Bass and Brews Fishing Podcast

Alex Castonguay

A weekly fishing podcast where we talk to your favorite bass fishing content creators, kayak tournament anglers, fishing tips from skilled anglers and so much more. We have folks on the show that can help you become a better fisherman and folks that make the coolest fishing videos, podcasts and photos. Do you like Bass Fishing? Bass and Brews has it!!!! Wanna learn how to kayak fish better? Bass and Brews has it!!!! Want behind the scenes fishing stories from you favorite Bass Fishing YouTube creators? Bass and Brews has it!!!! In depth bait breakdowns from some of the best tournament anglers in the world? Bass and Brews has it!!!! read less


E152 Reeling in Authenticity with Nate P: From Robocop to Reel Tales
Feb 23 2024
E152 Reeling in Authenticity with Nate P: From Robocop to Reel Tales
In this episode of Bass and Brews, hosts Jabber Hammer and Alex sit down with Nate P, the charismatic creator behind the popular YouTube channel Shore Lunch with Nate P. Dive into a dynamic conversation as Nate shares insights into the art of crafting authentic content on YouTube, drawing from his own experiences in the world of outdoor cooking and fishing. The trio delves into unexpected territory, exploring the cultural impact of the classic film "Robocop" and its relevance to modern storytelling. From dystopian themes to timeless character dynamics, discover how this iconic movie serves as more than mere entertainment for Nate and his audience. As the conversation flows, the hosts and Nate exchange anecdotes about their feline companions, highlighting the unexpected joys and challenges of sharing life with furry friends. From mischievous antics to heartwarming moments, listeners are invited into a lively discussion that celebrates the unique bond between humans and their beloved pets. Of course, no episode would be complete without a nod to the joys of northern fishing. Nate shares some of his favorite angling adventures, offering tips and tricks for navigating the waters and reeling in the big ones. Whether you're a seasoned angler or a curious newcomer, you'll find plenty of inspiration and insight to fuel your next fishing excursion. Tune in to this episode of Bass and Brews for a captivating blend of authenticity, entertainment, and outdoor adventure, featuring special guest Nate P from Shore Lunch with Nate P.