History for Atheists

Tim O'Neill

Atheist activism has a serious history problem. In the History for Atheists podcast, history writer Tim O'Neill tries to correct the misconceptions many of his fellow atheists have about history and debunks some common myths and fringe ideas about religious history generally. read less


Derek Lambert Interview - Jesus Mythicism
Jan 24 2022
Derek Lambert Interview - Jesus Mythicism
My guest today is Derek Lambert, the presenter of the excellent Mythvision video channel. Derek has been kind enough to have me on his channel several times over the last two years to discuss atheist bad history in general and Jesus Mythicism in particular. But today we are going to hear from Derek about his very interesting personal journey regarding his thoughts and conclusions about the historical Jesus. As he’ll detail for us, Derek began as a fundamentalist Christian, lost his belief, became an atheist and also became a Jesus Mythicist, coming to believe that there was no historical Jesus at all. But Derek displays an interesting combination of rigorous examination of the evidence, intellectual honesty and a remarkable open-mindedness. So he is always open to other people’s views, generous in consideration of alternatives and unstinting in following where the evidence seems to lead.As a result of listening to and engaging with a wide range of scholars, Derek has come to reject Mythicism and now concludes that a historical Jesus most likely existed. And I was surprised and rather flattered to discover during our conversation that my articles on History for Atheists had something to do with this transition. We also discuss why he found Mythicism appealing and why he feels this fringe idea has a hold on many atheists despite being rejected by almost all scholars.So please enjoy my fascinating conversation with the always enthusiastic, upbeat and very interesting Derek Lambert.https://mythvisionpodcast.com/https://historyforatheists.com/jesus-mythicism/
Thony Christie Interview - The Galileo Affair Part 3
Jul 31 2021
Thony Christie Interview - The Galileo Affair Part 3
My guest today is the historian of science, Thony Christie. Thony is an independent scholar based in Germany who also the author of the superb Renaissance Mathematicus blog.  His knowledge of the history of Early Modern science is vast and so he is the perfect person to give us a detailed overview of what happened and, more importantly, what did not happen in the dispute between Galileo and the Catholic Church. Thony and I spoke for almost two and a half hours on this subject, so I’ve edited our conversation into three parts of about 50 minutes each.In this the third and final part of our conversation we get to the climax of the story of Galileo: the 1632 publication of his book Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems and his resulting trial before the Roman Inquisition. Thony's detailed, 52 part series of articles on the beginnings of modern astronomy is also a great resource: “The Emergence of Modern Astronomy – A Complex Mosaic”. And Thony has also provided an extensive recommended reading list. Finally, here is the translation of Cardinal Bellarmino's "Letter to Foscarini" which we discuss in our conversation and which is crucial for an understanding of the critical issues of the Church's approach to science and to the interpretation of the Bible. Finally, here is the translation of Cardinal Bellarmino's "Letter to Foscarini" which we discuss in our conversation and which is crucial for an understanding of the critical issues of the Church's approach to science and to the interpretation of the Bible.