Whitney Breer - GROW YOUR LIFE!

Whitney Breer

This podcast provides you with practical tips, humorous examples and the latest studies in the areas of: personal development, communication, resiliency, handling change and uncertainty, mindset and leading yourself as well as others. I am a professional coach, trainer and key note speaker and work for numerous companies around the world. It is my purpose and passion in life to use my energy and positive mindset to have a ripple effect on those around and inspire them to create the changes they want to have in their private or professional lives. read less


The Power of Words - Part 1
Jan 19 2020
The Power of Words - Part 1
Whitney Breer - Keynote Speaker | High Performance Coach | Organizational Development Top Coach Award 2020 of German "Manager Magazin" Top Speaker Award 2020 of German Magazine "Capital"Winner of Hermann Scherer International Speaker Slam 2019 Top Customer Rating at Proven Expert 2019 and 2020 (4.85* from 5.00)Learn more about me at www.WhitneyBreer.com Or about what I can do with my team for you on topics such as organizational development, leadership development or coaching under www.GoLebenskunst.de -------------------------------------------------------------------Words have immense power, and in this podcast I'll talk about two little words that are commonly used in the English language and how these two words automatically make you a victim of the circumstance or a victim of someone else. These two words empower others to have power over you and put others in the drivers seat of YOUR life. I'll show an alternative to these two words - an alternative that empowers you and puts you back in the driver seat of your life.------------------------------------------------------------------ Competent, humorous and empathetic - I engage, inspire and motivate people to help them make the positive changes changes in their lives which they yearn for. My top goal as a speaker is to make sure that your event will be a success. As a speaker, I combine competencies and experience with humor and good stories and ensure that the audience will leave with more energy than they had coming into your event. As a successful coach and consultant for organizational development, I help you to achieve your goals as a leader or manager as well as with your team successfully and sustainably. I from the United States and have lived in Germany for over 20 years. I have worked with over 90,000 people in 25 countries and have had the honor and privilege of partnering with companies such as Unilever, BASF, Bayer, Beiersdorf, KPMG, Essilor, Lufthansa, Plansee or Hirschvogel for many years and would love to support you and your company in reaching your goals.
Dealing with a Pessimist
Jan 5 2020
Dealing with a Pessimist
Whitney Breer - Keynote Speaker | High Performance Coach | Organizational Development Top Coach Award 2020 of German Manager Magazin Winner of Hermann Scherer Speaker Slam 2019 Top Rating at Proven Expert 2019 and 2020 Learn more about me at www.WhitneyBreer.com Or about what I can do with my team for you on topics such as organizational development, leadership development or coaching under www.GoLebenskunst.de -------------------------------------------------------------------How can you best deal with a person in your team who is a permanent grump? Someone who constantly complains and whines about things. A pessimist with such negative energy that he or she pulls the rest of the team down at the drop of a hat. A person who sucks the energy out of a room as soon as he or she enters it.This podcast examines this problem based on the four core needs we have on the job. When these core needs are met, people are “fulfilled”, which kindles motivation and boosts overall engagement. In this podcast I shed light on these four core needs and provide ideas on how to tackle this issue from two different perspectives.First, from a leadership point of view, what core needs of my team are being met or not met? What support can I provide? How do I sit down and discuss this with someone?Secondly, from a personal perspective, if one or more of your needs are not being met, it means stepping up to bat and taking responsibility for your life and finding solutions that work for you = taking ownership for your life and for your own happiness.------------------------------------------------------------------ Competent, humorous and empathetic - so I pick people up where they stand. I inspire and motivate them to make positive change. My top goal as a speaker is to make sure that your event will be a success. As a speaker, I combine competencies and experience with humour and charm and ensure that the audience will get enthusiastic. As a successful coach and consultant for organizational development, I help you to achieve your goals as a manager personally and with your team successfully and sustainably. I am a native American, have lived in Germany for over 20 years and have inspired 90,000 people in 25 countries and motivated them to take their lives into their own hands. I have been able to globally accompany companies such as Unilever, BASF, Beiersdorf, KPMG, Essilor, Lufthansa, Plansee or Hirschvogel in partnership for years.
The Science Behind Gratitude
Jan 4 2020
The Science Behind Gratitude
Whitney Breer - Keynote Speaker | High Performance Coach | Organizational Development Top Coach Award 2020 of German Manager Magazin Winner of Hermann Scherer Speaker Slam 2019 Top Rating at Proven Expert 2019 and 2020 Learn more about me at www.WhitneyBreer.com Or about what I can do with my team for you on topics such as organizational development, leadership development or coaching under www.GoLebenskunst.de -------------------------------------------------------------------Gratitude is strongly correlated to being an optimist and thriving. Gratitude is one of the ten EMOTIONS which form the foundation of positive mindedness (the other nine are listed in this podcast...). Of these ten emotions, gratitude has been shown to be one of the most important as it has the highest leverage on your internal positivity scale. Positivity is good for your physical and mental well-being (I'll tell you exactly why in this podcast...). So what's the big deal about gratitude? Gratitude is others-directed and acknowledges the fact that we wouldn't be where we are in life or have what we have without the help, support or contribution of someone else (hence, others-directed and not self-directed). Psychologists argue that it is this gratefulness and humbleness which build overall positivity.Gratitude is trainable. It's learnable. It's buildable. It's doable. It's figure-out-able.This podcast shows the traditional way gratitude has been built in the last decade and shows you a new, more effective method revealed in a recent study at the University of California which - if you try it out - will leave you feeling pretty amazing.------------------------------------------------------------------ Competent, humorous and empathetic - so I pick people up where they stand. I inspire and motivate them to make positive change. My top goal as a speaker is to make sure that your event will be a success. As a speaker, I combine competencies and experience with humour and charm and ensure that the audience will get enthusiastic. As a successful coach and consultant for organizational development, I help you to achieve your goals as a manager personally and with your team successfully and sustainably. I am a native American, have lived in Germany for over 20 years and have inspired 90,000 people in 25 countries and motivated them to take their lives into their own hands. I have been able to globally accompany companies such as Unilever, BASF, Beiersdorf, KPMG, Essilor, Lufthansa, Plansee or Hirschvogel in partnership for years.
Aspire to Inspire
Jan 4 2020
Aspire to Inspire
Whitney Breer - Keynote Speaker | High Performance Coach | Organizational Development Top Coach Award 2020 of German Manager Magazin Winner of Hermann Scherer Speaker Slam 2019 Top Rating at Proven Expert 2019 and 2020 Learn more about me at www.WhitneyBreer.com Or about what I can do with my team for you on topics such as organizational development, leadership development or coaching under www.GoLebenskunst.de -------------------------------------------------------------------Of the 30 million Power Point presentations given each day, studies estimate that only 3% are able to inspire and motivate the audience and get their message across. The remaining 97% fail to do so. To which group do your presentations belong? To the 3% or to the 97%?If you'd like to belong to the 3%, this podcast provides you with four concrete approaches to enable you to appeal to all of your audience members. Biologically speaking, each of us an innate preference for learning and absorbing information. We are born with these preferences and anything else feels weird or off and leaves us demotivated or confused. When a presenter addresses your particular learning preferences, you are easily able to absorb the information and grasp the key learnings and are inspired and motivated. When this doesn't happen, you feel lost, bored, overwhelmed or frustrated (or all of the above).One of the keys to joining the 3% group of presenters is to address all four learning preferences during the course of your presentation. And this podcast will show you exactly how to do that. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Competent, humorous and empathetic - so I pick people up where they stand. I inspire and motivate them to make positive change. My top goal as a speaker is to make sure that your event will be a success. As a speaker, I combine competencies and experience with humour and charm and ensure that the audience will get enthusiastic. As a successful coach and consultant for organizational development, I help you to achieve your goals as a manager personally and with your team successfully and sustainably. I am a native American, have lived in Germany for over 20 years and have inspired 90,000 people in 25 countries and motivated them to take their lives into their own hands. I have been able to globally accompany companies such as Unilever, BASF, Beiersdorf, KPMG, Essilor, Lufthansa, Plansee or Hirschvogel in partnership for years.
High Performing Teams - Part 2
Jan 4 2020
High Performing Teams - Part 2
Whitney Breer - Keynote Speaker | High Performance Coach | Organizational Development Top Coach Award 2020 of German Manager Magazin Winner of Hermann Scherer Speaker Slam 2019 Top Rating at Proven Expert 2019 and 2020 Learn more about me at www.WhitneyBreer.com Or about what I can do with my team for you on topics such as organizational development, leadership development or coaching under www.GoLebenskunst.de -------------------------------------------------------------------In this podcast you'll learn about the results of Dr. Losada's study of high-performing teams while he was a professor at the University of Michigan. Dr. Losada was able to prove the upwards and downwards spiral in team dynamics AND mathematically calculate the tipping point between these two directions. Like a see-saw on a children's playground, the tipping point determines the exact moment when teamwork goes downhill and sends the team into negative, cynical, back-stabbing and ego-driven behavior. Or the point where it tips upwards, building positive energy and fostering a can-do, supportive environment, which among other things helps teams master challenging, uncertain times together.In this podcast I'll reveal the top two factors of high-performing teams and explain the magical tipping point between high and low performing teams.Teams, by the way, aren't just on the job. Families, spouses, friends and partners are also teams. The results and learnings from his study are applicable to any type of team - on or off the job.------------------------------------------------------------------ Competent, humorous and empathetic - so I pick people up where they stand. I inspire and motivate them to make positive change. My top goal as a speaker is to make sure that your event will be a success. As a speaker, I combine competencies and experience with humour and charm and ensure that the audience will get enthusiastic. As a successful coach and consultant for organizational development, I help you to achieve your goals as a manager personally and with your team successfully and sustainably. I am a native American, have lived in Germany for over 20 years and have inspired 90,000 people in 25 countries and motivated them to take their lives into their own hands. I have been able to globally accompany companies such as Unilever, BASF, Beiersdorf, KPMG, Essilor, Lufthansa, Plansee or Hirschvogel in partnership for years.
High Performing Teams - Part 1
Jan 4 2020
High Performing Teams - Part 1
Whitney Breer - Keynote Speaker | High Performance Coach | Organizational Development Top Coach Award 2020 of German Manager Magazin Winner of Hermann Scherer Speaker Slam 2019 Top Rating at Proven Expert 2019 and 2020 Learn more about me at www.WhitneyBreer.com Or about what I can do with my team for you on topics such as organizational development, leadership development or coaching under www.GoLebenskunst.de -------------------------------------------------------------------This podcast reveals the results of an intensive, four-year journey Google went on to discover why some teams always seemed to reach their goals, had a low number of sick days, maintained little fluctuation in the team, turned out a higher number of innovative ideas and generally simply had a positive working climate. These were the teams in which employees liked showing up for work and thrived in the environment they were in.Google wondered if it was just luck (right personalities and skills coming together) or was it something that could be duplicated or implemented in lower-performing teams.At the end of its journey, Google revealed the top 5 characteristics of these high-performing teams and how they managed to foster such a positive climate . In this podcast I'll shed light on each factor and provide practical tips to help you implement these changes in your own team. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Competent, humorous and empathetic - so I pick people up where they stand. I inspire and motivate them to make positive change. My top goal as a speaker is to make sure that your event will be a success. As a speaker, I combine competencies and experience with humour and charm and ensure that the audience will get enthusiastic. As a successful coach and consultant for organizational development, I help you to achieve your goals as a manager personally and with your team successfully and sustainably. I am a native American, have lived in Germany for over 20 years and have inspired 90,000 people in 25 countries and motivated them to take their lives into their own hands. I have been able to globally accompany companies such as Unilever, BASF, Beiersdorf, KPMG, Essilor, Lufthansa, Plansee or Hirschvogel in partnership for years.
Leave your Comfort Zone
Jan 4 2020
Leave your Comfort Zone
Whitney Breer - Keynote Speaker | High Performance Coach | Organizational Development Top Coach Award 2020 of German Manager Magazin Winner of Hermann Scherer Speaker Slam 2019 Top Rating at Proven Expert 2019 and 2020 Learn more about me at www.WhitneyBreer.com Or about what I can do with my team for you on topics such as organizational development, leadership development or coaching under www.GoLebenskunst.de -------------------------------------------------------------------What is outside of your comfort zone? Your growth zone! Like rings in a tree trunk, we grow and develop our entire life. Each ring demonstrates the courage to leave a personal comfort zone and choose to enter a new growth zone. Fear, however, is a key factor that prevents many of us from taking that next step and growing personally or professionally. Negative, destructive self-talk such as, "I might embarrass myself", "What if I fail?", "What if they laugh at me?", "It may not be perfect" are lined with fear and self-doubt. A lot of people then choose to wait it out: "I'll start when the fear goes away…." and they blame their procrastination on fear. They make fear the enemy.Fear, however, is not the enemy. You are your own enemy when you allow fear to win. The only anecdote to fear is action. This podcast provides you with practical tips and insights into overcoming personal fears and having the courage to nip those fears in the bud and to take action. Because only then can you leave your comfort zone, enter your growth zone and discover your full potential.------------------------------------------------------------------ Competent, humorous and empathetic - so I pick people up where they stand. I inspire and motivate them to make positive change. My top goal as a speaker is to make sure that your event will be a success. As a speaker, I combine competencies and experience with humour and charm and ensure that the audience will get enthusiastic. As a successful coach and consultant for organizational development, I help you to achieve your goals as a manager personally and with your team successfully and sustainably. I am a native American, have lived in Germany for over 20 years and have inspired 90,000 people in 25 countries and motivated them to take their lives into their own hands. I have been able to globally accompany companies such as Unilever, BASF, Beiersdorf, KPMG, Essilor, Lufthansa, Plansee or Hirschvogel in partnership for years.
Beliefs Lead to Results
Jan 4 2020
Beliefs Lead to Results
Whitney Breer - Keynote Speaker | High Performance Coach | Organizational Development Top Coach Award 2020 of German Manager Magazin Winner of Hermann Scherer Speaker Slam 2019 Top Rating at Proven Expert 2019 and 2020 Learn more about me at www.WhitneyBreer.com Or about what I can do with my team for you on topics such as organizational development, leadership development or coaching under www.GoLebenskunst.de -------------------------------------------------------------------One small belief about yourself can have a ripple effect on your entire life. It is your belief system that sets off a chain of events which determines how and what you think, feel and behave. And at the end of this chain you are left with your results - good or bad.What is meant here by beliefs? Beliefs are things you have chosen to accept as the absolute truth in your life. Some of these beliefs you have taken on consciously (such as spiritual beliefs like "I believe or do not believe in God"), while others have made their way into your life unconsciously (such as things you grew up hearing about yourself and adopted as your own belief, like "I am (not) artistic, athletic, beautiful, loveable…."). Some of these beliefs are good for you, while others get in the way of you reaching your full potential.  All these beliefs - good or bad - eventually lead to the results you get in your life.The magic of it is that each of us can also choose new beliefs and throw out the ones that do us harm - beliefs that help us reach our goals, fulfill our potential and create the changes we want to have in our lives. This podcast shows you the repercussions (good or bad) of your belief system and provides insight into how to choose beliefs that are supportive and beneficial to your personal growth.------------------------------------------------------------------ Competent, humorous and empathetic - so I pick people up where they stand. I inspire and motivate them to make positive change. My top goal as a speaker is to make sure that your event will be a success. As a speaker, I combine competencies and experience with humour and charm and ensure that the audience will get enthusiastic. As a successful coach and consultant for organizational development, I help you to achieve your goals as a manager personally and with your team successfully and sustainably. I am a native American, have lived in Germany for over 20 years and have inspired 90,000 people in 25 countries and motivated them to take their lives into their own hands. I have been able to globally accompany companies such as Unilever, BASF, Beiersdorf, KPMG, Essilor, Lufthansa, Plansee or Hirschvogel in partnership for years.
Talking at Cross Purposes
Jan 4 2020
Talking at Cross Purposes
Whitney Breer - Keynote Speaker | High Performance Coach | Organizational Development Top Coach Award 2020 of German Manager Magazin Winner of Hermann Scherer Speaker Slam 2019 Top Rating at Proven Expert 2019 and 2020 Learn more about me at www.WhitneyBreer.com Or about what I can do with my team for you on topics such as organizational development, leadership development or coaching under www.GoLebenskunst.de -------------------------------------------------------------------This podcast sheds light on communication preferences - preferences that we are BORN with. From day one, we PREFER to send and receive communication from a specific channel. The problem is that there are several channels available and more often than not, we unintentionally and unknowingly choose the wrong channel. This podcast provides practical tips and humorous examples on how to foster communication and make it work for you (and the receiver of your message). By implementing these tips and heightening your awareness of others' needs, you will have better results and be able to reduce misunderstandings, avoid hurt feelings and lower stress. George Bernhard Shaw summed it up best when he said, "The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has even taken place." This is one of my favorite quotes and is the heart of my first podcast. This podcast addresses questions such as: Why does communication often go awry? Why do sender and receiver often end up frustrated and/or with hurt feelings during conversations? How does miscommunication even happen when the intentions of both parties start out positive? What alternatives do I have? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Competent, humorous and empathetic - so I pick people up where they stand. I inspire and motivate them to make positive change. My top goal as a speaker is to make sure that your event will be a success. As a speaker, I combine competencies and experience with humour and charm and ensure that the audience will get enthusiastic. As a successful coach and consultant for organizational development, I help you to achieve your goals as a manager personally and with your team successfully and sustainably. I am a native American, have lived in Germany for over 20 years and have inspired 90,000 people in 25 countries and motivated them to take their lives into their own hands. I have been able to globally accompany companies such as Unilever, BASF, Beiersdorf, KPMG, Essilor, Lufthansa, Plansee or Hirschvogel in partnership for years.