How much thought have you given to what your later years will be like? Will your 60s, 70s, and 80s be joyful and filled with the activities you most desire to have in your life at that time?Well, if you are like me, you have long wanted to live younger, longer. I knew at a younger age that I had much I wanted to accomplish before my time was up, and that it would not get done unless I made it to a ripe old age, and in good mental and physical health.Fortunately, I was guided into the health and wellness profession in my late 30s and soon enrolled int a University of Chinese Medicine and developed an expertise in Functional Medicine.The functional and integrative medicine approaches to my own and my patient’s care has served us well.It has supported my mission to be of service and realize my ambitions for getting a few dreams fulfilled. Hopefully many!Indeed, this has been a 30+ year journey that includes a very dedicated understanding of the risk factors associated with dementia in agin...
The Alzheimer's Solution Revolution Podcast discusses innovative ways to mitigate Alzheimer's disease. Host Ralph Sanchez is a homeopathic doctor and a clinical nurse specialist. He has a master's degree in traditional Chinese medicine. His book, The Diabetic Brain in Alzheimer's Disease, explores the idea of "type 3 diabetes."
Sanchez calls Alzheimer's disease "diabetes of the brain." He says doctors now know that prevention must start earlier in life. Sanchez invites listeners to be proactive and shows them how. He began his research over 25 years ago to alter his predisposition for the disease. The word "revolution" in the podcast's title represents his method. Sanchez makes patient-centered, not disease-centered diagnoses.
Every person has different Alzheimer's risk factors. The host explores them all. The Alzheimer's Solution Revolution Podcast analyzes genetics, hormones, nutrition, lifestyle, trauma, and toxins. Diabetes and heart disease are primary contributors. Sanchez's integrative approach considers each element.
Listeners learn which foods to eat. That includes an assessment of FDA-approved medical foods. Are they effective? Who should consume them? Sanchez has answers. He clarifies whether vitamins can prevent Alzheimer's. Sanchez compares standard nutrients to phytonutrients like cocoa flavanols. He reveals the age at which people can assess their Alzheimer's risks. Listeners learn which two issues in their family's medical history are most worrisome.
Sanchez discloses unexpected causes for Alzheimer's. Bones are among them. The skeletal system releases a hormone that impacts cognition. It even affects the fetal brain. Cortisol also contributes to memory issues. Stress exacerbates many diseases. The Alzheimer's Solution Revolution Podcast investigates a particular kind of stress-oxidative. Sanchez explains how to offset it. He conceptualized the BrainDefend program to combat forces that work against brain health. Listeners learn how to extend their lifespan and their "healthspan." That's the length of time that they experience vitality, joy, and wellness.
Sanchez deems his content educational, not medical advice. Yet, it fills a critical need. Everyone needs guidance about how to prevent a health condition. They also want advice once they have a medical diagnosis. Sanchez provides both on The Alzheimer's Solution Revolution Podcast.