Kingdom Polemics

Kingdom Polemics - Your Host: Aldo Leon

Kingdoms Polemics seeks to recapture the comprehensive and optimistic Kingdom theology of the Westminster standards with clarity, conviction, and confrontation. Kingdom Polemics is seeking to advance a spirituality that is gospel, worship, and church-centric and yet creational, institutional, civil and familial connected. read less
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The American Jesus
Apr 6 2024
The American Jesus
Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of Kingdom Polemics, where host Aldo Leon delves into the depths of theological discourse with a candid and reflective approach. Broadcasting from Fort Lauderdale during a spring break, Aldo navigates through the complexities of reformed theology, church history, and the practical implications of Christ's sovereignty in contemporary culture. Here are some episode highlights:Publishing Progress: Exciting news on the upcoming book about the Magistrate, nearing completion and potential publication.Exclusive Psalmody: Aldo shares his journey to embracing exclusive psalmody and acapella singing, detailing his extensive research and forthcoming 40-page write-up that will be available on soon.Theological Debates: Reflections on recent debates, including the Presbycast with D.G. Hart and the nuanced discussions on Ligon Duncan's podcast.Christ's Rule and Reign: A robust examination of Jesus' ministry, challenging the prevalent views that limit Christ's dominion to spiritual realms, advocating for a more expansive understanding of His kingship.Westminster Standards: Insights into the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms, emphasizing God's governance and Christ's present role as King.Scriptural Exegesis: Deep dives into Psalms, Malachi, Zechariah, and Isaiah, reinforcing the scriptural basis for Christ's authority over nations and the call for societal alignment with His rule.Support the enriching dialogue of Kingdom Polemics by contributing through our Buy Me A Coffee ( page. Your support fuels these vital conversations and helps bring theological insights to the forefront. Engage with the community and share your thoughts on KP's YouTube channel ( Let's continue to explore the profound implications of our faith together.
The Sinfulness of Sonship Theology
Mar 7 2024
The Sinfulness of Sonship Theology
In this episode of Kingdom Polemics, Aldo Leon and George Sayour discuss the problems and pitfalls of Sonship theology, a popular program that claims to help Christians grow in their identity as adopted children of God. They share their personal experiences with Sonship, and how they came to see its flaws and dangers. They also examine some of the key teachings and assumptions of Sonship, and how they contrast with a biblical and confessional view of sanctification, repentance, and obedience.Some of the highlights of this episode are:The origins and motivations of Sonship theology, and how it was an overreaction to certain issues and struggles in the church and missions field.How Sonship theology promotes a pessimistic view of the Christian life, and a dismissive attitude towards God's law and holiness.How Sonship theology creates false dichotomies between inward and outward, heart and action, approval and acceptance, and being right and being forgiven.How Sonship theology undermines the role of the covenant community, the means of grace, and the accountability of the church in the Christian's growth and maturity.How Sonship theology fails to appreciate the diversity and complexity of the Christian experience, and the different ways that God works in his people.The book referenced in this episode, Sonship, can be found at: you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting Kingdom Polemics through our Buy Me A Coffee webpage: Your donations will help us produce more content and reach more people with the truth of God's word. You can also leave your comments and feedback on our YouTube page: Thank you for listening and stay tuned for the next episode of Kingdom Polemics.
No Neutrality
Feb 28 2024
No Neutrality
In this episode, Aldo Leon discusses the concept of neutrality and how it is impossible for Christians to be neutral in their worldview. He explains why neutrality is a myth, a sin, and a trap that leads to compromise and confusion. He also challenges listeners to examine their own presuppositions and to stand firm on the truth of God's word. This topic is discussed with Pastor Christian Khanda, Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church, Fort Lauderdale ( and Pastor George Sayour, Meadowview Presbyterian Church, Lexington, NC ( of the highlights or discussion points of this episode are:The Myth of Neutrality: the panel exposes the false assumption that there is a neutral ground where people can reason without any bias or commitment to a worldview. They show how everyone has a starting point and a framework that shapes their interpretation of reality.The Sin of Neutrality: The panel warns against the temptation to be neutral or to accommodate the world's standards in order to avoid conflict or persecution. They argue that neutrality is a form of idolatry and unfaithfulness to God, who commands us to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.The Trap of Neutrality: The panel illustrates how neutrality leads to inconsistency and contradiction in the Christian's life and witness. They point out how neutrality undermines the authority and sufficiency of Scripture, the exclusivity and necessity of Christ, and the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.The Antidote to Neutrality: The panel encourages listeners to embrace the biblical worldview and to be confident and bold in proclaiming and defending the gospel. They remind us that we have the mind of Christ and the weapons of God to demolish every argument that sets itself up against the knowledge of God.If you enjoyed this episode and want to support Kingdom Polemics, please visit our Buy Me A Coffee webpage ( and consider buying us a coffee or becoming a member. You can also leave your comments and feedback on our YouTube page: Thank you for listening and stay tuned for the next episode of Kingdom Polemics.
New Testament Only Christianity
Feb 21 2024
New Testament Only Christianity
In this episode, Aldo Leon critiques the views of Owen Strachan, a Baptist theologian and professor, on the relationship between the Great Commission and the civil sphere. Leon argues that Strachan has a narrow and pietistic understanding of the Great Commission, which excludes the role of the law, the magistrate, and the Christianization of society. Leon contends that the Great Commission is not just about making disciples through baptism and teaching, but also about applying the lordship of Christ to every sphere of life, including the family, the church, and the state. Leon challenges Strachan's interpretation of various biblical texts, such as Psalm 2, Matthew 28, and 1 Timothy 2, and shows how they support a more holistic and comprehensive vision of the Great Commission.Some of the highlights or discussion points of this episode are:How Strachan creates a false dilemma between the ecclesiastical and the civil realms, and how he fails to see the connection between the law and the gospel.How Strachan misreads Psalm 2 as an eschatological text, rather than a present reality that calls the kings and nations to submit to Christ and his law.How Strachan ignores the implications of Christ's authority over all things, and how he limits the scope of the Great Commission to the church and its mission.How Strachan misunderstands the role of the magistrate as a deacon of God, and how he neglects the biblical examples of civil rulers who supported and protected the church and its mission.How Strachan overlooks the covenantal and creational aspects of the Great Commission, and how he fails to appreciate the importance of the family, the Sabbath, and the creation mandate.The Strachan video referenced in this episode may be found at: you enjoyed this episode and want to support Kingdom Polemics, please visit our Buy Me A Coffee webpage ( and consider making a donation. You can also leave your comments and feedback on our YouTube page: Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more episodes of Kingdom Polemics.
Gavin Ortlund's Mini Flood Farce
Feb 14 2024
Gavin Ortlund's Mini Flood Farce
In this episode of Kingdom Polemics, Aldo Leon tackles the controversial topic of the local vs. global flood debate. He examines the biblical text of Genesis 6-9 and argues that there is no textual or theological basis for a local flood interpretation. He also responds to some of the arguments and objections raised by Gavin Ortlund, a pastor and theologian who advocates for a local flood view. Aldo shows how the local flood view undermines the connection between the Noahic flood and the final judgment, the creation mandate and the Noahic covenant, and the typology of Noah and Christ. He also exposes the underlying assumptions and motivations behind the local flood view, such as the desire to accommodate modern science and avoid the appearance of foolishness. He challenges listeners to trust the authority and clarity of God's word over human wisdom and speculation.Some of the highlights of this episode are:The connection between the creation dominion mandate and the Noahic narrativeThe general symmetry of the whole creation conversation in Genesis 1-2 and Genesis 6-9The pneumatological symmetry and connectedness of the creation event and the Noahic eventThe repetitiveness of seven in the narrative of Genesis, indicating completeness and totalityThe universal language of depravity and judgment in the textThe judgment-parousia theme that makes the flood utterly universalThe typological redemptive element of the Genesis 6-9 that points to Christ and the gospelThe YouTube Episodes discussed in this episode are from Gavin Ortlund's YouTube Channel, "Truth Unites"."Was Noah's Flood Local"("Is My Local Flood View HERESY?!?"( you enjoyed this episode and want to support Kingdom Polemics, please consider buying us a coffee at Your donation will help us produce more content and reach more people with the truth of God's word. You can also leave your comments and feedback on our YouTube page: We would love to hear from you and interact with your questions and thoughts. Thank you for listening and stay tuned for the next episode of Kingdom Polemics.
The Rise and Triumph of Reformed Revisionism
Feb 7 2024
The Rise and Triumph of Reformed Revisionism
In this episode of Kingdom Polemics, Pastor Aldo Leon critically examines an article, "Lessons from the Lutheran Tradition for 2024" ( by Carl Trueman, a prominent Reformed theologian and historian, who argues that Christians should not be preoccupied with the temporal and civil affairs of this age, but rather focus on the eternal truths of the gospel and the confessional documents of Protestantism. Pastor Aldo challenges this view by showing how the Westminster Standards, the Belgic Confession, and the Lutheran tradition all affirm the importance of the civil magistrate and the Christian influence on the public sphere. He also exposes the inconsistencies and contradictions in Trueman's article, and calls for a more comprehensive and optimistic Kingdom theology that is faithful to the Scriptures and the Reformed heritage.Some of the highlights and discussion points of this episode are: How Trueman misrepresents the Westminster divines, who were deeply involved in preaching to and advising the Parliament, and who advocated for the covenantal and theocratic rule of God over the nations.How Trueman ignores the historical and theological context of the Solemn League and Covenant, which was the backdrop of the Westminster Assembly and its documents.How Trueman appeals to the Lutheran tradition, especially the theology of the cross, as a model of suffering and passive Christianity, while overlooking the political and social activism of Luther and his followers, who resisted and condemned the civil authorities for their blasphemy, idolatry, and persecution of the true church.How Trueman fails to account for the biblical and confessional examples of godly princes and magistrates, who were called to uphold the law of God, protect the sacred ministry, and promote the Kingdom of Christ in their realms.How Trueman's view of the civil realm as irrelevant and indifferent to the Christian faith leads to a loss of orthodoxy, a neglect of God's honor, and a surrender of the cultural mandate.Sources used in this Episode:MARTIN LUTHER, "On the Jews and Their Lies" (1543) Parts 11-13 ( Lutheranism and Old Testament Civil Law: Not the Two Kingdoms Theology you Thought it Was (, 1523: On Secular Authority: how far does the Obedience owed to it extend? ( you enjoyed this episode and want to support Kingdom Polemics, please visit our Buy Me A Coffee webpage at ( and make a donation and a word of support. You can also join the Kingdom Polemics community on our YouTube page at (, where you can subscribe, leave comments, and access more thought-provoking content. Additionally, you can find past episodes of Kingdom Polemics at ( for a comprehensive exploration of these crucial theological discussions.
Christ "Centered" Antinomianism
Jan 31 2024
Christ "Centered" Antinomianism
In this episode of Kingdom Polemics, Pastor Aldo Leon talks with his friend and fellow pastor, George Sayour, about the dangers of Christ-centered antinomianism, a way of interpreting the Bible that neglects the moral and ethical implications of the Old Testament narratives. They discuss how this approach is contrary to the Reformed tradition, the biblical theology of Christ and his Spirit, and the call to live by faith in union with Christ. They also share their personal journeys of discovering the richness and relevance of the Old Testament for Christian living.Some of the highlights of their conversation are:How they were both attracted to the redemptive-historical movement and its emphasis on seeing Christ in all of Scripture, but also realized its limitations and imbalances.How the Old Testament figures and stories are not only types and shadows of Christ, but also examples and models of faith and obedience for us.How Hebrews 11 and 12 show us that the heroes of the faith did great things and suffered greatly as they looked to Christ, and how we are surrounded by their witness and encouraged to run our own race.How the exclusive preaching of doctrine without application leads to an antinomian spirit, while the exclusive preaching of duties without doctrine leads to self-righteousness.How the Christ-centered antinomianism is influenced by a hyper-eschatological view of Scripture that ignores the present realities and responsibilities of the Christian life.How the Christ-centered antinomianism is also connected to a brokenness theology that denies the possibility and power of sanctification and growth in holiness.How the Christ-centered antinomianism fails to appreciate the diversity and complexity of the biblical genres and the historical contexts of the Old Testament.How the Christ-centered antinomianism misses out on the important virtues and values that are commended and exemplified in the Old Testament, such as bravery, tenacity, dominion, marriage, family, etc.George Sayour has two podcasts that we recommend you listen to:1. Grace to Stand: Presbyterian & Reformed Churchmen: you enjoyed this episode and want to support Kingdom Polemics, please consider buying us a coffee at Your generosity will help us to continue producing quality content that is faithful to the Scriptures and relevant to the church. You can also leave us a comment on our YouTube page at and let us know what you think of this episode or any other topics you would like us to discuss. Thank you for listening.
The End Times and Christian Nationalism
Jan 23 2024
The End Times and Christian Nationalism
This Kingdom Polemics episode is a rebroadcast from the "City of God" podcast wherein Pastor Rob Pacienza from Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church talks with Pastor Aldo Leon from Pinelands Presbyterian Church and David Bibee, the director of Christian Education at Coral Ridge, about the theological foundation of Christian nationalism and how it relates to eschatology and cultural engagement. They discuss the problems and implications of Dispensationalism, the most common end times view among American Protestants, and contrast it with a more optimistic and biblical view of the future that sees the gospel advancing and the kingdom progressing in every sphere of life. They also address some of the common objections and misconceptions about Christian nationalism and how it differs from a Christ-centered perspective that honors the lordship of Christ over all things.Some of the highlights and discussion points of this episode are:Dispensationalism: a theology of separation and escape. Dispensationalism separates the kingdom from the church, the Old Testament from the New Testament, the spiritual from the material, and the culture from Christianity. It also expects the world to get worse and worse until Christ returns, and thus fosters a mindset of escapism and defeatism among Christians.Postmillennialism: a theology of transformation and victory. Postmillennialism affirms the continuity and fulfillment of the Old Testament in the New Testament, the integration of the spiritual and the material, and the relevance and application of Christianity to culture. It also anticipates the world to get better and better as the gospel spreads and the kingdom grows, and thus inspires a mindset of transformation and victory among Christians.Christian nationalism: a biblical mandate and a historical reality. Christian nationalism is not a political ideology or a cultural preference, but a biblical mandate and a historical reality. It is the recognition and declaration that Christ is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and that every nation and every sphere of life is under his authority and must submit to his law. It is also the acknowledgment and appreciation of the Christian heritage and influence that shaped the founding and development of America and other nations.Cultural engagement: a faithful witness and a fruitful work. Cultural engagement is not a worldly distraction or a carnal ambition, but a faithful witness and a fruitful work. It is the demonstration and proclamation of the gospel and the kingdom in every area of society, such as politics, education, arts, media, etc. It is also the application and implementation of the biblical principles and values that lead to the flourishing and blessing of humanity and creation.Resources:Original YouTube Broadcast: Episode 52 of "City of God" ( Video, "On Earth as it is in Heaven" ( mentioned by David Bibee as a good resource to find out more about Postmillenialism.If you enjoyed this episode and want to support Kingdom Polemics, please visit our "Buy Me A Coffee" webpage ( and consider making a donation to help us produce more quality content. You can also leave your comments and feedback on our YouTube page: Thank you for listening and stay tuned for more episodes of Kingdom Polemics.
Second Commandment Is Not Secondary
Jan 17 2024
Second Commandment Is Not Secondary
In this episode of Kingdom Polemics, host Aldo Leon provides an introduction to a rebroadcast of The Westminster Standard (, hosted by Ryan Biese. Pastor Biese invites four ministers to discuss the historic Protestant view of the second commandment and its implications for the use of images of Christ in worship and education. The panelists are Dr. T. David Gordon, George Sayour, Andrew Smyth, and Aldo Leon. They explore the biblical, theological, and confessional grounds for rejecting any representation of God or any of the three persons of the Trinity, as well as the pastoral and practical challenges of living in an image-saturated culture. They also share their insights and experiences on how to shepherd congregations and families to honor God's will in this matter.Some of the highlights and discussion points of this episode are:The importance of maintaining the creator-creature distinction and the regulative principle of worship as the foundation of the reformed faith.The significance of the Genesis account and the incarnation of Christ for understanding God's self-revelation and his exclusive authority to make his image.The difference between the apocalyptic imagery of Revelation and the historical narrative of the Gospels, and why the former does not justify making mental or physical images of Christ.The role of the sacraments as God's condescension to our weakness and crudeness, and his provision of visible signs and seals of his grace.The influence of the development of the camera and the photograph on the culture and the church, and the need to resist the idolatrous tendencies of our fallen nature.The benefits of the living preaching of the word and the faithful administration of the sacraments for the strengthening and confirmation of our faith.The original broadcast, "Loving the Second Commandment," may be viewed on YouTube ( you enjoyed this episode and want to support Kingdom Polemics, please consider buying us a coffee at Your donation will help us cover the costs of producing and hosting this podcast, and enable us to continue to provide you with edifying and engaging content. You can also leave your comments and feedback on our YouTube page at We would love to hear from you and interact with you on the topics we discuss. Thank you for listening.
Officer Training on WCF Chapter 19
Jan 11 2024
Officer Training on WCF Chapter 19
In this episode, Aldo Leon, the host of Kingdom Polemics, teaches on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 19 (, which deals with the law of God and its use for mankind. He explains the difference between the moral, ceremonial, and judicial laws, and how they apply to all people in all times. He also challenges some common misconceptions and errors regarding the law of God, such as antinomianism, theonomy, and natural law. He shows how the law of God reveals the holy nature and will of God, convicts us of our sin and misery, and points us to Christ and his obedience. He also argues that the law of God is a rule of life for believers, and a means of restraining evil and promoting righteousness in society.Some of the highlights and discussion points of this episode are:The 10 commandments are creational and universal, not just for Israel or the church.The ceremonial and judicial laws have expired, except for the general equity thereof, which means the moral principles that are binding on all nations.The punishments of the judicial laws are not necessarily the same for all times and places, but they indicate the severity of the crimes and the justice of God.The law of God is not bad or abolished in the gospel, but rather strengthened and fulfilled by Christ.The law of God informs us of our duty, directs and binds us to walk accordingly, humbles us in the sense of our sin, and helps us to see our need of Christ and his perfection.The law of God restrains our corruption and forbids sin, and also serves as a tutor to bring us to Christ.The law of God is not arbitrary or subjective, but based on the authority and character of God the Creator and King.The law of God is not contrary to grace or love, but rather expresses the love of God and guides us to love God and our neighbor.If you enjoyed this episode and want to support Kingdom Polemics, please consider buying us a coffee at Your donation will help us to produce more quality content and reach more people with the truth of God's word. You can also leave your comments and feedback on our YouTube page at We would love to hear from you and interact with your questions and thoughts. Thank you for listening.
The Westminster Divines vs The Theonomists
Jan 6 2024
The Westminster Divines vs The Theonomists
In this episode, Aldo Leon, the host of Kingdom Polemics, explores the differences between theonomy and Westminster theology. He argues that theonomy is incompatible with the classic theism, covenantalism, and law distinctions of the Westminster divines. He also critiques the social trinitarianism, monocoventalism, and judicial moralism of the theonomists. He challenges the listeners to examine the sources, systems, and streams of their theology and to be faithful to the confessional standards of the Reformed faith.Some of the highlights and discussion points of this episode are:Theonomy and Social Trinitarianism: Aldo explains how the theonomists have a relational view of God that blurs the oneness and simplicity of God, the distinction between the intra and extra Trinitarian actions, and the distinction between the Creator and the creature. He shows how this view leads to a social and political obsession and a denial of the classic doctrine of God.Theonomy and Monocovenantalism: Aldo exposes how the theonomists deny the covenant of works in creation and collapse the covenant of grace into the covenant of creation. He shows how this view leads to a loss of imputation, merit, and justification by faith alone. He also shows how this view leads to a confusion of the penalties and purposes of the law of God.Theonomy and Judicial Moralism: Aldo demonstrates how the theonomists fail to distinguish between the moral and judicial aspects of the law of God. He shows how this view leads to a judaizing and pharisaical tendency and a disregard for the general equity principle. He also shows how this view leads to a violation of the second commandment and a softness on idolatry and false religion.Pastor Aldo is providing the following links for further study and investigation on this topic: you enjoyed this episode and want to support Kingdom Polemics, please visit our Buy Me A Coffee webpage ( and make a donation. You can also leave your comments and feedback on our YouTube page: Thank you for listening and stay tuned for the next episode of Kingdom Polemics.
Mohler's Christian Nationalism
Jan 1 2024
Mohler's Christian Nationalism
In this episode of Kingdom Polemics, host Aldo Leon interacts with Al Mohler's discussion on Christian nationalism and the role of the church in society. Leon, a Presbyterian pastor and theologian, agrees with some of Mohler's points, but also challenges his Baptist perspective on the relationship between the first and second table of the law, the confessional state, and the covenantal worldview. Leon argues that the Christian worldview is both the foundation and the threat of the American constitutional system, and that Christians should seek to influence the society with the whole counsel of God, both natural and revealed.Some of the highlights or discussion points of this episode are:The primary, secondary, and tertiary effects of the gospel on the church and the worldThe difference between external and doxological obedience to the ten commandmentsThe problem of unhinging Protestantism from covenantal confessionalismThe use of both Scripture and creation order arguments in public policyThe public role of the church and the preaching of the word of God to the larger worldIf you enjoyed this episode and want to support Kingdom Polemics, please consider buying us a coffee at Your donation will help us to produce more content and reach more people with the truth of God's word. You can also leave your comments and feedback on our YouTube page at We would love to hear from you and interact with your questions and thoughts. Thank you for listening and stay tuned for the next episode of Kingdom Polemics.
DeYoung, VanDrunen, and the Decalogue
Dec 29 2023
DeYoung, VanDrunen, and the Decalogue
In this episode, Pastor Aldo Leon interacts with a conversation between Kevin DeYoung and David VanDrunen on the book Politics After Christendom, written by VanDrunen. Pastor Aldo challenges some of the claims and arguments made by the author, especially regarding the nature and role of the Noahic covenant in political theology. He also offers a different perspective that is more consistent with Reformed covenant theology and the Westminster standards. Some of the topics discussed in this episode are:The distinction between common grace and saving grace, and how they relate to the civil government and the church.The continuity and discontinuity between the Noahic covenant and the other biblical covenants, and how they reveal God's redemptive plan for his people and his creation.The implications of baptizing uneducated or untrained adults, and the problems of congregationalism and diversity within the Baptist tradition.The importance of reading the Noahic covenant in light of the whole Scripture, and not isolating it from the rest of covenantal history.The legitimacy and accountability of civil magistrates, and the need for Christian involvement and influence in the political sphere.Note: There are parts of this video-interact broadcast that have been skipped, sped up, reduced in volume or cut due to audio issues or brevity for the benefit of the listener. The full video is available for public viewing at: you enjoyed this episode of Kingdom Polemics, please consider supporting the podcast by contributing to our "Buy me a Coffee" page ( Your support will help KP continue to produce high-quality content that engages with important theological and cultural issues from a Reformed perspective. Additionally, if you have any feedback, questions, or comments about this episode or any other episode of Kingdom Polemics, please leave them on our YouTube channel ( We would love to hear from you and engage with you in a constructive and respectful manner.Thank you for listening and supporting Kingdom Polemics!
1646 Presby vs 2023 Presby
Dec 20 2023
1646 Presby vs 2023 Presby
In this episode of Kingdom Polemics, your host Aldo Leon offers insightful commentary on a recent Presbycast podcast episode titled "Surviving Thanksgiving...and Prepping for 2024" (, featuring guests Dr. R. Scott Clark, Job Dalomba, and Mayor Sean. Aldo delves into the discussion, addressing the critique of Christian nationalism and Presbycast's reluctance to engage in certain conversations. Throughout the episode, he underscores the significance of reformed theology and expresses optimism for the evolution of viewpoints within Presbycast.Key points covered in this episode:Christian Nationalism: Pastor Leon navigates through his differences and alignments on this topic throughout the episode.The Whole Counsel of God: Pastor Leon highlights areas where he believes the conversation lacks a comprehensive understanding.The Role of the Magistrate: Emphasizing the role of government from a reformed perspective, Pastor Leon explores the responsibilities of the magistrate.Right View of Law and Gospel: Pastor Leon elucidates how the correct application of this concept is often misconstrued.Tune in to gain profound insights into the current discourse on Christian nationalism within the Christian community and to hear Pastor Aldo's reformed perspective on this pertinent subject. Don't miss out on this engaging episode that explores the sovereignty of God, the church's role in society, and the responsibilities of Christians in various spheres of life.Are you enjoying Kingdom Polemics? Please help us improve our podcast by supporting each episode. Follow this link: Please support us, leave us a comment or suggestion, a word of encouragement, we appreciate your support!Join the Kingdom Polemics community on our YouTube page at, where you can subscribe, leave comments, and access more thought-provoking content. Additionally, find past episodes of Kingdom Polemics at for a comprehensive exploration of these crucial theological discussions.
Women Teaching Men Outside the Pulpit?
Dec 11 2023
Women Teaching Men Outside the Pulpit?
In this episode, host Aldo Leon discusses a controversial topic in the church: whether women can teach doctrine to men in settings other than the public worship service. He invites Zachary Garris, a pastor and author, to share his perspective and insights from Scripture and the Reformed tradition. They explore the following questions:What do the Westminster Standards say about the role of women in teaching and leading in the church and the family?How do the passages in 1 Corinthians 14 and 1 Timothy 2 relate to each other and to the creation order?What are the dangers of narrow complementarianism and egalitarianism for the church and society?How can we uphold the biblical and confessional view of male headship and female submission in a godly and loving way?This episode is a challenging and edifying conversation that aims to honor God's design for his people and his kingdom. Tune in and join the discussion!Are you enjoying Kingdom Polemics? Please help us improve our podcast by supporting each episode. Follow this link: Please support us, leave us a comment or suggestion, a word of encouragement, we appreciate your support!Join the Kingdom Polemics community on our YouTube page at, where you can subscribe, leave comments, and access more thought-provoking content. Additionally, find past episodes of Kingdom Polemics at for a comprehensive exploration of these crucial theological discussions.
DeYoung and Doug Debate
Dec 7 2023
DeYoung and Doug Debate
In this episode, Aldo Leon reviews and critiques Doug Wilson's YouTube video response to an article written by Kevin DeYoung on the Moscow mood, the cultural and theological project led by Doug Wilson. Leon argues that DeYoung's article is too flattering and weak, and that Wilson's response is narcissistic and evasive. Leon also points out some of the rotten fruits and false teachings of Wilson's ministry, such as:Paedocommunion: Wilson advocates for giving the Lord's Supper to infants and toddlers, which Leon considers a form of baptismal regeneration and a violation of the regulative principle of worship.Muddling First Table Matters: Wilson downplays the importance of doctrinal differences on essential matters of the gospel, such as justification, covenant theology, and the law, and instead focuses on second table issues of sociology and culture.Cult of Personality: Wilson attracts followers who are obsessed with his rhetoric and style, and who are unwilling to criticize or question his authority. He also seeks to associate with credible people from other circles to gain legitimacy and influence.False Ecumenism: Wilson invites people from various backgrounds and traditions, such as Anglicans, Roman Catholics, and Greek Orthodox, to join his denomination and his Christendom project, without requiring them to adhere to the Reformed confessions or standards.Leon challenges Wilson to be more faithful to the Reformed faith and to repent of his errors and sins. He also warns Christians to be discerning and not to be deceived by Wilson's worldly appeal and mood.Are you enjoying Kingdom Polemics? Please help us improve our podcast by supporting each episode. Follow this link: Please support us, leave us a comment or suggestion, a word of encouragement, we appreciate your support!Join the Kingdom Polemics community on our YouTube page at, where you can subscribe, leave comments, and access more thought-provoking content. Additionally, find past episodes of Kingdom Polemics at for a comprehensive exploration of these crucial theological discussions.
Ethical Issues with Law or Gospel Theology
Dec 4 2023
Ethical Issues with Law or Gospel Theology
In this episode, host Aldo Leon discusses how the law or gospel paradigm, popularized by some Reformed theologians, can lead to ethical problems and biblical distortions. He argues that this paradigm is not faithful to the Reformed tradition or the Scripture, and that it fails to account for the complexity and diversity of the law and the gospel in their various senses and uses. He interacts with some tweets by R. Scott Clark, a prominent proponent of this paradigm, and shows how they are inconsistent and problematic. He also quotes from some Reformed sources, such as Burgess, Owen, and Calvin, to demonstrate how they understood the law and the gospel in a more nuanced and balanced way. He concludes by warning against the Tarantino tendencies of the law or gospel spirituality, and calling for a more holistic and ethical approach to the Christian life.Some of the topics covered in this episode are:The law or gospel duality: How some theologians reduce everything to a law or gospel issue, and why this is not biblical or helpful.The law and the gospel: How the law and the gospel are both related and distinct, and how they have different senses and uses in Scripture and in the Christian life.The law or gospel spirituality: How this paradigm affects the way we read the Bible, apply the law, understand the gospel, and relate to God and others.The law and the gospel sanctification: How the law and the gospel both sanctify us in the covenant of grace, and how we need both the promises and the commands of God.Are you enjoying Kingdom Polemics? Please help us improve our podcast by supporting each episode. Follow this link: Please support us, leave us a comment or suggestion, a word of encouragement, we appreciate your support!Join the Kingdom Polemics community on our YouTube page at, where you can subscribe, leave comments, and access more thought-provoking content. Additionally, find past episodes of Kingdom Polemics at for a comprehensive exploration of these crucial theological discussions.