Podcasters for Christ Podcast

Robert Thibodeau

Pastor Bob Thibodeau answers your questions about Christian podcasting. If you are a Christian and have an existing podcast you want to grow and make better, or you are thinking of starting a podcast, Pastor Bob is here to help. In this podcast, Pastor Bob takes the questions he has been asked over the years and dedicates a complete episode to answering these questions for you. read less


Story Telling and Hybrid Podcast
Mar 3 2021
Story Telling and Hybrid Podcast
Today we answer the question, "What Are the Most Popular Types of Podcasts?" by explaining the "Panel Discussion Podcast."For more information on Podcasters for Christ, please visit https://podcastersforchrist.comThis is kind of like the NPR stories. It takes A LOT OF TIME to prepare!  Do not underestimate the time involved to do a quality program when you are trying to tell a story.  NPR may spend weeks gathering audio commentary, conducting interview and fact finding. They may record hours and hours of interviews and audio. Then spend hours more editing quotes from the many audio files and putting them into a sequential story that gets their message across. Fictional Story Telling:  This is kind of like writing your own fictional book. But you are talking it out in audio. You can have different voice actors read the lines of various characters. If you are good at doing this sort of thing, you could find yourself with a lot of listeners. And who know, maybe a future book deal?You can also develop a HYBRID podcast:  This is where you may do a combination of various formats, depending on the message you are trying to communicate. You could do the solo program on some topics. Bring in a guest to interview about the topic later. And maybe hold a panel discussion after you interview a couple of guests. So you do not have to be “stuck” in a mold. As a podcaster, you have the ability to develop your podcast anyway you want! Just remember, it is about the listeners –not you!