Scheduling Fate with Astrology

Jamie Magee

Welcome to "Scheduling Fate," hosted by Author &  Astrologer Jamie Magee! This show is dedicated to delivering a unique blend of insightful, down-to-earth wisdom to empower and inspire you.

Life is a journey, and it's not always easy to know what's around the corner. However, I believe that though we may not have control over every aspect of our lives, we certainly have the power to make informed choices & cultivate a resilient mindset to face whatever comes our way.

Each week we'll explore how you can co-create with the current energy of the world using the gift of mindful practices and the ancient study of astrology. Tune in and let's navigate life with grace, purpose, and a dash of serendipity.

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Scheduling Fate: New Vibes! Astrology for June 14th - 20th
Scheduling Fate: New Vibes! Astrology for June 14th - 20th
This week, we have a lot of planetary movement, which signals a time of fresh focus and new perspectives. The season of duality or taking twice (Gemini) fades; the season of nurturing and protecting what nurtures and protects you will come into focus. Family, home, and familiar comforts will steadily become a primary focus. Before settling into this new energy, Neptune’s mystical, illusive presence may inspire you to hold onto your vision. However, be mindful, as it can also challenge your grip on reality. Finding the right balance is vital. More about this in the podcast...00:00 Introduction to Weekly Astrology02:01 Cancer: Weekly Horoscope 03:43 Leo: Weekly Horoscope 05:33 Virgo: Weekly Horoscope 07:36 Libra: Weekly Horoscope 09:34 Scorpio: Weekly Horoscope 11:41 Sagittarius: Weekly Horoscope 13:42 Capricorn: Weekly Horoscope 16:10 Aquarius: Weekly Horoscope 18:39 Pisces: Weekly Horoscope 21:02 Aries: Weekly Horoscope 23:15 Taurus: Weekly Horoscope 25:45 Gemini: Weekly Horoscope 28:25 Conclusion and Farewell⭐️ Looking for 1-1 insights on your chart, apportioned, and challenges? You can learn more here: listeners your code is: POD15⭐️ Would you like a sneak peek at your personal transits in the months ahead? You can learn more here:⭐️ Do you have a copy of your chart? You grab one here:⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at
Jupiter & Pluto: Horoscopes for May 31st - June 6th
May 31 2024
Jupiter & Pluto: Horoscopes for May 31st - June 6th
As we approach a new moon this week, the days ahead are perfect for introspection and releasing what no longer serves your path.It's a time to ponder: What do we need to let go of to make room for new beginnings?With that being said… You can also look forward to an exciting week brimming with sudden insights and brilliant ideas as Mercury meets Uranus and moves into its home sign of Gemini. You'll find yourself more eloquent, witty, and eager to exchange ideas.In its new sign of Gemini, Jupiter will also have a profound conversation with Pluto this week.As you stand astride two worlds, it is essential to lean into what feels most aligned with who you are becoming. More about this on the podcast... ⭐️ Looking for 1-1 insights on your chart, apportioned, and challenges? You can learn more here: listeners your code is: POD15⭐️ Would you like a sneak peek at your personal transits in the months ahead? You can learn more here:⭐️ Do you have a copy of your chart? You grab one here:⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at
Scheduling Fate: Big "Vision" Shifts Ahead: Astrology for May 24th - 30th
May 24 2024
Scheduling Fate: Big "Vision" Shifts Ahead: Astrology for May 24th - 30th
Welcome to this week's episode of Scheduling Fate, where we delve into the dynamic astrology for May 24th to May 30th. Thank you for choosing to spend part of your week with me as we explore some of the year's most pivotal transits!🌟 Highlight of the Week: Jupiter Enters GeminiPrepare for a year of expansion and opportunity as Jupiter transitions into Gemini. Known for amplifying the energy we emit, Jupiter's journey through Gemini promises a flurry of activity and potential—but also calls for careful discernment. Reflect on your path from 12 years ago to harness these opportunities effectively without feeling overwhelmed.🔮 Significant Transits:- Venus Trine Pluto: An effortless flow of transformation and depth in relationships and social interactions. Venus in Gemini adds charm and variety, while Pluto in Aquarius deepens these connections, creating opportunities for substantial, heart-based changes.- Mercury Sextile Saturn: Creative ideas blend with practical execution. Watch for insights that could turn breakthroughs into structured, flowing realities.🌐 In this episode, we discuss how these transits affect each zodiac sign and offer tailored advice for your Sun and Rising signs. Dive into your horoscope and discover how to navigate these celestial currents best to align with your vision and goals.00:00 Welcome to Astrology Insights: May 24th - 30th OverviewGemini Horoscope: 4:05Cancer Horoscope:5:45Leo Horoscope: 7:20Virgo Horoscope 9:35Libra Horoscope: 11:40Scorpio Horoscope:13:35Sagittarius Horoscope: 15:55Capricorn Horoscope: 18:25Aquarius Horoscope: 20:20Pisces Horoscope: 22:30Aries Horoscope: 24:30Taurus Horoscope:27:30⭐️ Looking for 1-1 insights on your chart, apportioned, and challenges? You can learn more here: listeners your code is: POD15⭐️ Would you like a sneak peek at your personal transits in the months ahead? You can learn more here:⭐️ Do you have a copy of your chart? You grab one here:⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at
Jupiter & Venus Conjunction: Horoscopes for May 17th-23rd
May 17 2024
Jupiter & Venus Conjunction: Horoscopes for May 17th-23rd
Though the week ahead has a challenging kick-off, there is so much action and moving energy in the sky that this temperament will shift quickly.Be prepared for unexpected matters this week, particularly concerning your heart, values, and finances. While these may initially feel unsettling, it’s crucial to remember that they can bring about significant and positive changes in your life in the long run. As you navigate the influences of the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter this week, it’s essential to keep your focus on the outcomes you desire. These planets have a unique way of reflecting the energy you emit, so by directing your thoughts and actions towards your goals, you can harness their power to your advantage.More about this in the podcast~ 00:00 Welcome to Astrology Insights: May 17th - 23rd Overview05:03 Horoscope Highlights for Gemini07:39 Cancer's Cosmic Guidance for the Week10:20 Leo's Astrological Forecast: Reputation, Partnerships, and Allies05:04 Virgo's Week Ahead: New Horizons and Transformations15:24 Libra's Focus: Transformation, Commitments, and New Directions17:53 Scorpio's Astrological Insights: Partnerships and Transformations19:27 Harnessing Mars and Venus: Transforming Habits and Wealth20:36 Sagittarius: Work, Partnerships, and Unconditional Passions23:21 Capricorn: Creative Tensions and Breakthroughs26:44 Aquarius: Home Changes and New Directions29:56 Pisces: Navigating Endings and New Foundations32:58 Aries: Values, Allies, and Local Vibes36:14 Taurus: Vitality, Values, and New Beginnings38:46 Weekly Astrology Wrap-Up and Tips⭐️ Looking for 1-1 insights on your chart, apportioned, and challenges? You can learn more here: listeners your code is: POD15⭐️ Would you like a sneak peek at your personal transits in the months ahead? You can learn more here:⭐️ Do you have a copy of your chart? You grab one here:⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at
Scheduling Fate: Reversal of fate or Upgrade? Astrology May 10th - 16th
May 10 2024
Scheduling Fate: Reversal of fate or Upgrade? Astrology May 10th - 16th
The week ahead could usher in a surprising reversal of fate or a major upgrade—staying flexible and keeping your focus on your soul-deep values and end game will help you pivot and make the most of the Sun/ Uranus conjunction and new energy ushering in this week. More about this in the podcast! 00:00 Welcome to Astrology Insights: May 10th-16th Overview03:49 Horoscope Deep Dive: Taurus05:46 Gemini's Week Ahead: Insights and Advice07:56 Cancer's Astrological Forecast10:19 Leo's Weekly Horoscope Highlights12:19 Virgo's Focus Areas for the Week13:57 Libra's Transformative Week Ahead15:27 Scorpio's Partnership and Individuality Insights17:47 Sagittarius: Habits, Mind, and Roots19:37 Capricorn's Creative and Transformational Week21:40 Aquarius: Home, Values, and Partnerships22:15 Pisces: Local Vibes and Self-Expression25:40 Aries: Values, Skills, and Self-Esteem⭐️ Looking for 1-1 insights on your chart, apportioned, and challenges? You can learn more here: listeners your code is: POD15⭐️ Would you like a sneak peek at your personal transits in the months ahead? You can learn more here:⭐️ Do you have a copy of your chart? You grab one here:⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at
Harnessing Mars in Aries: Horoscopes for Every Sign (April 30 - June 9, 2024)
Apr 29 2024
Harnessing Mars in Aries: Horoscopes for Every Sign (April 30 - June 9, 2024)
On April 30th, 2024, Mars enters Aries, marking a significant shift in how we utilize our energy, drive, and courage. This transition brings a flow state marked by fiery clarity, characteristic of Aries' instinctual, survival-oriented nature. This archetype encourages confidently stepping into uncharted territory,Mars gifts us with courage, allowing us to face fear and discomfort and take steps of faith even in uncertain conditions. While Mars doesn't promise a painless path, it reassures us that overcoming fears is worthwhile, empowering us to embrace what’s on the other side fully.Mars will remain in Aries until June 9th, 2024, providing an opportunity to begin new ventures and explore uncharted territory. The journey ahead will be explored in upcoming horoscopes.00:00 Welcome to Scheduling Fate: Mars Enters Aries00:02 Understanding Mars in Aries: A Time of Fiery Clarity and Courage01:31 Horoscope Insights: Aries and Aries Rising02:12 Taurus & Taurus Rising: Embracing Change and New Beginnings02:59 Gemini's Social Surge: Navigating New Circles and Connections03:45 Cancer's Career and Reputation Focus04:26 Leo's Creative and Passionate Path Forward05:14 Virgo's Intimate Transformations and Legacy06:02 Libra's Partnerships and Harmonizing Life06:56 Scorpio's Routine Revamp for Health and Wealth07:52 Sagittarius: Pursuing Passions and Personal Convictions08:40 Capricorn's Foundational Shifts and New Beginnings09:19 Aquarius: Daily Flow, Communication, and Social Connections10:13 Pisces: Focusing on Resources and Self-Esteem⭐️ Looking for 1-1 insights on your chart, apportioned, and challenges? You can learn more here: listeners your code is: POD15⭐️ Would you like a sneak peek at your personal transits in the months ahead? You can learn more here:⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at
Weekly Horoscope Insights and Astrology Transits - April 26th to May 2nd
Apr 26 2024
Weekly Horoscope Insights and Astrology Transits - April 26th to May 2nd
Astrology for the week of April 26th through May 2nd, This week has several major transits, including Mars meeting Neptune, Venus moving into Taurus, and Pluto going retrograde. The overarching message each zodiac sign will walk with is about embracing change, focusing on solutions, and preparing for growth and transformation. It’s always easier when we are willing to co-create with the universe.01:29 Diving Into This Week's Astrological Forecast05:14 Taurus Horoscope: Partnerships, Ambitions, and New Beginnings07:28 Gemini Horoscope: Reputation, Endings, and Allies09:41 Cancer Horoscope: Ambitions, Allies, and Legacy12:06 Leo Horoscope: New Horizons, Legacy, and Partnerships14:29 Virgo Horoscope: Connections, New Horizons, and Legacy17:04 Libra Horoscope: Health, Wealth, and Partnerships19:24 Unlocking Solutions with Venus in Taurus19:47 Scorpio's Week Ahead: Partnerships, Health, and Roots22:19 Sagittarius: Foundations, Health, and Passion25:08 Capricorn's Focus: Local Environment, Creativity, and Resources28:08 Aquarius: Values, Foundations, and Partnerships31:24 Pisces: Local Vibes, Individuality, and Values34:09 Aries: Endings, Beginnings, and Motivation⭐️ Do you want to be notified about astrology insights and when this podcast is live? You can sign up here:⭐️ Looking for 1-1 insights on your chart, apportioned, and challenges? You can learn more here: listeners your code is: POD15⭐️ Would you like a sneak peek at your personal transits in the months ahead? You can learn more here:⭐️ Do you have a copy of your chart? You grab one here:⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at
Scorpio Full Moon (and more!): Horoscopes for April 19th -25th
Apr 19 2024
Scorpio Full Moon (and more!): Horoscopes for April 19th -25th
The upcoming week is full of pivotal, life-changing opportunities! Early in the week, Venus meets a retrograde Mercury, emphasizing a return to heartfelt matters and intuitions. The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus on the 20th suggests breakthroughs that could impact generational resources in unconventional ways (once-in-a-lifetime transit). Also, this week, the Sun is squaring Pluto, which will push us to face our fears and embrace our power.The week concludes with a Full Moon in Scorpio; these watery depths will illuminate both what to celebrate and what to change.Adding to this mix of energy, Mercury will move out of retrograde, which may require revisions and patience00:00 Welcome to Astrology Insights: April 19th-25th Overview06:03 Astrological Guidance for Aries: Courage and Transformation09:39 Taurus's Week Ahead: Embracing Change and Innovation13:22 Gemini: Subconscious Energies and Creative Breakthroughs17:05 Cancer's Focus: Career, Connections, and Passion20:52 Leo's Big Week: Reputation, Partnerships, and Foundations25:15 Virgo's Path: Legacy, New Directions, and Finding Your Voice29:45 Libra's Week Ahead: Partnerships, Transformation, and Wealth33:36 Scorpio's Focus: Self-Expression, Partnerships, and Foundations38:18 Sagittarius: Passion, Rituals, and Balance42:14 Capricorn's Priorities: Home, Passions, and Values46:47 Aquarius: Reputation, Foundations, and Local Connections50:47 Pisces: Values, New Directions, and Communication⭐️ Do you want to be notified about astrology insights and when this podcast is live? You can sign up here:⭐️ Looking for 1-1 insights on your chart, apportioned, and challenges? You can learn more here:⭐️ Would you like a sneak peek at your personal transits in the months ahead? You can learn more here:⭐️ Do you have a copy of your chart? You grab one here:⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at
Scheduling Fate: Horoscopes for April 12th-18th
Apr 11 2024
Scheduling Fate: Horoscopes for April 12th-18th
Venus meets the North Node this week, and Retrograde Mercury meets Chiron. Both of these energies invite healing so you can grow toward your fated path. The quarter moon could add some tension to this complicated energy; however, during tense periods, it is often when you find the exact hidden solution you need to let go and grow all at once. 00:00 Welcome to Astrology Insights: April 12th-18th Overview02:39 Aries Horoscope: Embracing Heart-Based Intentions04:04 Taurus Horoscope: Finding Balance and New Beginnings05:29 Gemini Horoscope: Aligning with Allies and Values07:23 Cancer Horoscope: Navigating Public Life and Self-Expression09:09 Leo Horoscope: Facing Convictions and New Directions10:52 Virgo Horoscope: Legacy and Transformations12:32 Libra Horoscope: Partnerships and Healing Old Wounds14:16 Scorpio Horoscope: New Directions and Mind-Body Balance16:00 Sagittarius Horoscope: Pursuing Passions and Overcoming Doubts18:13 Capricorn Horoscope: Building Foundations and Facing Wounds20:34 Aquarius Horoscope: Local Vibes and Habitual Changes22:46 Pisces Horoscope: Values, Resources, and Passionate Pursuits⭐️ Looking for 1-1 insights on your chart, apportioned, and challenges? You can learn more here:⭐️ Would you like a sneak peek at your personal transits in the months ahead? You can learn more here:⭐️ Do you have a copy of your chart?  Grab one here:⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at
Magical Intentions: Harnessing Mercury's Power w/ Astrologer Laura Orcutt & Jamie Magee
Apr 9 2024
Magical Intentions: Harnessing Mercury's Power w/ Astrologer Laura Orcutt & Jamie Magee
This episode of 'Scheduling Fate delves into how to work with Mercury retrogrades constructively, to set intentions, and to manifest life changes. Astrologer Laura Orcutt shares her journey and insights on transforming Mercury retrogrades from feared astrological events into magical opportunities for growth and change. She explains the significance of the Mercury cycle, its phases, and practical tips for inviting Mercury's energy into your life to facilitate personal transformation and manifestation. The discussion includes dates for an upcoming Mercury cycle, intention-setting practices, utilizing Mercury in Aries for new beginnings, and the importance of an open and adaptable mindset when working with astrological cycles.00:00 Introduction to Scheduling Fate with Special Guest Laura Orcutt01:21 Unveiling the Magic of Mercury Retrograde02:48 Diving Deep into Mercury Cycles04:35 Setting Intentions with Mercury: A Transformative Practice08:23 Mercury's Influence in Personal and Professional Growth11:19 Navigating Mercury Retrograde: Trusting the Redirect14:49 The Power of Mercury in Astrology: Personal Experiences and Insights15:52 Understanding Mercury Cycles: From Initiation to Reflection18:01 Leveraging Astrological Houses for Intention Setting with Mercury19:05 Navigating Life's Challenges with Spiritual Insight19:35 The Power of Internal Processes and Trust20:20 Embracing the 12th House: A Journey of Faith and Surrender20:52 Mercury Retrograde: Dates and Intentions for 202421:41 Harnessing Aries Energy for New Beginnings23:56 The Trickster Energy of Mercury: Embracing Change and Synchronicity28:56 Mercury's Role in Personal Transformation and Authenticity34:44 Closing Thoughts: The Magic of Mercury in Our LivesYou can find out more about Astrologer Laura Orcutt on Instagram and at rootedskyastrology.comHere are your Mercury Dates: Mercury Cazimi: “New Moon”Apr 11, 2024  7:02pm EDT 22º32' AriesStation Direct:April 25, 2024 8:54am EDT 15º AriesMax Elongation “opening square”: May 9. 2024 ~ seen in the Eastern Horizon as morning starExits shadow: May 13, 2024, 5:01pm EDTSuperior Conjunction “Full Moon”June 14, 2024 12:32pm EDT 24º GeminiEnters Shadow: 7/16/24Max elongation “closing square”July 22, 2024 ~ becomes evening star, seen in the Western Sky)Next rx:August 5, 2024 12:56am EDT  4º VirgoSTART OF NEXT CYCLE:Mercury Cazimi: “New Moon”Aug 18, 2024 9:58pm EST 26º35' Leo⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at
Scheduling Fate: April 5th-11th: Aries Eclipse Season Insights
Apr 5 2024
Scheduling Fate: April 5th-11th: Aries Eclipse Season Insights
In this forecast for April 5th through 11th will cover the essence of the Aries eclipse season, highlighting significant planetary transits, such as Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius and Mars meeting Saturn in Pisces. These transits bring a blend of intense, harmonious connections and a need for patience, suggesting a time for empowerment, positive relationship changes, and focusing on collective progress. 00:00 Welcome to Astrology Insights: April 5th - 11th05:40 Aries: Vitality, Self-Expression, and New Beginnings07:36 Taurus: Mind, Body, and Reputation Insights10:17 Gemini: Exploring Reputation, Dreams, and Allies12:59 Cancer: Legacy, Convictions, and Reputation Focus15:47 Leo: Convictions, Shared Wealth, and Partnerships18:34 Virgo: Partnerships, Transformation, and Daily Habits21:20 Libra: Work, Passion, and Partnerships Analysis23:56 Scorpio: Daily Rituals, Home Foundation, and Passions26:51 Sagittarius: Passions, Home, and Communication Insights29:38 Capricorn: Home, Resources, and Local Environment32:29 Aquarius: Resources, Communication, and Local Environment35:36 Pisces: Vitality, Resources, and Earning Power⭐️ Looking for 1-1 insights on your chart, apportioned, and challenges? You can learn more here:⭐️ Would you like a sneak peek at your personal transits in the months ahead? You can learn more here:⭐️ Do you have a copy of your chart?  Grab one here:⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at
Eclipse Horoscopes: March 22nd - 28th
Mar 22 2024
Eclipse Horoscopes: March 22nd - 28th
Ready or not, eclipse season is here - what are you ready to release so you can grow? Each sign will have a focus area where themes around relationships and individuality will inflame. Remember that “no’s” always lead to a new-perfect “yes.”00:00 Overall transits: Eclipse Season02:50 Aries Horoscope: Intuition and Relationships04:41 Taurus Horoscope: Dreams, Allies, and Mind-Body Harmony06:45 Gemini Horoscope: Reputation, Closure, and Passion08:32 Cancer Horoscope: New Directions, Allies, and Work-Life Balance10:27 Leo Horoscope: Legacy, Communication, and Reputation12:27 Virgo Horoscope: Partnerships, New Directions, and Values14:17 Libra Horoscope: Work, Self-Expression, and Transformation16:27 Scorpio Horoscope: Partnerships, Passions, and Mind-Body Balance18:30 Sagittarius Horoscope: Roots, Habits, and Social Networks20:19 Capricorn Horoscope: Communication, Passions, and Reputation22:37 Aquarius Horoscope: Values, Roots, and New Directions24:54 Pisces Horoscope: Self-Expression, Communication, and Legacy⭐️ Do you want to be notified about astrology insights and when this podcast is live? You can sign up here:⭐️ Looking for 1-1 insights on your chart, apportioned, and challenges? You can learn more here:⭐️ Would you like a sneak peek at your personal transits in the months ahead? You can learn more here:⭐️ Do you have a copy of your chart? You grab one here:⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at
Astrology Forecast March 15-21: Aligning With Your Destiny
Mar 14 2024
Astrology Forecast March 15-21: Aligning With Your Destiny
Your astrology forecast for March 15th through 21st. This week's themes focus on dreams, commitments, and transformations.✨The sun conjunct Neptune encourages creativity but warns against seeking clarity during this transit.✨Mercury conjunct the north node emphasizes decisive action and speaking one’s truth✨The sun sextile Pluto suggests a transformational opportunity. ✨Venus meeting Saturn in Pisces calls for maturity in commitments. ✨The sun's move into Aries indicates a period of enthusiasm and new beginnings.00:00 Introduction to Astrology for the Week04:05 Astrological Insights for Aries06:09 Astrological Insights for Taurus08:39 Astrological Insights for Gemini11:25 Astrological Insights for Cancer13:46 Astrological Insights for Leo16:12 Astrological Insights for Virgo18:38 Astrological Insights for Libra21:06 Astrological Insights for Scorpio23:17 Astrological Insights for Sagittarius25:46 Astrological Insights for Capricorn28:01 Astrological Insights for Aquarius30:47 Astrological Insights for Pisces⭐️ Do you want to be notified about astrology insights and when this podcast is live? You can sign up here:⭐️ Looking for 1-1 insights on your chart, apportioned, and challenges? You can learn more here:⭐️ Would you like a sneak peek at your personal transits in the months ahead? You can learn more here:⭐️ Do you have a copy of your chart? You can grab one here:⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at
Scheduling Fate: Your Horoscope for March 8th - 14th, New Beginnings and Cosmic Shifts
Mar 8 2024
Scheduling Fate: Your Horoscope for March 8th - 14th, New Beginnings and Cosmic Shifts
This week carries new beginnings and pivotal shifts that will be hard to miss. In this episode, we dive into notable transits like Mercury meeting Neptune's mystical flow and Venus shifting into the realm of Pisces. These alignments promise to stir your communication channels, spark your artistic flair, and influence how and what you value. We also have Mars clashing with Uranus which may bring unexpected twists and breakthroughs. Amidst these vibrant energies, the New Moon in Pisces - it’s time to set powerful intentions. More about this in the podcast… 00:00 Introduction to Astrology for the Week00:44 Understanding the Planetary Transits00:51 Impact of Mercury Conjunct Neptune02:23 Influence of Mars Squaring Uranus03:07 Effect of Venus Moving into Pisces03:43 Significance of New Moon in Pisces04:45 Horoscope Predictions: Pisces07:21 Horoscope Predictions: Aries09:21 Horoscope Predictions: Taurus12:01 Horoscope Predictions: Gemini15:12 Horoscope Predictions: Cancer17:56 Horoscope Predictions: Leo21:02 Horoscope Predictions: Virgo24:07 Horoscope Predictions: Libra27:08 Horoscope Predictions: Scorpio29:16 Horoscope Predictions: Sagittarius32:18 Horoscope Predictions: Capricorn35:16 Horoscope Predictions: Aquarius⭐️ Do you want to be notified about astrology insights and when this podcast is live? You can sign up here:⭐️ Looking for 1-1 insights on your chart, apportioned, and challenges? You can learn more here:⭐️ Would you like a sneak peek at your personal transits in the months ahead? You can learn more here:⭐️ Do you have a copy of your chart? You grab one here:⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at
Scheduling Fate: 2024 Eclipse Seasons w/ Kathy Biehl, Donna Woodwell, and Jamie Magee
Mar 4 2024
Scheduling Fate: 2024 Eclipse Seasons w/ Kathy Biehl, Donna Woodwell, and Jamie Magee
In this special episode titled 'Scheduling Fate,' host Jamie is joined by professional astrologers Kathy Biehl and Donna Woodwell to discuss the impactful eclipses of 2024. They delve into the implications of these celestial events on personal and collective levels, providing listeners with preparatory advice and historical context. Kathy and Donna share their expert analysis on the eclipses' themes, keywords like 'motivating' and 'feisty,' and practical tips for organization and clear intentions. They further explore the historical patterns of eclipses, linking past world events to the cycles of 2024 and highlighting the significance of the Aries and Libra eclipse seasons. As the conversation unfolds, they offer insights into navigating these transformative times, emphasizing self-awareness, the acceptance of change, and the importance of not giving into fear or clinging to outdated ways. The episode wraps up with actionable advice for making the most of the upcoming eclipses and the profound shifts they herald.00:00 Introduction and Guest Astrologers01:15 Discussing the Eclipses of 202401:37 Preparing for the Eclipse Season02:51 Understanding the History of Eclipses03:19 Exploring the Concept of Eclipses14:54 Impact of Eclipses on Relationships23:45 The Path of the Eclipse and its Impact30:29 Wrapping Up and Looking Forward39:20 Understanding Eclipses and Their Impact on Our Lives39:29 The Importance of Diet and Information Intake During Eclipses40:05 The Role of Planets in Astrology and Their Influence41:20 The Impact of Lunar Eclipses on Global Events42:21 The Role of Karma in Our Lives and Its Connection to Eclipses43:29 The Impact of Climate Change and Technological Advancements on Our Lives45:13 The Importance of Grounding and Simplicity in Times of Change46:42 The Impact of Eclipses on Weather Patterns47:03 The Influence of Politics and Global Events on Our Lives47:31 The Importance of Reflection and Intention Setting During Eclipses54:41 The Importance of Appreciating What We Have During Times of Change56:43 The Role of Fear in Our Lives and Its Impact on Our Decisions57:04 The Importance of Being Present and Grounded During Times of Change01:02:59 The Impact of Eclipses on Our Personal and Collective Lives01:09:35 The Importance of Self-Care and Understanding Our Purpose During Eclipses01:11:11 Conclusion: Embracing Change and Trusting the Process⭐️ You can connect with Donna at:⭐️ You can connect with Kathy at: Patreon: andThe Astro-Insight Lounge:⭐️ Do you want to be notified about astrology insights and when this podcast is live? You can sign up here:⭐️ Looking for 1-1 insights on your chart, apportioned, and challenges? You can learn more here:⭐️ Would you like a sneak peek at your transits in the months ahead? You can learn more here:⭐️ Do you have a copy of your chart? You grab one here:⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at
Scheduling Fate: March 1st - 7th
Mar 1 2024
Scheduling Fate: March 1st - 7th
The week ahead is all about wrapping up old stories and preparing for new beginnings - one of the best ways to do this will be dialing into your intuition....00:00 Introduction to Astrology for the Week05:18 Astrological Insights for Pisces07:17 Astrological Insights for Aries09:29 Astrological Insights for Taurus11:48 Astrological Insights for Gemini14:24 Astrological Insights for Cancer17:10 Astrological Insights for Leo19:53 Astrological Insights for Virgo22:12 Astrological Insights for Libra24:05 Astrological Insights for Scorpio26:31 Astrological Insights for Sagittarius29:21 Astrological Insights for Capricorn31:46 Astrological Insights for Aquarius⭐️ Do you want to be notified about astrology insights and when this podcast is live? You can sign up here:⭐️ Looking for 1-1 insights on your chart, apportioned, and challenges? You can learn more here:⭐️ Would you like a sneak peek at your personal transits in the months ahead? You can learn more here:⭐️ Do you have a copy of your chart? You grab one here:⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at⭐️ Want a heads up when this podcast is published each week + insights on special promotions? Sign up for the weekly newsletter at