The Power Life Coach

Sabine Schoepke

I’m here to guide and accompany you to your greatest potential and give you the tools to create a life beyond your wildest dreams. You will change your life’s narrative, transform your limiting beliefs, and you will fully own your magnificent power. So that you can go from lack, to making your life one big authentically yours mind-blowing story. I know you want more than your current reality. So, let’s unleash your inner badassery. Let’s explore the Intersection of Pain, Passion and Power. You don’t know how? I do. I have been where you are now. I suffered, learned, awakened and succeeded so that I can show you how. With me, you get an unapologetic, powerful sister and guide with exceptional skills and a fearless attitude, all in one. Think "Sistuoso Maestro". So, welcome to your POWER LIFE!! Let’s do this. You have waited way too long already. read less
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The Inner and Outer Games of Life
Feb 5 2024
The Inner and Outer Games of Life
In this enriching podcast episode, I delve into the compelling dichotomy of life's "inner and outer games," building upon the themes of introspection and extrospection discussed in episode 20. The inner games, rooted in consciousness and self-awakening, are identified as essential pathways to realizing our true selves and fulfilling our universal purpose. Conversely, the outer games, encompassing the pursuit of accumulation, power, and fame, are often played from a place of fear and inadequacy, driven by societal norms and expectations.I recall a touching video with Gary Vaynerchuk that highlights a profound message: our worth is intrinsic and not contingent on material success or social media clout. With this revelation I urge listeners to shift focus from external validations to self-belief, potentially transforming personal joy and success.I encourage my listeners to play outer games with joy rather than fear, suggesting that such an approach can alleviate life's struggles and enhance overall well-being. It celebrates the enriching aspects of life, such as creativity, family, community service, personal development, and the pursuit of adventure, emphasizing their contribution to a fulfilling life.The crux of the discussion is the transformative power of focusing on the inner game. I share personal insights, including a life-altering decision to embrace a nomadic lifestyle in Europe, illustrating how inner growth can redefine our engagement with the outer world. My narrative underscores that true happiness and success stem from internal development rather than external achievements.Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their motivations for engaging in life's games, with an invitation to prioritize inner growth over societal pressures. I conclude the episode with a call to action for listeners to embrace their journeys, find joy in personal development, and share the podcast's message of love and self-discovery.Visit The Power Life Coach at:
Embracing Fear: Transforming Doubt into Triumph
Jan 22 2024
Embracing Fear: Transforming Doubt into Triumph
In this episode of "The Power Life Podcast," I share my personal journey of overcoming fear, particularly the fear of failure. I emphasize that fear, whether it's fear of failure, rejection, or not being good enough, is a common experience, and I encourage listeners to see themselves in my story.I delve into the concept that human emotions are fundamentally driven by either love or fear. This perspective helps to simplify our understanding of motivations, both in ourselves and others. I discuss how fear often manifests as a limiting voice in our head, a remnant of our evolutionary past that's no longer as relevant. I share my own experience of challenging and disproving this voice, urging listeners to do the same.I explore the roots of personal fear, which often stem from upbringing, societal influences, and past experiences. Using the metaphor of learning to walk, I illustrate how self-doubt and overthinking, which typically develop later in childhood, can inhibit us. I stress the importance of taking action over overthinking, as it’s the first step towards overcoming fear and achieving our dreams.Taking bold steps, I acknowledge, can be terrifying, likening it to standing on the edge of a cliff. However, I emphasize that stepping out of our comfort zone is where the magic happens. The fear of the unknown and the worst-case scenarios our minds create can be daunting, but I encourage listeners to show up and take chances.I also discuss the importance of persistence, framing every rejection or failure as a step closer to success. I advocate for a change in attitude towards struggles, seeing them as opportunities for growth and progress. I conclude by highlighting the importance of embracing fear and using it as fuel for success.I invite listeners who resonated with the episode to join my membership program at for more hands-on tools to redefine fears and turn them into stepping stones for success. I close the episode by reminding everyone that they are stronger than their fears and encouraging them to conquer their world.Visit The Power Life Coach at:
Unexpected Turns: Lessons in Reinvention
Jan 15 2024
Unexpected Turns: Lessons in Reinvention
