Be Inspired Mama

Dr. Melissa Sonners

The Be Inspired Mama Podcast is a community for women who are ready to transform struggles into victories by taking action. I’m on a mission to help moms get unstuck so they can positively impact generations of children to come. On this show I will interview top-notch health & wellness experts to give you the best holistic tools and strategies for living a vibrant life. Prepare to be inspired! read less


The 3 Most Powerful Tools To Upgrade Your Life (And A Few Things To Ditch) w/Ben Azadi | Ep 51
The 3 Most Powerful Tools To Upgrade Your Life (And A Few Things To Ditch) w/Ben Azadi | Ep 51
Sit down with Ben Azadi, a leading expert in the natural health space, and learn about the most important three tools to add into your life, and the three most important things to ditch from your life, in order to optimize your health and wellness.  Ben has over 16 years of experience in the health industry, and he's the author of four best-selling books, including his latest Keto Flex. Ben has been the go-to source for intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet since 2013. He is known as 'The Health Detective' because he investigates dysfunction and he educates, not medicates, to bring the body back to normal function. Ben is the founder of Keto Kamp; a global brand bringing awareness to ancient healing strategies such as the keto diet and fasting. So if you’re ready to optimize your health and feel better in your mind, body, and soul, this episode is for you!  RESOURCES: ▶︎ Elevate your life and join my FREE Best Friends Book Club! ▶︎ Tony Robbins’ 3-minute gratitude practice CONNECT WITH BEN: ▶︎ Website ▶︎ Instagram ▶︎ LinkedIn ▶︎ Facebook ▶︎ YouTube ▶︎ TikTok ▶︎ Podcast **************** If you’re not getting my emails, make sure you head over here and sign up! I’ll share goodies you can’t get anywhere else, so you’re missing out if you’re not on the list!  If you enjoyed this episode, would you please leave a review on whatever platform you use for podcasts? It really helps spread the word and inspire other moms. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me. Thank you! Follow Dr. Melissa: ▶︎ YouTube ▶︎ Facebook ▶︎ Instagram ▶︎ TikTok ▶︎ Website Episode webpage: --- Send in a voice message:
Be Afraid And Do It Anyway! w/Melanie Hunter | Ep 49
May 9 2024
Be Afraid And Do It Anyway! w/Melanie Hunter | Ep 49
Fear prevents so many of us from living the life of our dreams.   In this episode I sit down with my friend Melanie Hunter as we explore the beauty and the best of relationships, motherhood, taking risks and the power of enhancing our relationships (including our relationship with ourselves).   Melanie is a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant, Founder of alii Supplement, Breathwork instructor, and mother to three boys. She is a seeker who strives to live life to its fullest. She believes that true health comes when the body, mind, and spirit are in alignment. Her mission is to educate & empower others to take control of their health and to do everything with love.  We talk about all the things, from being “just a mom” and why we think of it that way, to the importance of spending time with yourself and getting to know yourself and the effect that that can have on enhancing all of our relationships; to the realities and challenges of actually being brave enough to follow our dreams and follow our heart and what that can actually look like, as well as what we can come up against in the process, and how she pushes through those challenges. So grab your favorite drink, pull up a chair or put on your walking shoes and listen to this episode filled with love, growth, bravery, and wellness from the inside out! CONNECT WITH MELANIE: 🔗 Follow Melanie on IG: @holistic_health_with_mel 🔗 Melanie’s website: 🔗 Follow alii Supplements on IG: @aliisupplement  🔗 alii Supplements website: **************** If you’re not getting my emails, make sure you head over here and sign up! I’ll share goodies you can’t get anywhere else, so you’re missing out if you’re not on the list!  If you enjoyed this episode, would you please leave a review on whatever platform you use for podcasts? It really helps spread the word and inspire other moms. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me. Thank you! Follow Dr. Melissa: ▶︎ YouTube ▶︎ Facebook ▶︎ Instagram ▶︎ TikTok ▶︎ WebsiteEpisode webpage: --- Send in a voice message:
Small Changes, Big Impact: The Compound Effect of Daily Habits | Ep 48
Apr 25 2024
Small Changes, Big Impact: The Compound Effect of Daily Habits | Ep 48
