Natural Super Kids Podcast

Jessica Donovan

Ideas and inspiration to boost the health and nutrition of your kids with Naturopath Jessica Donovan read less
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Episode 167: All about PANS and PANDAS in children with Dr Leila Masson
Jun 1 2024
Episode 167: All about PANS and PANDAS in children with Dr Leila Masson
On this week's podcast episode, Jess is speaking with  integrative paediatrician Dr Leila Masson all about PANS and PANDAS in children. Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) and Paediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) occur after an infection, most commonly a strep infection. In PANS and PANDAS, the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy brain cells, leading to autoimmune processes that affect central nervous system function. Dr Leila Masson underwent her paediatric training at the University of California in San Francisco and has a Master in Public Health from Harvard University. She treats children with autism, ADHD, PANS, allergies, and other chronic issues by addressing the underlying causes, such as nutritional deficiencies, unhealthy gut flora, or inflammation. Dr Masson has written a guidebook for parents "A-Z Children's Health" packed with practical advice on treating common childhood illnesses. Dr Masson offers webinars and online courses on a wide range of health issues, to support children and their families on their path to better health.During this episode, Jess and Dr Leila Masson will share:How PANS occurs and the symptoms associated with PANS;The difference between PANS and PANDAS;How to reduce toxin exposure;Diagnostic testing for PANS;Treatment for PANS and how to reduce the risk of flares in the future; How gut health is associated with PANS;Supplement recommendations to support gut health for kids with PANS; Why a nutritious diet is essential for treating PANS;The long-term effects of PANS.Episode Links:Check out Dr Leila Masson's website herePurchase a copy of Dr Leila Masson's Book - 'The Essential Guide To A Healthy Child' here Click here to check out Dr Leila Masson's WebinarsFollow Dr Leila Masson on FacebookFollow Dr Leila Masson on Instagram Book a 1:1 consultation with the Natural Super Kids team hereSign up for our FREE Immunity masterclass here.
Episode 163: How to Avoid the Antibiotic Cycle This Winter
May 4 2024
Episode 163: How to Avoid the Antibiotic Cycle This Winter
Last week on the podcast, Jess spoke about the importance of building a healthy winter immune system in autumn. If you have not checked this episode yet, click here to listen. Today, on the podcast Jess is talking about the antibiotic cycle, how to break this cycle and help your child's immune system recover this winter. Nearly every child we see with immune issues or recurrent infections has had either a heavy use of antibiotics overall or exposure to antibiotics when very young. Although antibiotics have their place, they are often overused and can cause long-term effects on our health. In this episode, Jess discusses:The overuse of antibiotics and the negative long-term effects of antibiotics; Studies demonstrating the impact antibiotics have on the microbiome, atopic conditions, and metabolic disorders;The antibiotic cycle and how this cycle makes children more susceptible to infections;The effects of antibiotics on immune function;How to strengthen our children's ability to fight infections without the use of antibiotics.Episode Links:Study on the impact of early life antibiotic use on atopic and metabolic disorders;Research discussing the impact of antibiotics on the microbiome of children; Save your seat to our FREE on-demand Immunity Masterclass: 3 Simple Ways to Naturally Boost Your Kids Immunity to Avoid a Winter Full of Sickness. Click here to join us. Book a 1:1 consultation with our team.Sign up for our FREE Immunity masterclass here.
Episode 161: A Naturopathic Approach to Bedwetting in Children
Apr 20 2024
Episode 161: A Naturopathic Approach to Bedwetting in Children
In our last episode, I had an insightful discussion with Paediatric Neurologist Dr Steve Hodges from the United States. Dr. Hodges shared his unique approach to toileting issues, explaining how chronic constipation may be the underlying cause of toileting issues in your children. If you haven't listened to this episode yet, click here to listen. Today we are diving into bedwetting - a challenging issue for many families. Bedwetting can be inconvenient, and embarrassing as children get older, with little information surrounding alternative treatments for bedwetting. Join me as I break down a topic that can be a struggle for many children. In this episode, I discuss:How constipation can be an underlying cause of bedwetting;Imbalances in the gut microbiome and how this can contribute to bedwetting, chronic cystitis, and thrush;Symptoms of worms and how worms can be a cause of bedwetting; The link between allergies (food and environmental), and increased risk of bedwetting;How  controlling asthma can reduce the incidence of bedwetting;The role stress plays in bedwetting, and how wetting the bed can affect a child's mental health;The association between bedwetting and behavioural problems, and how bedwetting is more common in neurodiverse kids;The link between sleep-disordered breathing and bedwetting.Episode Links:Constipation in children - A Natural Approach The connection between the Bladder and the Brain-Gut Axis in treating Functional Bladder Disorders  Treating Worms in Children Allergic Rhinitis and the Associated Risk of Bedwetting  Study The association between Asthma and Bedwetting Study Behavioural Problems and Bedwetting Study The link between Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Bedwetting Study Assessment of oral function Sign up for our FREE Immunity masterclass here.
Episode 160: Addressing the Root Cause of Toileting Accidents in Kids with Dr Steve Hodges
Apr 13 2024
Episode 160: Addressing the Root Cause of Toileting Accidents in Kids with Dr Steve Hodges
Today we have Dr. Steve Hodges on the podcast. