Oct 15 2023
Sneak Peek of the upcoming Postlude show
Welcome, to this Sneak Peek on the first Monday next month, about my Journey to Science and Fiction. The first of ten episodes are to be released on the November 6th, two thousand and twenty-three. Hello, my name is Andrew Man and I’m an independent author who lives and writes close to one of the largest lakes in Europe. I started my SciFi series over ten years ago, but to understand where this journey to science and fiction comes from - you need to see the link to to my website below. Without giving too much away, the first episode starts with an ‘alien contact’ that takes place near a Caribbean Island at the beginning of the pandemic. Western Governments are able to keep this ‘contact’ secret with the island in lockdown. So, the story starts from around February 2020. With flashbacks and moves back and forward in time to 2030, but remember these events could never happen in 2030, right…! I hope you will enjoy the show, starting on November 6th, 2023. See the complete book series on website: https://www.andrewman.ch/