You+Me Blvd


Join us on YOU+ME BLVD SHOW as we explore the world of love, sex, and dating. From navigating the complexities of modern relationships to exploring cultural and social issues that impact how we connect, we dive deep into the joys and challenges of build Support this podcast:

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Crafting Connections That Thrive on Shared Values and Vision
May 17 2024
Crafting Connections That Thrive on Shared Values and Vision
Have you ever been intrigued by the elusive concept of a 'high-value' partner? Join us as we navigate the intricate landscape of relationships, scrutinizing beyond the traditional expectations of financial and physical attributes. In a society that often underscores wealth and aesthetics, we peel back the layers to reveal the essence of a genuinely high-value individual, integrating emotional intelligence and a shared life vision. Our candid conversation not only challenges norms but also champions the growth potential of a partner, reshaping the traditional dynamics of dating.Communication is the bedrock of any successful relationship, and we lay it bare in this episode. With heartfelt stories, including a profound moment from Lewis Howes of the School of Greatness podcast, we delve into the potency of clarity and honesty in forging connections. Reflecting on the first date with my wife, I illuminate how an open heart and mind can unlock the doors to mutual understanding and discovery. If you're in search of a companion who not only meets but resonates with your values, you'll find this segment particularly enlightening.We round off our journey by turning the lens inward, emphasizing the transformative power of self-awareness in attracting a partner who mirrors our values. Drawing from my matchmaking service adventures, I illustrate how embodying the qualities we seek can be the magnet for a compatible relationship. As we extend an invitation to our community, dedicated to growth, empathy, and persistence, we assure you that you're not alone in the hunt for meaningful connections. So, take my hand, let's stride into the world of dating with a renewed perspective, and let's find companionship that is not just high-value but high-vibration.Follow me on IG  @th3luvdud3
Embracing Balance: Shattering Gender Stereotypes and Revolutionizing Relationship Dynamics
May 4 2024
Embracing Balance: Shattering Gender Stereotypes and Revolutionizing Relationship Dynamics
Have you ever felt pigeonholed by the societal labels of 'masculine' and 'feminine'? Join me, Mael, as we unwrap the intricate layers of energy dynamics within ourselves that transcend gender stereotypes. In an enlightening discussion, we tear down the misconceptions tying certain energies to gender roles and examine how acknowledging and harnessing both masculine and feminine traits can lead to a more fulfilling connection with our partners. We're challenging the status quo and setting the stage for a revolution in relationship dynamics that values clear communication, mutual understanding, and personal growth.We've all heard the phrase 'equally yoked' tossed around in relationship advice, but let's get real – it's not just about finding a carbon copy of ourselves. In this heartfelt conversation, we dissect the false belief that mirroring your partner guarantees a successful relationship and delve into the true essence of compatibility. It's about embracing the unique energies each partner brings to the table, and how they can synergize to create an unstoppable duo. Whether it's a woman in a leadership role struggling to balance her assertiveness with vulnerability, or a man learning to embrace emotional expression, we explore the beauty of evolving together.As we wrap up this journey down You Plus Me Boulevard, I encourage you to break free from the traditional gender scripts that have been written for us. Let's communicate, express, and question with the intent to understand our partners deeply – beyond the surface-level roles we've been assigned. This isn't just talk; it's about actionable change that propels our relationships into uncharted territories of intimacy and partnership. And remember, subscribing to this podcast isn't just adding another show to your list; it's a step towards becoming part of a growing community dedicated to personal and relational transformation. Join me, and let's continue to push the boundaries together.Connect with me on IG @TH3LUVDUD3
Crafting Love That Resonates with you: Reflections on Self-Love, Communication, and Relationship Dynamics
Jan 22 2024
Crafting Love That Resonates with you: Reflections on Self-Love, Communication, and Relationship Dynamics
Ever found yourself picking at the wrong tree for the fruit you desire? That's the heartache shared by a listener and the starting point of our soul-searching journey through the landscape of love and relationships. Together, we peel back the layers on why entering the dating scene with expectations set in stone may not bring the love we seek. Self-love emerges as a cornerstone of discussion; it's the wellspring from which genuine connections flow. This episode is an invitation to refill your own cup and discover how to attract a love that truly resonates with your being.As we navigate the twists and turns of romance, personal anecdotes illuminate the path. Have you ever compromised your identity for the sake of a relationship, or felt the strain of trying to mold your partner into your ideal? We tackle these issues head-on with four probing questions designed to steer you back to a love that celebrates difference without demanding change. It's a candid examination of the sacrifices we make and the values we must hold dear to ensure our relationships enhance, rather than erode, our true selves.Communication is the bridge that connects disparate interests within a partnership, and this episode draws from personal tales of anime and shared living spaces to model constructive conversation. We also feature insights from Tom Bilyeu, who embodies the essence of teamwork in a relationship. His story underscores the message that while our individual paths may diverge, the journey is best undertaken with a partner who aligns with our goals and supports our endeavors. Listeners, prepare to rethink your approach to love, as we provide the tools and reflections to cultivate the companionship you yearn for.