Lion Fludd

Welcome to Redesign Your Lyfe, the ultimate guide to breaking free from the shackles of routine and societal norms. If you've ever felt stuck in the monotony of life and work, yearning for a fresh perspective, this podcast is your compass to navigate the uncharted waters of unconventional thinking. Join us as we embark on a journey to challenge the status quo and empower you to embrace the extraordinary. Each episode is a passport to unlocking your full potential, offering insights, stories, and practical tips to kickstart your journey towards a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. Hosted by Lion Fludd, a seasoned navigator of the unconventional, our show delves into the art of thinking outside the box, dismantling limiting beliefs, and redefining success on your terms. Discover the stories of those who have defied societal expectations and carved their own paths, proving that the extraordinary is within reach for anyone daring enough to break free. Prepare for mind-expanding conversations, unconventional wisdom, and actionable advice that will propel you forward. It's time to shed the weight of conformity, liberate your creativity, and cultivate a mindset that thrives on innovation. Are you ready to get unstuck? Are you ready to Redesign Your Lyfe? Tune in to Redesign Your Lyfe and join the movement of those who dare to dream beyond the ordinary. Your adventure into a life unbound begins now. In our world I wanted to welcome you, as YOU MATTER!!! Hello everyone, welcome to Redesign your lyfe. I’m your host Lion I am here on a mission to help you rediscover your purpose and live a life of meaning as I guide you through the journey to finding and living your best life. I'm here to help you regain control of your life if you are feeling hopeless and lost - which is a feeling I'm sure we can all relate to. We all know the fundamental question - what is the purpose of life and how can I make sure I'm living it? This podcast will tackle this big question with just one question. We will dive deep into answering this one question and by the end of our time you will be armed with the knowledge to take control of your life and make your dreams a reality. Each week, we will focus on a single aspect of discovering your purpose with topics ranging from understanding yourself, to finding your passion, to creating a purpose-led lifestyle. Each episode will feature inspiring interviews with individuals who have been through this same journey and have found their purpose. They will share their stories, offer you advice, and answer the question we have all been asking. We will also have conversations with experts to bring you the latest research and tools to help you on your journey. Our hope is that by the end of this podcast, you will have the tools and resources necessary to pursue your passions, build meaningful relationships, and create the life of your dreams. So if you are feeling hopeless and want to regain control of your life, then stick around. This podcast will help you do just that. Thanks for listening and I look forward to our journey together. read less
Society & CultureSociety & Culture

Season 6

"The Truth About Tithing: Unpacking Church Finances" #101
Feb 19 2024
"The Truth About Tithing: Unpacking Church Finances" #101
Redesign Your Life: The Truth About Tithing In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the controversial topic of tithing in the church. Our goal is not to antagonize but to inform and learn. We encourage respectful dialogue and invite listeners to share their opinions without resorting to arguments or disrespect. We explore the various purposes of tithing, such as supporting church expenses, aiding the needy, and covering overhead costs like salaries and utilities. However, I express skepticism about the transparency and honesty of how these funds are used, especially in light of the wealth accumulated by certain pastors, like Joel Osteen, whose net worth and income from the church are staggeringly high. I challenge the traditional practice of tithing, questioning its origins and the lack of accountability in how the money is spent. I argue that if churches are indeed businesses, then congregants deserve to know where their contributions are going. I also touch upon the cultural practices within black churches, urging listeners to question and research the reasons behind certain traditions. Dr. Umar Johnson's perspective is introduced, criticizing black churches for not investing enough in community development despite significant tithing income. He suggests that churches should establish schools, banks, and community gardens to serve their congregations better. In conclusion, I encourage listeners to think critically about where their tithing money goes and to consider whether their church is genuinely serving the community's needs. I advocate for a redesign of one's life that includes questioning long-held beliefs and practices, especially when they may not align with one's personal values or the community's best interests. Remember, it's about living life to the fullest and making informed choices. Thank you for joining me on this journey to redesign your life.   website:    Ecamm:    Searchie:    Coach Finance:    Swell:    Get Free Gift:    Join E-Committe:    Wisdom:    Searchie Free Trial:  Voice message…
"Breaking Generational Choices: Teaching Kids What We Weren't Taught" #102
Feb 27 2024
"Breaking Generational Choices: Teaching Kids What We Weren't Taught" #102
