FirstAdam: A Transparent Podcast for Men

JB & Andy

Most men struggle with the same issues. The problem is we feel alone. FirstAdam is about men talking honestly about the struggles we have and how we try to deal with them. Maybe you can relate or you feel alone, numb, and are struggling. Join us as we talk openly and honestly about it. You just might find hope. read less
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5 ways not to commit
May 24 2024
5 ways not to commit
How many people have ever heard of Eddie Collins? Not someone most people are familiar with. But his stats are amazing. He was committed to the game. Collins ranks 11th in the major leagues for most hits of all time with 3,315, and 7th for most stolen bases of all time with 745. He is one of five players to steal six bases in a game, and the only person to do so twice. To date, Collins is the only major league player to play for two teams for at least 12 seasons each. Upon his retirement, he ranked second in major league history in career games (2,826), walks (1,499) and stolen bases (744), third in runs scored (1,821), fourth in hits (3,315) and at bats (9,949), sixth in on-base percentage (.424), and eighth in total bases (4,268); he was also fourth in AL history in triples (187). But Eddie Collins holds an incredible record that was established in 1930. He has held this record for almost 100 years. Eddie holds the record for the most sacrifice bunts in the history of baseball. 512 sacrifice bunts. No one has even come close to breaking it. Eddie knew something that most men don't. There is victory when you are committed to sacrifice. But you have to be committed to it. Eddie was committed to sacrifice. As a matter of fact, he won 6 World Series championships. Let me ask you a simple question. Do you commit or do you quit? Most men look for the easy way out when things get hard. Marriage is tough...divorce. Kids a hard...withdraw. Work is rough...look for a new job. Relationships are painful..isolate. Church is truthful... find something else that's not so I feel better. The idea of sacrifice and commitment is a foreign concept in a "ME" culture. Especially when things get hard. In this episode, we talk about "5 things to do" if you don't want to be committed to something. Join us as we talk about what it means to handle hard better through a commitment to sacrifice.
Apr 30 2024
Pressure pushin' down on me Pressin' down on you, no man ask for Under pressure that brings a building down. - Davie Bowie & Queen  What is pressure: it's a force exerted on or against an object.   Every man feels this. Pressure robs us of life.  There is a simple question for every man has to ask.  How does the pressure of keeping it all going affect me.   Pressure can mess with the psychology of a man. Check out the symptoms:   Overwhelmed:  How many of us feel swamped by the responsibilities at hand, feeling like there’s too much to handle within too little time? Anxiety: How many men are constantly worried about potential outcomes, often anticipating negative results? Stress: Pressure affects our mood and behavior. Many men display irritability, mood swings, or anger. Fear of Failure: We suffer from the dread of not meeting expectations—whether one's own or those of others. So how do we deal with the pressure we face as men? Withdrawal: We withdraw from social interactions and find ourselves alone. Procrastination: Ironically, the feeling of pressure leads to procrastination as a way of avoiding the stress of dealing with the issues.  On this episode, we are joined by a couple of guests and we listen to a story of a pastor who under the pressure of life, found himself sitting at a counter with a gun in his hand ready to escape the PRESSURE.  Hear the story and DISCOVER THE LIE that men must carry it all.   Every man feels it, the question is, how do you deal with it?
Love Boat
Feb 1 2024
Love Boat
Growing up I used to watch the "Love Boat". Awesome show. The theme song was even better. Check it out. (and I know you will actually be singing it as you read it:) ) Love boat Love, exciting and new Come aboard. we're expecting you. Love, life's sweetest reward. Let it flow, it floats back to you. I remember when I first fell in love with my wife. It was the sweetest reward. It was exciting and new. We would talk on the phone and when it was time to say good-bye, each one of us would pretend to hang up...but really we were still wanting to extend the conversation. You hang up, no you hang up. Or we would go out of our way to make something for each other. I remember making the most amazing mix tape. (yes an actual tape, shows my age). First love, it touches places in our soul that are unique. First love is often described as a unique and unforgettable experience characterized by intense emotions, excitement, and a sense of discovery. First love can also be a time of vulnerability and growth as we learn to navigate the ups and downs of relationships. The emotions associated with first love can be incredibly intense and all-encompassing. From the thrill of infatuation to the depths of longing and desire, we may feel a rollercoaster of emotions as we explore our feelings. But let's be honest after a while familiarity and routine bring forth complacency and we lose the feelings. What we once did for our "First Love" is forgotten. We start to think what have they done for me lately. Join us this episode as we talk about First Love. How to return to your First Love for God and your spouse, the advice is the same. JB's Recipe:
Is it a Wonderful Life?
Dec 19 2023
Is it a Wonderful Life?
Is it a wonderful life? One of the most popular Christmas movies details the struggle that all men have. Do I make a difference? At the core of every man, he contemplates that question. Does my life matter? Would others be better without me? In the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" George Bailey asks those very questions. But what is really interesting is the actor who played George Baily struggled with those questions. Jimmy Stewart was an accomplished actor, US Army Captain, A combat pilot during the war, and a Princeton University graduate in Architecture. Yet when he returned to the US in August 1945, Stewart was a changed man. He had lost so much weight that he looked sickly. He rarely slept, and when he did he had nightmares of planes exploding and men falling through the air screaming (in one mission alone his unit had lost 13 planes and 130 men, most of whom he knew personally). He was depressed, couldn’t focus, and refused to talk to anyone about his war experiences. His acting career was all but over. It's a Wonderful Life was a terribly difficult movie for him to make because he was personally dealing with the core plot of the movie. Do I matter? Does my life count for anything? Join us this episode as we talk about the lies we believe and what stops us from having a wonderful life. John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Do you have a wonderful life?
The Day After
Sep 13 2023
The Day After
The Day After... You went on a retreat, or a vacation, or took sometime away, and now you have to face your life again. The same pressures, problems, and circumstances are still there. Sometimes it's hard to get back to life. The day after can be difficult. Life starts back up again. And to be honest, coming down from the mountain is always difficult. But remember, although the situation or problems are the same, you are NOT. Many times we go from the Mountain top right into the Valley. We go from an extreme spiritual high or connectivity with God to a devastating time of distress and discouragement. 1. When you are on the mountain you can forget about your problems for a while. 2. When you are on the mountain you can see Jesus 3. When you are on the mountain you can hear from God Unfortunately, we must come off that mountain. Let me say this before we go any further: 1. When you are in the valley you can endure your problems. 2. When you are in the valley you can still see Jesus. 3. When you are in the valley you can still hear from God But the most important reminder is Jesus Came Down from the Mountain also. Matthew 8:1 “When Jesus came down from the mountain, large crowds followed him.” The retreat or vacation is meant to refresh your perspective and reestablish your position. Join us this week as we talk about The Day After. How we get back to life after a great retreat. For the next 6 weeks you can join us live on zoom at 7:00 Arizona Time. Come be a part of the conversation. Zoom Link: