From Foster to Forever

Rachel Fulginiti

There are many ways to build your family. Fostering-to-adopt is not the easiest, but it's a beautiful and profoundly impactful thing to do. Join Rachel Fulginiti, a voice actor and two-time foster to adopt mom, as she shares her own story and the stories of others who have successfully navigated the foster care system and landed at adoption. In Season One we'll explore the complex journey, touching on subjects like welcoming newborns or older children into your home, resiliency through loss and heartbreak, transracial adoption, special needs, co-parenting through a divorce, and more. If you've ever considered fostering and/or adoption, experienced it first-hand, or are simply curious to learn more, this show is for you. read less
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Unconditional Love: A teacher adopts her student
Apr 2 2024
Unconditional Love: A teacher adopts her student
I couldn't think of a better way to close out Season One than by sharing Stacey and Demi's unique story. It begins when Stacey was a new teacher in her first job. Demi was a pre-teen with a challenging family life. At school she was "always in trouble", but Stacey found a way to connect with her. When Demi ended up needing a foster home, the only person she could think of to call was Stacey. And so began their life together. This is such a great conversation because we have both Stacey and Demi, able to share their story from both sides, foster mom and adoptee, with the gift of perspective and hindsight. They have such a beautiful relationship and they're both so strong and wise. In the episode we delve into their twisty and often tumultuous road to forever. We talk about the difficulties on both sides of the relationship, growth and bonding out of chaos, and learning how to trust and feel safe. The "honeymoon" period vs. the reality of day to day living. Demi dispels myths of all foster teens being into drugs and drinking and also discusses why she and her sister weren't placed together and what their active relationship with her birth family looks like today. We touch on defiance, counseling, challenges, baggage, establishing a rhythm, routine and boundaries, and unconditional love, as well as healing, recovery and Demi's own journey into motherhood - and the many insights that is bringing. It's such a rich exchange, and I'm so grateful for their openness and vulnerability in sharing their story on our show. I can't wait for you to listen.
Transracial adoption & co-parenting through divorce
Mar 19 2024
Transracial adoption & co-parenting through divorce
This episode tells the story of Amy and Tiger, two creatives who "met old" and wanted to start a family. With money constraints, they found their way to foster-to-adopt, and after an arduous fostering process, were able to adopt their daughter. We discuss so many topics on this episode:-The feeling of "otherness" that can sometime occur as an adoptive family. -Transracial adoption and as white people, some ways to support an African American child. -Tokenism and representation in the media.-Their long journey through the difficult foster care system. The stress and trauma, and how they fought through it. -Visitations, overnight visits and the delicate and sometimes confusing relationship with their daughter's birth family.-"Bird-nesting" and co-parenting amicably through divorceSince recording this episode, I wanted to share some resources on the topic of transracial adoption. As a transracial adoptive family ourselves, my husband and I are committed to continuing education on this topic, including listening to adult adoptees. -The family camp I refer to in the episode: Pact Family Camp have since learned there are many of these types of camp. This one was recommended by our Foster Family Agency, Extraordinary Families. -An excellent resource regarding hair care and maintenance for white parents with black children is Ms. Terria Roushun Epting. She has a book, a workbook and a course (that I'll be taking soon!). For all her offerings, visit her website and follow her on Instagram -To learn about the life and experience of a black woman adopted by white parents, her search to find her biological parents and why white people need to be educated on the transracial adoptive experience, read "You Should Be Grateful" by Angela Tucker . I listened to the audiobook, which she does a great job of narrating! She also has many other offerings, including a podcast, which are discoverable here: Follow her on Instagram at'm sure there are many more valuable resources out there, so please don't hesitate to share them with me and our listeners. It is a lifelong education process. If you feel we've gotten anything wrong in this episode, please call us "in" and let us know how we can do better. I'm committed to learning and growing in this space, as well as educating others. Thanks!
Facing fears and finding forever through foster-to-adopt
Feb 5 2024
Facing fears and finding forever through foster-to-adopt
In this inaugural episode, I introduce who I am, why I decided to start the show and how my family came to foster-to-adopt. I give a brief background on my career as an actor and then a voice actor and audiobook narrator as well as my relationship with my husband and our surprise struggles to have children. I go on to detail how the intentional building of our forever family unfolded over the past decade. I share other options we explored for starting a family, such as IVF, "straight adoption" through a lawyer, open adoption and surrogacy, and how we vacillated but finally arrived at the tough decision to foster-to-adopt. Other topics include how we prepared for the journey and why we chose to work with a foster family agency, as opposed to going directly through the County. I discuss my fears about saying "yes" to a placement and why I said "no" five times before saying yes, employing some wise advice I received with regards to that. I then talk about what it was like to be in the process of fostering, including some of the challenges and ups and downs as well as the mindset I learned to cultivate. I describe the magic, signs and synchronicities from the universe all along the way that let us know we were on the right track to finding the children meant to join our family, and how it felt to finally arrive at adoption. I also discuss safe surrenders, as my second son was safely surrendered by his birth mom, something we were told never to expect and that rarely ever happens. I am so grateful to be able to bring this show to you, to share my family's story as well as the stories of seven other amazing, happy families in Season One of this podcast. My hope is that it will be informative, inspiring, and educational for all who are interested in this subject, which is very dear to my heart.