The Selah Entrepreneur - Simple & Sustainable Online Business for Women Over 50

Marta Goertzen | Business Clarity Coach | Online Business for Women Over 50

** Online Business ** Women Over 50 ** Health & Wellness ** Rested Entrepreneurs ** Have you been in business awhile and now feel stuck and unsure of how to get unstuck? Have you ever wondered if being over 50 means it’s too late to make big changes in your life and business? Have you taken all the business courses and still haven’t found the answer you are looking for? Are you struggling to balance all the hats you wear of running your online business, caregiving, taking care of your home, let alone taking care of your own chronic health issues? Is the stress and anxiety of “All The Things” just too much some days? Welcome! Please know that you are not alone. Here on the The Selah Entrepreneur podcast, my goal is to help you find ways to get unstuck in your business, cut through all the noise of conflicting advice, get clarity about your online business, and learn ways to reduce the stress and overwhelm you feel as you try to take care of your family, your health, your clients, and your business. Hi, I’m Marta Goertzen, entrepreneur and online business owner since 2008. I’m also a dog mom, fibro fighter, photographer, and caregiver. As a multi-passionate entrepreneur, it took me years to discover what I wanted to be when my business and I grew up. Getting clear about the work I truly enjoy, the type of business that works for me, and learning how to manage caregiving along with running my business has been a long journey. One I truly believe was well worth taking. The clarity I longed for didn’t come until I learned how important it is to add intentional rest to my schedule and give myself time to think, pray, and connect with other like-minded women who understood this crazy entrepreneurial journey. Developing a habit of rest gave me the mental space I needed to ask better, deeper questions that helped me finally see the possibilities of what my business could be like and take action instead of just hoping things would change. I’d love to share how you can find that clarity too. If you are ready for a business that works for you in the current season of life you are in. Then it’s time to stop buying all the courses, filling countless journals, and wishing that something would change. Let’s roll up our sleeves, ask those hard questions, as we sojourn together through life and entrepreneurship as women over 50. Join me as we talk about running an online business, managing stress and anxiety, stepping into the calling on our hearts, and taking the action needed to find the clarity we’ve been looking for, all without needing to burn the candle at both ends. Along the way we meet other women as they share their stories of clarity, calling and the journey it’s taken to get to where they are today. Welcome to the Selah Entrepreneur podcast. >>Website: >> IG: >> FB: >> Pinterest: >> Are you stuck on a hamster wheel of doubt and confusion, feeling like you’re getting nowhere in your business? The constant stress and lack of clarity is draining, isn’t it? How clear are you about your business? Find out with The Business Clarity Audit --> read less


54 || 5 Signals You and Your Business Are Ready to Pivot
3d ago
54 || 5 Signals You and Your Business Are Ready to Pivot
Have you wondered if you are ready to pivot and grow your business?  Today we are talking about 5 signals women entrepreneurs should not ignore in their business. These are signals that you are ready to grow as a business owner and your business is ready to evolve. Geared towards solo entrepreneurs, especially women in online service-based businesses, this discussion sheds light on feelings of restlessness, struggles with motivation, inconsistencies in marketing, and the realization of untapped expertise.  Once you identify the signals and how they impact the stress in your life and business, well then take a look at ways to handle and manage that stress through a self-examination process to help you design an aligned business.    ******* Links & Resources Mentioned: Read the Post or Transcript Here – to Episode 47: Stop Playing Quiet and Make Yourself Heard - Business Clarity Breakthrough: Unstuck Coaching Session: Grab Your Business Clarity Audit here! A great first step to figure out where you are stuck in growing your business:   ******* Let’s Connect: Instagram:  Facebook:  ******* Are you ready to find clarity for about the direction of your business? I’d love to help: *** GET UNSTUCK COACHING SESSION: Do you find yourself feeling stuck in your business unsure of where to go or what do next? Have you felt like you’ve tried everything but nothing makes sense? Oh how I get it!!! Been there, done that, didn’t want the t-shirt. I’d love to help you get unstuck, find some clarity, and the action steps you need to build a foundation from. We can do that in an unstuck coaching session —  *** THE SELAH ENTREPRENEUR JOURNAL: Are you ready to break free from toxic hustle and infuse intention and rest into your entrepreneurial journey? The Selah Entrepreneur Journal is a quarterly magazine style journal for Christian Women Entrepreneurs who are ready to develop their own pause and reflect routines —  *** BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business —
53 || Tired? Learn to Rest, Don't Quit Your Business
May 22 2024
53 || Tired? Learn to Rest, Don't Quit Your Business
In the hustle and bustle of running a business, rest is often underestimated. We are conditioned to believe that round-the-clock work equates to dedication and success. However, pushing through fatigue without taking necessary breaks can lead to burnout, diminished creativity, and poor decision-making. Many women entrepreneurs struggle with exhaustion from balancing business, health, and caregiving.  Learn about different types of rest, combating perfectionism and people-pleasing, and establishing boundaries for a balanced life. Don't quit - learn to rest and rejuvenate for a more fulfilling entrepreneurial journey. ******* Links & Resources Mentioned: Read the Post or Transcript Here – Listen to Episode 1: We Need to Learn to Work From Rest -- Listen to Episode  14: Simplifying Self-Care for Busy Entrepreneurs: Create a Take-A-Break Kit Explore these two quizzes to help you figure out what type you need in this season:  ******* Let’s Connect: Instagram: Facebook: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: *** GET UNSTUCK COACHING SESSION: Do you find yourself feeling stuck in your business unsure of where to go or what do next? Have you felt like you’ve tried everything but nothing makes sense? Oh how I get it!!! Been there, done that, didn’t want the t-shirt. I’d love to help you get unstuck, find some clarity, and the action steps you need to build a foundation from. We can do that in an unstuck coaching session — *** THE SELAH ENTREPRENEUR JOURNAL: Are you ready to break free from toxic hustle and infuse intention and rest into your entrepreneurial journey? The Selah Entrepreneur Journal is a quarterly magazine style journal for Christian Women Entrepreneurs who are ready to develop their own pause and reflect routines — *** BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business —
52 || You Need to Embrace Your Entrepreneurial Journey Timeline
May 15 2024
52 || You Need to Embrace Your Entrepreneurial Journey Timeline
Own your entrepreneurial journey! It's your journey, no one else's. In this episode, I discuss the importance of mapping out and accepting your entrepreneurial journey timeline. So often we move from one thing to the next without taking the time to reflect on everything we've accomplished and learned along the way. By going back and outlining the major events, projects, lessons, wins and setbacks year-by-year, you'll gain a greater appreciation for how far you've come. This exercise allows you to celebrate your achievements, identify what worked well or didn't, and uncover insights to apply moving forward. My challenge to you is to carve out time to map your own entrepreneurial timeline - it's an enlightening process that will help you get okay with your unique business path and decide what adjustments you may want to make. AND.... don't forget to revisit and update your timeline regularly too! Keep updating it with what you learn moving forward. Links & Resources Mentioned: Read the Post or Transcript Here – your “Get Unstuck” Coaching Session Here! ******* Let’s Connect: Instagram: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: >> GET UNSTUCK COACHING SESSION: Do you find yourself feeling stuck in your business unsure of where to go or what do next? Have you felt like you’ve tried everything but nothing makes sense? Oh how I get it!!! Been there, done that, didn’t want the t-shirt. I’d love to help you get unstuck, find some clarity, and the action steps you need to build a foundation from. We can do that in an unstuck coaching session — >> THE SELAH ENTREPRENEUR JOURNAL: Are you ready to break free from toxic hustle and infuse intention and rest into your entrepreneurial journey? The Selah Entrepreneur Journal is a quarterly magazine style journal for Christian Women Entrepreneurs who are ready to develop their own pause and reflect routines — >> BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business —
51 || Get Unstuck: How to Move from Doubt & Confusion to Clear & Confident In Your Business
May 8 2024
51 || Get Unstuck: How to Move from Doubt & Confusion to Clear & Confident In Your Business
In today's episode we are considering the entrepreneurial journey and a place that many entrepreneurs face at some point in their journey – feeling stuck in doubt and confusion. Feeling stuck in doubt and confusion is a common challenge for many women entrepreneurs. It can stem from various sources, such as fear of failure, overwhelm from too much information, or a lack of clarity about your business identity. It's essential to recognize that you're not alone in this struggle. In this episode we are exploring how to break free from this cycle and step into clarity and confidence in your business. Links & Resources:  Read the transcript here: ******* Let's Connect: Instagram: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: >> BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business -- >> SELAH SOCIETY MASTERMIND: Do you often feel that running your online business often is a lonely adventure? That’s probably not what you imagined when you started your business. Well, I’ve got good news for you, it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t. The Selah Society Mastermind is for you if you are looking for support on your business clarity journey and want to support others in return. --
50 || You Need to Make Space to Think About Your Business
May 1 2024
50 || You Need to Make Space to Think About Your Business
In the world of entrepreneurship we are journeying through, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routines of running a business. However, taking the time to create space for strategic thinking and reflection can be a game-changer for your business.  Today, we’re exploring the importance of adding room to think, reflect, and plan in your business, as well as practical tips on how to incorporate what I think is a vital practice into your schedule. Dedicating time to think, reflect, and plan in your business is not a luxury but a necessity for sustainable growth and success. By implementing just one of these simple yet impactful practices such as a morning no-tech routine, gratitude exercises, and regular business reviews, you can cultivate a strategic mindset that can help your business move forward with purpose and intention.  Listen in to hear 4 simple ways to add time to think and reflect on your business into your schedule.    Links & Resources:  Read the transcript here: Friday 7 days of Gratitude Starter Kit: Weekly Business Examen & Review: Business Reviews: ******* Let's Connect: Instagram: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: >> BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business -- >> SELAH SOCIETY MASTERMIND: Do you often feel that running your online business often is a lonely adventure? That’s probably not what you imagined when you started your business. Well, I’ve got good news for you, it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t. The Selah Society Mastermind is for you if you are looking for support on your business clarity journey and want to support others in return. --
49 || Reality Check - Sometimes You Need To Hustle In Business
Apr 24 2024
49 || Reality Check - Sometimes You Need To Hustle In Business
To Hustle or Not to Hustle That is the Question… or is it?  I’ve had a bit of a growing pet peeve with the anti-hustle message I see everywhere. I get it and actually agree with some perspectives I encounter online.  However, my beef with what I’m seeing is that we are not using the word hustle correctly.  Stress and hustle. We actually need both. A life completely stress free is not only boring, it’s not healthy. We also need hustle. It’s often the motivator we need to get stuff done, meet deadlines, or simply to push ourselves to do a little better.  The problem arises when hustle becomes the norm. It’s an everyday thing that we never take a break from.  Join me as we dive into the anti-hustle message that we everywhere and how it's not exactly accurate. It's also a discouraging message for women entrepreneurs who feel they are doing something wrong because they are in a season of hustle.    Links & Resources:  Read the transcript here: 27; You Need a Simple Weekly Business Examen & Review PracticeEP. 19: Rest IS an Action Step: Self-Care and the Caregiving EntrepreneurEp.14: Simplifying Self-Care for Busy Entrepreneurs: Create a Take-A-Break KitEP. 3: Mini-Retreats: 3 Reasons You Need to Schedule Regular Breaks From Your Business ******* Let's Connect: Instagram: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: >> BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business -- >> SELAH SOCIETY MASTERMIND: Do you often feel that running your online business often is a lonely adventure? That’s probably not what you imagined when you started your business. Well, I’ve got good news for you, it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t. The Selah Society Mastermind is for you if you are looking for support on your business clarity journey and want to support others in return. --
48 || How to Know if Gentle Business Coaching is For You
Apr 17 2024
48 || How to Know if Gentle Business Coaching is For You
Embracing Gentle Business Coaching with a Holistic Approach Join me as we dive into the world of "gentle" business coaching. I’m sharing how this approach is different from traditional, intense coaching. We’re exploring how gentle coaching is all about compassion, self-care, and sustainable growth - not just rapid results. We’re discussing the signs that you might need a gentle coach, like feeling easily overwhelmed or struggling with imposter syndrome. I’m also sharing my thoughts about how gentle coaches focus on asking the right questions to get to the root of your challenges. If you're tired of the hustle and bustle of typical business advice, this episode will show you how a softer, kinder approach could be just what you need. Tune in to see if gentle business coaching might be the right fit for you! Links & Resources:  Read the transcript here: ******* Let's Connect: Instagram: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: >> BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business -- >> SELAH SOCIETY MASTERMIND: Do you often feel that running your online business often is a lonely adventure? That’s probably not what you imagined when you started your business. Well, I’ve got good news for you, it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t. The Selah Society Mastermind is for you if you are looking for support on your business clarity journey and want to support others in return. --
47 || It's Time to Stop Playing Quiet and Make Yourself Heard
Apr 10 2024
47 || It's Time to Stop Playing Quiet and Make Yourself Heard
I’m pretty sure you’ve heard this common phrase from coaches, “Stop playing small.” It’s a phrase that urges us to stop playing small and dream bigger. While the intention behind this advice is to push women to realize their full potential, it can sometimes evoke mixed feelings, particularly for those grappling with fear and self-doubt. It definitely does for me.  But is that what needs to happen? Is it that we are playing small or not dreaming big enough?  Maye, maybe not. As you navigate through the journey of entrepreneurship, it's essential to address the mindset surrounding marketing and how you perceive it. Maybe you view marketing as something pushy or salesy, akin to being a used car salesman. However, a shift in perspective reveals that marketing is about storytelling and making genuine offers to serve and help people. One of the significant challenges that hold women back from using their voice to market and share about their business, is the fear of vulnerability. The fear of rejection, criticism, or not being accepted can often lead women to play it safe, staying within their comfort zones and not fully expressing their expertise and unique offerings to the world. It's crucial to recognize the importance of moving beyond this fear and embracing the concept of amplifying your voice. This involves stepping out of the shadows, being more visible, and showcasing your value and how you can positively impact others.  When you use your voice to talk about what you do, the problems you solve, and who you can help, you not only empower yourself but also create meaningful connections and opportunities to help and connect with others. So is it that you need to “stop playing small”? Or is it you need to move past the fear, and “stop playing quiet”?   Links & Resources:  Business Coach & Mentor Taylor Lee: https://TheTaylorLee.comJoin me for the first Business Clarity Conversations gathering on April 18, 2024 - reserve your seat at the transcript here: ******* Let's Connect: Instagram: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: >> BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business -- >> SELAH SOCIETY MASTERMIND: Do you often feel that running your online business often is a lonely adventure? That’s probably not what you imagined when you started your business. Well, I’ve got good news for you, it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t. The Selah Society Mastermind is for you if you are looking for support on your business clarity journey and want to support others in return. --
46 || 3 Reasons We Need to Have Conversations About Business Clarity
Apr 3 2024
46 || 3 Reasons We Need to Have Conversations About Business Clarity
The Crucial Role of Clarity and Community in Business Growth As entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves caught up in the day-to-day operations of our businesses, focusing on tasks, strategies, and goals. However, amidst the hustle and bustle, how often do we take a step back to ensure we have clarity and direction in our business endeavors? Today, I want to talk about the importance of having conversations about clarity and direction for our businesses. These conversations are not just about pointing out what's working or what's not. They are about delving deeper into understanding the core vision of our businesses and ensuring that we are on the right path towards achieving our goals. These are conversations we need to have about business clarity and the role of community in fostering sustainable business growth. I’m sharing some personal experiences and insights on how constantly questioning and seeking clarity in business decisions can prevent common pitfalls and encourage strategic thinking.  Together let’s explore 3 reasons we need to have conversations about business clarity:  The Clarity Journey Never EndsSeeking Clarity Keeps Us From Getting LazyHaving Conversations About Clarity Let’s the Other Women Around Us Know it’s okay to have questions Links & Resources:  Episode Post & Transcript: 27: You Need a Simple Weekly Business Examen & Review PracticeEpisode 18: Achieve Business Clarity & Growth With Quarterly Business ReviewsJoin us for the first Business Clarity Conversations gathering on April 18, 2024 - reserve your seat at ******* Let's Connect: Instagram: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: >> THE SELAH ENTREPRENEUR JOURNAL: Are you ready to break free from toxic hustle and infuse intention and rest into your entrepreneurial journey? The Selah Entrepreneur Journal is a quarterly magazine style journal for Christian Women Entrepreneurs who are ready to develop their own pause and reflect routines -- >> BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business -- >> SELAH SOCIETY MASTERMIND: Do you often feel that running your online business often is a lonely adventure? That’s probably not what you imagined when you started your business. Well, I’ve got good news for you, it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t. The Selah Society Mastermind is for you if you are looking for support on your business clarity journey and want to support others in return. --
45 || Life Feeling Extra Hard? Give Yourself Some Business Grace
Mar 28 2024
45 || Life Feeling Extra Hard? Give Yourself Some Business Grace
In this episode we are discussing the unique challenges faced by women entrepreneurs who are balancing their business responsibilities with personal health issues or caregiving for aging parents.  I’m sharing what happened recently during a tough week of helping my Mom through the upheavals of Alzheimer’s while trying to maintain my business. This experience, once again,  highlighted the importance of giving oneself grace and being flexible during tough seasons of life.  We often need to reevaluate and adjust our business and personal life to manage these often conflicting priorities as gently and effectively as possible. I’m sharing 5 tips to consider to help you through your own tough season when it arrives. Things you do now to prepare.  I’d love to hear from you, where are you struggling as you balance caregiving and business? Let’s chat, I’d love to give you some resources that might help you in your journey.  Remember, tough times come, we can’t escape them. Learn to be gentle with yourself during difficult times in both life and business. Links & Resources:  Episode Post & Transcript: ******* Let's Connect: Instagram: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: >> THE SELAH ENTREPRENEUR JOURNAL: Are you ready to break free from toxic hustle and infuse intention and rest into your entrepreneurial journey? The Selah Entrepreneur Journal is a quarterly magazine style journal for Christian Women Entrepreneurs who are ready to develop their own pause and reflect routines -- >> BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business -- >> SELAH SOCIETY MASTERMIND: Do you often feel that running your online business often is a lonely adventure? That’s probably not what you imagined when you started your business. Well, I’ve got good news for you, it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t. The Selah Society Mastermind is for you if you are looking for support on your business clarity journey and want to support others in return. --
44 || Want a Simple and Sustainable Business? Define Your 'Enough Points'
Mar 20 2024
44 || Want a Simple and Sustainable Business? Define Your 'Enough Points'
Finding Your "Enough Points" in Business In the latest episode of The Selah Entrepreneur Podcast, we're diving into the concept of defining your "enough points" for sustainable business success. I'm sharing how know when to say "enough" in various aspects of business and how to set healthy boundaries to foster a simple and sustainable business. Key Takeaways: - Discover Your "Enough Points": Take a few minutes to think through the different areas of your business and define where your "enough points" are. - Set Healthy Boundaries: Knowing your boundaries helps create a balanced approach to your business and personal life, supporting both your business and your health. Tune in to gain valuable insights on setting healthy boundaries and defining your "enough points" for a sustainable business. Links & Resources:  Gratitude Practice Starter Kit & Grateful Friday Email: Post & Transcript: ******* Let's Connect: Instagram: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: >> THE SELAH ENTREPRENEUR JOURNAL: Are you ready to break free from toxic hustle and infuse intention and rest into your entrepreneurial journey? The Selah Entrepreneur Journal is a quarterly magazine style journal for Christian Women Entrepreneurs who are ready to develop their own pause and reflect routines -- >> BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business -- >> SELAH SOCIETY MASTERMIND: Do you often feel that running your online business often is a lonely adventure? That’s probably not what you imagined when you started your business. Well, I’ve got good news for you, it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t. The Selah Society Mastermind is for you if you are looking for support on your business clarity journey and want to support others in return. --
43 || How to Overcome Toxic Hustle with a Selah Mindset
Mar 13 2024
43 || How to Overcome Toxic Hustle with a Selah Mindset
Are you tired of the toxic hustle and overwhelm that often accompanies the entrepreneurial journey?  It's time to adopt a Selah mindset, a deliberate practice of stepping away from busyness to work from a place of rest and intention. In this episode of The Selah Entrepreneur podcast, I’m sharing what toxic hustle is, how to recognize it in your life, its impact on mental and emotional health, as well as practical steps to break free from its cycle.  As we navigate the world of entrepreneurship, it's crucial to create intentional moments of pausing and reflecting so that we can work proactively instead of reactively. Remember, it's possible to move from toxic hustle to intentional, purposeful work. You can start your journey of learning to work from rest by listening to today’s episode. Links & Resources:  Episode: You Need a Simple Weekly Business Examen & Review PracticeEpisode Post & Transcript: ******* Let's Connect: Instagram: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: >> THE SELAH ENTREPRENEUR JOURNAL: Are you ready to break free from toxic hustle and infuse intention and rest into your entrepreneurial journey? The Selah Entrepreneur Journal is a quarterly magazine style journal for Christian Women Entrepreneurs who are ready to develop their own pause and reflect routines -- >> BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business -- >> SELAH SOCIETY MASTERMIND: Do you often feel that running your online business often is a lonely adventure? That’s probably not what you imagined when you started your business. Well, I’ve got good news for you, it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t. The Selah Society Mastermind is for you if you are looking for support on your business clarity journey and want to support others in return. --
42 || 4 Blocks To Business Clarity And How To Overcome Them
Mar 6 2024
42 || 4 Blocks To Business Clarity And How To Overcome Them
Are you feeling stuck in your business clarity journey?  In this episode of The Selah Entrepreneur podcast, I’m addressing 4 common blocks I see in myself, and my clients, that can obstruct your path to clarity.  From managing information overload to the importance of community support, we explore practical solutions to remove these barriers. We delve into the power of simplicity, the impact of doing business alone, and the significance of implementing pause and reflect routines into your business.  Plus, I’m excited to share a special new project, The Selah Entrepreneur Journal Bundle, specially designed for Christian women entrepreneurs to help them add strategic pause and reflect routines into their lives and businesses.  Tune in to learn about these 4 blocks and what to do about them in your so you can get back on track.  Links & Resources:  Episode: You Need a Simple Weekly Business Examen & Review PracticeEpisode Post & Transcript: ******* Let's Connect: Instagram: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: >> THE SELAH ENTREPRENEUR BUNDLE: A quarterly mini-retreat and journal bundle for Christian Women Entrepreneurs develop their own pause and reflect routines -- >> BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business -- >> SELAH SOCIETY MASTERMIND: Do you often feel that running your online business often is a lonely adventure? That’s probably not what you imagined when you started your business. Well, I’ve got good news for you, it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t. The Selah Society Mastermind is for you if you are looking for support on your business clarity journey and want to support others in return. --
41 || Is Your Business Clarity Journey Stressing You Out?
Feb 28 2024
41 || Is Your Business Clarity Journey Stressing You Out?
🎙️ Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed by your business clarity journey?  Take a deep breath, because finding clarity is a journey, not an instant fix. In this episode, I share my own struggles, breakthroughs, and key lessons learned to help you navigate the ups and downs of your business clarity journey. Join me in this episode, where we explore the source of that stress and some actionable insights and practical advice for women navigating their entrepreneurial path.  Discover how to find clarity at your own pace and build a sustainable business you love.  ******* Links & Resources:  Episode: Mini-Retreats: 3 Reasons You Need to Schedule Regular Breaks From Your BusinessEpisode: The PACE Method(TM) to Business ClarityEpisode: There's Beauty to Be Found in the Messy Middle of the Business Clarity Journey.Episode Post & Transcript: ******* Let's Connect: Instagram: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: >> DO YOU KNOW YOUR BUSINESS PERSONALITY?: We all do it. We try to fit the expectations and advice of others. Ready to stop doing that?? Take the Business Personality Quiz and take an important first step to discovering (or remembering) who YOU are in your business. Take the quiz at  >> BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business -- >> SELAH SOCIETY MASTERMIND: Do you often feel that running your online business often is a lonely adventure? That’s probably not what you imagined when you started your business. Well, I’ve got good news for you, it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t. The Selah Society Mastermind is for you if you are looking for support on your business clarity journey and want to support others in return. --
40 || 3 Questions That Won't Help the Multi-passionate Entrepreneur Find Business Clarity
Feb 21 2024
40 || 3 Questions That Won't Help the Multi-passionate Entrepreneur Find Business Clarity
🌟 Are you a multi-passionate entrepreneur struggling to find clarity and direction in your business? 🌟 Join me in this episode as I share 3 questions that may not be so helpful for you, the multi-passionate entrepreneur as you seek the clarity and direction you are longing for in your life and business. Key Takeaways: - I’m sharing my personal experience as a multi-passionate entrepreneur and the struggles I faced in finding clarity and direction in my business. - Learn how to turn basic questions, such as describing your ideal day and reflecting on childhood dreams, and the often confusing results of personality tests into questions to help you understand your entrepreneurial style and find clarity. - Discover the power of asking better and deeper questions and pulling out common themes and recurring words to gain insights into your entrepreneurial journey.   Join me in this insightful journey of discovery and let's navigate the challenges of being a multi-passionate entrepreneur together.  Don't miss out on the valuable tips shared in this episode!✨   ******* Links & Resources:  Episode Post & Transcript: ******* Let's Connect: Instagram: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: >> DO YOU KNOW YOUR BUSINESS PERSONALITY?: We all do it. We try to fit the expectations and advice of others. Ready to stop doing that?? Take the Business Personality Quiz and take an important first step to discovering (or remembering) who YOU are in your business. Take the quiz at  >> BUSINESS & WEBSITE CLARITY COACHING: Feeling Confused About ALLLL Your Ideas?? Let’s work together to clear up your  confusion and create a simple and sustainable business or website plan that excites you! – >> SELAH SOCIETY MASTERMIND: Do you often feel that running your online business often is a lonely adventure? That’s probably not what you imagined when you started your business. Well, I’ve got good news for you, it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t. The Selah Society Mastermind is for you if you are looking for support on your business clarity journey and want to support others in return. --
39 || There's Beauty to Be Found in the Messy Middle of Your Business Clarity Journey
Feb 14 2024
39 || There's Beauty to Be Found in the Messy Middle of Your Business Clarity Journey
Have you ever felt stuck in the "messy middle" of your business journey? In this episode I’m sharing a recent experience where one of my morning walks with my dog, Mochi,  inspired me in my business.  I’m sharing how our winter storms changed the trails we were exploring were a reflection of the journey of entrepreneurship. I’m sharing my perspective on finding beauty in unexpected places during the messy middle. This is a topic I can get excited about, you may notice that as you listen in :). But I know that if you keep moving forward and trust, that you will find beauty on the other side. The struggle to find the answers you are looking for is worth it! Here are some of the key takeaways from today’s episode:  The importance of taking action in your clarity journey. Clarity comes through action, not just thoughts. Understanding the delays in clarity and how they serve you in preparing for your vision. Embracing the decision-making process and having faith in your next steps. Recognizing the beauty and growth that emerges from navigating the messy middle of your business journey. Realizing the value of the clarity journey despite the challenges.Ready to embark on your own journey of discovery alongside Marta? Don't miss out on the latest episode. ******* Links & Resources:  Episode 17: Thoughts From the Trail - It's Okay to Ask For What You Need Episode Post & Transcript: Click Here ******* Let's Connect: Instagram: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: >> ARE YOU TRYING TO BE SOMEONE YOUR NOT IN YOUR BUSINESS?: We all do it. We try to fit the expectations and advice of others. Ready to stop doing that?? Take the Business Personality Quiz and take an important first step to discovering (or remembering) who YOU are in your business. Take the quiz at  >> BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business -- >> SELAH SOCIETY MASTERMIND: Do you often feel that running your online business often is a lonely adventure? That’s probably not what you imagined when you started your business. Well, I’ve got good news for you, it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t. The Selah Society Mastermind is for you if you are looking for support on your business clarity journey and want to support others in return. --
38 || Do you need to know the WHY behind your business? Maybe, maybe not!
Feb 7 2024
38 || Do you need to know the WHY behind your business? Maybe, maybe not!
In this episode of "The Selah Entrepreneur," your host, Marta Goertzen, shares why there are some stages of our entrepreneurial journey the WHY is not as important as we think it is. 5 Keys You'll Learn: 1. The Two Stages of Business: Marta discusses the different phases of business and why understanding the why behind your business is more important at certain points. 2. Finding Your Why: Learn how to identify the reasons and motivations that led you to start your business. 3. Uncovering Your Why: Understand how your why can evolve as your business grows and changes. 4. The Role of Clarity and Vision: Discover how clarity and vision are intertwined with understanding your why. 5. Taking Action: Learn how taking action and asking deeper questions can help uncover your why and lead to business growth. ******* Let's Connect: Instagram: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: >> ARE YOU TRYING TO BE SOMEONE YOUR NOT IN YOUR BUSINESS?: We all do it. We try to fit the expectations and advice of others. Ready to stop doing that?? Take the Business Personality Quiz and take an important first step to discovering (or remembering) who YOU are in your business. Take the quiz at  >> BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business -- >> SELAH SOCIETY MASTERMIND: Do you often feel that running your online business often is a lonely adventure? That’s probably not what you imagined when you started your business. Well, I’ve got good news for you, it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t. The Selah Society Mastermind is for you if you are looking for support on your business clarity journey and want to support others in return. --
37 || 2 Simple Questions to Ask When You Feel Stuck in Your Business
Jan 31 2024
37 || 2 Simple Questions to Ask When You Feel Stuck in Your Business
As we navigate through the challenges and opportunities of running an online business, it's essential to take moments to pause, reflect, and find the clarity we need to move forward. In the latest episode I’m sharing two simple questions you can ask when you feel stuck in your business. The episode explores the significance of taking intentional rest breaks and the various forms of rest that are essential for our mental, emotional, and physical rejuvenation. I’m encouraging you to  examine the type of rest they need and give you a few practical strategies for incorporating rest into your daily schedules. We are also looking at the idea of taking action when feeling stuck. Because clarity, and getting unstuck comes from taking action, not just thinking about it. I’m sharing what happened to me recently and how taking small action steps helped me regain momentum and move forward in my business. Listen in to gain clarity and inspiration for your entrepreneurial journey. And make sure you take a moment to pause, reflect, and consider how you can incorporate intentional rest and productive action into your business journey.  ******* Resources: Read the Transcript Here: Clarity Breakthrough Coaching Program: 19 - Rest Is An Action Step: Episode 2 - 6 Steps to Get Unstuck and Find Clarity and Direction For You an Your Business: Episode 11- What Type of Rest Do You need:  ******* Let's Connect: Instagram: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: >> ARE YOU TRYING TO BE SOMEONE YOUR NOT IN YOUR BUSINESS?: We all do it. We try to fit the expectations and advice of others. Ready to stop doing that?? Take the Business Personality Quiz and take an important first step to discovering (or remembering) who YOU are in your business. Take the quiz at  >> BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business -- >> SELAH SOCIETY MASTERMIND: Do you often feel that running your online business often is a lonely adventure? That’s probably not what you imagined when you started your business. Well, I’ve got good news for you, it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t. The Selah Society Mastermind is for you if you are looking for support on your business clarity journey and want to support others in return. --
36 || Are You Feeling Trapped Between The Business You Have And The One You Want?
Jan 24 2024
36 || Are You Feeling Trapped Between The Business You Have And The One You Want?
Are you feeling trapped between the business you have and the dream, and potential, of what your business could be? Have you ever felt stuck in your business, unsure of the next steps to take or the direction to go? If so, you're not alone. Many entrepreneurs, especially women over 50, experience periods of uncertainty and longing for clarity in their business journey. In this episode of The Selah Entrepreneur podcast, I’m sharing some of my own experiences and what I’ve learned as I continue to navigate the journey of clarity in business.  If you have ever felt confused and wondered…   My business is a gift, and an answer to prayer, and iI don't want to take it for granted. But why am I struggling with what my next steps should be? Why do I feel so stuck? Am I being ungrateful?It’s time to pivot my business and uplevel my services, but boy does that feel risky. I’m longing for a change but can’t express yet where this desire of change is coming from and what exactly that change needs to be. I just keep hearing myself say, “Something has to change, this isn’t working.”I don’t know how to market my business, make plans about my business and the thought of “putting myself out there” for work that I know longer enjoy… there’s no motivation there, only confusion and dread.You are not alone and these questions are actually good! They mean you are ready to do the work it takes to find your clarity and grow as an entrepreneur.  But what do you do until you have that clarity?  FIRST don’t give upSECOND know that you are not alone in this “stuckness”THIRD take a moment to pause, take a deep breath, and just be.  Learning to pause and not race to the next thing is huge and is one of the first things I suggest you learn in your clarity journey.  So, what steps should you take to find clarity and stop feeling trapped?  Get real about a few things. Does that answer surprise you?  You are different from the person who started her business a couple of years ago. You have changed, you have grown, you have learned things! But, your business hasn’t kept up. You are not 30 anymore! Your needs are different, your family dynamics are different, your health may be different. All of these issues and needs need to be taken into consideration even though you may resist it!You CAN dream (you are allowed and should want to) about a different type of business. If you are dreaming about something different and it’s a thought that won’t leave you, this is something to pay attention to. Don’t ignore it. If you're feeling the pull for change in your business, this episode is for you. When you find your clarity it leads to a newfound confidence, hope, and excitement about the potential of your business.  I’m also sharing with you about my Business Clarity Breakthrough Coaching Program, designed to help entrepreneurial women, just like you, identify your next steps and unlock your business's true potential. Listen in or read the transcript (link below) to gain valuable insights and strategies for finding clarity in your business journey. Remember, being stuck is a sign of growth, and there's always a way to move forward. If you're ready to embark on your own business clarity journey, don't hesitate to reach out and explore the Business Clarity Breakthrough Coaching Program. ******* Resources: Read the Transcript Here: Clarity Breakthrough Coaching Program: ******* Let's Connect: Instagram: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: >> ARE YOU TRYING TO BE SOMEONE YOUR NOT IN YOUR BUSINESS?: We all do it. We try to fit the expectations and advice of others. Ready to stop doing that?? Take the Business Personality Quiz and take an important first step to discovering (or remembering) who YOU are in your business. Take the quiz at  >> BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business -- >> SELAH SOCIETY MASTERMIND: Do you often feel that running your online business often is a lonely adventure? That’s probably not what you imagined when you started your business. Well, I’ve got good news for you, it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t. The Selah Society Mastermind is for you if you are looking for support on your business clarity journey and want to support others in return. --
35 || What You Need to Consider When Setting Gentle Business Goals
Jan 17 2024
35 || What You Need to Consider When Setting Gentle Business Goals
In this episode, I'm sharing the questions I'm consider as I decide on my gentle business goals for this quarter and year. This is a thought-provoking episode that challenges you to look beyond the surface of goal-setting and consider the deeper significance of the goals you are setting for a gentle approach to your business. If you've been struggling with setting effective and meaningful goals for your business, this episode is a must-listen. Here are a few key takeaways from this episode: 1. Align your goals with your core values - Ensure that your goals resonate with your beliefs and character traits, and reflect who you want to be in your business. 2. Incorporate faith in goal setting - Let your faith guide your goals, and see how it can provide support and direction in your business journey. 3. Embrace intentional planning - Set proactive and intentional business goals that move you forward, and help you steward your calling, skills, and talents effectively. 4. Know WHY you chose each goal - Knowing your why will help you when the road gets bumpy and will motivate you to keep moving forward. Tune in to the full episode to gain insights on setting impactful and purpose-driven goals for your business.   ******* Resources: Read the Transcript Here: ******* Let's Connect: Instagram: ******* Are you ready to find clarity for your business and website? I’d love to help: >> ARE YOU TRYING TO BE SOMEONE YOUR NOT IN YOUR BUSINESS?: We all do it. We try to fit the expectations and advice of others. Ready to stop doing that?? Take the Business Personality Quiz and take an important first step to discovering (or remembering) who YOU are in your business. Take the quiz at  >> BUSINESS CLARITY COACHING: Have you lost your confidence in who you are as a business owner? Have you lost sight of your business dreams and goals? Let’s get you back on track with personalized coaching support and tools Business -- >> SELAH SOCIETY MASTERMIND: Do you often feel that running your online business often is a lonely adventure? That’s probably not what you imagined when you started your business. Well, I’ve got good news for you, it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t. The Selah Society Mastermind is for you if you are looking for support on your business clarity journey and want to support others in return. --