Kingdom Educators with Jesica Glover

Kingdom Educators

Empowering Teachers. Transforming Lives. Reshaping Education. read less


63. Launching in Faith w/Candace Fish
3d ago
63. Launching in Faith w/Candace Fish
Have you ever had a dream in your heart to transform the world of education? Maybe you've been constructing plans or collecting ideas for what you'd change. Candace Fish was first a homeschool mom, then a para, who became a special education teacher and saw a need for a better way of helping kids learn so she began collecting plans to open a school someday. But when 2020 hit and God said, "Go!" she had a faith leap to make!  This episode will encourage you if you're waiting on the timing for a dream or holding onto a promise God has placed in your heart. Listen to hear what God did and learn about a new way of education. God is revealing many different ways to educate our kids in this hour and were all on an adventure in trusting Him as we leap in faith to stay where He's planted us, move into something different, or open our own school! To learn more about Freedom Preparatory in Wichita, KS please visit their website or call (316) 358-7420   *NEW Your Kingdom Classroom is now available to you for $50 Off by Joining the Waitlist HERE    Please be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast and share with your friends in Education. And be sure to grab a hold of my FREE Daily Declarations, check out the From Burnout to Burning Bright course to reignite your God given purpose for being a Teacher on Mission, and connect to schedule Jesica Glover to speak in your area by visiting     Follow me on the socials: Facebook Instagram YouTube   Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: 5O5QX25YTCBYAUWL
62. Bold Love 4 Teachers w/Teacher Be Still
May 20 2024
62. Bold Love 4 Teachers w/Teacher Be Still
If you're needing a little pick-me-up from a fellow comrade in the faith also stationed to serve in our schools, you're going to LOVE this podcast with Jill from Teacher Be Still! Jill carries a devoted heart to serving Jesus unashamedly in our public schools... and a big piece of this includes how she has loved teacher in her school, and now loves teachers from her business platform Teacher Be Still. Listen expecting to be stirred in your passionate love for Jesus first and foremost and then the mission He's called you to as a connected teacher.... yes, even at the end of the school year. We are praying you press into the realities of the Kingdom-- that you alone are not able to love enough, but He is! And Christ in you is your foundation for ALL you do in the world of teaching. He is our Source of all ideas, strength, and vision!!   Please check out Teacher Be Still's resources that Jill mentions in this show and keep an eye on their podcast and website:   NEW COURSE SALE: Your Kingdom Classroom available to you for $50 Off by Joining the Waitlist HERE or by visiting:   Please be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast and share with your friends in Education. And be sure to grab a hold of my FREE Daily Declarations, check out the From Burnout to Burning Bright course to reignite your God given purpose for being a Teacher on Mission, and connect to schedule Jesica Glover to speak in your area by visiting     Follow me on the socials: Facebook Instagram YouTube   Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: 5O5QX25YTCBYAUWL
60. Honoring the Surrendered Teacher Life w/Julio Vega
May 4 2024
60. Honoring the Surrendered Teacher Life w/Julio Vega
For Teacher Appreciation Week we're featuring Julio Vega's story of waking up (literally!!) to the calling of God on his life to be a Teacher on Mission. You'll be invited to reengage with your passionate call to live a life of love laid down for Jesus as you take steps of faith to serve with Him at school just through listening to several of the humble testimonies Julio shares from his teaching experience in south Florida. Be empowered to know that you're not alone in your calling to transform lives with the love Jesus in our school system, that often as Julio reminds us we just be the only "Jesus" or our classrooms may be the only "church" setting our students come into contact with. God is on the move and He's inviting us to partner with Him in planting seeds and harvesting them, too! Be on the lookout as you listen to this episode for ways God IS MOVING at your school and how He is already using you, His Beloved Ambassador.   We believe this episode will provide fuel for your tank as you aim to grab a hold of heaven's hopefilled perspective in this hour as Kingdom Educators empowered by the God of the Impossible!!   Please be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast and share with your friends in Education. And be sure to grab a hold of my FREE Daily Declarations, check out the From Burnout to Burning Bright course to reignite your God given purpose for being a Teacher on Mission, and connect to schedule Jesica Glover to speak in your area by visiting     Follow me on the socials: Facebook Instagram YouTube
59. Kingdom Identity Comes with Authority
Apr 23 2024
59. Kingdom Identity Comes with Authority
How do I respond when I see kids acting abnormally and I think it's demonically derived, not just "normal" spectrum behavior? How do I respond when weird things-- even phenomena happen on my campus? At its simplest roots we walk onto our job sites knowing Jesus has already won over sin death and the grave and because we're seated with Him in heavenly places we have indeed won too. In fact, we have the robes of righteousness to prove it. We are seated above all principalities powers and dominion and that Jesus has won over sin, sickness, and the grave. The enemy is under His feet and if I am seated in Him, which is what Ephesians 2:6 says, then the enemy is under my feet, too. The enemy of my soul is subject to me. In fact, Jesus said he gave His disciples the keys to the Kingdom, and we're included! We are ambassadors representing Him as the light and life on the earth. Everyday we get to execute the realities of the Kingdom here on earth in our classrooms, at our schools, in our communities! Listen in for the practical examples and biblical backing for how we can utilize our God given authority everyday in our classrooms for the Kingdom to rule and reign in our classrooms. Prayer from Anna Marie Strausand: "In Jesus name, I place ____ in the blood of Jesus Christ today. Lord Jesus, release the power of Your blood over _____. Lord, let Your blood speak today over _____. Lord, Your blood speaks life now into _____. Lord Jesus, Your blood exposes and destroys all darkness operatin gin and around ____. Thank You, Jesus, for Your precious blood!"     Please be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast and share with your friends in Education. And be sure to grab a hold of my FREE Daily Declarations, check out the From Burnout to Burning Bright course to reignite your God given purpose for being a Teacher on Mission, and connect to schedule Jesica Glover to speak in your area by visiting     Follow me on the socials: Facebook Instagram YouTube
58. Positioned to Win
Apr 14 2024
58. Positioned to Win
As promised, Jesica Glover presents the biblical backing for walking in our Christ given authority in our classrooms. She starts of the episode with examining how Father God demonstrates that He doesn't call us by what we have or haven't done, but He clothes us with His Royal identity (which comes with a wardrobe) just because we're His Kids! Our Father God clothes us with His royal righteousness, authority and peace. We can call on Him anytime to show us how to execute our true birthright of taking the King's domain into our classrooms, schools, and neighborhoods.   Listen in to explore the power of each of the articles the Father gives the Prodigal upon His return: the Robe of Righteousness, the Ring of His Authority, and the Gospel Shoes of (Ready) Peace. Jesica believes we're being offered an invitation to grab a hold of our Royal Wardrobe, repenting of "basement" living to live in the Penthouse, where as Leif Hetland says "is the place we can see from Heaven's perspective." It's time to dress appropriately for our Mission as Kingdom Educators.   Please be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast and share with your friends in Education. And be sure to grab a hold of my FREE Daily Declarations, check out the From Burnout to Burning Bright course to reignite your God given purpose for being a Teacher on Mission, and connect to schedule Jesica Glover to speak in your area by visiting     Follow me on the socials: Facebook Instagram YouTube
57. Exercising Kingdom Authority w/David Schmus
Apr 7 2024
57. Exercising Kingdom Authority w/David Schmus
If you've been thinking about letting your light shine a little brighter at school, or you have also been stepping out in greater faith this year YOU will be strengthened to know you're not alone in this faith walk at school! Former High School Teacher David Schmus shares several faith building testimonies of asking God "What are you up to?" and choosing to obey and follow Him into some courageous situations both at his public high school, on the football field, and also in his home! In every situation God showed up and taught David some incredible things about His faithful nature, provision, and protection. *I'm looking forward to following this episode up with another about utilizing our Kingdom Authority at school, so keep an eye out!     David Schmus is the director of Christian Educators, an organization set apart to provide info about your teacher faith rights, legal support, and a wealth of resources and a community to walk alongside you as you live your Christian Faith out loud in our nation's public schools. I am honored to be part of this community of Christian Educators across the country. Please listen to podcast #53 to hear David share some specifics in terms of students and teacher faith rights. Below you can find some resources that will share more about CE. You are invited to learn more about the do's and don'ts of sharing your faith at school by visiting:'d like some creative ways to share your faith through your curriculum?   Please be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast and share with your friends in Education. And be sure to grab a hold of my FREE Daily Declarations, check out the From Burnout to Burning Bright course to reignite your God given purpose for being a Teacher on Mission, and connect to schedule Jesica Glover to speak in your area by visiting     Follow me on the socials: Facebook Instagram YouTube
56. Co-Creating with God w/Chelsea Vantol Part 2
Mar 31 2024
56. Co-Creating with God w/Chelsea Vantol Part 2
Have you ever thought about how you could connect with other Christian Teachers in your school, district, or region? Has encouraging other like-minded colleagues been on your heart?   In Part 2 "Co-Creating w/God" Elementary Teacher Chelsea Vantol shares with us how other Christian Educators called out the leader in her and now she sees herself in a different light! She's using her creative sense of hearing God's voice to encourage and strengthen other Christian Teachers in her region at a monthly gathering she co-leads on the California Coast! She also spends time encouraging us to take a few moments a day to "speak life" into our students, that the few moments isn't wasted, but building eternal fruit in the hearts and lives of the children we serve and their family's as well. All we have to due is tune into the Author of Creation Himself and begin co-creating with Him in our classroom and school communities!    Please contact me to share your co-creating with God testimonies! I can't wait to hear how the Lord moves your heart to tune in to "speak life" in your part of the world of education. You are a LIGHT wherever you go because the Spirit of Jesus lives inside you.     Please be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast and share with your friends in Education. And be sure to grab a hold of my FREE Daily Declarations, check out the From Burnout to Burning Bright course to reignite your God given purpose for being a Teacher on Mission, and connect to schedule Jesica Glover to speak in your area by visiting     Follow me on the socials: Facebook Instagram YouTube
54. Wins at the Supreme Court w/TPUSA
Mar 19 2024
54. Wins at the Supreme Court w/TPUSA
This week Tony Barton from Turning Point USA brings his wealth of experience as a Kansas legislator to share with us how faith-filled educators are winning cases at the Supreme Court level based on our First Amendment Rights! We discuss the Lemon Laws and how they were abolished almost 2 years ago and how this may have played a big role in these recent cases being won. Listen also to be encouraged by a word from the book of Joshua as Tony reminds us to be Strong and Courageous for the Lord your God is with you and where God makes a way He will provide all that's needed to shine as a light and bring His saltiness to our schools. Tony reminds us that this is an hour to stand tall and not compromise when it comes to absolute truth, yes, even in the public schools! The LIGHT shines brightly in the darkness.     For additional resources about teacher faith rights: Alliance Defending FreedomLiberty Counsel Teacher Rights ResourceA Teachers Guide to Religion in Public SchoolGuidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer and Religious Expression in Public Elementary and Secondary SchoolsWhen Faith & Religion Are Allowed in Public Schools Article by Teach4theHeartThe Gospel Coalition on Teacher Faith RightsBook: Christian Teachers in Public Schools       Please be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast and share with your friends in Education. And be sure to grab a hold of my FREE Daily Declarations, check out the From Burnout to Burning Bright course to reignite your God given purpose for being a Teacher on Mission, and connect to schedule Jesica Glover to speak in your area by visiting     Follow me on the socials: Facebook Instagram YouTube
53. Your Teacher Faith Rights w/Christian Educators
Mar 10 2024
53. Your Teacher Faith Rights w/Christian Educators
David Schmus from Christian Educators launches into this episode with his own teacher to director of Christian Educators testimony. You're going to appreciate his heart's calling to be a light just like you as he also presents to us the heart of Christian Educators: helping Christian teachers to learn about their faith rights in schools.     Basic points to remember when it comes to student and teacher faith rights in schools:  Students can do almost anythingTeacher rights are limited, but have some free speech rightsRights go both ways: can’t be hostile to religionGuiding principal: Can’t favor (or disfavor) religion. Can/Can’t: use flyer You are invited to learn more about the do's and don'ts of sharing your faith at school by visiting these websites: Teach with FaithHow to reach more students with Christian clubsFlyer Gateways to Better Education:   If you need legal advice, and support, please visit where you can learn more about CE's coverage.     Please be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast and share with your friends in Education. And be sure to grab a hold of my FREE Daily Declarations, check out the From Burnout to Burning Bright course to reignite your God given purpose for being a Teacher on Mission, and connect to schedule Jesica Glover to speak in your area by visiting     Follow me on the socials: Facebook Instagram YouTube
52. Bearer of Good News w/Andrea Brannam
Mar 3 2024
52. Bearer of Good News w/Andrea Brannam
As many know teaching public school in Southern California isn't the easiest when it comes to being a light for Christ in the schools, but kindergarten teacher Andrea Brannam wasn't called into education because it was her career of choice. With the help of wise mentors she finds herself in a strategic place partnering with God to bring His Kingdom as a bearer of His Good News in the world of education! She's learned her teacher faith rights through partnership with Christian Educators, has developed a community of intercessors-- teachers and Mom's in Prayer-- to press forward with the plans God's laid on her heart over the years for her different schools. And one of those nudges that just hasn't gone away has been launching and fostering Good News Club, an after school student club that introduces children to Jesus through curriculum provided by Child Evangelism Fellowship.     If you're needing a faith boost as you press through hard things as a teacher on mission this is your episode! Since this recording Andrea has faced some opposition in launching a Good News Club at her new school, but the God of miracles has been faithful! This past Wednesday 2/28 she and her prayer partner successfully launched with 13 kids attending and several more filling out permission slips and planning to attend the next! Never despise the small beginnings, Kingdom Educators. God is so excited to partner with our willing hearts.     Want to learn more about Good News Club and the curriculum? Click HERE. If you'd like to learn more about your Christian Teacher faith rights please visit Christian Educators and visit the Resources tab. Both ministries offer a lot of great support, as Andrea said!     Please be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast and share with your friends in Education. And be sure to grab a hold of my FREE Daily Declarations, check out the From Burnout to Burning Bright course to reignite your God given purpose for being a Teacher on Mission, and connect to schedule Jesica Glover to speak in your area by visiting     Follow me on the socials: Facebook Instagram YouTube
50. I'm a Teacher on Mission Part 2 w/April Reuter
Feb 18 2024
50. I'm a Teacher on Mission Part 2 w/April Reuter
Teacher April Reuter joins us, again, for this second half of her testimony of HOW TO BE a Teacher on Mission. Through her practical testimonies we learn that a Teacher on Mission: 1. Make Time to Pursue God & His Presence because we release whatever we carry. 2. Invite God to host His Presence on Your Campus. 3. Envision Your Staff & Students as God Does so that you can pray more accurately. Breakthrough happens when we're not impressed with our problems; instead ask the Lord, "What's going to come out of this?" 4. Start Praying-- over your day, lessons plans, meetings, and throughout the day. 5. Cultivate a spirit of Thanksgiving! Thank God for what He's done and what He will do. A thankful heart is good spiritual warfare against the tactics of the enemy. 6. Find Prayer Partners-- friends, churches, colleagues... and expect God to move! 7. Record the Testimonies to stir up your own faith and expectancy for how God will move and reread them on the tough days. Be amazed at what God has done and know your best testimonies will come out of the fire. Hold onto the promises of God and His goodness and get ready because God loves to "fall" on your willing heart! He's ready to move in and through you at school.     Be encouraged to grab hold of these testimonies and dream with God about what's possible for your classroom, your school, and your district! All things are possible for he who believes (Mark 9:23) and the prayer of the righteous avails much (James 5:16)! Sky's the limit when it comes into relying on Jesus as your power supply, wisdom, creativity, and breakthrough. Just like April's school, you could even pray that any toxicity in your school environment would leave by praying over the hallways, classrooms, and even the copy machine! God is always at work and He's looking forward to revealing His heart to those who are willing to steward His presence and His name. Fearing God is best kind of fear to walk in each day instead of the letting the fear of man rule out the possibilities of our God to have His way in our schools.     Please let us know of what you're dreaming with God and what's been happening on your campus! We want to be praying with you and for you for the dreams God lays on your heart to come to pass in your city.     And be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast and share with your friends in Education. And be sure to grab a hold of my FREE Daily Declarations, check out the From Burnout to Burning Bright course to reignite your God given purpose for being a Teacher on Mission, and connect to schedule Jesica Glover to speak in your area by visiting     Follow me on the socials: Facebook Instagram YouTube
48. I'm a Teacher on Mission Part 1 w/April Reuter
Feb 5 2024
48. I'm a Teacher on Mission Part 1 w/April Reuter
April Reuter tried to step away from teaching 12 years in... to do more "official" work for the Kingdom, but God called her back into full time teaching and gave her new lenses for seeing herself as a Teacher on Mission partnered with God as her power supply. With a huge heart to see breakthrough in her city through the power of prayer, April is now an overseer of the churches in her area, hosts an event of prayer for her city, and regularly encourages churches to support teachers in their strategic placement to bring the Kingdom however friend Holy Spirit leads. She has seen God break out through children worshiping, praying for one another, and through after school Bible Club... now dubbed Freedom Club! And don't mistake that this is a perfect school or a perfect classroom. April admits that she usually gets the hardest students, but God keeps surprising her with how He moves when she partners with Him through seeking Him first, dedicating her school to His presence, and being obedient to His leading!🙌🏻🙌🏻     My prayer is that this first half of April's testimony would supercharge your faith to dream with God about what's possible in your school as you yield to the voice and nudges of God! He knows how YOU are specifically wired and gifted, what your students need, and your school community. Expect God to show up when you yield your heart to His moving! He's so excited to partner with you each day on your campus. You are strategically placed to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth! 🙌🏻     Hang Tight for Part 2, where April Reuter will return to share 7 Keys for Partnering with God at School! It's going to be powerful! 🔥🔥🔥     Please be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast and share with your friends in Education. And be sure to grab a hold of my FREE Daily Declarations, check out the From Burnout to Burning Bright course to reignite your God given purpose for being a Teacher on Mission, and connect to schedule Jesica Glover to speak in your area by visiting     Follow me on the socials: Facebook Instagram YouTube
46. Don't Wait to Let it Shine! w/Heather Kohnen
Jan 22 2024
46. Don't Wait to Let it Shine! w/Heather Kohnen
This week's testimonial features Heather Kohnen from Christian Educators who has a passionate heart for responding to the promptings of God! She has learned first hand, as an elementary teacher, that God's got us Kingdom Educator's on a royal set up route to be true ambassadors of the King in the school system. Father God is waiting on our "YES!" to be fully activated in order bring transformation beyond our wildest expectations.   I pray this episode spurs you on to act on the nudges of the Holy Spirit, trusting Him in deeper ways, and pressing forward expecting Him to work in great ways through you His representative at your school. Who knows what our God of the Impossible has in mind!! It's bound to be good.   Personal Note from Heather: "It is my privilege to travel around the country and prepare teams of educators to bring the AWAKE Experience to those who serve in the field of education. If you are a weary educator who wants to be connected, supported, and inspired to bring Jesus into your classroom or onto your campus, I encourage you to attend an AWAKE Experience near you. Or better yet, reach out to us about bringing AWAKE to your area! To learn more about the Awake experience that Christian Educators offers hungry teachers please visit:" -----   Please rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast and share with your friends in Education. And be sure to grab a hold of my FREE Daily Declarations, check out the From Burnout to Burning Bright course to reignite your God given purpose for being a Teacher on Mission, and connect to schedule Jesica Glover to speak in your area by visiting
45. Be Lifted Up Christian Educators! w/Mike Hicks
Jan 13 2024
45. Be Lifted Up Christian Educators! w/Mike Hicks
Our students need us to wake up and be lifted up! Mike Hicks from Christian Educators shares his testimony of how God led him to begin gathering the Christian teachers at his school and then his city! God amazed him. And the dream didn't stop there! Mike's step of obedience has begun a movement of Lift America gatherings across the nation creating family for Christian teachers across the nation. Connecting with one another is the first step... and realizing we are not alone causes us to be encouraged. And then the next step is being inspired with renewed passion to be cultural catalysts in our schools!   To learn more about Lift please check out this video and visit the Christian Educators website. Don't forget that Christian Educators offers legal advice regarding teachers' rights and has materials for helping you live your faith out loud at school. You can also reach out to Mike Hicks to plan a Lift in your area by emailing him here.    ----------- Be sure to grab your 2024 digital or hard copy Teacher Planner & Register Here for the FREE 1/15/24 Time Management "Reclaim Your Time" Training.  -----------   Please be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast and share with your friends in Education. And be sure to grab a hold of my FREE Daily Declarations, check out the From Burnout to Burning Bright course to reignite your God given purpose for being a Teacher on Mission, and connect to schedule Jesica Glover to speak in your area by visiting     Follow me on the socials: Facebook Instagram YouTube