Denise Griffitts - Your Partner In Success™ Radio!

Denise Griffitts

Host Of The Top 2% Globally Ranked Your Partner In Success Radio Podcast. Denise Griffitts, 'Your Partner In Success™' is a happy nerd in stilettos who works from her beautifully appointed home office with the enthusiastic assistance of her somewhat famous feline office assistants. A long-time online business creator and marketer, online business manager, and web developer, Denise views her incredible business-minded guests as her mentors. read less


Cancelled Orders: Preventing Lost Income for Your Business with Ben Gay III
May 22 2024
Cancelled Orders: Preventing Lost Income for Your Business with Ben Gay III
No matter what sales terminology a business uses - cancelled orders, abandoned carts, or something else entirely - the end result is the same: lost revenue. Every cancelled transaction represents a prospective customer who was interested enough to initiate a purchase but failed to complete it for one reason or another. These missed opportunities can quickly add up, hindering a company's growth and profitability. Minimizing cancelled orders should be a key priority for any business seeking to maximize sales and boost their bottom line. Identifying the root causes through customer feedback, then implementing strategies to remove friction from the buying process, can help recapture a significant portion of that lost income potential. If you are not yet familiar with The Closers Part 2 by Ben Gay III - the book delves into the nuanced, sophisticated techniques and mindset strategies used by the top "master closers" in the sales profession. The Closers Pts 1 and 2 are widely recognized as THE Sales Bibles. Opening the book to this chapter 'And Another Thing,' we journey to page 249, specifically to the segment titled ‘Cut Cancellations’. Last week we covered ‘Sell From The Audience' and we invite you to revisit our previous conversations - all 9 of them - to follow along as we delve into the rest of the chapter.  Find us on the web: Denise Griffitts LinkedIn | Ben Gay III LinkedIn | The Closers Books Call Denise Toll-Free 888-719-6711
Alex Fink - Why Does The Internet Look Like My Spam Folder?
May 17 2024
Alex Fink - Why Does The Internet Look Like My Spam Folder?
Alex Fink on Founding Otherweb: Using AI to Curate High-Quality News and Combat Online Misinformation Alex Fink is the founder and CEO of Otherweb, a public benefit corporation that provides an AI-based platform to help people consume high-quality information without junk like clickbait, ads, paywalls, or misinformation.  Alex Fink founded Otherweb after realizing that the internet is overwhelmed with low-quality, trivial, and false information. With 15 years of experience in perception systems, Fink concluded that creating more data wasn't beneficial. Recognizing the need for a solution to help people consume higher-quality information, he established Otherweb, a public benefit corporation that uses AI to filter out clickbait, ads, paywalls, and misinformation. Otherweb provides users with a curated environment to read news, commentary, listen to podcasts, and search the web. The platform employs AI models to evaluate the credibility, substance, and tone of content, displaying summaries and "nutrition labels" with metrics like article tone and reading level. Discover how Otherweb is transforming the way we consume information online by filtering out low-quality and misleading content. Learn about the innovative use of AI to provide a pristine feed of credible news, commentary, and podcasts. Don't miss this insightful conversation on creating a healthier digital information diet. Connect with Alex Fink online: Website | LinkedIn
Small Business Big Success with Cynthia Kay
May 6 2024
Small Business Big Success with Cynthia Kay
There is a lifecycle for each and every small business and to be successful business owners must pay attention to the 4 phases: start-up, operations, growth and stepping out. A small business is not just a scaled down version of a large one. Strategies that work well for large organizations may be counterproductive for small ones. Small business can "court" and win big business if they play to their strengths: responsiveness, fresh ideas, flexibility, and more. My guest Cynthia Kay is the dynamo behind Cynthia Kay and Company, a powerhouse in media production crafting top-tier communications for a diverse clientele, from Fortune Global 100 titans to spirited small businesses. Armed with a Master's in Communications from Western Michigan University, she's not just a leader but a trailblazer, having chaired both the Small Business Association of Michigan and the National Small Business Association. Among her accolades are five coveted Telly Awards and the prestigious Siemens Woman-Owned Small Business Supplier of the Year in 2018. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Cynthia's been hailed as one of West Michigan's 50 Most Influential Women on multiple occasions, a testament to her unwavering commitment to excellence. She's penned enlightening reads like "Small Business for Big Thinkers" and "Stop Wishing. Stop Whining. Start Leading." You'll catch her wisdom gracing the pages of and even making waves on NPR. Oh, and did I mention she's testified before the House Committee on Small Business? Cynthia Kay isn't just making waves; she's leading the charge in shaping the future of business communication. Connect with Cynthia Kay on the web: LinkedIn | Instagram
The Closers Inner Circle Podcast - And Another Thing Pt 6
Apr 24 2024
The Closers Inner Circle Podcast - And Another Thing Pt 6
Ben Gay III, the ultimate protege of Napoleon Hill, stands as a living testament to the enduring legacy of his mentor's teachings. As my esteemed Wednesday co-host on Your Partner In Success Radio, Ben brings a wealth of wisdom and firsthand experience to our conversations. Having absorbed the profound insights of Dr. Hill's philosophy firsthand, Ben embodies the principles of success in both theory and practice. His journey from student to master is a testament to the transformative power of mentorship and the unwavering commitment to personal growth. Together, as co-hosts we have the privilege of sharing our combined knowledge and expertise with our audience. Through engaging discussions and thought-provoking interviews, we strive to empower listeners with the tools and insights they need to unlock their full potential and achieve their goals. As we carry forward the torch of Dr. Napoleon Hill's legacy, Ben and I are committed to inspiring others to take decisive action in pursuit of their dreams. With each episode, we aim to ignite the spark of motivation and instill in our listeners the belief that success is within reach, provided they are willing to seize the opportunities before them. As we explore page 237 of "The Closers Pt 2," we invite you to open the book to this chapter 'And Another Thing'... and go back to listen to our previous conversations - all 5 of them! Find us on the web: Denise Griffitts LinkedIn | Ben Gay III LinkedIn | The Closers Books Call Denise Toll-Free 888-719-6711
Darryl Lyons - Biblical Responsible Investing
Apr 12 2024
Darryl Lyons - Biblical Responsible Investing
Join Darryl Lyons as he explores the intersection of faith and finance, offering practical insights and strategies for aligning your investments with biblical principles. Darryl Lyons is one of PAX Financials' three founders and current CEO. His commitment to ongoing professional development is exemplified by his membership in relevant professional groups, such as the National Federation of Independent Business Owners (NFIB), C12 Group, Dave Ramsey Investment Advisory Council, and Goldman Sachs Personal Financial Management Advisory Council. Before PAX, Darryl was on track for a future on Wall Street, but his love for Texas and dreams of a more rewarding career led him to create PAX Financial instead. Influenced both by an upbringing without privileges and close association with associates whose wealth failed to make them happier, Darryl’s mission is both to aid clients in growing their wealth and guide clients toward aligning their wealth with their values and goals. In his latest book, "Biblical Responsible Investing," Darryl dives into how faith and finance intersect. He talks about aligning investments with biblical principles, like integrity and stewardship. Drawing from his time as CEO of PAX Financial, Lyons gives practical advice for investors who want to make a positive impact while growing their wealth. This book is a guide for anyone who wants to connect their faith with their financial decisions, showing them how to do Biblical Responsible Investing. Connect with Darryl Lyons on LinkedIn | PAX Financial Group#faithbasedinvesting #christianfinancial advice #behavioralfinance