Your’s Truly - A CONVERSANT SAMVAADI . . .

MUMBAI SERIAL BOMBINGS : UNRAVELLING DARK SHADOWS OF 1993 Hello Listeners, Welcome to My Podcast Series : General Introduction : - [For all Episodes] On the 12th of March, 1993, the City of Mumbai, popularly perceived as the MAYANAGRI or THE CITY OF DREAMS, witnessed one of the deadliest terror attacks in Indian history. The coordinated bombings across the city claimed the lives of 257 citizens and injured over 700 others. The Mumbai blasts of 1993 were a turning point for India and they changed the way this country perceived terrorism. In this podcast, we will delve deep into the daily life of the Mumbaikars, the events that led to the bombings, the aftermath, and the impact they had on the city and the country as a whole. In the course of our coverage of events, we endeavor to get to stories that happened in and around the events of those dreadful days and will also try to figure out how, this City of Dreams could have avoided, what happened and faced it in a much better way. The City of Dreams is the Economic Capital of India and thus is a sore point in the eye of our adversaries. We intend to prepare our listeners to identify and recognize the signs of unrest, understand what happens in conflicting situations, and how to maturely act & contribute at such times to uphold and restore law & order and face the events bravely and with intelligence, in case they do happen again. [PARTING NOTE - THIS PODCAST IS A PRAGMATIC DISCUSSION OF EVENTS (AROUND 12TH MARCH 1993), THAT HAD HAPPENED ABOUT THIRTY YEARS AGO, AND WHAT ALL HAPPENED IN TIME, THAT HAS GONE BY . . . ] I hope you enjoy listening to every word of it ! ! ! Do pen your feedback - rajeev193jmc@gmail.com . read less
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