The CHRO Mindset


"The CHRO Mindset" is a captivating podcast that delves into the world of Chief Human Resources Officers (CHROs) and their unique perspectives on shaping modern workplaces.

Join us as we explore the strategic mindset, innovative practices, and leadership insights of top CHROs.

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How Diversity & Tech Can Transform HR Leadership: Lessons from a 17-Year HR Veteran
May 16 2024
How Diversity & Tech Can Transform HR Leadership: Lessons from a 17-Year HR Veteran
In this episode of the CHRO Mindset podcast, Pulkit Joshi sits down with Janani Prakaash, Head of People and Culture at Genzeon, a seasoned HR leader with over 17 years of experience.  Janani shares insights into her leadership journey, drawing parallels between HR and the element of fire, symbolizing warmth, illumination, and transformative power. She highlights the importance of continuous learning and diverse experiences in personal growth amidst a dynamic professional landscape. Janani discusses pivotal career decisions and the value of calculated risks, underscoring the role of diverse experiences in professional development. The conversation delves into navigating mergers and acquisitions (M&A) from an HR perspective. Janani emphasizes the significance of effective communication, transparency, and culture integration in ensuring a smooth transition and maximizing the benefits of M&A. She provides actionable strategies for HR leaders to balance stakeholder needs and foster a positive employee experience during such transitions. Additionally, Janani shares insights on motivating employees during unprecedented challenges, advocating for supportive leadership, transparent communication, and employee engagement as key pillars. She explores the role of company culture in supporting leadership resilience and discusses the transformative impact of HR technology on the function, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and adaptation.
Navigating HR Trends for 2025 and Beyond with Prosenjit Mukherjee
May 7 2024
Navigating HR Trends for 2025 and Beyond with Prosenjit Mukherjee
In this podcast, Prosenjit shares insights on crucial HR skills for 2025, emphasizing the shift from support roles to strategic business enablers post-COVID. He highlights the importance of aligning HR practices with business objectives and fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation. Regarding fostering community among remote employees, Prosenjit discusses their hybrid work setup and flexible location policy to accommodate diverse needs. He emphasizes quarterly meetups and family engagement to promote cohesion and belongingness.  Prosenjit also addresses the rise of remote work and technological advancements, advocating for a balanced approach that combines technological tools with human touch. He emphasizes continuous learning and strategic thinking to drive meaningful impact within organizations.  In discussing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), Prosenjit shares strategies for minimizing biases in recruitment and promoting gender diversity. He emphasizes the business benefits of diversity and inclusion, highlighting success stories from diverse teams. Regarding environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices, Prosenjit discusses their commitment to sustainability and initiatives to reduce carbon footprint. He emphasizes the importance of aligning ESG practices with market needs and integrating sustainability into core business practices. Prosenjit also addresses challenges like layoffs, emphasizing transparency, ethical practices, and unwavering support for employees. He shares strategies for maintaining morale and productivity during challenging times.
How to Approach HR Leadership: Insights and Strategies (ft. Anupam Srivastava)
Apr 3 2024
How to Approach HR Leadership: Insights and Strategies (ft. Anupam Srivastava)
In this Podcast (The CHRO Mindset), Anupam shares his personal HR mantra, drawing inspiration from the Bhagavad Gita, emphasizing the importance of performing duties without attachment to outcomes and maintaining equanimity in challenging situations. We explore Anupam's experience in convincing leadership to invest in new HR initiatives, where he navigated the balance between cost considerations and scalability, ultimately driving adoption for long-term benefits. Anupam also shares a compelling story of revitalizing a struggling HR department, where he implemented innovative solutions to improve offer acceptance rates and streamline recruitment processes. Furthermore, we discuss strategies for cultivating emotional intelligence (EI) among HR teams, emphasizing the importance of workshops, leadership development, feedback mechanisms, and inclusive culture. In addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, Anupam underscores the need for collaboration between employees and leadership, leveraging data-driven strategies, community outreach, and talent development. The conversation extends to the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in streamlining HR processes, where Anupam highlights opportunities for automation in recruiting, onboarding, training, employee engagement, performance management, and administration. Lastly, Anupam shares his insights into literature that has shaped his leadership journey, citing "3 Idiots" as a movie recommendation for following one's passion and the Bhagavad Gita as a timeless guide for understanding human behavior and living a fulfilling life.
How to Lead in Crisis, Bridge Generational Gap, and Automate the Process (ft. Sara Boueri)
Mar 18 2024
How to Lead in Crisis, Bridge Generational Gap, and Automate the Process (ft. Sara Boueri)
In this enlightening episode of the CHRO Mindset Podcast, host, Pulkit Joshi, engages in a captivating conversation with Sara Boueri, a distinguished HR leader with over 15 years of experience spanning various industries. Sara's innovative approach to HR and her commitment to fostering employee well-being shine through as she shares her insights on a diverse array of topics. The episode kicks off with an unexpected hypothetical scenario: if HR were an Olympic event, what would it be, and how would you prepare for it? Sara's imaginative response transports listeners into a world where everyday challenges transform into competitive events, reflecting her belief in the importance of finding joy and camaraderie in the workplace. As the conversation unfolds, Sara delves into personal stories of leadership during times of crisis, offering valuable lessons on transparency, communication, and adaptability. She shares anecdotes from her experiences in industries heavily impacted by the pandemic, highlighting the pivotal role of transparent communication in fostering unity and resilience among teams. The discussion seamlessly transitions to Sara's reflections on HR-related challenges and innovative strategies for enhancing employee engagement and total rewards. Her emphasis on understanding employee needs and implementing creative solutions resonates deeply, underscoring the importance of prioritizing human connection amidst technological advancements. Throughout the episode, the dynamic exchange between host and guest is punctuated by moments of introspection and shared wisdom. From navigating generational differences to fostering trust and transparency in automation processes, Sara's insights offer invaluable guidance for HR professionals striving to create inclusive, empowering workplaces. The episode concludes with a heartfelt exploration of literature's influence on leadership journeys, as Sara candidly shares her unexpected source of inspiration: Harry Potter. Her reflections on the timeless themes of teamwork, resilience, and ethical leadership encapsulate the essence of her leadership philosophy, leaving listeners inspired and enlightened.
Transforming HR: Insights and Strategies for Employee Well-being, Leadership, and Organizational Change with Sanjay Jha
Mar 7 2024
Transforming HR: Insights and Strategies for Employee Well-being, Leadership, and Organizational Change with Sanjay Jha
In this insightful interview, the guest, Sanjay Jha, discusses key HR insights and experiences. Addressing the first question, they debunk the myth that HR alone is responsible for employee happiness, emphasizing the collective effort required from both the organization and individuals. Sharing impactful leadership experiences, Sanjay Jha, recounts a transformative role at Tata, leading business excellence, and their leadership during the COVID era at Mahindra First Choice Wheels, focusing on employee well-being. On organizational change, Sanjay outlines steps for successful change management, emphasizing leadership unity, meaningful dialogue, and perseverance through challenges. They stress the importance of measuring cultural transformation through tangible indicators such as revenue, customer satisfaction, and employee engagement. The interview delves into the impact of technology on cultural transformation, highlighting its potential as a catalyst when strategically implemented. Sanjay advises clear intent, careful planning, and continuous oversight to avoid pitfalls. Discussing AI in HR, Sanjay urges organizations to prioritize employee well-being over organizational benefits. They stress ongoing feedback, pilot programs, and ensuring alignment with user needs for successful technology integration. Addressing automation challenges, Sanjay recommends holistic employee development, transparent communication, and balancing efficiency gains with employee concerns to foster a harmonious work environment.
Leading Change, Fostering Inclusivity, and Embracing True Diversity with Renu Bohra
Dec 12 2023
Leading Change, Fostering Inclusivity, and Embracing True Diversity with Renu Bohra
In this comprehensive podcast, we had the privilege of speaking with Renu Bohra, a seasoned HR leader with a diverse background spanning public and private sectors.  The conversation kicked off with a unique twist as Ms. Renu shared her HR-themed superpower, envisioning herself as Lord Hanuman. Drawing parallels between the mythical superhero's abilities and the demands of her role, Ms. Renu discussed the importance of flexibility, resilience, and the delicate balance between business and employee needs.  Shifting gears, Ms. Renu delved into a personal growth milestone that pushed her out of her comfort zone. Narrating her journey in handling labor compliances and industrial relations, she emphasized the value of embracing challenges and the transformation it brought to her role as an HR leader. Reflecting on her extensive career, Ms. Renu shared key lessons learned, emphasizing the significance of authenticity and openness to ideas. She highlighted the need for HR professionals to step out of their comfort zones, engage with diverse perspectives, and actively contribute to organizational change and transformation. The conversation then delved into managing resistance to change within organizations. Ms. Renu provided insights into a successful global transformation initiative, emphasizing the importance of vision, effective communication, and a commitment to addressing concerns raised during the process. In exploring inclusivity in change management, Ms. Renu emphasized the need for a continuous journey rather than a checkbox approach to diversity. Sharing experiences from the organization's diversity celebrations and actionable outcomes, she underscored the importance of tangible steps to ensure diversity becomes an ingrained part of the company culture. Transitioning to HR technology, Ms. Renu discussed the critical role of employee involvement in the design and testing of automated HR systems. She shared experiences from the organization's selection of an HCM partner, highlighting the importance of including end-users in decision-making processes to ensure maximum adoption and success. Overall, the podcast concluded with a personal touch as Ms. Renu shared three impactful books that shaped her perspective as an HR leader.