Musings with Me @ Butterfly Effect

Lisa Barnard

A Podcast for Parents, Teens & In-Betweens covering topics around Communication, Leadership, Purpose, Well-being & Law of Attraction - Not as woo woo as you might think.

Whether it's Parenting, Health, Wealth or Happiness, it all comes back to Who we Choose to BE and How we Show Up in the world, along with the practical actions we take, to create lasting change.

With a background ranging from Primary teaching, being a parent, incorporating mindfulness, to Health & Well-being Coaching, I have gained a 'wee bit' of life experience & put into practice the skills to create change in my own world.

In this podcast I share my thoughts on the highs, the lows & the in-betweens, as well as the techniques I have learned along the way, in the hope that it inspires you to CHOOSE YOU and your family, make lasting change, and to know You are NOT Alone.

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Foundations of Family: Exploring the Pillars that support them - Episode 22
Apr 22 2024
Foundations of Family: Exploring the Pillars that support them - Episode 22
In this episode, I offer you a snippet of  Kahlil Gibran's wisdom, using pillars and trees as metaphors for family dynamics. Discover the transformative power of self-care, nurturing, and fostering individual growth within families, strengthening bonds and creating environments where love and support flourish." When we change our inner world, we change our outer world, not only  for ourselves, but for those around us too. The Mental, Physical & Emotional parts of ourselves affect each other,  and impact how we engage with the world.  A bit of background on the man, Kahlil Gibran, he was born January 6, 1883, in Bsharri, Lebanon, which was at that time, part of Syria and the Ottoman Empire. He died in New York on April 10th, 1931, after writing 9 books in Arabic and 8 in English, on love, longing, and death, and was known to explore religious themes. If you would like more information, see the link below.Then Almitra spoke again and said, And what of Marriage, master?       And he answered saying:       You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.       You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days.       Ay, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.       But let there be spaces in your togetherness,       And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.     Love one another, but make not a bond of love:       Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.       Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup.       Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.       Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,       Even as the strings of the lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.     Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping.       For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.       And stand together yet not too near together:       For the pillars of the temple stand apart,       And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.From The Prophet (Knopf, 1923). This poem is in the public domain.
Which stick are you picking up? - Episode 21
Oct 28 2023
Which stick are you picking up? - Episode 21
In this episode I muse over the topic of: Which stick or topic are you focusing on? What is the RAS and how does it work? When we change our inner world, we change our outer world, not only  for ourselves, but for those around us too. The Mental, Physical & Emotional parts of ourselves affect each other,  and impact how we engage with the world.    I work as a Mindset & Well-Being Coach, for Parents, Teens & In-betweens - Supporting Parents, Teens & Families to Improve Communication, Find Purpose, & Develop Leadership skills.Parenting, Adulting and Teenagering are not always an easy journey and we don't get  manuals to explain how to do them 'right'.   We might feel anxious about the future & the decisions we need to be making, what sort of role-model we are for our kids, or how our own well-being is affecting our family - Pouring from an empty cup, serves no-one. Communication, Purpose and Leadership are all areas of life in their own right. And we may feel we have strengths or weaknesses in them, depending on what we have learned over our lifetime. However, sometimes, what we have learned about them are not conducive to our own or others well-being. When clear and effective communication is woven into our family structure, we can develop leadership skills and cultivate a space for a shared sense of purpose.  In these podcasts you will find conversations and practical techniques & tools that are short and easy to include in your day, as well as ideas to consider, that allow you to shift your view of the world. If you need more support for yourself, please reach out to a friend or family member, myself or one of the following support spaces:  If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help now,  Australia: call triple zero (000). You can also call Lifeline on 13 11 14 — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  New Zealand: 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 (HELP).  For more options:
Windows of Conversation Episode - Episode 20
Oct 24 2023
Windows of Conversation Episode - Episode 20
In this episode I muse over the topic of:  How we communicate through 'metaphorical windows', or through the values, beliefs and experiences of our lives and how these impact our conversations.  When we change our inner world, we change our outer world, not only  for ourselves, but for those around us too. The Mental, Physical & Emotional parts of ourselves affect each other,  and impact how we engage with the world.    I work as a Mindset & Well-Being Coach, for Parents, Teens & In-betweens - Supporting Parents, Teens & Families to Improve Communication, Find Purpose, & Develop Leadership skills.Parenting, Adulting and Teenagering are not always an easy journey, and we don't get  manuals to explain how to do them 'right'.   We might feel anxious about the future & the decisions we need to be making, what sort of role-model we are for our kids, or how our own well-being is affecting our family - Pouring from an empty cup, serves no-one. Communication, Purpose and Leadership are all areas of life in their own right. And we may feel we have strengths or weaknesses in them, depending on what we have learned over our lifetime. However, sometimes, what we have learned about them are not conducive to our own or others well-being. When clear and effective communication is woven into our family structure, we can develop leadership skills and cultivate a space for a shared sense of purpose.  In these podcasts you will find conversations and practical techniques & tools that are short and easy to include in your day, as well as ideas to consider, that allow you to shift your view of the world. If you need more support for yourself, please reach out to a friend or family member, myself or one of the following support spaces:  If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help now,   Australia: call triple zero (000). You can also call Lifeline on 13 11 14 — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  New Zealand: 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 (HELP).  For more options: instagram: facebook: website:
Boundaries - Do you have them? - Episode 19
Sep 24 2023
Boundaries - Do you have them? - Episode 19
In this episode I muse over the topic of Boundaries – What are they? What does a bendy boundary look or feel like? And How and where do we set them?   When we change our inner world, we change our outer world, not only  for ourselves, but for those around us too. The Mental, Physical & Emotional parts of ourselves affect each other,  and impact how we engage with the world.    I work as a Transformational Mindset & Well-Being Coach, supporting Parents to redefine their Well-being, Purpose & Who they want to be, outside of kids - We often lose who we are when we have a family. Then when they go to school or start to find their own feet in the world, we may be left wondering who we are apart from being a parent, and what purpose we have now.  We might feel anxious about the future & the decisions we need to be making, what sort of role-model we are for our kids, or how our own well-being is affecting our family - Pouring from an empty cup, serves no-one.  In these podcasts you will find conversations and practical techniques & tools that are short and easy to include in your day. If you need more support for yourself, please reach out to a friend or family member, myself or one of the following support spaces:  If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help now,   Australia: call triple zero (000). You can also call Lifeline on 13 11 14 — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  New Zealand: 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 (HELP).  For more options: instagram: facebook: website:
Allowing our Kids to Breathe - Episode 18
Sep 12 2023
Allowing our Kids to Breathe - Episode 18
In this episode I muse over the topic of Allowing our Kids to Breathe – and ourselves of course.  My mentor, Kate Ruby Aroha, talked about connecting into the messages that light you up or get your blood pumping – making connections around what matters to you, and it got me tracking off into these questions …… because it was such a big thing for me when our eldest daughter was going through her teen years. Can I be in the space that my children need me to be in, when they need me to be there?And the honest truth is that we can’t always be in that space because we are dealing with our own shit at the time as well.And Remember:When we change our inner world, we change our outer world, not only  for ourselves, but for those around us too. The Mental, Physical & Emotional parts of ourselves affect each other,  and impact how we engage with the world.    I work as a Transformational Mindset & Well-Being Coach, supporting Parents to redefine their Well-being, Purpose & Who they want to be, outside of kids - We often lose who we are when we have a family. Then when they go to school or start to find their own feet in the world, we may be left wondering who we are apart from being a parent, and what purpose we have now.  We might feel anxious about the future & the decisions we need to be making, what sort of role-model we are for our kids, or how our own well-being is affecting our family - Pouring from an empty cup, serves no-one.  In these podcasts you will find conversations and practical techniques & tools that are short and easy to include in your day. If you need more support for yourself, please reach out to a friend or family member, myself or one of the following support spaces:  If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help now,   Australia: call triple zero (000). You can also call Lifeline on 13 11 14 — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  New Zealand: 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 (HELP).  For more options: instagram: facebook: website:
When everyone else comes first - Episode 17
Sep 5 2023
When everyone else comes first - Episode 17
In this episode I’m musing on the topic of “When everyone else comes first. Isn't it interesting how we as parents or caregivers are so well trained in it. But how is nurturing everyone else first, working out for YOU? How might it be showing up for you in your life and what can we start to do to incorporate a dose of self-care into our daily lives? For some of us this is quite the conundrum and we may not even know what it is that we DO want. Listen to this and more about Nurturing Self - And remember fill your cup first so you have an overflow for others.DM me on Instagram with your takeaways from this podcast & any thoughts, feelings or ideas you get from it.  I'd love to hear other practical techniques you use for difficult conversations.When we change our inner world, we change our outer world, not only  for ourselves, but for those around us too. The Mental, Physical & Emotional parts of ourselves affect each other,  and impact how we engage with the world.    I work as a Transformational Mindset & Well-Being Coach, supporting Parents to redefine their Well-being, Purpose & Who they want to be, outside of kids - We often lose who we are when we have a family. Then when they go to school or start to find their own feet in the world, we may be left wondering who we are apart from being a parent, and what purpose we have now.  We might feel anxious about the future & the decisions we need to be making, what sort of role-model we are for our kids, or how our own well-being is affecting our family - Pouring from an empty cup, serves no-one.  In these podcasts you will find conversations and practical techniques & tools that are short and easy to include in your day.If you need more support for yourself, please reach out to a friend or family member, myself or one of the following support spaces:If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help now, Australia: call triple zero (000). You can also call Lifeline on 13 11 14 — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.New Zealand: 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 (HELP).For more options: instagram: facebook: website:
A bag full of Stones - Episode 16
Aug 22 2023
A bag full of Stones - Episode 16
In this episode, I cover the topic of bringing up the past during conversations, arguments and reminding others of where, when & how, they have stuffed up -  from our point of view, as well as how we carry these events, hurts & trauma,  like stones in our bags, dragging them from the past into the now, either consciously or unconsciously. Of course, there are so many more facets to this subject, AND we have to start the conversation somewhere.DM me on Instagram with your takeaways from this podcast & any thoughts, feelings or ideas you get from it.  I'd love to hear other practical techniques you use for difficult conversations.  When we change our inner world, we change our outer world, not only  for ourselves, but for those around us too. The Mental, Physical & Emotional parts of ourselves affect each other,  and impact how we engage with the world.    I work as a Transformational Mindset & Well-Being Coach, supporting Parents to redefine their Well-being, Purpose & Who they want to be, outside of kids - We often lose who we are when we have a family. Then when they go to school or start to find their own feet in the world, we may be left wondering who we are apart from being a parent, and what purpose we have now.  We might feel anxious about the future & the decisions we need to be making, what sort of role-model we are for our kids, or how our own well-being is affecting our family - Pouring from an empty cup, serves no-one.  In these podcasts you will find conversations and practical techniques & tools that are short and easy to include in your day.  instagram: facebook: website:
Whose Voice is in Your Head? Episode 14
Jul 28 2023
Whose Voice is in Your Head? Episode 14
In this episode, I chat about "Our inner dialogue or voice", and the impact that has on our Self and those around us. I talk about how this has impacted my own life and where one of the many absorbed voices, in my head, came from. Along with this, is the topic of how our own voice becomes the one in our children's (or other peoples) heads. Maybe you can relate to some of what I chat about.  Share your thoughts on my Instagram or pop me a dm on there. I'd love to hear your feedback.  When we change our inner world, we change our outer world, not only  for ourselves, but for those around us too. The Mental, Physical & Emotional parts of ourselves affect each other,  and impact how we engage with the world.    I work as a Transformational Mindset & Well-Being Coach, supporting Parents to redefine their Well-being, Purpose & Who they want to be, outside of kids - We often lose who we are when we have a family. Then when they go to school or start to find their own feet in the world, we may be left wondering who we are apart from being a parent, and what purpose we have now.  We might feel anxious about the future & the decisions we need to be making, what sort of role-model we are for our kids, or how our own well-being is affecting our family - Pouring from an empty cup, serves no-one.  In these podcasts you will find conversations and practical techniques & tools that are short and easy to include in your day.  instagram: facebook: website:
