Social Media Currency


Your story is your brand and your story matters. Social Media Currency podcast will feature inspirational stories from entrepreneurs, CEO‘s, Authors, Speakers, Coaches, Digital Marketers, Health and Wellness Experts to inspire each other to succeed. Sharing what works, what doesn‘t work! Hard lessons learned and triumphs and failures that can help others to avoid the same missteps and move towards achieving our goals. read less


8 Reasons why people use Whatsapp bs Traditional SMs Texting
Dec 14 2023
8 Reasons why people use Whatsapp bs Traditional SMs Texting
1. Instant communication: Realtors can use WhatsApp Business to communicate with clients in real-time. They can answer inquiries, provide property information, and address any concerns promptly, enhancing customer service. 2. Property listings: Realtors can share property listings, including photos, videos, and descriptions, directly through WhatsApp Business. This allows potential buyers to view properties and ask questions without the need for additional platforms or emails. 3. Virtual tours: Realtors can use WhatsApp Business to conduct virtual tours of properties. They can share live videos or pre-recorded tours, allowing clients to explore properties remotely and ask questions during the tour. 4. Appointment scheduling: Realtors can use WhatsApp Business to schedule property viewings, meetings, or consultations with clients. They can send calendar invites or confirm appointments directly through the app, making it convenient for both parties. 5. Client updates: Realtors can use WhatsApp Business to provide regular updates to clients about the progress of their property search or sale. They can share information about new listings, price changes, or offers received, keeping clients informed and engaged. 6. Group communication: Realtors can create groups on WhatsApp Business to communicate with multiple clients or prospects simultaneously. This can be useful for sharing market updates, organizing virtual events or webinars, or providing general information to a larger audience. By leveraging the features of WhatsApp Business, realtors can streamline their communication, provide personalized service, and enhance their overall client experience. 7 Day Free Trial. #1 WhatsApp Bulk Message Sender 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Send notifications, coupons, special offers, announcements to 5000+ with the push of one button.
WhatsApp Benefits vs Traditional SMS Texting
Dec 14 2023
WhatsApp Benefits vs Traditional SMS Texting
There are several reasons why people use WhatsApp over traditional SMS texting: 1. Cost-effective: WhatsApp uses internet data to send messages, which is often cheaper than traditional SMS texting, especially for international messaging. 2. Multimedia sharing: WhatsApp allows users to send not only text messages but also photos, videos, voice messages, and documents, making it more versatile for communication. 3. Group messaging: WhatsApp allows users to create groups and have conversations with multiple people simultaneously, making it easier to coordinate and communicate with friends, family, or colleagues. 4. End-to-end encryption: WhatsApp provides end-to-end encryption, ensuring that messages and calls are secure and can only be accessed by the intended recipients. 5. Availability across platforms: WhatsApp is available on various platforms, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, allowing users to access their messages from multiple devices. 6. Additional features: WhatsApp offers additional features like voice and video calling, location sharing, status updates, and a wide range of emojis and stickers, enhancing the overall messaging experience. 7. International popularity: WhatsApp is widely used globally, making it easier to connect with friends and family who are using the app in different countries. 8. Reliability and speed: WhatsApp messages are typically delivered instantly, and the app is known for its reliable service, ensuring that messages are sent and received promptly. Overall, the convenience, cost-effectiveness, additional features, and global popularity of WhatsApp make it a preferred choice for many people over traditional SMS texting. ======== Take your business to the next level using WhatsApp Business. 7 Day Free Trial. #1 WhatsApp Bulk Message Sender 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Send notifications, coupons, special offers, announcements to 5000+ with the push of one button.
The four personality types depicted by whales, urchins, dolphins and sharks
Nov 29 2023
The four personality types depicted by whales, urchins, dolphins and sharks
Understanding the four personality types - 🦔 urchins, 🐋 whales, 🐬 dolphins, and 🦈 sharks - can greatly enhance your communication skills and make you a better communicator overall. Each personality type has its unique traits and preferences, and by recognizing and adapting to these differences, you can foster more effective and harmonious interactions with others. 🌟 Urchins are analytical and detail-oriented individuals. They thrive on facts, figures, and logical reasoning. When communicating with an urchin, it is essential to provide them with clear and concise information, backed by evidence and data. They appreciate structure and precision, so organizing your thoughts and presenting them in a logical manner will resonate well with them. 📊 Whales, on the other hand, are empathetic and nurturing individuals. They value relationships and emotions, and they are excellent listeners. When communicating with a whale, it is crucial to show empathy and understanding. They appreciate open and honest conversations, so being genuine and expressing your emotions will help build trust and rapport with them. 🐳 Dolphins are outgoing and sociable individuals. They are enthusiastic and love to collaborate with others. When communicating with a dolphin, it is important to be engaging and interactive. They enjoy brainstorming and bouncing ideas off others, so encouraging their participation and valuing their input will make them feel valued and appreciated. 🐬 Sharks are assertive and goal-oriented individuals. They are direct and decisive, and they value efficiency and results. When communicating with a shark, it is crucial to be concise and to the point. They appreciate directness and appreciate when others get straight to the matter at hand. Being confident and assertive in your communication will earn their respect and attention. 🦈 By understanding and adapting to these four personality types, you can tailor your communication style to better connect with others. This will lead to more effective and meaningful conversations, improved relationships, and ultimately, better outcomes in both personal and professional settings. So, take the time to understand the urchins, whales, dolphins, and sharks around you, and watch your communication skills soar to new heights. 🚀 Visit our sponsors websites at
The Power of Self-Talk-Unlocking Your True Potential
Oct 16 2023
The Power of Self-Talk-Unlocking Your True Potential
"The Power of Self-Talk: Unlocking Your Potential 💭✨ Did you know that the way you talk to yourself can greatly impact your mindset and overall well-being? Positive self-talk is a powerful tool that can boost confidence, resilience, and success. Here's why it matters: 1️⃣ Boosts Confidence: By replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations, you can build self-confidence and belief in your abilities. Remind yourself of your strengths and achievements to overcome self-doubt. 2️⃣ Enhances Resilience: When faced with challenges, positive self-talk can help you stay motivated and resilient. Instead of dwelling on failures, focus on lessons learned and the potential for growth. 3️⃣ Improves Mental Health: Negative self-talk can contribute to stress, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Shifting to a more positive and compassionate inner dialogue can improve your mental well-being and promote self-acceptance. 4️⃣ Increases Productivity: Positive self-talk can fuel motivation and productivity. By encouraging yourself and setting realistic goals, you can stay focused, overcome obstacles, and achieve more. 5️⃣ Shapes Your Reality: The way you talk to yourself influences your perception of the world. By adopting a positive mindset, you can attract positivity, opportunities, and success into your life. Remember, you have the power to shape your thoughts and create a positive inner dialogue. Embrace the power of self-talk and unlock your true potential! 💪✨ #SelfTalkMatters #PositiveMindset #UnlockYourPotential" Visit our sponsorships website; A company dedicated to helping all its members to network, learn and grow.
Proving Them Wrong: A Fuel for Success
Oct 14 2023
Proving Them Wrong: A Fuel for Success
🌟 Proving Them Wrong: A Fuel for Success! 🌟 Hey friends! 🌞 Today, I want to share a thought that has been resonating with me lately. There's something truly magical about those moments when someone tells you that something can't be done, and it ignites an unstoppable fire within you to prove them wrong! 🔥✨ Instead of feeling discouraged or disheartened, we can choose to view these situations as incredible opportunities for growth and self-discovery. When faced with skepticism, we have the power to tap into our inner strength and unleash our full potential. Remember, it's not about proving others wrong just for the sake of it, but rather about proving to ourselves that we are capable of achieving greatness. It's about pushing beyond our limits, embracing challenges, and embracing the journey towards success. Let's use these moments as motivation to work harder, dream bigger, and strive for excellence. Let's channel our energy into proving that with determination, resilience, and a positive mindset, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to! So, my dear friends, the next time someone doubts your abilities or tells you that something cannot be done, let it fuel your determination. Let it be the catalyst that propels you towards your dreams and aspirations. Believe in yourself, trust your instincts, and never let anyone's negativity dim your shine! ✨💪 Remember, you are capable of achieving the extraordinary. Embrace the challenges, embrace the doubters, and let your success be the ultimate proof that anything is possible! Stay positive, stay focused, and keep shining brightly! 🌟 #ProvingThemWrong #UnleashYourPotential #BelieveInYourself Visit our sponsors website: landed for Successbis a Toronto based company that provides, networking, learning and growth opportunities for their members, authors, coaches and speakers.
Embracing diligence, resilience, patience and brilliance in pursuing your dreams
Sep 1 2023
Embracing diligence, resilience, patience and brilliance in pursuing your dreams
Title: Overcoming Setbacks: The Key to Perseverance and Success Introduction In the pursuit of success, setbacks are inevitable. They can be disheartening and make us question our abilities. However, it is crucial to remember that setbacks do not equate to failure. Instead, they provide valuable opportunities for growth and resilience. By maintaining a strong belief in oneself and refusing to give up, individuals can overcome setbacks and continue on their path to success. Setbacks are Stepping Stones Setbacks are not the end of the road; they are merely detours on the journey to success. They offer valuable lessons and insights into our strengths and weaknesses. By reflecting on the experience and learning from it, we can make necessary adjustments and improvements. Setbacks provide an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Believe in Yourself One of the most powerful tools in overcoming setbacks is maintaining a strong belief in oneself. It is easy to become discouraged and doubt our abilities when faced with obstacles. However, setbacks do not define our worth or potential for success. By cultivating self-belief and confidence, we can navigate through setbacks with resilience and determination. Perseverance is Key Perseverance is the key to overcoming setbacks and achieving success. It is the ability to keep going despite challenges and setbacks. By staying focused on long-term goals and not allowing temporary setbacks to derail our progress, we can build resilience and develop the strength to overcome any obstacle. Seek Support and Encouragement During challenging times, seeking support and encouragement from others can make a significant difference. Surrounding ourselves with a network of positive and supportive individuals can provide the motivation and inspiration needed to keep going. Their encouragement and guidance can help us regain our confidence and perspective. Embrace a Growth Mindset Embracing a growth mindset is essential in overcoming setbacks. It is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. By viewing setbacks as opportunities for growth and improvement, we can stay motivated and continue pushing forward. Conclusion Setbacks are not the end; they are merely detours on the road to success. By maintaining a strong belief in ourselves, learning from setbacks, and embracing a growth mindset, we can overcome obstacles and continue on our path to success. Perseverance, coupled with the support of others, provides the strength and motivation needed to navigate through setbacks and achieve greatness. So, remember, setbacks are stepping stones towards success. Keep going, never give up, and always believe in yourself. Author: Chatbot and Gordon So Visit our sponsors website:
Unleashing uoir power within: Discovering Your Superpower
Aug 25 2023
Unleashing uoir power within: Discovering Your Superpower
Title: Unleashing the Power Within: Discovering Your Superpowers Introduction: In the world of superheroes, each character possesses unique abilities that set them apart. From Thor's mighty hammer to Superman's superhuman strength, these powers captivate our imagination. But what about us? What are our superpowers? In this blog, we will explore the concept of personal superpowers and how we can tap into them to unleash our full potential. 1. The Power of Self-Awareness: Our first superpower lies in self-awareness. Understanding our strengths, weaknesses, passions, and values allows us to make conscious choices aligned with our true selves. By embracing self-awareness, we can harness our unique abilities and channel them towards achieving our goals. 2. The Power of Positive Thinking: Positive thinking is a superpower that can transform our lives. By cultivating a positive mindset, we can overcome challenges, bounce back from setbacks, and attract opportunities. Positive affirmations and visualization techniques can help us tap into this power, enabling us to manifest our desires and create a more fulfilling reality. 3. The Power of Empathy: Empathy is a superpower that allows us to connect deeply with others. By understanding and sharing the feelings of those around us, we can build stronger relationships, foster compassion, and make a positive impact on the world. Empathy enables us to be more understanding, supportive, and inclusive, creating a ripple effect of kindness and understanding. 4. The Power of Resilience: Resilience is a superpower that helps us bounce back from adversity. Life is full of challenges, but with resilience, we can face them head-on and emerge stronger. Resilience allows us to adapt, learn from failures, and persevere in the face of obstacles. By cultivating resilience, we can navigate life's ups and downs with grace and determination. Visit our Sponsor: Conclusion: While we may not have the ability to fly or possess superhuman strength like our favorite superheroes, we all have unique superpowers within us. By embracing self-awareness, positive thinking, empathy, and resilience, we can tap into these powers and unleash our full potential. So, let's embrace our inner superheroes and embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and making a positive impact on the world around us. Remember, your superpowers are waiting to be unleashed!
7 Reasons Why Successful People Attend Networking Events
Jul 14 2023
7 Reasons Why Successful People Attend Networking Events
There are several reasons why successful people attend networking events: 1. Expanding their professional network: Networking events provide an opportunity to meet and connect with like-minded individuals, industry experts, potential clients, and business partners. By expanding their network, successful people can gain access to new opportunities, ideas, and resources. 2. Building relationships: Networking events allow successful people to build and nurture relationships with others in their industry. These relationships can lead to collaborations, mentorship opportunities, and referrals, which can ultimately contribute to their success. 3. Learning from others: Networking events often feature speakers or panel discussions where successful individuals share their experiences, insights, and strategies. Attending these events allows successful people to learn from others' successes and failures, gaining valuable knowledge and inspiration. 4. Staying updated on industry trends: Networking events provide a platform to stay updated on the latest trends, innovations, and developments in their industry. By engaging in conversations and discussions with other professionals, successful people can gain insights into emerging opportunities and challenges. 5. Promoting their personal brand or business: Networking events offer successful people a chance to showcase their expertise, achievements, and personal brand. By actively participating in conversations, sharing their knowledge, and making meaningful connections, they can enhance their reputation and visibility within their industry. 6. Finding new business opportunities: Networking events often attract potential clients, investors, or partners. Successful people attend these events to explore new business opportunities, pitch their ideas, and establish connections that can lead to future collaborations or business ventures. 7. Gaining inspiration and motivation: Networking events bring together individuals who are driven, ambitious, and successful. Being surrounded by like-minded individuals can provide motivation, inspiration, and a sense of community, which can fuel their own success. Overall, successful people attend networking events to expand their network, build relationships, learn from others, stay updated on industry trends, promote their personal brand or business, find new opportunities, and gain inspiration and motivation. Visit for more inspiration, learn and networking opportunities