The Motherhood Found Podcast

Alishea Jurado

Welcome to the Motherhood Found podcast! Each episode is a journey back to self, blending research-based strategies with a little bit of woo. I’m Alishea, your host, and I’m here to help you reclaim a sense of alignment, reignite that creative spark, and get you the soul care you’ve been missing. I’m also here to remind you that you are the magic. And Mama, this podcast is for you.

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#2: Managing the Motherhood Multiverse with Logistics Expert, Jessica Windham
Mar 21 2024
#2: Managing the Motherhood Multiverse with Logistics Expert, Jessica Windham
In this episode of the Motherhood Found podcast, I dive into a transformative conversation with Jessica Windham, a logistics expert and my good friend, to explore the parallels between logistics management and Motherhood. We unpack the concept of the "Doom Loop" – a cycle of expectation, disruption, and stress – and its impact on mothers, highlighting how strategies from the logistics industry can empower mothers to navigate their unique challenges. The discussion centers on the power of prioritization, aligning actions with core values, and efficiently managing the overwhelming influx of daily inputs. Jessica shares actionable insights on building resilience, creating systems to manage the "multiverse of inputs" in Motherhood, and the importance of acknowledging personal limits to foster mental and emotional clarity. This episode is a masterclass in transforming logistical wisdom into practical, everyday strategies to reduce overwhelm and reclaim a sense of self amidst the chaos of Motherhood.0:00 Introduction2:00 Connecting the Logistics Doom Loop to Disruptions in Motherhood6:00 The Role of Prioritization in Building Resilience10:00 Core Values and Decision Making13:00 Managing the Multiverse of Inputs17:00 Creating Personal Processes20:00 Mindful Management and the Toggle Tax24:00 Conclusion: How Prioritization Helps Us Reclaim Alignment28:00 Closing Remarks and Future EpisodesSocial Media/Books/Resources: Follow Motherhood Found on Instagram Alishea's Debut Children's Book:Growing Our Hearts: New Baby, New GrooveAlishea's Debut Book of Motherhood Poems, We Are the Magic, is scheduled for release Mother's Day, 2024.