Nourished to Bloom⏐Christ Centered Intuitive Eating, Food Freedom & Body Confidence for Catholic & Christian Moms

Kara Trochta

Are you tired of the endless struggle with diets, body image, and the overwhelming noise surrounding health and nutrition? As a busy mom, finding balance amidst the chaos of daily life can feel like an impossible task. But what if there was a way to reclaim your health and well-being without the stress and guilt? Welcome to the Nourished to Bloom podcast, where faith meets health and wellness. I'm Kara Trochta, your host, a Registered Dietitian, and Certified Catholic Coach. Join me on a journey of transformation as we explore the intersection of faith and holistic wellness. Embracing a New Approach: In a culture consumed by fad diets and unrealistic beauty standards, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters. But here's the truth: You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and your worth is not defined by the number on the scale or the size of your jeans. God created you with a unique purpose and mission, and it's time to embrace your true identity. The Nourished to Bloom Promise: At Nourished to Bloom, we believe in a Christ-centered approach to wellness—one that nourishes the mind, body, and soul. Through the transformative power of intuitive eating, self-care, and embracing our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit, we can experience true healing and freedom. Topics We'll Explore: With each episode, we'll dive into a range of topics designed to empower you on your journey to wellness: 🍽️ Intuitive Eating: Learning to trust your body's wisdom and cues. 👸🏻 Self-Care: Prioritizing your well-being and nurturing your soul. 💃🏻 Body Image: Embracing body acceptance and fostering self-love. 🍦 Emotional Eating: Understanding and managing emotional triggers. 🏃🏻‍♀️ Movement & Exercise: Finding joy and vitality in movement. 🍉 Nutrition & Healthy Eating: Cultivating a balanced and sustainable approach to nutrition. 🍛 Meal Planning: Simplifying meal prep and nourishing your family. 👩‍👧‍👦 Raising Healthy Eaters: Instilling positive food habits in your children. 🤔 Creating Mindset Shifts: Overcoming limiting beliefs and embracing growth. 💖 Embrace Your Worth: Embrace your inherent dignity and worth, rooted in God's love, as we discover the purpose you were created fo. Your Path to Wellness: Together, we'll break free from the cycle of fear, guilt, and shame surrounding food and body image. By aligning our lives with God's truth and wisdom, we can experience true freedom and fulfillment. As St. Catherine of Siena famously said, "Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire." Join Our Community: If you're ready to nourish your body, feed your soul, and bloom into the best version of yourself, then you're in the right place. Subscribe to the Nourished to Bloom podcast and embark on a journey of faith-centered wellness. Together, let's embrace the sacred invitation to thrive. Thank you for joining us on this journey of transformation and growth. May you find inspiration, encouragement, and practical tools to support you on your path to wellness. Remember, you were made to bloom—to come into full beauty and health in order to bear good fruit for the Lord with your life. Welcome to Nourished to Bloom, where every day is a sacred invitation to thrive. Check the Show Notes for featured resources: Join the Nourished to Bloom Online Community: Connect with Me: Instagram @karatrochta read less
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Ep. 13 The Secret to Healing Your Body Image Struggles
5d ago
Ep. 13 The Secret to Healing Your Body Image Struggles
In this episode, we explore the constantly changing ideal body types for women, which creates unrealistic and frustrating standards. We discuss how these evolving ideals impact women's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, making it nearly impossible to feel satisfied with our bodies. Instead of chasing these ever-shifting standards, I share my approach to body acceptance through consistent, sustainable, science-based, and faith-led practices. Join me as I share the exact method I use to help my own clients let go of the shame and frustration of body dissatisfaction and more toward body image healing, using my 4 phase approach: Body Respect & Kindness: Learn to treat your body with dignity by meeting its basic needs with kindness.Body Appreciation: Cultivate gratitude for what your body can do, inspired by insights from body image experts, scripture, and theological perspectives from Saint Pope John Paul II.Body Acceptance: Embrace your body as part of your unique calling, focusing on identity and mindset work rooted in Christ.Body Confidence: Develop positive self-regard, knowing your worth is not tied to appearance. This episode is packed with practical steps to help you build a healthier body image, moving away from societal pressures and towards a Christ-centered perspective. Discover how changing your perspective can transform your relationship with your body and empower you to live confidently and purposefully. If you're ready to finally feel good in your own skin, this episode is for you. Listen now to start your journey towards true body acceptance and confidence. Book your FREE Wellness Audit Session at Join the 7 Day Faith-Led Wellness Challenge: Join the Nourished to Bloom Community: Nourished to Bloom Show Notes: Connect on Instagram:
Ep. 11 The 3 Keys to Help You Stop Overeating
May 14 2024
Ep. 11 The 3 Keys to Help You Stop Overeating
Do you often find yourself uncomfortably full after meals, struggling to resist the urge to overeat? Today we’re digging into principle 6 of Intuitive Eating, Feel Your Fullness, as we explore how to tune into your body's internal cues, allowing you to stop eating when comfortably full, without the discomfort of being overly stuffed. Discover why traditional dieting methods fail to address our body's natural signals and how intuitive eating empowers you to make informed choices based on your unique needs. Through relatable scenarios and expert insights, you'll learn to differentiate between physical hunger and other triggers like boredom or emotional cues. In this episode you will: Uncover the three essential elements of comfortable fullness to help you stop overeating.Learn how proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber play crucial roles in promoting lasting fullness and satisfaction.Explore the practice of mindful eating—a powerful tool for reconnecting with your body's wisdom and cultivating a healthier relationship with food.Discover practical tips for incorporating mindfulness into your meals, from eliminating distractions to savoring each bite mindfully. Empower yourself to build a stronger mind-body connection and embrace sustainable, long-lasting changes in your eating habits. Tune in to start your journey towards intuitive eating and reclaiming control over your appetite and satisfaction levels. Download the Hunger/Fullness Scale Book your FREE Wellness Audit Session at Join the 7 Day Faith-Led Wellness Challenge: Nourished to Bloom Community: Nourished to Bloom Show Notes: Connect on Instagram:
Ep. 9 Is What You Believe About Health, Wellness & Food REALLY True?
Apr 30 2024
Ep. 9 Is What You Believe About Health, Wellness & Food REALLY True?
Do you ever feel like you're trapped in a cycle of repeating the same unhealthy habits, despite your best intentions to change? Well, in this episode we’re going straight to the root cause of this struggle and discover how to break free from it. This episode explores principle #4 of Intuitive Eating: Challenge Your Food Beliefs. In this episode you’ll learn: The profound connection between your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors, drawing inspiration from St. Paul's poignant words in Romans 7:15.Begin to understand that your beliefs, like seeds planted in the garden of your mind, shape your perceptions and actions.Understand that not all beliefs serve you well; some are like weeds, choking out the good fruit you long to bear.Uncover how your thoughts about food, eating, health, and body image have been shaped by societal messages, often leading to confusion and guilt.Challenge popular food rules and societal norms, inviting you to examine them through the lens of divine truth.Confront cognitive distortions that have led you astray and reclaim your true desires for happiness, joy, and peace. Drawing from the wisdom of scripture and church teachings, we reframe our understanding of food and health, emphasizing moderation, self-control, and alignment with God's will. Through the powerful practice of mind mapping, I will guide you in evaluating and reframing your beliefs about food, empowering you to make healthier choices rooted in divine truth. If you're ready to dive deeper, I invite you to schedule a FREE Wellness Audit, where we'll craft a personalized plan to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. Book your FREE Wellness Audit Session at   Join the 7 Day Faith-Led Wellness Challenge: Nourished to Bloom Community: Nourished to Bloom Show Notes: Connect on Instagram:
Ep. 8 The Secret to Stop Overeating
Apr 23 2024
Ep. 8 The Secret to Stop Overeating
Are you tired of overeating and then feeling guilty every time you indulge in your favorite foods? Imagine being able to enjoy cookies without shame or stopping at just a few chips instead of devouring the whole bag. Join us on this episode as we explore the secret to stop overeating: Making Peace with Food. In this episode you’ll: Learn the surprising truth of what leads to you overeating.Learn how societal norms and diet culture have influenced our relationship with food.Discover the detrimental effects of restriction and how it fuels cravings, guilt, and a cycle of bingeing.Uncover the truth that food is morally neutral and how giving yourself unconditional permission to eat any food can lead to freedom and control.Learn how making peace with food helps created a more balanced approach to eating and keep you from falling into the sin of gluttony.Gain insights into practicing temperance and self-discipline while finding joy and peace in the Holy Spirit I’m sharing my personal experiences with past binging and overeating and how making peace with food has not only helped me improve my health, but also given me tools to help my kids be healthier eaters, too. So tune in and explore the intersection of faith and food, understanding that true righteousness isn't determined by what we eat but by our character and actions. Join us on this journey to break free from food guilt, cultivate a healthy relationship with food, and prioritize spiritual and moral values over material desires. It's time to reclaim your power over food and live a life of freedom and joy.   Book your FREE Wellness Audit Session at Join the 7 Day Faith-Led Wellness Challenge: Nourished to Bloom Community: Nourished to Bloom Show Notes: Connect on Instagram:
Ep. 7 Learning to Eat By God's Human Design
Apr 16 2024
Ep. 7 Learning to Eat By God's Human Design
In today's, we're talking all about hunger as part of God's human design – what it really means and why it's important for your body. We'll dig into how God created our bodies to feel hunger and why feeling hungry isn't a bad thing after all, despite what diet and weight loss culture tells us.  Join us as we explore the incredible wisdom behind God's design for our bodies and the importance of listening to hunger cues. Here's what we'll cover: God's Gift of Hunger: Discover how feeling hungry is part of God's plan for our bodies. We'll explore why it's a natural and essential way for us to take care of ourselves. Faith vs. Diet Culture: Learn how diet culture can sometimes lead us away from God's intention for our bodies, and how we can align our faith with our approach to food and nourishment. Honoring Your Body: Get practical tips on how to honor your body's hunger signals as a way of honoring God's design. We'll show you how to listen to your body and respond in a way that glorifies Him. Finding Balance: Explore the balance between physical health and spiritual well-being. We'll discuss how honoring our bodies can lead to a deeper connection with God and a greater sense of peace. Join us as we explore the intersection of faith and food, and discover how honoring your body's hunger can be a powerful way to honor God. Hit subscribe now and join us on this journey of faith-led wellness! Download the Hunger/Fullness Scale Book your FREE Wellness Audit Session at Join the 7 Day Faith-Led Wellness Challenge: Nourished to Bloom Community: Nourished to Bloom Show Notes: Connect on Instagram:
Ep. 6 The Surprising Truth About Diets You Need to Know
Apr 9 2024
Ep. 6 The Surprising Truth About Diets You Need to Know
Join us as we uncover the startling reality behind modern diet culture and its impact on our lives. From disguising diets as "healthy eating" to the relentless pursuit of unrealistic body standards, we expose the truth that has been hidden beneath layers of misinformation. In this episode we’ll: Explore the roots of diet culture & its influence on societal beliefsIdentify the damaging effects on our physical and mental healthBegin to take back our self-worth and perception of healthChallenge conventional notions of beauty and wellnessReveal the 5 simple steps to help you break free from the cycle of dieting and restriction. Discover the liberating principles of intuitive eating as we offer practical tips to dismantle diet culture mentality. Learn how to reclaim your identity and worth from external standards, cultivate self-awareness, and embrace a holistic approach to well-being that nourishes the mind, body, and soul. Tune in to unravel the truth about dieting and embark on a journey towards genuine health and self-acceptance. Don't miss out on this empowering episode that promises to revolutionize your relationship with food and body image.   Join the 7 Day Faith-Led Wellness Challenge: Nourished to Bloom Community: Nourished to Bloom Show Notes: Connect on Instagram:
Ep. 3: 5 Signs You Have an Unhealthy Relationship with Food
Apr 2 2024
Ep. 3: 5 Signs You Have an Unhealthy Relationship with Food
Discover the signs of an unhealthy relationship with food and learn how to overcome guilt and regain control over your eating habits. Does this sound like you? You’ve been “good” all day with your eating. You had the salad at lunch, skipped out on the cookies at work and even managed to get a home cooked meal on the table. But now it’s 9pm and you find yourself elbow deep in a bag of chips wondering why this keeps happening. It seems like no matter how hard you try you just can’t get a handle on your eating. I’ve been there, too. Stuck with the same bad eating habits, not understanding how I kept falling into the trap. So today I want to give you 5 signs that you have an unhealthy relationship with food and help you understand why these behaviors keep happening. In this episode you'll learn: → What an unhealthy relationship with food looks like. → How to battle uncontrollable cravings → How to put an end to nighttime overeating → The keys to establishing a healthier mindset towards food. → How to break free from the cycle of guilt and restriction.   Tune in now and take the first step towards a healthier relationship with food so you can spend more of your time focused on what’s truly important. Join the 7 Day Faith-Led Wellness Challenge: Nourished to Bloom Community: Nourished to Bloom Show Notes: Connect on Instagram:
Ep. 4: How to Stop Being a Slave to the Scale
Apr 2 2024
Ep. 4: How to Stop Being a Slave to the Scale
The scale. The one thing in most of our lives that has the ability to make or break our day. The experience we dread the most at doctor’s offices, yet continues to string us along infusing us with hope that our efforts haven’t been wasted. It’s time to stop being a slave to the scale. In this episode, we delve into the detrimental effects of allowing the scale to dictate our worth. Join us as we explore the journey of breaking free from the shackles of scale obsession and embracing a healthier, more spiritually fulfilling perspective on our bodies. → Discover the dangers of letting the scale become a false idol in our lives. → Learn practical strategies for breaking the cycle of self-doubt and negative self-talk.  → Uncover the profound truth that our bodies are meant to reflect God's divine love – a truth that is obscured when we become fixated on achieving a certain number on the scale. → Gain insights into reevaluating the role of the scale in your life.  → Reclaim your sense of worth and acceptance.  Whether you've struggled with scale obsession or simply seek a deeper understanding of God's love for your body, this episode offers guidance and encouragement to help you take the first step toward a more fulfilling relationship with your body and with God. Join the 7 Day Faith-Led Wellness Challenge: Nourished to Bloom Community: Nourished to Bloom Show Notes: Connect on Instagram:
Welcome to the Nourished to Bloom Podcast with Kara Trochta, RDN
Feb 28 2024
Welcome to the Nourished to Bloom Podcast with Kara Trochta, RDN
Are you tired of the endless struggle with diets, body image, and the overwhelming noise surrounding health and nutrition? As a busy mom, finding balance amidst the chaos of daily life can feel like an impossible task. But what if there was a way to reclaim your health and well-being without the stress and guilt? Welcome to the Nourished to Bloom podcast, where faith meets health and wellness. I'm Kara Trochta, your host, a Registered Dietitian, and Certified Catholic Coach. Join me on a journey of transformation as we explore the intersection of faith and holistic wellness. Embracing a New Approach: In a culture consumed by fad diets and unrealistic beauty standards, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters. But here's the truth: You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and your worth is not defined by the number on the scale or the size of your jeans. God created you with a unique purpose and mission, and it's time to embrace your true identity. The Nourished to Bloom Promise: At Nourished to Bloom, we believe in a Christ-centered approach to wellness—one that nourishes the mind, body, and soul. Through the transformative power of intuitive eating, self-care, and embracing our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit, we can experience true healing and freedom. Topics We'll Explore: With each episode, we'll dive into a range of topics designed to empower you on your journey to wellness: Intuitive Eating: Learning to trust your body's wisdom and cues.Self-Care: Prioritizing your well-being and nurturing your soul.Body Image: Embracing body acceptance and fostering self-love.Emotional Eating: Understanding and managing emotional triggers.Movement & Exercise: Finding joy and vitality in movement.Nutrition & Healthy Eating: Cultivating a balanced and sustainable approach to nutrition.Meal Planning: Simplifying meal prep and nourishing your family.Raising Healthy Eaters: Instilling positive food habits in your children.Creating Mindset Shifts: Overcoming limiting beliefs and embracing growth.Embrace Your Worth: Embrace your inherent dignity and worth, rooted in God's love as we discover the unique purpose God created you for. Your Path to Wellness: Together, we'll break free from the cycle of fear, guilt, and shame surrounding food and body image. By aligning our lives with God's truth and wisdom, we can experience true freedom and fulfillment. As St. Catherine of Siena famously said, "Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire." Join Our Community:  If you're ready to nourish your body, feed your soul, and bloom into the best version of yourself, then you're in the right place. Subscribe to the Nourished to Bloom podcast and embark on a journey of faith-centered wellness. Together, let's embrace the sacred invitation to thrive. Thank you for joining us on this journey of transformation and growth. May you find inspiration, encouragement, and practical tools to support you on your path to wellness. Remember, you were made to bloom—to come into full beauty and health in order to bear good fruit for the Lord with your life. Welcome to Nourished to Bloom, where every day is a sacred invitation to thrive.