Are your habits working FOR you or AGAINST you?  Your habits compound over time, and it’s up to you to make sure they’re working in your favor.  I know it can seem overwhelming to create a new habit and/or change a bad habit. But you can take small steps and make small, incremental tweaks, and over time those will compound into huge, lasting change. We recently read the book Atomic Habits by James Clear in the Best Friends Book Nook (my online book club for women).  Normally I share my key takeaways in the book club. But this book is so transformative, I wanted to share the best points with everyone so you can take these and implement them into your life right away. So if you’re in a season where it’s tough to find the time to read a book, I’ve got you! Grab a tasty beverage, a notebook, and let’s talk about how you can make small changes that have a huge impact on your life.  RESOURCES: ▶︎ Join my FREE book club for women ▶︎ Habits Score Card ▶︎ Apply these ideas to parenting **************** If you’re not getting my emails, make sure you head over here and sign up! I’ll share goodies you can’t get anywhere else, so you’re missing out if you’re not on the list!  If you enjoyed this episode, would you please leave a review on whatever platform you use for podcasts? It really helps spread the word and inspire other moms. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me. Thank you! Follow Dr. Melissa: ▶︎ YouTube ▶︎ Facebook ▶︎ Instagram ▶︎ TikTok ▶︎ Website Episode webpage: --- Send in a voice message:
Beat Burn Out With These 5 Steps | Ep 47
Apr 11 2024
Beat Burn Out With These 5 Steps | Ep 47
How many women out there feel depleted, exhausted, and overwhelmed by the end of the day, only to then realize that you soon have to go to bed and repeat it all again the next day. This happens to so many of us because, as women, we naturally put the needs of everyone else before our own, and don’t carve out time or space to take care of ourselves.  The problem is that you actually DO have time to take better care of yourself, but you’re likely filling these moments with things that do NOTHING for your soul. Things like scrolling social media, checking emails, or catching up on the many things you “should” be doing.  The key is developing a personalized plan for YOU so that you can fill these pockets of time with things that bring you joy and energy.  Now you might be thinking “Melissa, I don’t have time for self-care.” I hear you…but true self-care does NOT have to take much time!  If you can carve out 5 minutes every single day (and I know you can!), you can use what I call the Connection Code to fill your cup and stop ending your days on empty.  In this episode I’m going to break down the Connection Code, and help you make 5 minutes feel like you spent hours taking care of yourself.  RESOURCES: ▶︎ Get your FREE Connection Code Worksheet ▶︎ The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing by Bronnie Ware **************** If you’re not getting my emails, make sure you head over here and sign up! I’ll share goodies you can’t get anywhere else, so you’re missing out if you’re not on the list!  If you enjoyed this episode, would you please leave a review on whatever platform you use for podcasts? It really helps spread the word and inspire other moms. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me. Thank you! Follow Dr. Melissa: ▶︎ YouTube ▶︎ Facebook ▶︎ Instagram ▶︎ TikTok ▶︎ WebsiteEpisode webpage: --- Send in a voice message:
Not sleeping? Try this! w/Sleep Expert Mollie Eastman | Ep 46
Mar 28 2024
Not sleeping? Try this! w/Sleep Expert Mollie Eastman | Ep 46
If you’re having trouble with sleep…whether it’s hard to fall asleep, you wake up a lot, or just don’t feel rested the next day, it’s so common these days for people to struggle with sleep.  Why is that, and what can we do about it? In this episode I get to interview Mollie Eastman, creator of Sleep Is A Skill and the host of the Sleep Is A Skill Podcast, and we’re going to dive into all things sleep.  So if that’s you and you struggle with sleep, or you’re looking to optimize and maximize your sleep, this episode is for you! We are going to discuss things that get in the way of good sleep, as well as tips and tools that you can apply amidst your “real life” where you can't do everything perfectly or control every scenario. Even if you think good sleep just isn’t possible for you, Mollie says differently! As someone who always struggled with sleep and thought that’s how it will always be, she understands first-hand how challenging this can be.  But after years of research and a lot of trial and error, Mollie has drastically improved her own sleep, as well as the sleep of so many others. There are many things the average person can do to influence their sleep results, and good sleep IS possible for you! So if you’re ready to learn about the science of sleep and how good sleep is actually a skill that you can develop, let’s dive in!  RESOURCES: ▶︎ My favorite red light device (use code HBOTUSA5 for a discount!) ▶︎ Oura ring (for tracking & optimizing your sleep) ▶︎ Red light pen ▶︎ Mollie’s 8-Week “Optimize Your Sleep” Program ▶︎ Somnee; a wearable device that helps you sleep better. ▶︎ Melatonin (use code HBOTUSA for a discount!) ▶︎ Gaba + L-Theanine (use code HBOTUSA for a discount!) ▶︎ Lucy nicotine gum CONNECT WITH MOLLIE: ▶︎ Website ▶︎ Podcast ▶︎ YouTube ▶︎ Instagram ▶︎ Facebook ▶︎ TikTok **************** If you’re not getting my emails, make sure you head over here and sign up! I’ll share goodies you can’t get anywhere else, so you’re missing out if you’re not on the list!  If you enjoyed this episode, would you please leave a review on whatever platform you use for podcasts? It really helps spread the word and inspire other moms. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me. Thank you! Follow Dr. Melissa: ▶︎ YouTube ▶︎ Facebook ▶︎ Instagram ▶︎ TikTok ▶︎ WebsiteEpisode webpage: --- Send in a voice message:
Reinventing Yourself As A Woman | Ep 45
Mar 14 2024
Reinventing Yourself As A Woman | Ep 45
Do you ever feel selfish for wanting to take better care of yourself?  If you’re like a lot of women I know, you probably often take care of everyone else first, neglecting your own needs and desires.  I don’t know about you, but this is my default mode, and it’s EXHAUSTING! And if you’re like me and the other women I talk to, you may also feel guilty at times for even WANTING something more or better. Maybe your life isn’t all that bad, but there’s still a longing for something more, like there’s something else for you out there. Whether you’re aware of it or not, women all have this inner voice, this inner self that talks to us throughout the day. And over time, for whatever reason many of us have stopped listening to her.  In this episode, I'm going to teach you how to tap into that inner knowing and listen to what it's saying.  We’ll also learn how to take action on what comes up for you and REINVENT yourself as a woman to become more balanced, happy, joyful, and fulfilled.  By taking time to tap into this inner guidance & intuition and actually DOING what lights your soul on fire, you’ll be better able to show up as your best self in all areas of your life.  You DESERVE to carve this time out for yourself, to create the life you want. Recognize that it's okay to love your life and be happy with the roles that you play in it AND know that there's more out there for you! RESOURCES: ▶︎ Episode 43 on reconnecting with your inner self ▶︎ Try my FREE Magical Mornings 5-Day Challenge ▶︎ The BEST red light option ▶︎ Amber book light ▶︎ Join my FREE Book Club (enter your info in the pop-up window) **************** If you’re not getting my emails, make sure you head over here and sign up! I’ll share goodies you can’t get anywhere else, so you’re missing out if you’re not on the list!  If you enjoyed this episode, would you please leave a review on whatever platform you use for podcasts? It really helps spread the word and inspire other moms. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me. Thank you! Follow Dr. Melissa: ▶︎ YouTube ▶︎ Facebook ▶︎ Instagram ▶︎ TikTok ▶︎ Website Episode webpage: --- Send in a voice message:
From Rushed to Rejuvenated: Do These 3 Daily Self-Care Practices | Ep 44
Feb 29 2024
From Rushed to Rejuvenated: Do These 3 Daily Self-Care Practices | Ep 44
I don't know about you, but one of my measures for how well I'm taking care of myself is how much I'm triggered, upset, or stressed out by things that happen in the outside environment (like traffic).  Can you relate?  🙋‍♀️ So if you’re a woman running around doing all the things and you absolutely know that you've got to take better care of yourself, but you have no idea how you're going to fit it in because you're doing all the things, this is the video for you.  By the end of this episode, you are going to have three self-care practices that you can do daily. And the best part is, they’re easy, quick, and effortless to implement. In fact, you can even do these things while you're juggling work, tasks around the home, taking care of your children, or any of the other billion things that you do in a day.  I’m a busy mom of three, AND I help run multiple companies. There was a time when my health really suffered and I had to come up with strategies that I could use in my daily life to help make sure I was filling my cup while I was running around doing everything for everybody else. In this episode I'm going to share the three tools that helped me turn things around and transform my life from rushed to rejuvenated. Also, at the end of the episode, I am going to pass along a free gift to you that's going to help you implement these things and get yourself feeling more balanced, peaceful, and experience a state of ease throughout your day. RESOURCES: ▶︎ Try my FREE Magical Mornings 5-Day Challenge ▶︎ Sauna space photon (red) light ▶︎ Join my FREE Book Club (enter your info in the pop-up window) ▶︎ Get my FREE Self-Care Simplified guide **************** If you’re not getting my emails, make sure you head over here and sign up! I’ll share goodies you can’t get anywhere else, so you’re missing out if you’re not on the list!  If you enjoyed this episode, would you please leave a review on whatever platform you use for podcasts? It really helps spread the word and inspire other moms. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me. Thank you! Follow Dr. Melissa: ▶︎ YouTube ▶︎ Facebook ▶︎ Instagram ▶︎ TikTok ▶︎ Website Episode webpage: --- Send in a voice message:
5 Life-Changing Self-Care Hacks | Ep 43
Feb 15 2024
5 Life-Changing Self-Care Hacks | Ep 43
If you are ready to change up your life and make it more fun, enjoyable, and energized, this episode is for you!  What do you think of when you think of SELF-CARE?  Many people picture things like: 🚫 Pedicures 🚫 Bubble baths 🚫 Massages While I’m all for pampering yourself, this is NOT self-care!  In this episode we’re going to walk through a fun, effective, and powerful exercise that completely flips self-care on it’s head and shows you what TRUE self-care is all about.  If you work through this exercise with me and actually put this into practice, it will completely change your life.  It's free, it's fun, and it’s simple. Enjoy! If you'd like help discovering quick and easy ways for you to sneak in TRUE self-care, download my FREE guide (The Connection Code): **************** If you’re not getting my emails, make sure you head over here and sign up! I’ll share goodies you can’t get anywhere else, so you’re missing out if you’re not on the list!  If you enjoyed this episode, would you please leave a review on whatever platform you use for podcasts? It really helps spread the word and inspire other moms. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me. Thank you! Follow Dr. Melissa: YouTube Facebook Instagram TikTok Website Episode webpage: --- Send in a voice message:
NOT Doing This For Ourselves Can Actually Harm Others | Ep 42
Feb 1 2024
NOT Doing This For Ourselves Can Actually Harm Others | Ep 42
Not speaking up for yourself and what you want, need, and believe doesn’t just hurt you, but can hurt other people.  You aren’t doing this to be selfish. It’s actually what enables you to take good care of the people you love. And without it, you’ll crash and burn and usually take others down with you.  Today I want to share a true story with you that illustrates this idea perfectly.  It’s a powerful story that can create a bridge to completely change this for you in those situations where you're faced with either speaking up for yourself or staying quiet.  I hope it will help you pause and remember that it’s not just you and your well-being that’s on the line here, but other’s well-being as well. So it’s not selfish. It’s self-less.  Strengthening this ability will help you start living a life out of your design rather than someone else's. Living a life that we choose rather than one we have to run away and escape from.  So join me in this episode if you’re ready to move from a state of stress, anxiety, feeling spread too thin, and maybe angry, resentful, or lonely, to a state of more ease, calm, balance, and joy in your life.  **************** If you’re not getting my emails, make sure you head over here and sign up! I’ll share goodies you can’t get anywhere else, so you’re missing out if you’re not on the list!  Here are the items or resources we discussed in this episode: Outliers by Malcolm GladwellEp 41 (about the tale of two wolves)TedTalk on body languageBook club (you should see a pop-up where you can join for free!) If you enjoyed this episode, would you please leave a review on whatever platform you use for podcasts? It really helps spread the word and inspire other moms. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me. Thank you! Follow Dr. Melissa: YouTube Facebook Instagram TikTok Website Episode webpage: --- Send in a voice message:
Mastering Your Wolves: A Journey from Anxiety to Peace | Ep 41
Jan 18 2024
Mastering Your Wolves: A Journey from Anxiety to Peace | Ep 41
If you struggle with stress, anxiety, exhaustion, or fear, this episode could be a game changer for you.  I'm going to share a really powerful story and 2 free tools that can help lead you to feeling more balanced, calm, at ease, and in control of your day.  Have you heard of the Tale of Two Wolves? It’s an old Cherokee story that’s laced with powerful wisdom, and we’re going to discuss how it relates to our lives today as busy women.  Find a cozy seat, grab a favorite beverage, and let’s dive in!  Here are the resources we discussed in this episode: Magical mornings Insight Timer meditation app Guided meditations:  Othership app (guided breathwork exercises) Join my free book club. You should see a pop-up with info to join.  If you’re not getting my emails, make sure you head over here and sign up! I’ll share goodies you can’t get anywhere else, so you’re missing out if you’re not on the list!  If you enjoyed this episode, would you please leave a review on whatever platform you use for podcasts? It really helps spread the word and inspire other moms. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me. Thank you! Follow Dr. Melissa: YouTube Facebook Instagram TikTok Website Episode webpage: --- Send in a voice message:
From Burnout to Breakthrough: A Doctor's Guide to Personal Vitality | Ep 40
Jan 4 2024
From Burnout to Breakthrough: A Doctor's Guide to Personal Vitality | Ep 40
If you’re a caretaker in your professional or personal life and have ever hit burnout from putting everyone's needs above your own, this episode is for you! It’s chock full of free, easy resources to get your life back. As a busy mom of three and running multiple businesses, a handful of years ago my physical, mental, and emotional health hit rock bottom. And like most women I hid it from the world, so hardly anyone knew how badly I was suffering.  I realized I needed to come up with ways to get back to myself, and also ensure that this never happened again.  Recently I was able to share these tips and tools with a group of practitioners, doctors, and caretakers at an anti-aging conference in Las Vegas, and this episode is that talk!  I share five simple tools that can change your life, and I'm so excited to share it with you. Enjoy! **************** If you’re not getting my emails, make sure you head over here and sign up! I’ll share goodies you can’t get anywhere else, so you’re missing out if you’re not on the list!  If you enjoyed this episode, would you please leave a review on whatever platform you use for podcasts? It really helps spread the word and inspire other moms. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me. Thank you! Follow Dr. Melissa: YouTube Facebook Instagram TikTok Website Episode webpage: --- Send in a voice message:
Real Self-Care for Busy Women: Taking Care of Yourself in the Midst of a Hectic Life | Ep 39
Dec 21 2023
Real Self-Care for Busy Women: Taking Care of Yourself in the Midst of a Hectic Life | Ep 39
If you’re a busy woman who knows that somehow, someway, you’ve got to get back to taking better care of yourself, this episode is for you!  There’s a lot of fluffy stuff floating around out there about “self-care,” and while some of it may be a form of self-care, there are a lot of practical, quick, and free things you can do that are TRUE forms of self-care and make the biggest impact on how you show up in the world.  In this episode I'm going to share very short, bite sized, tangible take home tips that you can implement into even the busiest of lives that are going to help get you back to feeling like you again.  If that sounds like you, hit play and let’s get started! ________ Here are the previous 3 episodes where we laid the groundwork for this one. If you missed any of those, go back and listen to those first and then come back to this one.  Ep 36: The Journey To Unlock Your Inner Power Starts With THIS Exercise Ep 37: You’re A Human BEING Not A Human DOING: Get Beyond The Rush & Awaken Your Feminine Intuition Ep 38: Doing THIS Fills Your Life With Fun, Play, and Joy **************** If you’re not getting my emails, make sure you head over here and sign up! I’ll share goodies you can’t get anywhere else, so you’re missing out if you’re not on the list!  If you enjoyed this episode, would you please leave a review on whatever platform you use for podcasts? It really helps spread the word and inspire other moms. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me. Thank you! Follow Dr. Melissa: YouTube Facebook Instagram TikTok Website Episode webpage: --- Send in a voice message:
You’re A Human BEING Not A Human DOING: Get Beyond The Rush & Awaken Your Feminine Intuition | Ep 37
Nov 24 2023
You’re A Human BEING Not A Human DOING: Get Beyond The Rush & Awaken Your Feminine Intuition | Ep 37
This next episode is perfect for you if you’re a woman who feels like you’re juggling a bazillion things and have become completely disconnected from yourself.  Perhaps that shows up like if you finally get a spare minute to yourself, you don't even know what to do with it. Or maybe you're so fried that you have no energy to do anything that brings you joy, and so perhaps you're finding yourself just completely sprawled out on the couch or scrolling social media, just completely numb.  In this episode I'm going to walk you through a very simple exercise that will help you start to understand exactly what it is that you need throughout your day.  It’s simple, free, and easy to implement. This is going to lay the groundwork to completely change your life and the way that you show up for yourself, and for everyone around you. Grab your journal, a favorite beverage, and let’s get started! **************** If you’re not getting my emails, make sure you head over here and sign up! I’ll share goodies you can’t get anywhere else, so you’re missing out if you’re not on the list!  Here are the items or resources we discussed in this episode: Ep 34 with Annie Yatch If you enjoyed this episode, would you please leave a review on whatever platform you use for podcasts? It really helps spread the word and inspire other moms. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me. Thank you! Follow Dr. Melissa: YouTubeFacebookInstagramTikTokWebsite Episode webpage: --- Send in a voice message:
The Journey To Unlock Your Inner Power Starts With THIS Exercise | Ep 36
Nov 9 2023
The Journey To Unlock Your Inner Power Starts With THIS Exercise | Ep 36
What if you had a magical ability to get it all done AND feel great at the end of your day? The good news is that you can develop this ability!  If you want to feel more connected and balanced instead of burned out, frustrated, and overwhelmed, here’s the secret…you have to connect with your inner voice.  I know this can seem a little strange at first, but stay with me here.  Learning how to do this has been the biggest game changer I've implemented in the last few years. It’s because of this that I consistently feel more calm and balanced at the end of my day.  So if you want to overcome overwhelm, stress, and worry and feel more balanced, calm, and powerful, then this episode is for you!  I’ll walk you through a simple exercise to begin to connect with your inner voice. Grab a notebook and pen, your favorite beverage, and let’s get started! **************** If you’re not getting my emails, make sure you head over here and sign up! I’ll share goodies you can’t get anywhere else, so you’re missing out if you’re not on the list!  Here are the items or resources we discussed in this episode: Book: The Untethered Soul by Michael A Singer If you enjoyed this episode, would you please leave a review on whatever platform you use for podcasts? It really helps spread the word and inspire other moms. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me. Thank you! Follow Dr. Melissa: YouTube Instagram TikTok Website Episode webpage: --- Send in a voice message:
How To Improve Your Mental Health: Simple Tools & Products You Can Use Daily w/Olivia June Williams | Ep 35
Oct 19 2023
How To Improve Your Mental Health: Simple Tools & Products You Can Use Daily w/Olivia June Williams | Ep 35
If you have ever experienced feelings of depression, anxiety, difficulty focusing, lack of motivation…and let's be honest, who of us hasn't experienced these at some point in our lives…this episode is going to be so chock full of resources for you.  In this episode I got to sit down with Olivia June Williams. Olivia is the co-founder of PYM, the mental hygiene company devoted to making safe, natural, and effective support that replenishes your mental health’s essential nutrients and builds healthy, balanced neurotransmitter function. In addition to co-founding PYM, she founded and leads the App Store award-winning app, “Hey! VINA”, often referred to as the “Tinder for (girl) friends” that has connected millions of women in 158 countries and is backed by NEA, Greylock, and Match Group. She's had some pretty dark tragedies that have happened to her family members, one of which is a household name that we all know…one of our favorite, most beloved actors, and how his tragic passing set her and her husband on a trajectory of creating a product to help impact mental health for the better.  We're going to talk all about neurotransmitters, so you can walk away with a deep understanding of these beautiful chemical messengers that we all have in our brains. We’ll talk about what they do, how we can use them, and what we can do to help them. And I'm so excited for her to share about the products that she and her husband, Zach, created. It’s one of my favorite products. It's natural, it's clean, and it makes your brain feel so good. I love it.  And you're going to love this one.  Enjoy! NOTE: Use code DRSONNERS to get 15% off your PYM order!  Connect with Olivia: Website  App Olivia's Instagram  PYM Instagram Here are the resources we discussed in this episode.  Mood & Attention Chews The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer The Mood Cure by Julia Ross If you enjoyed this episode, would you please leave a review on whatever platform you use for podcasts? It really helps spread the word and inspire other moms. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me. Thank you! Episode webpage: --- Send in a voice message:
Transform Family Chaos To Calm With THIS Powerful Tool (Bonus Episode w/Ginny Luther) | Ep 33
Sep 21 2023
Transform Family Chaos To Calm With THIS Powerful Tool (Bonus Episode w/Ginny Luther) | Ep 33
What’s this powerful tool?  A family meeting! But not just any family meeting will do…a family meeting run THIS way, using master conscious parenting coach Ginny Luther’s approach. And that’s what we’re going to break down in this bonus episode.  We discuss how you can use THIS style of family meetings as a way to solve family problems, foster connection, and help your kids contribute more to the smooth operation of your family instead of creating more chaos and craziness.  I'm so excited for you guys to experience and understand just one of the many tools that Ginny uses to coach parents.  There are some great resource that we've linked to below as well, with all of the steps of the family meeting outlined simply for you. Join us as we walk through the key steps to use this tool to address ANY problem the family is facing, while also creating more connection, love, and joy for your family.  Enjoy! Connect with Ginny: Website Resources Get Ginny’s book, Blue Star Grit⁠Family Meeting GuidelinesFamily Meeting WorksheetBecky Bailey’s Conscious Discipline website If you missed previous episodes with Ginny, you can check them out here: Discipline That Actually Works (Ep 17) Transform Your Parenting By Choosing Connection Over Control (Ep 32) If you enjoyed this episode, would you please leave a review on whatever platform you use for podcasts? It really helps spread the word and inspire other moms. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me. Thank you!Episode webpage: --- Send in a voice message:
Transform Your Parenting By Choosing Connection Over Control w/Ginny Luther (Conscious Parenting Coach) | Ep 32
Sep 7 2023
Transform Your Parenting By Choosing Connection Over Control w/Ginny Luther (Conscious Parenting Coach) | Ep 32
The cost of control is connection. And what children are always seeking is connection. Children will often try to get your attention (in both positive and negative ways) because they’re desiring to connect with you. In this enlightening episode we are joined by Ginny Luther, a master instructor in Conscious Discipline. Ginny shares her deeply personal experiences and transformative insights on the profound power of connection in parenting.  Drawing inspiration from her touching book, "Blue Star Grit," she unpacks the essence of genuine connections with our children, especially when dealing with “difficult” or defiant children.  Key takeaways from the episode include: Understanding Connection: The central theme is the inherent need for connection that every child seeks. While many label children as merely "attention-seeking," Ginny clarifies that gaining attention is a stepping stone to achieve connection. Through this connection, children look for comfort, understanding, and the chance to make sense of their world. Brain Development and Connection: Connection is not just a heartwarming feeling; it is a critical factor in wiring the brain for impulse control, motivation, and self-regulation. By connecting with a child, we facilitate the brain's transition from a reactive state to a more controlled, responsive state. Empathy and Playfulness: Ginny emphasizes that these two elements are vital in building strong, trustworthy bonds. Whether through empathetic interactions during challenging times or playful moments that strengthen relationships, both play crucial roles in nurturing the parent-child bond. The Cost of Control: One of the episode's highlights is the understanding that in the pursuit of control, we often lose out on meaningful connections. The genuine essence of parenting lies in seeking connection rather than exerting control. Join us in this heartwarming journey with Ginny Luther as she underscores the essence and importance of connecting with ourselves, and our kids.   It serves as a reminder for every parent to be truly present, fostering bonds that go beyond mere attention and delve into the heart of genuine, life-altering connections. Enjoy! Connect with Ginny: Website Resources: ⁠Get Ginny’s book, Blue Star Grit⁠ If you missed the previous episode with Ginny, you can check that out here. Want the bonus episode we mentioned? Shoot me a message and I’ll send it to you as soon as it’s ready! If you enjoyed this episode, would you please leave a review on whatever platform you use for podcasts? It really helps spread the word and inspire other moms. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me. Thank you! Episode webpage: --- Send in a voice message: