The Artificial Intelligence Podcast

Dr. Tony Hoang

News, Hot Topics and Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science read less

Our Editor's Take

The Artificial Intelligence Podcast seeks to answer concerns about artificial intelligence (AI). It explores the topic of AI and machine learning and what role they can and should play in the future of society.

Dr. Tony Hoang hosts this informative podcast. This professor and innovator has over ten years of experience working with this AI-powered technology. As such, he is familiar with what the product can do. He knows the positives and negatives, which he seeks to educate others on.

The Artificial Intelligence Podcast serves as Hoang's platform. He discusses the latest in AI development and technology. Listeners can learn how big tech companies like Apple, Amazon, and Nvidia have been using AI. They will also hear about the kind of breakthroughs the product has led to. Deep learning algorithms have helped innovate in fields of study beyond the tech industry. From robotics to healthcare, the impact of AI on society has been immense. Hoang seeks to explore that with this series.

He also addresses the problems and concerns with the technology. The news and controversies on the subject are prevalent all across social media. Because of this, many fear how AI might affect industries such as the creative arts. These are concerns that make a focus on AI safety necessary. Hoang examines what governments and AI researchers are doing to address these concerns.

Additionally, Hoang also interviews experts. In one episode, Hoang speaks with Bob van Luijt, CEO and cofounder of Weaviate. They discuss vector databases and what differentiates them from other databases. In another episode, engineer Hagay Lupesko talks about Large Language Models (LLM).

For fans of technology, The Artificial Intelligence Podcast is a valuable source. In three minutes, it provides a comprehensive show on the topic. New episodes drop several times a week.

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