In this heartfelt episode, I shared a touching story about a special day spent with my son, which led to a profound realization about the importance of redesigning our lives for joy and connection. Reflecting on my own childhood, I discussed the significance of breaking free from the constraints of past generations and making conscious choices that shape a better future for our children. I emphasized the value of teaching our children what we weren't taught, rather than simply giving them material things. From cooking classes to financial literacy, I advocated for creating bonds and instilling skills that will benefit them for generations to come. I also touched on the concept of generational choices, urging listeners to challenge outdated advice and adapt to the modern world, like understanding the importance of credit over cash. Throughout the episode, I encouraged listeners to start new traditions, make memories over material possessions, and prioritize experiences that bring happiness. I shared my own journey as a serial entrepreneur, highlighting the lessons learned from both successes and failures, and the legacy we're leaving for our children by demonstrating the courage to try new things. As always, I expressed my gratitude for the community we've built together and teased exciting new business ventures on the horizon. I invited everyone to join me in this journey of growth and self-improvement, reminding us all that it's never too late to redesign our lives for the better. Stay tuned for more inspiring conversations and updates on our entrepreneurial adventures. website:    Ecamm:    Searchie:    Coach Finance:    Swell:    Get Free Gift:    Join E-Committe:    Wisdom:    Searchie Free Trial:  Voice message…
From Corporate America to Digital Nomad: A Journey of Redesigning Life #103
Mar 7 2024
From Corporate America to Digital Nomad: A Journey of Redesigning Life #103
Episode Summary: Redesigning Life and Embracing Change Welcome back to another episode of Redesign Your Life, where we explore the courage it takes to break free from societal norms and pursue a life of fulfillment and adventure. Today, we had an incredibly inspiring conversation with our guest, who shared her transformative journey from corporate America to becoming a digital nomad. Our guest opened up about her past life, where she was the breadwinner with all the trappings of success, including a million-dollar house and luxury items. However, a health scare involving memory loss and severe migraines led her to reevaluate her priorities. Despite initially being dismissed by her doctor and prescribed antidepressants, she advocated for herself and discovered she had a serious neurological condition that could have led to blindness or an aneurysm. This wake-up call, coupled with the desire to give her son a world of experiences, prompted her and her husband to set a goal for their son to visit 100 countries before turning 18. They believe in education through hands-on experiences and have already made significant progress toward this goal. Our guest also shared the challenges of letting go of material possessions and the freedom that came with it. She emphasized the importance of being your own health advocate and how her son's words reminded her that she could be anything she wanted to be, which led her to start her own business as an executive virtual assistant. As the host, I resonated with her story, especially the emphasis on creating memories over accumulating wealth. I shared my own experiences with my son and the importance of teaching him life skills that I wasn't taught. We discussed the societal pressures to conform and the realization that life is too short to spend it in a state of complacency. In closing, our guest encouraged listeners who feel stuck in their routines to take the leap and make a change, despite the fear and uncertainty that comes with it. She offered her contact information for anyone interested in learning more about becoming an entrepreneur or embracing a nomadic lifestyle. Remember, it's about living while you're alive and being an advocate for your own happiness and health. Join us again for more stories that challenge the status quo and inspire you to redesign your life.   website:    Ecamm:    Searchie:    Coach Finance:    Swell:    Get Free Gift:    Join E-Committe:    Wisdom:    Searchie Free Trial: Coffee Store  Voice message…
Navigating Entrepreneurship and Virtual Engagement with Alison French
Mar 21 2024
Navigating Entrepreneurship and Virtual Engagement with Alison French
In this episode, Alison French, the managing director of Alto Solutions, discusses the process of being an entrepreneur and living your dream. She highlights her work with organizations and leaders to build stronger teams, improve communication, leadership, and manage change. The conversation delves into the shift to virtual work during the pandemic and the importance of adapting, fine-tuning communication, and connecting effectively in the virtual world. website:  Coffee:   Ecamm:    Searchie:    Coach Finance:    Swell:    Get Free Gift:    Join E-Committe:    Wisdom:    Searchie Free Trial:  Voice message… Alison French, the managing director of Alto Solutions, discusses the process of being an entrepreneur and living your dream. She highlights her work with organizations and leaders to build stronger teams, improve communication, leadership, and manage change. The conversation delves into the shift to virtual work during the pandemic and the importance of adapting, fine-tuning communication, and connecting effectively in the virtual world.

Season 5

#78 Downsizing for a Better Life: Leaving Behind Material Possessions
Aug 14 2023
#78 Downsizing for a Better Life: Leaving Behind Material Possessions
The podcast episode centers around the theme of redesigning one's life and finding ways to overcome feeling stuck. Hosted by Lion Fludd, the podcast aims to empower listeners by challenging societal expectations and encouraging them to think outside the box in order to live life to its fullest potential. During the episode, Lion Fluddd shares his personal journey of redesigning his life alongside his wife and son. They made the bold decision to relocate from Las Vegas, Nevada to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, a decision that had been weighing on them for quite some time. Fludd acknowledges the fear and uncertainty that accompanies such a significant move, but emphasizes the importance of taking action and addressing the challenges and complaints in life. The podcast strives to foster a community and society centered around the concept of redesigning one's life. Fludd mentions the existence of a Facebook group called "Redesign Your Life" and expresses plans to expand their reach and develop coaching programs. The podcast also intends to feature guest experts, including life coaches and mindset coaches, who will share techniques and strategies for visualizing personal growth and overcoming feelings of being stuck. Overall, the episode's primary focus is to empower listeners to make the decision to change their lives. It offers support and resources for individuals who may feel stagnant or burned out in various aspects of their lives, whether it be in their careers or personal lives. The hosts of the podcast mention their commitment to building a supportive community and society that helps individuals who feel stuck in their lives. They aim to provide support and resources for those experiencing stagnation or burnout, whether they are in corporate America or facing other challenges. The hosts encourage listeners to share the podcast with anyone who could benefit from it and to join their positive and like-minded community on Facebook called "Redesign Your Life." Additionally, they express plans to invite guest experts, such as life coaches and mindset coaches, to discuss different techniques and strategies for visualizing and achieving personal growth and progress. Ultimately, the hosts are dedicated to creating a supportive community where individuals can find inspiration and guidance to break free from their current circumstances and redesign their lives.   #ad Incfile makes setting up an LLC the easiest part of doing business. Click here to start setting up yours and turn your passion into your new business!   Get bonus content and insight at Link Tree   Powered by Ecamm: Ecamm
83 "Breaking the Mold: Unconventional Thinking vs. Conventional Thinking"
Sep 18 2023
83 "Breaking the Mold: Unconventional Thinking vs. Conventional Thinking"
In this episode, the host delves into the concept of breaking the mold and explores the distinction between unconventional and conventional thinking. They acknowledge that many individuals feel trapped and yearn for something different in their lives, yet they struggle to know where to begin or how to achieve it. The episode promises to provide practical steps and tips to help listeners shift their perspective and approach to life. The host starts by explaining the contrast between conventional thinking and unconventional thinking. Conventional thinking refers to ideas and beliefs that have been unquestioningly passed down through generations, often based on societal norms and expectations. To illustrate this, the host gives an example of the customary response of saying "bless you" after someone sneezes without understanding its origin. They suggest that conventional thinking can permeate various aspects of life, including work and relationships. On the other hand, unconventional thinking involves challenging the status quo and questioning the reasons behind established practices. The host encourages listeners to embrace unconventional thinking and examine their own beliefs and actions. They urge listeners to reflect on their past experiences and consider if there are any habits or behaviors they engage in that they disliked as children but still continue to do. By fostering curiosity and exploring these thoughts, listeners can break free from conventional thinking and discover new ways of approaching life. Overall, the episode focuses on empowering listeners to break the mold and adopt unconventional thinking. By understanding the difference between conventional and unconventional thinking, listeners can challenge societal norms, question their own beliefs, and ultimately create a life that aligns with their true desires and values. .   [00:01:19] Conventional and unconventional thinking.  [00:04:08] Childhood trauma and food restrictions.  [00:08:12] Creating a supportive environment. [00:11:08] Thinking differently and breaking traditions.  [00:14:44] Enjoying the present moment.   Join our Facebook Community: If you're looking for a community of supportive uncommon thinkers who are all working to take life by the horms then join us here:     Website:    Ecamm:    Searchie:    Coach Finance:    Swell:    Get Free Gift:    Join E-Committe:
84 "Making Memories Over Money: A Conversation with Kim Siegel"
Sep 25 2023
84 "Making Memories Over Money: A Conversation with Kim Siegel"
The podcast host runs a Facebook group called "Design Your Life" where she offers support and encouragement to individuals struggling to live their best life. Alongside the group, she provides a comprehensive 14-week audio course designed to assist people in their journey of life design. This course is followed by six months of weekly coaching, allowing participants to collaborate with others facing similar challenges. The host emphasizes the significance of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who can provide encouragement and support. The ultimate goal of the group and coaching is to help individuals overcome obstacles and live their best lives, regardless of their financial situation or struggles. The host firmly believes that everyone deserves a fulfilling life and is committed to helping them achieve it. In the episode, the host underscores the importance of evaluating one's actions and experiences over the past 72 hours and how they can impact the present. By reflecting on our recent choices, assessing our progress towards goals, and acknowledging sacrifices made, we can gain insight into how our past actions influence our present circumstances and make necessary adjustments. The host also highlights how our actions in the last 72 hours directly affect our current day. This implies that recent experiences and choices have a direct impact on our mood, productivity, and overall well-being. By evaluating our progress towards goals, our eating habits, and our sleep patterns, we can gain insight into how our recent actions and choices are influencing us in the present moment. Furthermore, the host emphasizes the importance of evaluating our actions and experiences by drawing attention to the sacrifices made by veterans. Rather than simply thanking veterans for their service, the host suggests that it is more meaningful to express gratitude for their sacrifice. This highlights the idea that evaluating and acknowledging past sacrifices can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of their impact on the present. Overall, the host emphasizes the significance of evaluating one's actions and experiences over the past 72 hours and how they can impact the present. By reflecting on our recent choices, assessing our progress towards goals, and acknowledging sacrifices made, we can gain insight into how our past actions influence our present circumstances and make necessary adjustments. In the episode, the host also emphasizes the importance of seeking support if someone feels dissatisfied with their current life. They encourage individuals who desire more but are unsure how to achieve it to reach out for assistance. Specifically, the host addresses the challenges faced by retirees transitioning from their corporate jobs and feeling uncertain about navigating this new phase of life. One area of focus for retirees is the cultivation and nurturing of friendships. The host highlights that many retirees' friendships were connected to their jobs, and after retirement, these relationships may not be as strong. To address this, the host guides retirees through a process called a friendship portfolio, ensuring that their friendships are diverse, just like their investments. Additionally, the host encourages individuals to reflect on what brought them joy during different stages of their lives. They suggest looking back at childhood and identifying the things that made them happy at different ages. This reflection can help individuals reconnect with their passions and interests, guiding them towards a more fulfilling life. Overall, the host aims to provide support and guidance to individuals who feel a sense of uneasiness or dissatisfaction with their current lives. They offer strategies and tools to help people discover what they truly want and work towards living their best life.   website:    Ecamm:    Searchie:    Coach Finance:    Swell:    Get Free Gift:    Join E-Committe:    Wisdom:  Facebook    Searchie Free Trial:  Voice message…
#85 "The Impact of Autoimmune Diseases"
Oct 2 2023
#85 "The Impact of Autoimmune Diseases"
In this episode, the podcast host reveals their personal experience with multiple sclerosis (MS) and announces that the topic will be discussed. They begin by providing a trigger warning for those who may be affected by the subject matter and encourage anyone in need of assistance to seek help. The host acknowledges the various ways in which MS can impact their life, such as limiting their ability to travel, spend time with family, and stand for extended periods. They also highlight the fact that individuals with autoimmune diseases like MS may face challenges that are not always visible to others. The host emphasizes the importance of empathy and understanding towards those dealing with autoimmune diseases. They share their involvement in a support group and recount a story from someone who has been living with MS for 26 years, shedding light on the ongoing fear and learning process that accompanies the diagnosis. Additionally, the host briefly mentions having a dormant JC virus, which poses a potential threat to their MS and adds an extra layer of stress for both themselves and their family. Moving on, the episode delves into the topic of societal pressures and expectations that lead to comparisons and feelings of falling behind in life. The speaker emphasizes that these pressures are imposed on individuals from a young age, whether it be from friends, family, or society as a whole. They suggest that these pressures create a belief that one's worth is tied to achieving certain milestones within a specific timeframe. The speaker also notes that it takes approximately three generations to break free from this cycle, indicating that these societal expectations have been deeply ingrained in our culture for a significant period of time. They encourage listeners to refrain from passing on their own fears and expectations to the next generation, as doing so perpetuates the cycle. Instead, they emphasize the importance of liberating oneself from these societal expectations and living life on one's own terms. Furthermore, the speaker challenges the notion that life has a predetermined expiration date, such as reaching a certain age like 25. They argue that everyone's individual timeline is valid and that individuals should not compare themselves to others or feel inadequate if they have not reached the same milestones as their peers. The speaker highlights the role of social media in exacerbating these feelings of comparison, as people often present their lives as perfect and successful, even if that may not be the reality. Overall, the episode suggests that comparisons and feelings of falling behind in life stem from societal pressures and expectations that have been deeply ingrained in us from an early age. The speaker encourages listeners to break free from these expectations, embrace their own unique timelines, and focus on living a fulfilling life that aligns with their true selves, rather than striving to meet societal norms. Throughout the episode, the podcast emphasizes the significance of letting go of societal expectations and living life on one's own terms. The host challenges the notion that certain milestones or achievements must be accomplished by a specific age, such as securing a dream job before turning 30 or adhering to a predetermined timeline for marriage and starting a family. The podcast asserts that these societal expectations are not absolute truths and that individuals should have the freedom to be who they want to be and pursue their own aspirations. To reinforce this message, the host shares a personal anecdote about coming across a meme earlier in the day that resonated with the podcast's theme. The meme highlights the feeling of falling behind in life and prompts listeners to reflect on the origins of this sentiment, which can be traced back to societal pressure and expectations imposed from an early age. The podcast encourages individuals to break this cycle and avoid imposing their own fears and expectations onto others, as it perpetuates the feeling of being left behind. The podcast reassures listeners that everyone's unique timeline is valid and that life does not come with an expiration date, such as reaching a certain age like 25. It emphasizes the importance of refraining from comparing oneself to others or feeling inadequate because they have not reached the same milestones as their friends or peers. The host acknowledges that social media often presents a distorted view of others' lives, but reminds listeners that no one's life is perfect. The focus should be on working towards improving one's own life rather than trying to keep up with others. Overall, the podcast encourages listeners to let go of societal expectations, embrace their own unique path, and prioritize their own happiness and fulfillment. It promotes the idea of redesigning one's life to align with personal values and aspirations, rather than conforming to societal norms.   ebsite:    Ecamm:    Searchie:    Coach Finance:    Swell:    Get Free Gift:    Join E-Committe:    Wisdom:    Searchie Free Trial:  Voice message…
#86 Honest Assessments and Relieving the Pressure
Oct 9 2023
#86 Honest Assessments and Relieving the Pressure
In this episode, the host emphasizes the power of starting small when it comes to redesigning one's life. They encourage listeners to focus on making incremental improvements and taking small actions towards their goals. Even a 1% improvement is enough to make a difference. The host reminds listeners that they don't have to meet society's expectations and timelines for success. Instead, they should prioritize their health, relationships, and happiness. By embracing the small steps and finding joy in the positive aspects of their lives, listeners can gradually work towards redesigning their lives. The host also suggests that redesigning one's physical space, such as their home, can have a significant impact on overall well-being. They recommend checking out Pier One for home redesign inspiration. Overall, the episode emphasizes the importance of starting small and making progress towards redesigning one's life. In this episode, the host challenges the notion that success is solely determined by monetary achievements. They argue that success can be found in various aspects of life, such as relationships and experiences. The host highlights the importance of nurturing and maintaining meaningful connections with family and friends, emphasizing that success can be measured by the quality of these relationships. They also suggest that creating memorable experiences, even simple ones like picking apples with loved ones, can be considered successful moments. The episode encourages listeners to prioritize building memories over accumulating wealth and to define success on their own terms, rather than conforming to society's standards. The episode promotes a broader definition of success, one that encompasses personal relationships, experiences, and overall well-being, rather than solely focusing on financial achievements. It encourages listeners to reflect on their goals and pursue success in all aspects of their lives, not just in monetary terms. In this episode, the host emphasizes the importance of checking in with oneself and others. They highlight that checking in goes beyond the surface-level response of "I'm fine" and involves conducting an honest assessment of one's well-being. The host shares their personal experience of checking in with themselves and how it has brought relief and authenticity to their interactions with others. They encourage listeners to do the same and give themselves permission to set achievable goals by writing down three things they want to accomplish within the next month. This exercise is not about making resolutions but about taking small steps towards personal growth. Furthermore, the host emphasizes the significance of checking in with loved ones. They suggest engaging in meaningful conversations by asking, "What's really going on with you?" This shows a genuine interest in understanding the other person's emotions and experiences. The episode highlights that checking in with oneself and others is crucial for personal growth and maintaining strong connections. By taking the time to assess one's own well-being and actively engaging in meaningful conversations with loved ones, individuals can foster personal growth, strengthen relationships, and create a more authentic and fulfilling life.   website:    Ecamm:    Searchie:    Coach Finance:    Swell:    Get Free Gift:    Join E-Committe:    Wisdom:    Searchie Free Trial:  Voice message…
#87 A Funny Incident at the Park: A Black Man's Perspective
Oct 16 2023
#87 A Funny Incident at the Park: A Black Man's Perspective
The episode delves into the necessity for minorities, particularly black men, to redefine their approach to work and navigate their lives in order to survive. The host shares a personal experience where he felt the need to exercise caution in his interactions and speech around certain individuals, as it could be perceived as aggressive or threatening. This highlights the additional burden and pressure that black men often face in society. The episode suggests that this need for redefinition extends beyond just the economic or job market aspects of life. It also encompasses everyday situations, such as being in a store or at a park, where black men may feel a heightened sense of awareness and the need to adapt their behavior to avoid negative assumptions or reactions from others. The host emphasizes that living as a black man means living a different life than most, and that it can be challenging for others to comprehend this experience. He encourages listeners to approach this topic with an open heart and understanding towards those who are in the process of redefining their lives. He suggests that even though others may not see or understand the struggles that black men face, they can still offer support and assistance by simply asking if everything is okay or if there is anything they can do to help. The episode also touches on the historical context of black men being accused or targeted based on stereotypes and prejudices. The host mentions examples such as Emmett Till and Rosewood, highlighting the long-standing injustices and biases that black men have had to navigate throughout history. Overall, the episode sheds light on the unique challenges and experiences faced by black men in society, and emphasizes the importance of empathy, understanding, and support from others in order to create a more inclusive and equitable environment. In the episode, the host encourages listeners to be kind and understanding towards others who are in the process of redefining their lives. The host emphasizes that everyone is going through something, even if it's not visible or expressed. They urge listeners to open their hearts and be receptive to understanding what others are going through. The host suggests that listeners can be a driving force in someone else's life by offering help and support. They suggest asking someone if they are okay, if they need anything, or if there is anything that can be done to assist them. The host also shares their own experiences as a black man and how they have had to redefine their life in order to navigate certain situations. They recount a lighthearted incident that happened to them in a park, highlighting the importance of being mindful of other people's feelings and experiences. Overall, the host encourages listeners to be kind and understanding towards others who are going through the process of redefining their lives, acknowledging that everyone's journey is unique and may require support and understanding. The episode promotes a three-day challenge called the "Get Comfy on Camera Challenge" that aims to help individuals become comfortable with being on camera and sharing their work. The challenge specifically targets those in coaching, consulting, and training businesses who may experience anxiety or uncertainty about going live or being recorded. By participating in the challenge, individuals will receive tools and resources to help them overcome their fears and confidently showcase their work on camera. The host encourages listeners to sign up for the free challenge and emphasizes the importance of getting their work out there and reaching a wider audience.   website:    Ecamm:    Searchie:    Coach Finance:    Swell:    Get Free Gift:    Join E-Committe:    Wisdom:    Searchie Free Trial:  Voice message…
Improving Your Intimate Connection: Tips for Better Communication #92
Nov 20 2023
Improving Your Intimate Connection: Tips for Better Communication #92
00:03:50 Improve communication through active listening. 00:07:31 Maintaining connection through active listening. 00:10:26 Teddy bear technique for communication. 00:17:08 Understanding is key to relationships. 00:21:15 Boundaries are essential for peace.  00:26:51 Choose intention for human experience.   In this podcast episode, Christy Holtz and Lion Fludd come together to share three tips for strengthening relationships. Christy introduces herself and her podcast, Create Your Happy, while Lion shares his experience as a video specialist and content creation coach. The hosts emphasize the importance of communication and active listening in relationship building. They acknowledge that these skills may not have been taught or modeled in the past but stress the need to practice them in order to improve communication with loved ones. Their tips include active listening, paraphrasing, mirroring, and checking understanding. Overall, this episode provides valuable insights for anyone looking to enhance their relationships.   website:    Ecamm:    Searchie:    Coach Finance:    Swell:    Get Free Gift:    Join E-Committe:    Wisdom:    Searchie Free Trial:  Voice message…