A Failure or Not a Failure .... That is the question - Episode 13
Jul 25 2023
A Failure or Not a Failure .... That is the question - Episode 13
In this mini-episode (converted from my FaceBook video), I chat about a time when I completed my coaching certification and I posted this video on our fb student page. I felt alone as no-one posts when they fail, so I wanted anyone else who didn't pass, to feel like they're not alone. This is how I reacted and then responded to failing my exit interview. Taking it and making it a strength and then creating a video to support others who may go through it, made it worth the failure. Hope it helps you to REFRAME/ PIVOT on your 'Failure'.   When we change our inner world, we change our outer world, not only  for ourselves, but for those around us too. The Mental, Physical & Emotional parts of ourselves affect each other,  and impact how we engage with the world.    I work as a Transformational Mindset & Well-Being Coach, supporting Parents to redefine their Well-being, Purpose & Who they want to be, outside of kids - We often lose who we are when we have a family. Then when they go to school or start to find their own feet in the world, we may be left wondering who we are apart from being a parent, and what purpose we have now.  We might feel anxious about the future & the decisions we need to be making, what sort of role-model we are for our kids, or how our own well-being is affecting our family - Pouring from an empty cup, serves no-one.  In these podcasts you will find conversations and practical techniques & tools that are short and easy to include in your day.  instagram: facebook: website:
Grounding into the Earth - Breathe, Ground & Let Go - Episode 10
Jul 25 2023
Grounding into the Earth - Breathe, Ground & Let Go - Episode 10
In this mini-episode (converted from my YouTube video), I share a practice for Breathing, Grounding and Letting Go. This was uploaded to my page during Covid to help those who I was working with at the time, along with friends and family, to stop and regroup. However, it is a great practice no matter what is happening in the world. I have found grounding to be a fantastic practice for letting go of energetic charge that gets built up in our electro-magnetic field. I get this a lot in summer if I wear synthetic clothing and then I start to spark off people and things - Not fun when everything you touch gives you a whack. So, off come the shoes and as much clothing as comfortable, and I connect to the Earth. It literally feels like a physical discharge. There have been studies done around how this affects our mental, emotional & physical well-being. After all, we are energy in motion, and too much or too little energy, has a direct impact on our lives too.** This is not intended to replace the recommendations of your trusted Professional/Practitioner, but to support it ** When we change our inner world, we change our outer world, not only  for ourselves, but for those around us too. The Mental, Physical & Emotional parts of ourselves affect each other,  and impact how we engage with the world.    I work as a Transformational Mindset & Well-Being Coach, supporting Parents to redefine their Well-being, Purpose & Who they want to be, outside of kids - We often lose who we are when we have a family. Then when they go to school or start to find their own feet in the world, we may be left wondering who we are apart from being a parent, and what purpose we have now.  We might feel anxious about the future & the decisions we need to be making, what sort of role-model we are for our kids, or how our own well-being is affecting our family - Pouring from an empty cup, serves no-one.  In these podcasts you will find conversations and practical techniques & tools that are short and easy to include in your day.  instagram: facebook: website:
Rampage of Appreciation for ANY time! - Episode 009
Jul 24 2023
Rampage of Appreciation for ANY time! - Episode 009
In this mini-episode (converted from my YouTube video), I run through a Rampage of Appreciation. When we can be in a space of appreciation, we can change what we are focusing on. Our Reticular Activating System (the filter of experiences part of the brain - in very simple terms) looks for things to prove these right - as can happen in the reverse - Hence the sayings - Where thought goes, energy flows. What you perceive, you receive and the like.This is a practice that I learned through the years of listening to Esther & Jerry Hicks with Abraham Hicks, along with Louise Hay, The Secret and a multitude of other self-help books, audios and videos. Dm me through instagram if you found this helpful or what practices you use to create the same outcome. So with mountains of love & appreciation to those who I have learned from and to my sister for our rampages together. I hope you In-Joy.  When we change our inner world, we change our outer world, not only  for ourselves, but for those around us too. The Mental, Physical & Emotional parts of ourselves affect each other,  and impact how we engage with the world.    I work as a Transformational Mindset & Well-Being Coach, supporting Parents to redefine their Well-being, Purpose & Who they want to be, outside of kids - We often lose who we are when we have a family. Then when they go to school or start to find their own feet in the world, we may be left wondering who we are apart from being a parent, and what purpose we have now.  We might feel anxious about the future & the decisions we need to be making, what sort of role-model we are for our kids, or how our own well-being is affecting our family - Pouring from an empty cup, serves no-one.  In these podcasts you will find conversations and practical techniques & tools that are short and easy to include in your day.  instagram: facebook: website:
Which wolf will you feed? - Episode 008
Jul 24 2023
Which wolf will you feed? - Episode 008
In this mini-episode (converted from my YouTube video), I chat about "Which wolf will you feed?" Remember balance for the wolves within, makes for a better day, week and outside life.** Don't mind the huffing Rottweiler bouncing around in the background or my distraction of the red reflecting in the video as I did this live ** When we change our inner world, we change our outer world, not only  for ourselves, but for those around us too. The Mental, Physical & Emotional parts of ourselves affect each other,  and impact how we engage with the world.    I work as a Transformational Mindset & Well-Being Coach, supporting Parents to redefine their Well-being, Purpose & Who they want to be, outside of kids - We often lose who we are when we have a family. Then when they go to school or start to find their own feet in the world, we may be left wondering who we are apart from being a parent, and what purpose we have now.  We might feel anxious about the future & the decisions we need to be making, what sort of role-model we are for our kids, or how our own well-being is affecting our family - Pouring from an empty cup, serves no-one.  In these podcasts you will find conversations and practical techniques & tools that are short and easy to include in your day.  instagram: facebook: website:
When you need to raise your level - Try this - Episode 007
Jul 24 2023
When you need to raise your level - Try this - Episode 007
In this mini-episode (converted from my YouTube video), I chat about raising your level - emotional/energetic/vibrational/whatever you like to call it, with a visualisation practice. I use this particular practice for all sorts of situations, including when waking with bad dreams or even a stressful situation during the day. I hope it helps you too. If you would like a practical recorded version of this let me know - you can dm me through instagram.  When we change our inner world, we change our outer world, not only  for ourselves, but for those around us too. The Mental, Physical & Emotional parts of ourselves affect each other,  and impact how we engage with the world.    I work as a Transformational Mindset & Well-Being Coach, supporting Parents to redefine their Well-being, Purpose & Who they want to be, outside of kids - We often lose who we are when we have a family. Then when they go to school or start to find their own feet in the world, we may be left wondering who we are apart from being a parent, and what purpose we have now.  We might feel anxious about the future & the decisions we need to be making, what sort of role-model we are for our kids, or how our own well-being is affecting our family - Pouring from an empty cup, serves no-one.  In these podcasts you will find conversations and practical techniques & tools that are short and easy to include in your day.  instagram: facebook: website:
Got a decision to make? Try this short visualisation - Episode 006
Jul 24 2023
Got a decision to make? Try this short visualisation - Episode 006
In this mini-episode (converted from my YouTube video), I share a short visualisation for helping to make decisions. Do you have a decision to make? Are you not sure about a choice? This practice may help. Check it out - let me know what you think - you can dm me through instagram.**Do NOT listen to this while driving or operating machinery ** When we change our inner world, we change our outer world, not only  for ourselves, but for those around us too. The Mental, Physical & Emotional parts of ourselves affect each other,  and impact how we engage with the world.    I work as a Transformational Mindset & Well-Being Coach, supporting Parents to redefine their Well-being, Purpose & Who they want to be, outside of kids - We often lose who we are when we have a family. Then when they go to school or start to find their own feet in the world, we may be left wondering who we are apart from being a parent, and what purpose we have now.  We might feel anxious about the future & the decisions we need to be making, what sort of role-model we are for our kids, or how our own well-being is affecting our family - Pouring from an empty cup, serves no-one.  In these podcasts you will find conversations and practical techniques & tools that are short and easy to include in your day.  instagram: facebook: website: