The Code: A Guide to Health and Human Performance

Dr. Andrew Fix

Welcome to The Code, where we give you the guide to living the ultimate human life. Join host Dr. Andrew Fix as he deep dives into the key areas that drive our health and wellness. You’ll learn about topics such as sleep hygiene, stress management, nutrition, movement, relationships, and more. Listen in as he interviews fitness professionals, athletes, coaches, doctors and other industry experts to hear how they implement these strategies into their own and clients’ lives. If you are ready to crack the code on health and human performance, this show is for you. read less
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122. You Can't Stretch Your Problems Away
6d ago
122. You Can't Stretch Your Problems Away
“Where did this concept come from, that in order to fix our pain, we just need to stretch more?” asks host Dr. Andrew Fix on this episode of The Code, after assessing a number of runners ahead of a major racing day in Colorado. Many athletes who experience joint pain mistakenly think that their problem is a lack of range of motion or tissue mobility—when actually, when they are assessed, they have quite a wide range of mobility, even on the joint experiencing pain. More often than not, Dr. Fix argues, the issue is a lack of strength and control in that joint.    He breaks down the mechanics of movement when playing sports—particularly long distance running—and what leads to the pain we experience even when we stretch, or apply external applications like tape and braces. He explains why increasing our movement habits is important but ultimately won’t home in on the pain, and what you actually need to do to get to the root of the problem.    Humans have evolved to be active on our feet. After this episode, you’ll understand better how to keep moving forward free from pain.    Quotes • “Let’s not just tape your knee, because what we know is, KT tape or rock tape any one of these external things—a knee brace for example—they don’t fix the problem. They can temporarily change symptoms and give you some sensory input.” (2:18 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “In almost every single one of them, on the same side that they had knee pain, we saw either a lack of control or strength in their hip. We had them balance on one foot, it’s really hard. We tested their hip motion, I think a few of them actually had more motion on their “affected” side, the side where they had knee pain. But when we tested their strength, boy, was it lacking. Boy, was it less on the side that they had the knee pain.” (7:08 | Dr. Andrew Fix)  • “It does not take a lot of ‘mobility’ or I should say ‘range of motion’ to go through and do these activities. We have to demonstrate great control and great stability in these small ranges of motion, especially in an activity like running because there’s impact involved.” (9:21 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “If you’re lacking mobility and you’re starting to have symptoms, stretching might be appropriate for you, but you have to do some sort of assessment, some sort of a screening process and look at things and figure out what the actual deficits at play here, the limitations in my body or my training that could be responsible for these symptoms.” (11:50 | Dr. Andrew Fix) Links   SideKick Tool:   Movemate:
Award-Winning Active Standing Board Promo Code: DRA15 15% off   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix 10% off   LMNT:   RAD Roller:   Revogreen   HYDRAGUN   Athletic Brewing: 20% off: 20% off: ANDREWF20     Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by
121. Stop Shoulding Yourself | Dr. Tim Zittle
May 21 2024
121. Stop Shoulding Yourself | Dr. Tim Zittle
“We’re going from a standpoint of structure and pain to more function and dysfunction, which is already a huge leap forward when it comes to chiropractic and really all healthcare,” says Dr. Tim Zittle, chiropractor and founder of TreeHive, which offers nervous system-based chiropractics. Having worked in both physical therapy and chiropractics, two worlds which were long at odds with each other, he draws from both to offer clients a more comprehensive and faster way to heal. On today’s episode of The Code, he talks to host Dr. Andrew Fix about moving away from the “caveman” method of merely popping bones back into place and instead treating the whole body and allowing it to work with its own systems rather than against them.   Stress is the greatest threat to our health, Dr. Tim says. He and Dr. Andrew discuss the benefits of cold exposure, laughter, meditation and pure silence. When we “should” ourselves, Dr. Tim explains, we find ourselves falling short of an ideal blueprint, and he explains how to change your mindset without settling for less than you deserve.    Join the discussion to hear Dr. Tim reveal the two elements every human needs in life  to thrive—and that also inspired the name TreeHive—and the power of proper communication to change the world.   Quotes • “A computer needs parts…it needs power or electricity, and it needs information—it needs an operating system. And when we look at the human body, it needs those same three things: parts, it needs power and fuel, and it needs information. And what we’re really good at in our current healthcare society is we’re really good at parts.” (11:49 | Dr. Tim Zittle) • “It showed me how much of the body compensates for the real issue. And so often we’re going straight to these points of compensation, where we can feel the most pain and we’re trying to cover up the issue without seeing this is the chain reaction, and if we just went and fixed the source, that chain reaction will fix itself and will go away when it doesn’t need to be there anymore.” (17:56 | Dr. Tim Zittle)  • “We’ve really lost the art of being able to sit in silence and just appreciate the silence and the moment for what it is.” (35:52 | Dr. Tim Zittle) • “Most often, when I hear someone use the word ‘should,’ it means there’s a difference between this blueprint of what they believe life needs to look like and what they’re actually experiencing.” (57:45 | Dr. Tim Zittle)    Links Connect with Dr. Tim Zittle: SideKick Tool:   Movemate:
Award-Winning Active Standing Board Promo Code: DRA15 15% off   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix 10% off   LMNT:   RAD Roller:   Revogreen   HYDRAGUN   Athletic Brewing: 20% off: 20% off: ANDREWF20     Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by
120. Live to Play Another Day
May 14 2024
120. Live to Play Another Day
Unstructured play isn’t, and shouldn’t be, just for kids. “We need you, I want you, you need you to go play,” implores host Dr. Andrew Fix on today’s episode of The Code. When we’re little, he explains, we play freely, on a daily basis and, for the most part, without injury. As we get older, and start to play less, we begin to feel more stiff, more achy and less mobile as a result. In the United States, where rates of arthritis and obesity are particularly high, it’s important to start moving your body the way you did as a child.    Dr. Fix recalls a recent trip he took with family, including his young niece and nephew, to the local park. The adults threw themselves into play along with the kids, and it demonstrated an important lesson about strength, coordination and longevity.    Quotes • “As adults, many times we stop playing, we stop doing the things we used to do as kids and then our bodies start to pay the price for that.” (1:28 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “Nothing takes me back to being a kid like throwing the football around. Throwing something. If I’m ever having a bad day, if I’m ever just wanting to clear my mind of things, if I can go outside and play catch with somebody, and throw a ball around, Oh my gosh. It is so therapeutic for me.” (3:18 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “All of us, for the most part, when we’re kids, we do all sorts of stuff. We play, we go do things, we build up an intense sweat, we do this day after day, after day, after day, we’re playing with our friends. And we’re not hurt, we don’t have injuries—we might fall and we might scuff our knee, we might actually hurt something. A kid could fall off the monkey bars and actually injure something—but what I mean is we don’t have these constant day-to-day aches and pains that many of us have now.” (6:04 | Dr. Andrew Fix)  • “Many of us are much weaker now, relative to how big we are, than what we were as kids.” (6:48 | Dr. Andrew Fix)   Links SideKick Tool:   Movemate:
Award-Winning Active Standing Board Promo Code: DRA15 15% off   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix 10% off   LMNT:   RAD Roller:   Revogreen   HYDRAGUN   Athletic Brewing: 20% off: 20% off: ANDREWF20     Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by
119. Run Like a Mother - How to Get Moving and Not Lose Your Family, Job, or Sanity
May 7 2024
119. Run Like a Mother - How to Get Moving and Not Lose Your Family, Job, or Sanity
“Just keep going forward,” says Dimity Davis who, as co-founder of community platform Another Mother Runner and co-author of “Run Like a Mother,” helps women maintain their passion and commitment to running while balancing work and family life. On today’s episode of The Code she’ll talk to host Dr. Andrew Fix about how to carve time out for yourself even when you’re being pulled in many directions. The unpredictability of life with kids is a lot to adjust to for many runners who like the strictness and repetition of a running practice. She explains how to be strategic with your time, how to give yourself grace, and the unexpected places you can fit in a workout.    Motherhood, Dimity says, can be very, very isolating. It’s important to have a “third place—“ somewhere other than home and work where you can experience camaraderie with women who are experiencing all of the same things you are. She discusses the importance of in-person meetings in an increasingly digitalized world.    Ultimately, it’s about self-care and self-advocacy. Join today’s discussion to learn the one thing you can do at the start of each day to ensure the rest of the day is a success.    Quotes • “Women were coming at it wanting to beat depression—that’s a huge thing—wanting to lose baby weight, wanting to hang out with their friends…they had a sense of agency, that they were something besides a mom, or a worker, or a sister or a daughter, or whatever. They would say, ‘I’m a runner and that’s for me.’”  (12:46 | Dimity Davis)  • “Running to me felt at that time that it was still the realm of really skinny guys in split shorts at the track who were doing their drills prior and just living and dying by running and not a suburban house mom who was loving her nine-minute miles.” (13:54 | Dimity Davis) • “It’s really hard because endurance athletes and runners like the strict schedule, like the repetition, love the crispness of it all, and you throw a kid in the mix and nothing’s crisp anymore.’” (21:05 | Dimity Davis) • “If you can start the day taking care of yourself… and what makes you feel good, the rest of the day is just a downhill coast. And if the rest of the day goes completely bonkers and you don’t get anything else done on your to-do list, you still feel good because you got that workout in.” (26:01 | Dimity Davis) • “Be an advocate for yourself. Take what you need as far as time, try to bring that self-care in as much as you can, without disrupting everything, but don’t be a martyr.” (54:10 | Dimity Davis)   Links Connect with Dimity Davis: SideKick Tool:   Movemate:
Award-Winning Active Standing Board Promo Code: DRA15 15% off   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix 10% off   LMNT:   RAD Roller:   Revogreen   HYDRAGUN   Athletic Brewing: 20% off: 20% off: ANDREWF20     Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by
118: What to Do When You're Hurt
Apr 30 2024
118: What to Do When You're Hurt
“You don’t want to take a chance with your health,” says Dr. Andrew Fix about the importance of getting pain checked out. Of course, the type of pain you are experiencing should determine what kind of care you seek out. On today’s episode of The Code, Dr. Fix will break down two types of pain: acute and insidious and explain where you should go, whom you should see, and how you should treat each. He’ll explain what each type of medical provider—primary, urgent care, and emergency care—does and does not do, and is not willing to do and why.    Dr. Fix will also explain what not to do for your pain. Learn why the RICE method—Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation—is outdated and detrimental. If you do choose to ice your pain, explain when and why you should use it, the mindset you should approach it with, as well as the importance of movement.    Quotes • “I would skip the line at the medical system and not worry about going to your primary care provider, going to urgent care, going to the emergency department and doing all these things for something that you’re probably going to get a more thorough assessment for by going to see a really good physical therapist, a really good chiropractor. If you have the ability, go to a specialist.” (5:26 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “You don’t want to take a chance with your health. I understand that stuff costs money, and I’m not telling you to be frivolous and just go get all the tests. But that’s why we have health insurance—or hopefully you do— for when  an actual situation happens that is emergent.” (11:00 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “For most things, the right track of treatment is not to rest it for a week and see if it gets better. Ice is almost never going to be the right course of treatment. That acronym RICE—Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate—man, those things are outdated.” (13:44 | Dr. Andrew Fix)    Links SideKick Tool:   Movemate:
Award-Winning Active Standing Board Promo Code: DRA15 15% off   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix 10% off   LMNT:   RAD Roller:   Revogreen   HYDRAGUN   Athletic Brewing: 20% off: 20% off: ANDREWF20     Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by
117. The Pulse Cure - Managing HRV to Optimize Your Stress | Dr. Torkil Færø
Apr 23 2024
117. The Pulse Cure - Managing HRV to Optimize Your Stress | Dr. Torkil Færø
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) plays a role in nine out of the ten deadliest diseases in the United States. “They make it so much easier to become the CEO of your own health,” says Dr. Torkil Færø MD, of wearables such as WHOOP, Garmin and Apple Watch which measure this vital health metric . HRV is the variation in time between heartbeats, and its measure lets us know how much stress our system is under. Measuring our HRV so closely and consistently, wearables help us learn how best to keep ourselves in a rested state, therefore helping us to stave off so many chronic stress-related diseases. On today’s episode of The Code, Dr. Færø discusses what each wearable is best at measuring, their specific benefit to women, and the top three (surprising!) stressors according to WHOOP. Quotes • “In ancient times, all the threats came from the outside… these days, what makes us sick is too much stress, and now we need the sense of our own system…the heart and the heart rate will reveal the state of the system. So, that’s why it’s so important.” (11:08 | Dr. Torkil Færø)  • “So you just push a button and see the stress level in the moment, from zero to 100 in the moment. And that is quite important because you can feel, ‘How do I feel right now?’ And you can check, OK, so this is how it feels to have the stress of 40, for example. And you get to know your body better when you can get the measurement of the stress in the moment.” (17:20 | Dr. Torkil Færø)  • “Everyone should just find their own level, and then see how they can get their HRV as good as possible, within reason. So, not to compare it too much to other people, is important.” (13:20 | Dr. Torkil Færø) • “It’s also kind of a license to rest. A lot of people feel guilty if they don’t do something…it’s another thing that tells you, ‘Relax, you deserve to relax,’ you should relax because there’s been so much strain on you.” (40:22 | Dr. Torkil Færø) • “Google almost any disease or symptom with heart rate variability and you will find a connection. It’s said that heart rate variability is connected to nine out of the 10 deadliest diseases in the States. One out of those ten is road accidents, but all the other big killers are related to HRV.”  (53:55 |Dr. Torkil Færø)    Links Connect with Dr. Torkil Færø: Instagram:   SideKick Tool:   Movemate:
Award-Winning Active Standing Board Promo Code: DRA15 15% off   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix 10% off   LMNT:   RAD Roller:   Revogreen   HYDRAGUN   Athletic Brewing: 20% off: 20% off: ANDREWF20   Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by
116. Knowledge is NOT Power
Apr 16 2024
116. Knowledge is NOT Power
“Knowledge is power”—or is it? It’s a phrase we hear often, but never really question. On today’s episode of The Code, host Dr. Andrew Fix suggests that knowledge is not power, at least not unto itself. Knowledge becomes powerful only when we put it into action.    Dr. Fix cites his own experience using a tracking device to illustrate. He collected so much body data— heart rate variability, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation—all of which was useless because he did nothing with it. He will explain the danger in reading too many self-improvement books and listening to self-improvement podcasts and whether list-making or time blocking is better for time management and goal setting.    Join today’s episode to learn Dr. Fix’s advice about turning your own knowledge into power. That’s where the magic really happens.    Quotes • “Knowledge really isn’t power. A lot of people who are in powerful positions or a lot of people who do great things have a lot of knowledge, but knowledge by itself is useless. It’s just information. It’s just information until you are able to, or you choose to, do something with it.” (1:41 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “Just like that phrase “creativity without action is just imagination.” Or “goals without action are just dreams.” Unless you choose to do something with the information that you have, what good is that information?” (2:08 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “Gather as much information as you want and as you can. But at the end of the day, please make sure you do something with that information because it’s going to improve your life, it’s going to improve somebody else’s life and everyone’s going to be better off for it because we’re going to put that knowledge into action and that’s where the magic can really happen.” (6:29 | Dr. Andrew Fix)    Links
   SideKick Tool:   Movemate:
Award-Winning Active Standing Board Promo Code: DRA15 15% off   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix 10% off   LMNT:   RAD Roller:   Revogreen   HYDRAGUN   Athletic Brewing: 20% off: 20% off: ANDREWF20     Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by
115. Breathing Easy - Navigating Environmental Allergies with Allermi | Dr. Shuba Iyengar
Apr 9 2024
115. Breathing Easy - Navigating Environmental Allergies with Allermi | Dr. Shuba Iyengar
It all starts in the nose. Today’s guest, allergist Dr. Shuba Iyengar, explains that by the time we exhibit common allergy symptoms such as headache, itchy eyes and post-nasal drip, we’ve already been silently suffering. On today’s episode of The Code, Dr. Iyengar will explain the myriad reasons why over-the-counter allergy medications fail to work, and how her company Allermi, which concocts bespoke nasal sprays for allergy sufferers, is working to address the root causes of this increasingly common issue.    As in fitness, getting to the root cause is key. Join today’s discussion to hear Dr. Iyengar explain who is most likely to suffer from allergies, where they’re likely to live and what we can do about it.    Quotes • “To get that whole constellation of stuff better, you have to get that cute little nose better and you have to get that inflammation to go down. So, most treatments that are really effective will work on the nose.” (5:29 | Dr. Shuba Iyengar)  • “With climate change, we’re having warmer years. We have pollen seasons that have increased over the past—every year, the pollen season gets longer and longer and longer—so you have a longer season of pollination. And then on top of that, the pollen counts are wacky: they go up really high and then all of a sudden it comes down really low. You were just talking about the weather in Denver being 65 and then all of a sudden it’s snowing two days later. That wacky temperature is not something that nature likes.”(10:41 | Dr. Shuba Iyengar)  • “Because accumulation of all our inflammation is just higher, once that happens, once inflammation is at this baseline—you probably see this all the time—it’s not much to make it worse. It doesn’t take much to make inflammation worse. It takes a lot to create it, but once you get to that point where it’s already inflamed it doesn’t take much more to make it worse.” (12:12 | Dr. Shuba Iyengar)   Links Connect with Dr. Shuba Iyengar:  Website: Instagram: LinkedIn:   SideKick Tool:   Movemate:
Award-Winning Active Standing Board Promo Code: DRA15 15% off   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix 10% off   LMNT:   RAD Roller:   Revogreen   HYDRAGUN   Athletic Brewing: 20% off: 20% off: ANDREWF20     Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by
114. The Medical System is Failing You
Apr 2 2024
114. The Medical System is Failing You
“Our medical system, here in the United States, is failing you, and failing me and failing us.” says Dr. Andrew Fix. Doctors’ appointments last less than ten minutes and patients leave feeling neglected and unheard. If specialists are able to offer any solutions to patients’ problems, they are often impractical and do not address root causes. Insurance companies do everything they can to deny coverage, leaving patients to seek alternative and preventative solutions.    On today’s episode of The Code, Dr. Fix shares stories of two women in his life who each sought treatment from traditional doctors. Learn the baffling advice his mother received from doctors about a persistent ringing in her ear, and the unlikely route she took to discover the source of the issue. Hear the story of a woman who was told by numerous doctors that they were unable—or unwilling—to help her with digestive issues and what Dr. Fix and his colleagues at the Physio Room did to help.   With so many obstacles built into the healthcare system, clients need to be strong self-advocates. Dr. Fix reveals what approach they need to take to get the help they need, and what providers can do to make their interactions with clients more positive and productive.    Quotes • “If you have a real life threatening concern, condition, injury, this is probably the place you want to be. If you need to get rushed into surgery, if you have cancer, or a heart condition and require open-heart surgery— this is probably the place where you want to be because we have the ability to treat things really, really well when they’re present.”  (3:57 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “When you go see an orthopedic or a physical therapist and say, ‘It hurts when I reach up; it hurts when I do this with my shoulder,’ and their solution to you is, ‘Well, don’t do that thing,’ which we all know is not a solution. That’s just avoiding the issue.” (6:22 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “Unfortunately, our traditional medical system is just not set up to do that, to be able to have the providers have the amount of time necessary to listen and not be interrupted and just literally, truly listen to the clients, and have the amount of time necessary to do so, and really hear what they’re saying and digest it and respond with some helpful recommendations.” (13:17 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “There are so many restrictions placed on providers and on the medical facilities by the third party payers — AKA the health insurance companies — who are just trying to deny, deny deny.” (15:43 | Dr. Andrew Fix)  Links SideKick Tool:   Movemate:
Award-Winning Active Standing Board Promo Code: DRA15 15% off   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix 10% off   LMNT:   RAD Roller:   Revogreen   HYDRAGUN   Athletic Brewing: 20% off: 20% off: ANDREWF20     Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by
113. Stay Salty | Robb Wolf (Episode 23 Rebroadcast)
Mar 26 2024
113. Stay Salty | Robb Wolf (Episode 23 Rebroadcast)
Discover how a simple mineral transformed Robb Wolf's health, performance, and career.  Host Dr. Andrew Fix sits down with Robb, the co-founder of Drink LMNT. A former research biochemist and a leading expert in Paleolithic nutrition, Robb shares his personal health journey, highlighting his long-standing interest in health and human performance. Now, he dedicates his work to assisting people who have found standard medical interventions insufficient, helping them improve their lifestyle and overall health.   Robb emphasizes the transformative impact of a paleo diet, underscored by proper hydration and electrolyte balance. He recounts his journey from initial skepticism to becoming an advocate of the essential roles that sodium and electrolytes play, particularly in ketogenic and low-carb diets. This experience inspired him to develop the electrolyte drink mix, LMNT, renowned for its pure ingredients and lack of unnecessary additives.   Challenging prevailing myths about sodium and blood pressure, Robb advocates for informed dietary choices over mere reductionist approaches. Listeners are encouraged to reevaluate their understanding of nutrition, electrolytes, and overall health optimization.   Quotes • “My sweet spot is working with folks who have had really complex gut and autoimmune issues  and figuring out how to fix that.” (06:33 | Robb Wolf) • “The person that is a perfect fit for me, they've kind of run the gauntlet of standard medical intervention, but they're still not where they want to be with health. And that is kind of the center of the bullseye for me, the folks that I seem to really bond with the best.” (06:57 | Robb Wolf) • “It's fairly obvious at this point that the first signs of electrolyte imbalance are diminished fine motor skills, brain fog, and neurological fatigue.” (36:52 | Robb Wolf)  • “You have the basic nutrient density, like how much vitamins, minerals, essential nutrients are in the food. But any given food, depending on how it's prepared and what things are in it, may be more or less accessible to our bodies.” (44:53 | Robb Wolf) • “We must create space for people to push back against the dominant narrative. And sometimes, they're going to be wrong. But once we have decided we have it all figured out, we have died as a culture. That is the end of the development of exploring the truth.” (01:01:42 | Robb Wolf)    Links Drink LMNT Free variety pack with purchase   Movemate Award-Winning Active Standing Board Exclusive Promo Code: DRA15       15% off the price!   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix 10% off   HYDRAGUN   Xero Shoes 10% off   RAD Roller $5 off   Revogreen   Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by
112. Defeat Your Cravings and Gain Control of Your Life | Dr. Glenn Livingston
Mar 19 2024
112. Defeat Your Cravings and Gain Control of Your Life | Dr. Glenn Livingston
If overeating were simply an emotional issue, Dr. Glenn Livingston, a veteran psychologist, would have been best prepared to access those emotions to overcome his own overeating. Yet, despite making great strides to address his own issues, he still found himself binging. As a consultant for “Big Food”, he also understood that food manufacturers create and advertise their products in ways that are intended to hijack our reptilian brains. Willpower, he explains, is just the ability to make decisions. And in a society that demands we make an increasing amount of decisions big and small, we inevitably reach fatigue before the day is even through.    To circumvent these challenges, we must learn to recognize our trouble areas and put space between the stimulus and the response. Dr. Glenn unpacks a series of self-regulatory behaviors which can be valuable even to those who don’t suffer from binging but who find themselves making decisions beyond their better judgment.   Quotes • “I was consulting for “Big Food” and also “Big Pharma”, but I feel guiltier about Big Food because they were engineering these hyper-palatable concentrations of starch and sugar and excitotoxins and salt, all engineered to hit the bliss point in the reptilian brain without giving you the nutrition to feel satisfied, which created more and more craving.” (7:50 | Dr. Glenn Livingston) • “We live in a society where we’re overburdened with inputs and we’re overburdened with decision-making. This tears down your willpower.” (19:20 | Dr. Glenn Livingston) • “If the emotions are the fire, then it’s easier to build the fireplace so the ashes don’t get out than it is to put out the fire. Most of the people in our culture think that you have to fix the emotional problems before you can stop overeating, and that’s a very long journey.” (23:51 | Dr. Glenn Livingston) • “Overeating or the desire to break these rules, it really comes from the reptilian brain wanting to push your rational brain out of the way because it perceives an emergency stint.” (31:27 | Dr. Glenn Livingston) • “If you have strong cravings, stronger than other people, it’s not because you have a diseased or a sick mind, it’s because your mind is healthier than other people.” (50:07 | Dr. Glenn Livingston)   Links Connect with Dr. Glenn Livingston: Website: Instagram:   Movemate Award-Winning Active Standing Board Exclusive Promo Code: DRA15       15% off the price!   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix  10% off   HYDRAGUN   Xero Shoes 10% off   Drink LMNT Free variety pack with purchase   RAD Roller $5 off   Revogreen   Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by
111. Change Your Priorities and Lead by Example
Mar 12 2024
111. Change Your Priorities and Lead by Example
“No feeling compares to what it feels like to see your child being born.”    Dr. Andrew Fix joins us on this solo episode of The Code to talk about priorities, as his have just made a tectonic shift: he and his wife just welcomed their first child, a baby boy. Instantly, he and his wife recognized how all-consuming the love—and responsibility—of having a child is, to the exclusion of almost everything. Yet, it’s important to maintain your priorities, particularly the ones that maintain health and fitness. Doing so allows you to maintain the energy it takes to give your kids your all, but also because you need to set the best example for that child.    There’s a lot contending for your focus, time and energy. The physical exhaustion, the demands of children, the lack of motivation and time. In America, in particular, there is already such an emphasis on work, and that alone leaves little room for much else. Still, both good and bad behavior are a matter of forming habits, and Dr. Fix unpacks what that looks like when you’re faced with a whole new reality.    You and/or your partner will be your child’s first hero. Now is the time to lock in place the habits that will begin to set the best leadership example for them.    Quotes • “I’ve played sports my whole life. I’ve had significant, traumatic emotional things happen in my family, and none of these feelings compare to what it feels like to see your child, your son, being born and going through this transition of becoming a parent, taking care of this tiny little infant.” (01:49 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “You have a child, they become your main focus, they become the most important thing in your life immediately. Their comfort and their happiness is more important than yours.” (03:02 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “We’ll call it a habit. People make habits of exercising, of eating a certain way. Well, we also form habits the other way. We form habits of watching Netflix, of taking naps instead of going to the gym, of answering that last email instead of going for a walk when it’s beautiful outside because we’ve just got to get stuff done.” (07:02 | Dr. Andrew Fix)  • “Who is the example, who is the person—or multiple people—that that kid is going to look up to? It’s me and her. It’s us.” (08:32 | Dr. Andrew Fix)  • “As your circumstances in life change, your priorities shift.” (11:01 | Dr. Andrew Fix) Links Movemate Award-Winning Active Standing Board Exclusive Promo Code: DRA15       15% off the price!   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix  10% off   HYDRAGUN   Xero Shoes 10% off   Drink LMNT Free variety pack with purchase   RAD Roller $5 off   Revogreen   Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by
110. Asking for Help is Okay | Dr. June Ashley
Mar 5 2024
110. Asking for Help is Okay | Dr. June Ashley
Dr. June Ashley, Licensed Psychologist and the Clinical Director of the Ellie Mental Health Clinic in the Denver Tech Center and military veteran joins Dr. Andrew Fix to talk about the bio-psycho-social aspects of chronic pain and trauma-based injury, and approaching wellness from a more well-rounded holistic point of view. By expanding on the connection between emotions, mental health and physical symptoms, Dr. Ashley helps clients to understand not only their choice of treatments and approaches, but how they can gain perspective on the role their pain plays in their lives.   Clients can feel left out of their recovery process when they continue to experience “unseen” pain that is disproportionate to their physical injury or even continues beyond their physical healing. Dr. Fix and Dr. Ashley discuss the need to shift away from considering wellness as merely an absence of injury or illness. They discuss the emotional components of chronic pain, how the two inform each other in tandem, and the importance of a mental health practice to prevent emotions from being stored in the body as pain.    Join The Code for a discussion that goes beyond body mechanics to uncover all the components to the pain we feel. Dr. Ashley provides some strategies for tuning into our own body cues and advice for those still hesitant about seeking mental health treatment to make a start.  Quotes • “More personalized experience is what clients and patients may feel like they’re not experiencing. So, at the same time that they feel like they’re adjusting to changes because they didn’t have a choice in the situation, now they’re feeling like they’re not having enough choices or not getting to talk about choices.” (12:28 | Dr. June Ashley) • “The more boxes I’ve checked and things I’ve tried on the medical side of things, the more I’ve become accepting and understanding that there is a huge psycho-social piece of this and it’s not just a mechanical, musculo-skeletal problem. There’s more to it than just that.” (20:15 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “I don’t know that many of us are taught very well to not be afraid of specific emotions and to really let that be something that we ride the wave of it, trying to figure out what piece of wisdom it’s trying to give us. So, we keep pushing it away and pushing it away to where even just those routine emotions that we have can become stuck in our nervous system in some way.” (25:08 | Dr. June Ashley) • “There’s so much promise in self-compassion approaches.” (38:44 | Dr. June Ashley)    Links Connect with Dr. June Ashley, PhD: Website:   Movemate Award-Winning Active Standing Board Exclusive Promo Code: DRA15       15% off the price!   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix  10% off   HYDRAGUN   Xero Shoes 10% off   Drink LMNT Free variety pack with purchase   RAD Roller $5 off   Revogreen   Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by
109. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) | What Is It And How to Change It?
Feb 27 2024
109. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) | What Is It And How to Change It?
“Maybe you see a child run out into the road after a ball. You want your fight or flight response, your sympathetic nervous system to boost so you can quickly run out there, grab that child and get him out of the way of harm. You don’t want there to be a delay.”   In today’s solo episode of “The Code,” Dr. Andrew Fix talks to us about Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and how we can optimize it to perform better in all areas of our lives. HRV, essentially, measures the time intervals between your heartbeats. Why is this important? Because the higher your HRV the more resilient your body–particularly your cardiovascular system—and the more responsive your physiology is to changes in input.    The heart gets a great deal of its input from the sympathetic nervous system—which is responsible for our “fight or flight” response— and the parasympathetic nervous system—responsible for our “rest and digest” response. A high HRV means we more quickly and sharply perform in both of these modes, and more quickly and easily switch between the two.    There are several fitness and lifestyle changes we can make to increase our HRV. Dr. Fix describes what to do and what not to do in terms of training, hydration and nutrition. He reveals the three most important factors in getting quality sleep, how an ideal day should begin and end, and the importance of finding value in our work.    Quotes: • “Why do we monitor this; why is it even important? Well, HRV can be used as a measure of resilience in your body, particularly your cardiovascular system. Resilience and your physiological flexibility. How responsive your body is to changes in input.” (3:40 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “The higher your HRV is, the more responsive your body is to each of these inputs, the quicker your body can make that change and flip the switch from ‘on’ to ‘off’ and vice versa, which is good. You want to be responsive to both.”  (6:36 | Dr. Andrew Fix)  • “Really as it relates to the HRV, it’s the circadian rhythm. In an ideal world, if you could watch the sunrise and watch the sunset go above and below the horizon every day, that would be amazing. I know that doesn’t work with many of our busy schedules. However, if you could design your day from a light exposure standpoint the way that would be most optimal, that would be very beneficial to do.”  (18:34 | Dr. Andrew Fix)   Links   Movemate Award-Winning Active Standing Board Exclusive Promo Code: DRA15       15% off the price!   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix  10% off   HYDRAGUN   Xero Shoes 10% off   Drink LMNT Free variety pack with purchase   RAD Roller $5 off   Revogreen   Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by
108. Acknowledge It and Move On | Don Reichelt
Feb 20 2024
108. Acknowledge It and Move On | Don Reichelt
“I’m not a physically talented athlete but I’ve worked my ass off to become a mentally talented athlete.” says Don Reichelt, who despite starting at age 29 with very little running experience in his background, quickly established himself as a champion ultrarunner. One’s mindset, and willingness to outwork your competition, can be more important than physical ability, he explains, and ultrarunning rewards working smarter rather than harder.    Ultimately, though, the only person you are in competition with is yourself. Don discusses how he gauges his metrics, the importance of regular movement and various methods of passive conditioning. Most people overcomplicate nutrition, he and Dr. Fix agree, and explain what is most important to keep in mind (hint: it’s not counting macros). Tracking your progress goes beyond just hard data, of course, and Don discusses the journaling practice he commits to both before and after each run, and the questions he asks himself.    Ultrarunning rewards mental toughness, part of which is learning to draw on internal motivation versus external motivation and to control the controllables. Don and Dr. Fix offer some moving meditation tips to take the focus from external to internal. They also discuss the difference between the kind of pain you can train through and the kind of pain you shouldn’t ignore.   Quotes • “I never set out to be good at this thing, I just wanted to go do cool things that I like doing and do something that I know is going to challenge me versus sticking to that thing that I know I can do really well.”(4:16 | Don Reichelt) SM Quote • “My whole athletic career has been, ‘I will work harder than the next guy.’ I’m not physically gifted, I’m just willing to be in the gym until midnight and then wake up and do it again tomorrow.” (5:35 | Don Reichelt) • “I don’t want to look back and say, ‘Damn, I wish I would have pushed just a little harder on one of those reps.’ Because the day will come when I can’t run anymore. It could be today, I could walk out and get hit by a car and never run again. I don’t want to look back and regret not giving my all on one rep. That motivates me every day.” (11:49 | Don Reichelt) • “When you’re meditating, if stray thoughts come to your brain, you acknowledge them and then you move on. So, these long races where it’s just you and your thoughts, you think, ‘Yeah, you know what? It does suck that the sun is hot right now, and it’s 80 degrees and humid. Cool. What am I going to do about it? Nothing. Great. Now we move on.” (40:59 | Don Reichelt) • “I tell people: if you want to run faster, run. If you want to run more and stay healthier, lift and run.” (50:17 | Don Reichelt) Links Connect with Don Reichelt: Instagram:   Movemate Award-Winning Active Standing Board Exclusive Promo Code: DRA15       15% off the price!   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix  10% off   HYDRAGUN   Xero Shoes 10% off   Drink LMNT Free variety pack with purchase   RAD Roller $5 off   Revogreen   Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by
107. Mastering the Art of Control: Navigating Life by Focusing on the Controllables
Feb 13 2024
107. Mastering the Art of Control: Navigating Life by Focusing on the Controllables
On this solo episode of The Code, Dr. Andrew Fix dives back into the topic of “controlling the controllables” (CTC), which is one of the five core values practiced and promoted at Physio Room. In other words, we can’t control the calls the ref makes, so we should instead focus on how we play the game.    Unsurprisingly, a big part of playing the game is the attitude we take. When an unexpected situation arises, or we find ourselves with an unexpected obligation, if we switch from a “have to” to a “get to” mindset, suddenly we see the opportunities before us instead of the inconveniences.   Recently, Dr. Fix was called in for jury duty. He found out the same day that he’d been selected for what would be a three-day trial. Accommodating this new priority meant rearranging his schedule, and as a result, colleagues’ and clients’ schedules. It also meant refreshing changes, new opportunities and chances to form relationships that would never have happened if he had remained in his usual routine.    Join Dr. Fix to hear him discuss those opportunities. He also offers advice as to how to best handle the unexpected changes that arise in your own life, and explains why the real life courtroom is nothing like it appears to be on TV.    Quotes • “None of us can control the weather, none of us can control the stop lights or anything like that. And there’s no sense in getting frustrated, getting upset about things that are totally out of your control.” (2:35 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “At that point, they told us to anticipate that the trial was going to take three days. You just roll with it, you just roll with the punches. That’s one of the opportunities, one of the duties that we have living in this country, living in the United States.” (3:53 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “We appreciate, obviously, all the flexibility. Everyone understood the scenario, nobody had a problem with it. But it does put us in an unfavorable situation. We have visits on the schedule where we want to help people through their care, and then we have to reschedule all of those. That impacts our day-to-day operations from a business standpoint. It also impacts peoples’ scheduling.” (6:42 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “What it also provided was a little bit of a break from the routine. If you know me, I’m a big routine person. I like going to bed at a certain time, I like waking up, generally, at a certain time. I like doing similar things throughout the week. However, in a different vein, I also like variety.” (8:18 | Dr. Andrew Fix)  • “When you have to do something, you feel differently about it than if you get to do that same thing. It’s a very different thing.” (11:38 | Dr. Andrew Fix)   Links Movemate Award-Winning Active Standing Board Exclusive Promo Code: DRA15       15% off the price!   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix  10% off   HYDRAGUN   Xero Shoes 10% off   Drink LMNT Free variety pack with purchase   RAD Roller $5 off   Revogreen   Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by
106. Don't Let Your Mood Dictate Your Action | Dr. Roger St. Onge
Feb 6 2024
106. Don't Let Your Mood Dictate Your Action | Dr. Roger St. Onge
“Show me your calendar and I will show you your priorities,” says Dr. Roger St. Onge, physical therapist and owner of Move Athletics—Performance Rehab Authority. A Marine Corp veteran and former Crossfit trainer, Dr. St. Onge has seen the power of fitness and physical therapy to transform peoples’ health as well as their lives. Unfortunately, the healthcare industry–which he calls a sick care industry—doesn’t prioritize physical therapy as treatment, and physical therapists are forced by health insurance companies to give only a small amount of distracted time to each patient. On the other hand, many patients themselves don’t prioritize Physical Therapy, citing a lack of money or time. Yet, when money is needed for a new car or a new phone, people will come up with the cash to fix or replace those. Until the pain of avoidance becomes greater than the pain of changing, most people won’t take action. Not that he can’t relate. As a business owner and a father of two young children who has earned two fellowships, there have been many times when he mismanaged his time and priorities. He’s also put the minimum into rehabbing an injury from a major accident and paid the price for it. He discusses what happened and how those experiences shifted his mindset.  He debunks the work/life balance paradigm as a myth. There are seasons in life, he says, and you must shift your focus to whichever priorities are most paramount at any given time, and sacrifice in other areas as a result. The key, Dr. St Onge explains, is consistency over time. He and Dr. Fix discuss helpful strategies that keep them on track with their daily goals and the steps they take to keep their devices— the ultimate distraction for most of us— in check.  Your mood should never dictate your actions. Still, the examples from Dr. St. Onge’s life will inspire you to take action in your own life, and to put your well-being at the top of your list.    Quotes • “As a whole, we don’t really have a healthcare system, it’s more of a sick care system. You go to your doctor and a lot of things that could be cured with nutrition and sleep and sunlight and movement gets prescribed a pharmaceutical pill. And then people wonder why they’re sick and in pain for long periods of time.” (6:28 | Dr. St. Onge) • “When people tell me, ‘I can’t afford to come and see you,’ but they live in America, they have a thousand-dollar cell phone in their pocket, they have a brand new car, they went to college—they didn’t pay cash for that. You can. If your car broke down and you needed a new transmission, what would you do?” (12:06 | Dr. St. Onge) • “If you show me your calendar, I’ll show you your priorities.” (18:49 | Dr. St. Onge) • “There are all the excuses but really, when it comes down to it, you just haven’t felt enough pain, yet, whether it’s physical pain or inconvenience pain, to actually overcome the pain of making a change and prioritizing.” (27:53 | Dr. St. Onge) • “Never let how you feel dictate what you do because once you start moving your body, the way you feel changes. If I only worked out when I felt like it, I would never work out.” (38:43 | Dr. St. Onge)  Links Connect with Dr. Roger St. Onge: Instagram:   Movemate Award-Winning Active Standing Board Exclusive Promo Code: DRA15       15% off the price!   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix  10% off   HYDRAGUN   Xero Shoes 10% off   Drink LMNT Free variety pack with purchase   RAD Roller $5 off   Revogreen   Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by
105. Using Palmar Cooling to Improve Performance | AVA Cooling Technology (Part 2)
Jan 30 2024
105. Using Palmar Cooling to Improve Performance | AVA Cooling Technology (Part 2)
“Controlling temperature is something that is overlooked and undervalued in sports and just in life,” explains Dr. Kyle Sela, physical therapist, strength coach and founder of AVA Cooling Technology, who returns to The Code to talk more about the many benefits of palmar cooling. Thermoregulation is the body’s way of preventing heat-related injury. The hypothalamus sends local signals to the muscles in the form of fatigue, as well as systemic signals of adaptation and behavior modification to get us to stop moving. When the glabrous skin of the hands, feet and face, come in contact with a source of cooling such as the AVA anti-fatigue bar, the network of cells underneath to generously dump heat, allowing for, even encouraging, a longer workout at a maintained intensity.  This means performance-enhancing capabilities for athletes of all levels, as well as health benefits for a number of issues. Athletes get in more sets, more reps within those sets and experience faster recovery time. This Dr. Sela describes watching a young woman use the bar to counteract heat stroke while his own sons have used them to quell a fever. By making exercise more comfortable and therefore more appealing, palmar cooling through AVA technology can be an effective tool in fighting the ongoing problem of obesity.  In this episode, Dr. Sela and Dr. Fix discuss recent research related to palmar cooling, and how to judiciously evaluate a study to best inform yourself. Join the conversation to learn more about how this veteran-owned business can help you on your own fitness journey.   Quotes • “As a coach, as a dad, as a strength coach, this is a tool that I constantly see people–once you say, ‘Hey, just hold onto it’---they get a sigh of relief.” (20:37 | Dr. Sela) • “This is one of those things that can actually help people, from a performance standpoint but maybe even from a safety standpoint.” (21:45 | Dr. Sela)  • “People hear ‘human performance’ and people think ‘elite athlete’ or someone who’s just a hard charger, a fitness fanatic. But the research has shown, temperature is an issue for all of us. So, whether you’re super fit or not fit at all, this is one of those limiting factors.” (27:28 | Dr. Sela) • “A lot of recovery is targeted to post workout. ‘What can I do after my workout? What can I do tonight so that I perform better tomorrow?’ And what we’re talking about is, ‘What can I do in that 90 seconds between sets, between my work intervals, what can I do now, so that at my next interval, I’m starting from a more recovered state?’ I’m not starting from such a stressed position, that interval is going to be better.” (33:36 | Dr. Sela) • “Palmar cooling is not going to make you stronger, it’s not going to allow you to put more weight on the bench, and all of a sudden bench more than you had the week before. It’s going to allow you to do more sets at the hard training volume that you have programmed than if you didn’t do it.” (46:13 | Dr. Sela) • “We are, at the brain level, sensing temperature changes and making motivational changes to self-preserve.” (1:00:55 | Dr. Sela) Links Connect with Dr. Kyle Sela: Website:   Movemate Award-Winning Active Standing Board Exclusive Promo Code: DRA15       15% off the price!   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix  10% off   HYDRAGUN   Xero Shoes 10% off   Drink LMNT Free variety pack with purchase   RAD Roller $5 off   Revogreen   Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by
104. Exercises to Avoid for People 50 and Older
Jan 23 2024
104. Exercises to Avoid for People 50 and Older
We are busting myths for fitness over 50 in this episode! Dr. Andrew Fix disputes claims against exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, squats, and deadlifts being unsafe or inappropriate as we age. In fact, Dr. Fix advocates for exercise to combat muscle loss and keep up physical function in later years. He stresses the value of multi-joint movements and lifting heavy weights, essential for preserving strength and resilience. With proper technique and progression, Dr. Fix argues that these exercises are highly beneficial for older adults. All of us need to critically evaluate fitness advice and make informed, evidence-based decisions about fitness routines. Functional movements and strength training contribute to longevity and well-being. If you are interested in learning more about a fitness program that is right for you, connect with PhysioRoom for in-person one-on-one training, group training or remote coaching!   Quotes: • “People just don't understand how big of a blessing it is to be able to exercise and the profound positive impact that exercise and training and movement can have on our lives.” (1:58 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “When we turn 30 years old, every year for the rest of our life, we're gradually losing muscle.” (6:32 | Dr. Andrew Fix) • “We need to be able to maintain muscle mass on our frame so that we can stay lean, burn calories, and continue to be super active into the later years of our lives.” (6:49 | Dr. Andrew Fix)  • “I just want to challenge you and encourage you to be skeptical and just really think deeply about the things that you're seeing out there. And if you really think about it, does it make sense?” (25:40 | Dr. Andrew Fix)   Links Movemate Award-Winning Active Standing Board Exclusive Promo Code: DRA15       15% off the price!   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix  10% off   HYDRAGUN   Xero Shoes 10% off   Drink LMNT Free variety pack with purchase   RAD Roller $5 off   Revogreen   Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |   Podcast production and show notes provided by
103. Keep the Adventure Alive - Managing Arthritis | Dr. Alyssa Kuhn
Jan 16 2024
103. Keep the Adventure Alive - Managing Arthritis | Dr. Alyssa Kuhn
Think arthritis means the end of an active life? Think again! In this episode, Dr. Andrew Fix is joined by Dr. Alyssa Kuhn, a physical therapist specializing in osteoarthritis. Dr. Kuhn, founder of Keep the Adventure Alive, sheds light on common misconceptions about arthritis and shares valuable insights into its effective management. Dr. Kuhn's expertise in osteoarthritis stems from her observations in home care physical therapy, where she noticed a widespread belief that surgery was the only solution for arthritis. She emphasizes that arthritis, specifically osteoarthritis, is more than just joint pain and stiffness and that diagnosis should consider more than just x-rays or MRIs.  The episode explores the significant impact of language on the mindset and treatment outcomes for people with arthritis. Dr. Kuhn encourages individuals to seek out accurate information and take an active role in managing their condition. Dr. Fix and Dr. Kuhn delve into the importance of lifestyle factors in controlling arthritis. They discuss the effectiveness of targeted exercises, including single-leg strength and power training, and the benefits of varied exercise routines for the body's adaptation and health. The conversation also covers the roles of nutrition, sleep, and mindset in arthritis management. Dr. Kuhn advises focusing on whole, natural foods and limiting processed sugars, and highlights the importance of being well-informed about arthritis for making empowered health decisions. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to understand arthritis better and learn practical ways to manage and prevent the condition. It emphasizes a holistic approach, blending movement, nutrition, sleep, and a positive mindset, to not only manage arthritis but also promote overall health and well-being.   Quotes: • “You can absolutely prevent the progression of the condition, which is another myth that a lot of people don't understand. This idea of bone on bone is one of those things that can send people down a black hole of symptoms. And it can send people down a black hole of thoughts. Like, okay, it basically insinuates there's nothing you can do. And a lot of times, unfortunately, healthcare providers, healthcare professionals are further cementing this idea.” (12:18 | Dr. Alyssa Kuhn) • “Your body needs to move in different ways. You have to incorporate moving sideways, moving backwards, moving in different directions to challenge muscles differently. Your joints need support on all sides.” (34:05 | Dr. Alyssa Kuhn)  • “If you're not making progress with pain relief, it's looking at four basic things. There are more but these are probably four of the main ones. Food is one of them and what you're regularly eating. Movement is another and we've talked about that extensively. Sleep is the third one. And really just your overall mindset, we can kind of encompass that with the stress or anxiety that you're experiencing. It really just comes down to your thoughts and just your mental headspace.” (41:51 | Dr. Alyssa Kuhn) Links Connect with Dr. Alyssa Kuhn: Website:  Instagram:  Movemate Award-Winning Active Standing Board Exclusive Promo Code: DRA15       15% off the price!   Flux Footwear Coupon Code: drandrewfix  10% off   HYDRAGUN   Xero Shoes 10% off   Drink LMNT Free variety pack with purchase   RAD Roller $5 off   Revogreen   Connect with Physio Room: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Andrew’s Personal Instagram | Andrew’s Personal Facebook |     Podcast production and show notes provided by