #4: This one comes from my sh*tty, albeit improving, gardening skills. More specifically, the time I pruned the heck out of my massive tomato plant in my tower garden. By cutting back unnecessary branches and roots, more nutrients are directed towards fruitful branches, resulting in healthier growth.  What better way to kickoff 2024, than with examples that hit? Signed, your example queen, Nichole Joy. This year, I encourage you to create space, flow and to try on desire-setting, which feels so much more expansive than goal-setting. Oh, and be sure to utilize the free energy healing transmission to clean up last year: Ways to work with me:
195. Your business called - she needs space!
Jan 8 2024
195. Your business called - she needs space!
Listen, just because it’s the second week of January, we aren’t yet jumping into full-on planning mode in my corner…yet. There’s still loads of space that needs to be cleared, and in this episode, I’ll share several fire lessons (if I do say so myself). Let’s take a glimpse at the examples… Example #1: If you watch my IG stories, you know I am into face yoga. In class, we do this exercise known as fascia rolling. The benefit of fascia rolling (per the expert)? Creating space in the face for circulation. Example #2: This one's for my fellow birth nerds in the room. Remember Webster certified chiropractic care during pregnancy? The first time I had this done (second pregnancy), the expert explained to me that while my baby wasn’t in optimal position, chiro adjustments weren’t to ‘get baby into position,’ or to put me into labor, per se. Rather, she explained that her job was to create space within the womb… so that the baby has space to potentially move into a better position. Example #3: A bit of a preview to next week’s episode, this example is from that time (like three months ago) when we cleared a lot of ‘fluff’ off of a client’s calendar to avoid burnout. We made SPACE. The full circle moment for this one will come next week! Example #4: This one comes from my sh*tty, albeit improving, gardening skills. More specifically, the time I pruned the heck out of my massive tomato plant in my tower garden. By cutting back unnecessary branches and roots, more nutrients are directed towards fruitful branches, resulting in healthier growth. What better way to kickoff 2024, than with examples that hit? Signed, your example queen, Nichole Joy. This year, I encourage you to create space, flow and to try on desire-setting, which feels so much more expansive than goal-setting. Oh, and be sure to utilize the free energy healing transmission to clean up last year: Ways to work with me: