Relationship Mastery

Del Adey-Jones & Barry Selby

Tune in each week, as Relationship Coaches, Del Adey-Jones and Barry Selby, come together to share their insights and expertise on various relationship topics. When they say relationships, they mean all relationships, not just romantic relationships. They will cover the dynamics of the relationships you have with your children, your parents, your boss, your co-worker, your siblings, your friends, and, most importantly, the relationship you have with yourselves!Show topics include Love, Communication, Healthy Boundaries, Sex, Dating, Respect, Healing from Childhood Trauma, Codependency, Narcissistic Abuse, People Pleasing, Not taking Things Personally, Gaslighting, Ghosting, Infidelity, Divorce, Parenting, and Conflict Resolution, to name but a few. read less
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72 - Going with the Flow of Life
May 21 2024
72 - Going with the Flow of Life
Are you a control freak? Do you believe you have to micromanage all aspects of your life, or everything will fall apart? On this week's show, Del and Barry discuss the beauty of taking our hands off the wheel and allowing life/god/spirit/ the universe to guide us Going with the flow of life means embracing uncertainty and surrendering to the natural ebb and flow of experiences. It involves letting go of rigid plans and expectations and allowing oneself to be guided by intuition and serendipity. By cultivating acceptance and resilience, individuals can navigate life's twists and turns with grace, finding beauty and growth in unexpected moments and opportunities.Send us a Text Message.We hope you enjoyed the episode. Please subscribe and share it with family and friends. If you'd like us to address a specific topic let us know and we'll be happy to include it in a future episode. Send us a message here.Del is a relationship coach, international speaker, published author, and spiritual teacher, specializing in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and unhealed childhood trauma. If you are interested in working with Del visit: or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube. Barry is a relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual guide, assisting both men and women having better relationships. If you are interested in working with Barry visit: or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.
71 - Going With The Flow in Relationships
May 14 2024
71 - Going With The Flow in Relationships
Are you someone who goes with the flow in your relationships, or do you prefer to be in the driver's seat, getting your way in every situation? On this week's show, Del and Barry discuss how going with the flow in relationships entails embracing spontaneity, flexibility, and adaptability. It involves relinquishing rigid expectations and allowing the relationship to evolve naturally. This approach fosters open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to navigate challenges together. By prioritizing harmony over control, partners can cultivate a deeper connection, appreciating the beauty of the journey without fixating on predefined outcomes.Send us a Text Message.We hope you enjoyed the episode. Please subscribe and share it with family and friends. If you'd like us to address a specific topic let us know and we'll be happy to include it in a future episode. Send us a message here.Del is a relationship coach, international speaker, published author, and spiritual teacher, specializing in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and unhealed childhood trauma. If you are interested in working with Del visit: or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube. Barry is a relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual guide, assisting both men and women having better relationships. If you are interested in working with Barry visit: or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.
70 - Choosing Our Battles Wisely
May 7 2024
70 - Choosing Our Battles Wisely
Do you choose your battles wisely, or are you ready to go to war over the tiniest thing? On this week's show, Del and Barry discuss how choosing our battles wisely is essential for maintaining a healthy and harmonious relationship. When we go to battle over everything that annoys us in our relationships, we risk driving a wedge between ourselves and others. Nobody wants to be close to someone who constantly finds fault with them. We promote effective conflict resolution by prioritizing conflicts while letting go of trivial disagreements. By focusing on battles that truly matter, you can navigate challenges with clarity, purpose, and resilience.Send us a Text Message.We hope you enjoyed the episode. Please subscribe and share it with family and friends. If you'd like us to address a specific topic let us know and we'll be happy to include it in a future episode. Send us a message here.Del is a relationship coach, international speaker, published author, and spiritual teacher, specializing in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and unhealed childhood trauma. If you are interested in working with Del visit: or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube. Barry is a relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual guide, assisting both men and women having better relationships. If you are interested in working with Barry visit: or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.
67 - Healthy Arguing
Apr 16 2024
67 - Healthy Arguing
Are you afraid of arguing? Do you think arguing means your relationship is in trouble? On this week's show, Del and Barry discuss how arguing can be good for your relationship if done in a healthy way. Healthy arguing involves respectful communication, active listening, and focusing on understanding rather than winning. It includes expressing emotions calmly, avoiding personal attacks, and seeking compromise. Both partners take responsibility for their actions, acknowledge each other's perspectives, and work towards resolution. Healthy arguing strengthens relationships by fostering empathy, mutual respect, and a deeper understanding of each other's needs and boundaries.Send us a Text Message.We hope you enjoyed the episode. Please subscribe and share it with family and friends. If you'd like us to address a specific topic let us know and we'll be happy to include it in a future episode. Send us a message here.Del is a relationship coach, international speaker, published author, and spiritual teacher, specializing in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and unhealed childhood trauma. If you are interested in working with Del visit: or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube. Barry is a relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual guide, assisting both men and women having better relationships. If you are interested in working with Barry visit: or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.
64 - Benefits of Dating Someone Your Age
Mar 26 2024
64 - Benefits of Dating Someone Your Age
Do you believe that all men are attracted to younger women? If so, you are mistaken! Although some men are attracted to younger women, there are plenty of men who are looking for someone their own age. They want a woman who brings experience to the relationship. A woman who they can relate to. A woman who knows what she's looking for and isn't afraid to speak her truth. Join Del and Barry on this week's show as they discuss the merits of embracing your beauty, intelligence, and attractiveness regardless of your age. The innate confidence that comes from knowing our worth is what attracts us to each other, not the number of years we've been on the planet. Send us a Text Message.We hope you enjoyed the episode. Please subscribe and share it with family and friends. If you'd like us to address a specific topic let us know and we'll be happy to include it in a future episode. Send us a message here.Del is a relationship coach, international speaker, published author, and spiritual teacher, specializing in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and unhealed childhood trauma. If you are interested in working with Del visit: or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube. Barry is a relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual guide, assisting both men and women having better relationships. If you are interested in working with Barry visit: or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.
63 - Older Men ... Younger Women
Mar 19 2024
63 - Older Men ... Younger Women
Are you newly single and finding it hard to meet a man your own age? Are you starting to feel past your prime and beginning to believe the old adage that all men are attracted to younger women? On this week's show, Del and Barry discuss why some men are attracted to younger women. Besides the initial physical attraction, men often tell us there's less baggage to contend with when dating a younger person. There are no ex-husbands or children to compete with. Plus, they feel revitalized by their new partner's youthful energy and enthusiasm for life. This can be especially true if the man is experiencing a midlife crisis and wants to avoid feeling his age.Send us a Text Message.We hope you enjoyed the episode. Please subscribe and share it with family and friends. If you'd like us to address a specific topic let us know and we'll be happy to include it in a future episode. Send us a message here.Del is a relationship coach, international speaker, published author, and spiritual teacher, specializing in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and unhealed childhood trauma. If you are interested in working with Del visit: or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube. Barry is a relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual guide, assisting both men and women having better relationships. If you are interested in working with Barry visit: or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.
60 - Unconditional Love
Feb 27 2024
60 - Unconditional Love
Do you believe unconditional love means continuing to love someone no matter what? Even when their behavior becomes abusive or causes you harm? If so, you are mistaken. In this week's episode, Del and Barry discuss the difference between Codependency and Unconditional Love. Loving someone unconditionally means that you love them without judgment; it doesn't mean you have to accept abuse. On the contrary, unconditional love embodies empathy, forgiveness, and acceptance, but not at the expense of your well-being. It does not mean suffering in silence while someone walks all over you. It means loving them while maintaining healthy boundaries. Sometimes, love is not enough to make a relationship work.Send us a Text Message.We hope you enjoyed the episode. Please subscribe and share it with family and friends. If you'd like us to address a specific topic let us know and we'll be happy to include it in a future episode. Send us a message here.Del is a relationship coach, international speaker, published author, and spiritual teacher, specializing in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and unhealed childhood trauma. If you are interested in working with Del visit: or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube. Barry is a relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual guide, assisting both men and women having better relationships. If you are interested in working with Barry visit: or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.
59 - Is it Love or Enabling
Feb 21 2024
59 - Is it Love or Enabling
Do you find it hard to maintain healthy boundaries with a loved one engaging in destructive behavior? Do you love someone so much that you fear losing them if you were to hold them to the consequences you've given them? If so, you may inadvertently be enabling them. In this week's show, Del and Barry discuss the differences between love and enabling. Enabling involves inadvertently supporting destructive behaviors out of fear or guilt, which hinders personal growth and maintains dependencies. Meanwhile, love embraces accountability and growth and empowers individuals to thrive independently, fostering healthier relationships and personal development.Send us a Text Message.We hope you enjoyed the episode. Please subscribe and share it with family and friends. If you'd like us to address a specific topic let us know and we'll be happy to include it in a future episode. Send us a message here.Del is a relationship coach, international speaker, published author, and spiritual teacher, specializing in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and unhealed childhood trauma. If you are interested in working with Del visit: or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube. Barry is a relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual guide, assisting both men and women having better relationships. If you are interested in working with Barry visit: or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.
58 - The Shadow
Feb 13 2024
58 - The Shadow
Do you find yourself overly judgmental of others? Does other people's behavior easily trigger you? Are there certain aspects of your personality that you would rather keep hidden? If so, you may be coming up against your Shadow. In this week's show, Del and Barry discuss the concept of The Shadow, first introduced by psychologist Carl Jung. Jung explains how the Shadow represents the unconscious aspects of an individual's personality, often comprising repressed desires, emotions, and traits deemed unacceptable or incompatible with one's self-image. If unrecognized and unaddressed, the darker, unacknowledged facets of the psyche can manifest in destructive behaviors or projections onto others, hindering personal growth and psychological integration.Send us a Text Message.We hope you enjoyed the episode. Please subscribe and share it with family and friends. If you'd like us to address a specific topic let us know and we'll be happy to include it in a future episode. Send us a message here.Del is a relationship coach, international speaker, published author, and spiritual teacher, specializing in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and unhealed childhood trauma. If you are interested in working with Del visit: or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube. Barry is a relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual guide, assisting both men and women having better relationships. If you are interested in working with Barry visit: or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.