In this episode I share my recent experiences from the snowy German Alps, where I've embarked on a new chapter in my life as a nomad. Upon arriving, I was unexpectedly struck by the flu, marking my first illness in nearly a decade. This sudden sickness threw a wrench into my plans of immediately diving into a new life and work.As I lay there, sick and alone, I struggled with feelings of loneliness, frustration, and anxiety. I questioned my decision to uproot my life, feeling disconnected from my family and friends. It led me to a moment of self-reflection, realizing that I had overlooked the importance of self-care.I recognized that reinvention isn't just about changing locations or routines; it's about transforming the way we approach life. I had brought the hustle and pressure of my big city life with me, which I now understood needed to be released. I realized that keeping busy had been a way to avoid facing some deeper fears and challenges.Throughout the episode, I discuss the journey of facing these fears, understanding the need for personal growth, and embracing the process of self-discovery. I touch upon the physical aspect of health and its importance, especially as we age and go through various life experiences. I also recount how I pulled myself out of the negativity, focusing on my dreams and aspirations, and the excitement of exploring new places and parts of myself.I reflect on the hard work of detaching from my old life and the real work of reinvention that lies ahead. I draw inspiration from Theodore Roosevelt's quote, "The Man in the Arena," which resonates deeply with my current journey.Finally, I encourage my listeners to check out my website,, for more insights and tools for their own journeys of reinvention. I conclude the episode by expressing hope that my listeners can see a part of themselves in my story, whether they are looking to up their game, reinvent themselves, or simply kick some ass.Visit The Power Life Coach at:
Reinvention at Midlife
Jan 8 2024
Reinvention at Midlife
The episode of "The Power Life Podcast" hosted by Sabine Schoepke focuses on the theme of personal reinvention, particularly in midlife. Sabine shares her own journey of reinvention, detailing her decision to leave everything behind in Los Angeles, including her business and belongings, to move to Europe. She emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and embracing new roles that align with one's authentic self, especially during midlife when reinvention can seem daunting.Sabine discusses the natural progression of life stages in younger years and contrasts it with the challenges of midlife transitions, such as becoming an empty nester or experiencing significant life changes. She argues that midlife is an opportunity for reassessment and realignment with true desires and goals. The episode stresses the importance of overcoming fear and embracing small changes that can lead to significant impacts on one's life.Additionally, Sabine addresses common obstacles like fear, guilt, and the reluctance to prioritize personal well-being. She encourages listeners to take control of their lives, let go of old ways, and adopt new perspectives that support their growth and happiness. Reinvention, according to her, is a deeply personal journey that should be embraced for personal growth and fulfillment. She concludes by promoting her membership program, which provides tools and resources for personal transformation, and encourages listeners to stay passionate and pursue happiness and fulfillment in their lives.Visit The Power Life Coach at:
Clarity: the Key Ingredient in Life’s Reinvention Journey
Dec 18 2023
Clarity: the Key Ingredient in Life’s Reinvention Journey
In this episode, I delve into the concept of 'Clarity' and its role in my personal and professional reinvention. Recently, I've embarked on a major life change, selling my business and belongings, and preparing for a nomadic journey across Europe. This new chapter, filled with both excitement and unknowns, has led me to focus on writing, sharing, and coaching, drawing from my rich life experiences.As I navigate this transition, I'm also exploring ways to organically expand the reach of my podcast and books. The shift from being an expert in my previous business to starting anew in unfamiliar domains like marketing and social media presents its own set of challenges and fears.I draw parallels between life and the game 'Pin the tail on the monkey', emphasizing how clarity, or the lack thereof, can make our endeavors both challenging and exciting. Just like the moment of clear vision after an eye exam, life too has its moments of sudden clarity that bring everything into focus.I share my struggles with feeling lost, overwhelmed, and scared when clarity is absent and discuss how fear can cloud our vision, limiting our growth. I also touch on the confusion that arises when too many external opinions overshadow our inner voice.To me, clarity is a feeling of alignment with one's heart, soul, purpose, and goals. It brings a sense of freedom, energy, and direction. The episode delves into strategies for finding clarity, emphasizing the importance of seeking help, taking breaks, and focusing on joy and passion.I also discuss the pitfalls of overthinking and the importance of understanding what truly matters to each individual. I conclude by sharing how taking even small steps towards what feels right can lead to clarity and success, encouraging listeners to embrace the unknown and find harmony in life's chaos.Visit The Power Life Coach at: