The Teacher Biz Podcast

Heather O’Donnell

Hey there! Welcome to The Teacher Biz Podcast with Heather O’Donnell.

Each week, Heather shares strategies she’s used in her own online business to replace her teacher income (several times over) while working just 25 hours a week. Learn how a profitable teacher biz actually works (psst… we’re not throwing up resources on TPT) and how to get started without falling into the most common pitfalls and time wasters in the online business world.

Through a mix of interviews and solo episodes, you’ll learn about building an email list, creating and selling digital products, time management, a must-have mindset for success, how to run a profitable business on your own schedule, and much more.

Hit subscribe and get ready to learn how to build a profitable home business with a lot less effort than it takes to run a classroom!

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50: How a Digital Product Shop Can Change Your Business with Monica Froese
May 21 2024
50: How a Digital Product Shop Can Change Your Business with Monica Froese
Monica Froese holds an MBA in finance and marketing and is a digital shop coach for small business owners and host of the popular podcast, Empowered Business Podcast®. She is the founder of the websites Redefining Mom®, Empowered Business™, and the popular digital product shop, Empowered Shop™. She helps small businesses grow sustainable and profitable digital product e-commerce shops. She spent 11 years working for a Fortune 100 company running multi-million dollar marketing campaigns with large brands like Microsoft and HP. Now she provides online marketing education to small businesses that are looking to build a profitable revenue stream through digital products through her online programs, Empowered Shop™, and podcast.In this episode, Monica discusses the power of digital products, the benefits of having a digital product shop, and the strategic use of sales funnels. She explains how her product shop, Empowered Shop™, has streamlined her business and provides a cohesive shopping experience for her customers. She also shares insights into her shop strategy, including her popular FriYay sales, and the value of email marketing in driving sales and nurturing your customers.Connect with Monica Froese:empoweredshop.commonicafroese.comKey Takeaways:(02:50) From corporate marketing to blogging and meeting President Obama(06:45) Discovering her teaching talent through online marketing(09:00) Overcoming personal and business challenges in 2023(11:40) Sales funnels and targeted ad strategies(13:05) The pitfalls of building a business on Etsy and TPT(17:05) Strategies for online shop sales and product marketing(22:05) Monetizing through memberships and product shops(25:15) Email marketing and calendar planning(31:00) Embracing imperfection in business and valuing progress over perfection(34:55) Empowered Business™ summit Listen to Episode 04:3 Reasons to Sell Your Products on Your Own Website (not on TPT!)Don’t forget to grab the FREE Teacher Biz Starter Guide! With Heather:
48: The Power of Listening to Your Audience with Katie Azevedo
May 7 2024
48: The Power of Listening to Your Audience with Katie Azevedo
Katie Azevedo, M.Ed., is the founder of SchoolHabits LLC, and the creator of the Executive Function Journal. She is a private executive function coach with over 18 years of teaching experience in the public school system and the private sector. With a Master's Degree in Special Education, Katie specializes in ADHD, learning disabilities, executive functions, test preparation, study skills, and creating systems to maximize efficiency. Through her blog on, SchoolHabits University study skills course, YouTube video tutorials and private coaching sessions in her Massachusetts-based practice, she teaches students and professionals strategies to learn and work smarter. In this episode, Katie discusses how she transitioned from teaching to creating videos on study skills and learning strategies. She talks about the challenges she faced, including imposter syndrome, and how she overcame them. She also shares her excitement about expanding her business into the education system and her passion for helping students develop executive function skills. Connect with Katie Takeaways:(02:40) Katies background and journey to entrepreneurship(10:45) The evolution of Katie’s teacher biz and it’s current structure(15:15) The Executive Function Journal(17:15) Recognizing gaps in the industry(21:00) The importance of listening to what your audience needs(22:10) Overcoming imposter syndrome(27:40) Take action and just start somewhere(29:15) Running a business with young children at home(31:40) Having a willingness to learn and growDon’t forget to grab the FREE Teacher Biz Starter Guide! With Heather:
44: Creating an Evergreen Online Course with Lisa Marker Robbins
Apr 9 2024
44: Creating an Evergreen Online Course with Lisa Marker Robbins
Since 1999 Lisa Marker Robbins has supported thousands of students as an independent college counselor. In 2010, she doubled down specifically on college major and career coaching for students because she realized those two things were the cornerstone of post-high school planning. 4,000 students have benefited from her proven three pillar framework, moving them from overwhelmed and confused to clear, confident, and motivated about their future.In this episode, Lisa shares her journey of leaving the classroom and building an online business focused on college and career coaching for students. She discusses her transition from one-on-one coaching to creating an evergreen course, which allows her to reach more students and provide support on a larger scale. Learn strategies for growing your email list, finding a supportive community, and the secret to a successful online course launch. If you’re on the fence about starting your own teacher biz, hit play to hear Lisa’s thoughts on “being brave and taking the plunge!”Connect with Lisa Marker Takeaways:(02:50) Lisa's background as a teacher and transition to online business(07:00) Transitioning from one-on-one coaching to creating an online course(09:30) Explanation of an evergreen course and its benefits(13:30) Email list building and strategies for growing a list(15:15) The process of creating a lead magnet and its purpose(20:30) Advice for teachers considering starting their own online business(24:10) Using bonuses as incentives during a launch(26:00) Creating a life that fits with your prioritiesDon’t forget to grab the FREE Teacher Biz Starter Guide! With Heather:
43: Starting an Online Teacher Biz (Answering Listener Questions!)
Apr 2 2024
43: Starting an Online Teacher Biz (Answering Listener Questions!)
Looking for answers to your burning questions about starting an online teacher business? Don’t miss this episode of The Teacher Biz Podcast where Heather answers questions from listeners just like you! She addresses concerns about standing out in a crowded market, the costs of starting a teacher biz, and the types of products that can be sold. She also explains the importance of being yourself, building relationships with customers, and leveraging your unique perspective and experiences. Hit play now to learn practical tips for differentiating yourself and succeeding in your teacher biz!Submit Your Own Questions Here: Takeaways:(02:55) How to stand out in a crowded market(06:20) Showing up and building relationships with your customers(09:10) The cost of starting a teacher biz(12:10) Types of products to sell; printable resources and digital courses(16:05) Benefits of having a membershipResources Mentioned:Cost of Starting Your Teacher Biz Guide: Biz Blueprint: Ready Shop: Mentioned:12: Creating a Digital Course13: Why Digital Courses are Perfect for Teachers with Amy Porterfield14: Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Your First Digital Course22: Building Relationships with your Online Community26: Teacher Biz Startup Costs: Breaking Down Initial InvestmentsConnect With
42: Making a MUCH Greater Impact Beyond the Classroom (24,000+ Students) with Carlin Liborio
Mar 26 2024
42: Making a MUCH Greater Impact Beyond the Classroom (24,000+ Students) with Carlin Liborio
As an experienced educator, Carlin Liborio has been teaching grades K-6, coaching teachers, and writing curriculum for 17 years in 3 different countries. She specializes in helping teachers improve their students' writing skills and has worked on numerous TEA & Pearson anchor committees, item development, and standards setting for the new RLA STAAR test. Carlin’s goal is to help teachers feel empowered and prepared during these challenging times and to grow ALL students to become avid readers and writers.In this episode, Carlin shares her journey from being a fourth-grade language arts teacher to creating a thriving online business focused on helping teachers improve their students' writing skills. She discusses how she identified a gap in the market and developed digital resources to support teachers in preparing their students for standardized tests. Carling also talks about the importance of being authentic and true to yourself when creating content and building an online presence. She shares her strategies for balancing in-person professional development (PD) workshops with digital products and offers so much advice for teachers looking to start their own online business. This is such an inspirational episode that you don’t want to miss!Connect with Carlin Takeaways:(02:40) Carlin’s background as a teacher and her transition to online business(04:15) Identifying a gap in the market and creating digital resources(09:55) Utilizing virtual assistant work to gain experience(13:45) Establishing a work schedule and balancing home and work life(19:50) Creating a digital course to reach more teachers(25:40) Advice for teachers starting an online business(29:35) Diversifying your income and exploring different possibilities(34:35) Carlin’s future goals for her businessDon’t forget to grab the FREE Teacher Biz Starter Guide! With Heather:
40: Taking Small Steps Towards Big Goals with Ruth Soukup
Mar 12 2024
40: Taking Small Steps Towards Big Goals with Ruth Soukup
New York Times bestselling author Ruth Soukup is dedicated to helping women everywhere create a life they love. She is the host of the wildly popular Do It Scared podcast, as well as the founder of several successful brands, including Living Well Spending Less®, Elite Blog Academy®, and her newest endeavor, Thinlicious™, created to make getting healthy taste and feel good. Her practical advice has been featured all over, including Good Morning America, the Today Show, Family Circle, Entrepreneur, TIME and Fox News.In this episode, Ruth shares so much goodness about overcoming perfectionism and setting a strong foundation for your online business. Hear her insights on the power of taking small steps consistently over time, the importance of human connection in the age of AI, and her recent focus on showing up authentically on social media (primarily Instagram). Ruth also shares her predictions for the future of online business in 2024, including the effectiveness of blogging and other content formats. “Big goals never happen all at once. They are the result of small steps taken consistently over time.”Connect with Ruth Takeaways:(03:20) Ruth's journey in starting her first online business(05:50) Taking small steps and remaining consistent(11:15) The concept of time blocking and dedicating full days to big projects(13:10) How the book, Do It Scared, helped Heather overcome perfectionism(16:00) Fear archetypes; identifying and overcoming fear(18:50) Ruth’s predictions for the online business world for 2024(21:35) Showing up on social media and building genuine connections(26:05) Results of organic growth and increased sales(29:35) Blogging in 2024Don’t forget to grab the FREE Teacher Biz Starter Guide! With Heather:
39: Copywriting and Quiz Strategy for Online Businesses with Lindsay Roberts
Mar 5 2024
39: Copywriting and Quiz Strategy for Online Businesses with Lindsay Roberts
Lindsay Roberts is a dynamic Quiz Funnel Strategist committed to putting more money into the hands of more female founders, one quiz funnel at a time. She combines her digital marketing and copywriting expertise with a deep understanding of quiz funnel mechanics to create personalized, practical strategies that drive email list growth. Lindsay believes in the power of quizzes as a tool for customer engagement, deep audience insights, and enabling female-led businesses to customize their offerings more effectively. Her strategies are designed to amplify her clients' reach, ensuring their message sings to the right audience at the right time.In this episode, Lindsay shares her journey from the classroom to building her own online  copywriting business. Learn about the power of storytelling in copywriting, the strategic use of quizzes to engage your audience, and how to write effective copy that will nurture and convert leads. Lindsay also emphasizes the importance of working on your mindset and explains why messy action always wins! Connect with Lindsay Takeaways:(02:50) Lindsay's background and transition from teaching to online business(05:40) Explanation of copywriting and Lindsay's pivot to focus on copywriting(07:10) Lindsay's specialization in quiz strategy and building quiz funnels(13:50) Pitching to clients and the importance of mindset(23:00) The role of storytelling in copywriting(29:00) Tips for getting started with copywriting(32:25) When to consider using quizzes to build your email list(37:55) Benefits of segmenting your audience with quiz results(41:00) Embracing the messy of entrepreneurshipConnect With Heather:
38: A Teacher Biz Student’s Journey to Tutoring Freedom with Lynn Ash
Feb 27 2024
38: A Teacher Biz Student’s Journey to Tutoring Freedom with Lynn Ash
*Disclaimer: this episode includes mentions of the Parkland High School shooting which may be distressing to some individuals*Lynn Ash is a seasoned educator and entrepreneur with over two decades of enriching experience in the field of education. In addition to her roles as an educator, literacy coach and tutor, Lynn is a dynamic entrepreneur who has successfully merged her passion for education with innovative business ventures. She is the owner of Tutoring Freedom, a business designed to help fellow educators create a successful tutoring business that brings them the freedom to choose when and where they work, along with the opportunity to substantially increase their hourly salary - All on their own terms! In this episode, Lynn shares her journey from teaching to tutoring and how her business ideas evolved over time. She discusses the challenges she faced as a teacher and the impact of a tragic event on her decision to retire. Lynn also explains why she was drawn to the idea of starting a teacher biz and how she found the Teacher Biz Blueprint program. She highlights the importance of being relatable and authentic in business and shares her excitement about her new business, Tutoring Freedom.Connect with Lynn Biz Blueprint: Key Takeaways:(06:00) Lynn’s background as a teacher and her experience in Parkland, Florida(10:55) Decision to retire from teaching and focus on tutoring(13:35) Starting a teacher biz and thoughts on the Teacher Biz Blueprint program(15:45)The importance of being relatable in business(18:45) How Lynn's business idea evolved during TBB(22:55) Lynn’s tutoring business, Tutoring Freedom(29:25) Advice for those considering joining the TBB program(35:05) Lynn’s favorite part of the program(37:25) Progress over perfectionConnect With Heather:
36: Creating Effective Sales Pages That Drive Conversions with Bob Sparkins of Leadpages
Feb 13 2024
36: Creating Effective Sales Pages That Drive Conversions with Bob Sparkins of Leadpages
Bob Sparkins, the Manager of Partnerships and Education at Leadpages, made the leap from being a high school history teacher to working in the online business world. After experiencing frustration with the limitations of the traditional classroom, Bob started exploring ways to make extra money online. He initially dabbled in network marketing but found more success in teaching others about online marketing tools and strategies. Eventually, his business income surpassed his teaching income, leading him to leave the classroom and join the Leadpages team.In this episode, Bob and Heather discuss the power of Leadpages, a tool that can help you build landing pages and sales pages to sell your digital products. Learn the benefits of using Leadpages, its ease of use, and the support provided by the Leadpages team. Bob also offers advice for teachers considering transitioning into the online business world, including the importance of valuing your expertise and not undercharging for your products. Connect with Bob Sparkins:As the Manager of Partnerships and Education at Leadpages, Bob Sparkins champions the customers of the top landing page and website building conversion platform and the audiences they serve. A former high school history teacher and academic team coach, Bob has taught business owners around the world how to leverage digital marketing to impact more people with less effort since 2006. He is the author of Take Action, Revise Later; and lives in Bloomington, Minnesota with his wife, Therese, and their amusing kids, Kira (kee-ra) and Landon. Connect with Bob on the social channels via @BobTheTeacher. your free 14-day trial with Leadpages! Takeaways:(07:05) Bob's background as a former high school history teacher(09:30) Bob's early years in online business and finding his niche(14:40) What makes Leadpages special and its impact on online businesses(15:15) Joining Leadpages in-house team(17:30) Benefits of using Leadpages for selling digital products(22:40) Tips for creating a sales page(26:30) Advice on not striving for perfection and taking action(33:00) Encouraging teachers to value their expertise and not undervalue themselves(34:20) Gradually raising prices to reflect the value of your products(38:45) Guiding people towards their next step of successLEARN HOW TO START AND GROW YOUR OWN TEACHER BIZ!Join the Free Challenge! to Episode 04: 3 Reasons to Sell Your Products on Your Own Website (not on TPT!)Connect With Heather:
35: How to Choose the Right Business Mentor or Teacher
Feb 6 2024
35: How to Choose the Right Business Mentor or Teacher
Starting an online business can be overwhelming, especially if you're trying to figure it out on your own. That's why finding a mentor or teacher who can guide you along the way is so valuable! Having someone who has already figured out what works and what doesn't can save you so much time and effort. In this episode, Heather highlights the benefits of learning from someone who has already achieved success in the online business world. She also provides considerations for choosing the right mentor and teacher, including teaching style, relatability, and alignment with the desired business model. Whether you're just starting out or struggling to see success, finding the right mentor can be the missing piece to your teacher business puzzle!LEARN HOW TO START AND GROW YOUR OWN TEACHER BIZ!Join the Free Challenge! Takeaways:(02:45) Benefits of learning from someone who has already achieved success(05:30) Heather’s experiences and lessons learned from previous online teachers(10:15) Considerations in choosing the right teacher for your needs(16:30) Heather’s teaching style and dedication to her students(20:40) Importance of finding a teacher with a similar business modelTeacher Biz Blueprint: Episodes Mentioned:28: Lessons Learned from a Failed Business13: Why Digital Courses are Perfect for Teachers with Amy Porterfield18: Learn the Power of Facebook Ads with Beth Anne SchwambergerConnect With
34: Leaving Teaching for an Online Business
Jan 30 2024
34: Leaving Teaching for an Online Business
Have you ever felt trapped within the walls of your classroom, wondering if there's another way to use your teaching skills? If so, you're not alone! Join Heather as she shares her journey from a challenging teaching environment to becoming an online business owner. Like many teachers, Heather invested years in education only to find herself in difficult teaching situations with lack of support, limited resources, and even received physical attacks from students. Learn how she was able to push past the frustration and eventually find fulfillment, financial stability, and make a greater impact beyond the limitations of the traditional classroom. If you've ever dreamed of leveraging your teaching skills for a different career path, click play now! LEARN HOW TO START AND GROW YOUR OWN TEACHER BIZ!Join the Free Challenge! Takeaways:(05:50) Reflection on the challenges and investment required to become a teacher(07:15) Heather’s journey from wanting to be a lawyer to becoming a teacher(10:40) Difficulties faced during the first year of teaching(12:45) Lack of support and incidents of violence in the classroom(16:40) Quitting teaching and starting a blog(21:25) Determination to make money online and starting Kindergarten Ready(23:40) Replacing teacher salary with online business income(25:45) Teacher Biz Blueprint and the impact of being an online teacher(29:50) It's never a straight line to success, embrace the unexpected(31:05) Utilizing teacher skills in running an online businessTeacher Biz Blueprint: Listen to Episode 28: Lessons Learned from a Failed BusinessConnect With
33: Challenges and Rewards of Running a Brick and Mortar Business with Michele Caruana
Jan 23 2024
33: Challenges and Rewards of Running a Brick and Mortar Business with Michele Caruana
Michele Caruana is a former corporate marketer turned entrepreneur who specializes in helping people create indoor play spaces as physical brick and mortar businesses. With a background in business and economics, Michele opened two indoor playground locations and operated them for almost six years before selling them. She now dedicates herself full-time to sharing her knowledge and experience through her course, Play Cafe Academy, and her YouTube channel and podcast, The Profitable Play Podcast.In this conversation, Michele shares her journey from the corporate world to becoming a successful business owner in the indoor playground industry. She discusses the differences between physical and online businesses, highlighting the challenges and rewards of each. She emphasizes the importance of making informed decisions when starting a brick and mortar business and offers valuable insights into funding, location selection, and team management. She also addresses the common misconceptions teachers have when transitioning into the business world and provides practical advice for aspiring entrepreneurs!Connect with Michele Caruana:Michele Caruana is a business strategist, coach, and online educator in the family entertainment and indoor play industry. After owning her own indoor playground locations for over 5 years before selling, Michele now helps people launch and operate their indoor playground or family entertainment centers with more joy and ease through simple and streamlined systems, templates, processes, and training. She does this through her online courses, Play Cafe Academy YouTube Channel, and Profitable Play Podcast. Michele is also a wife and a mother of two young boys and is passionate about helping other parent entrepreneurs create their own unique dream businesses that truly serve their families and impact their communities for the better.Podcast: Takeaways:(02:45) Transitioning from a corporate job to opening a brick and mortar(05:25) Lack of information and support in the play cafe industry(09:00) Challenges of running a brick and mortar business(15:30) Comparing the cost of running a physical business vs. an online business(21:35) Benefits of starting small and avoiding financial devastation(30:30) The appeal of the indoor playground industry to teachers(35:45) The misconception that indoor playground owners spend most of their time with kids(41:20) Asking for help and hiring experts(45:25) Overcoming perfectionism and providing value to othersConnect With Heather: