Women Talking About Their Lives


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Episode 2: Why I Take The Theoretical Standpoints That I Do And Why They Matter
May 17 2023
Episode 2: Why I Take The Theoretical Standpoints That I Do And Why They Matter
More in depth look at my choice to be both Gender Critical in outlook and Socialist in my Praxis and some small cleavages I have with people who call themselves Radical Feminists in the 2020s. If you're looking for more (or better articulated, my apologies! these things still make me a little nervous) sources on these issues, feel free to check out these very useful podcasts, YouTube lectures and books to get a little better grounded in these sources. Here is an excellent description of Marxism for beginners:https://www.britannica.com/topic/Marxism/Analysis-of-society^ this can be a bit wordy, but wordy is important! Here is a little bit more accessible example from Mike Duncanhttps://content.libsyn.com/p/1/5/0/1501fbf3be010178/10.3-_The_Three_Pillars_of_Marxism_master.mp3?c_id=44011478&cs_id=44011478&response-content-type=audio%2Fmpeg&Expires=1684346905&Signature=BYMZ7FL~B0vKvQVdXEfQ~tALI1tdACRhaoXY9Z0WH54CEtLysHeA8j2BvnwMzfIh41AOCwfXg0KEooy99-vodGet7653Rg12~twVOwuGtPC9b5SvP4Pi5Qd-7JNPdgly6tAOm7Dn4a7xI1725CVtvA6ddUGII948dmjFWUymwMRDvv~FjbPHBoQ68XukkaCKL8nVdn3yp3paIS2V~6N0uGOLO3zK8RmoTf1VeFqlgPVxhyTz1EiJgywtjzl5ZBi1RXtvUqATCYKKPj63G0hqIXmxp7OD006WdRrS8VT-PCWNMdTipY6WnGGpXA9t8Usds2xPCoVVjwTQrk0frw7duw__&Key-Pair-Id=K1YS7LZGUP96OIHere is an article summarizing Sylvia Federici, the living marxist feminist legend, latest book about bodies under capitalism where she critiques the trans humanist ideas that undergird transgenderism/body modification as a concept/ideal in lieu of bodily acceptance and celebration. https://abeautifulresistance.org/site/2020/6/4/reclaiming-the-body-of-the-witch-a-review-of-beyond-the-periphery-of-the-skin-from-silvia-federiciFinally, here is a statement by the Communist Party of the UK, while I don't think feminists should organize with men in the same organizations (we can work together for shared goals) arguing against mainstream transgender ideology. https://www.communistparty.org.uk/the-gender-recognition-bill-and-equality-law/Finally! Quick Error Correction, we read Rosa Luxembourg's Reform or Revolution for the next week, rather than Engel's Origin of the Family-but that is a fantastic text we will get to soon enough!