The Flying For Life Podcast


In ‘Flying for Life’, Josh Carter chats to a range of guests at the heart of MAF’s ministry. Fly around the world with Josh as he explores the issues that matter and the role MAF plays in delivering help, hope and healing to the remotest people on earth… read less

Our Editor's Take

The Flying For Life Podcast highlights the efforts of the Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). Host Josh Carter interviews missionaries and pilots about the MAF's humanitarian work. The faith-based organization delivers aid to impoverished areas. They fly small aircraft to the world's most remote communities. There, the MAF provides medical care and education. Through their stories, listeners will learn about the challenges they face.

Carter is an English radio journalist based in Folkestone, South East England. He operates a student radio network and hosts a daytime radio show on a UK faith-based radio network. He is also a husband, father, and someone who is motivated by his faith. On this podcast, Carter shares the vital work of the MAF. The podcast gives a platform to the dedicated individuals who make the MAF possible.

The Flying for Life Podcast details MAF missions in Papua New Guinea, Sudan, and Haiti. Guests on the show include pilots, teachers, nurses, and other mission workers. At the center of the MAF outreach is their faith. As they offer medical aid, they also provide spiritual counsel.

The locations of the communities the MAF serves isolate them. A lack of roads, difficult terrain, and harsh weather make them hard to reach. From logistical issues to a lack of infrastructure, air transport is essential to the MAF's work. They provide aid that would otherwise be impossible with ground travel alone.

Beyond reaching these underdeveloped areas, the MAF faces other challenges. Creating lasting change requires ongoing development efforts. It also entails a massive amount of volunteers and donors. Carter has even spoken with James Gullett, who became the MAF's youngest pilot at 21.

MAF planes fly missions every day to keep their operation going. This show reveals the complexity and magnitude of this undertaking. New episodes of The Flying For Life Podcast are available for streaming every few months.

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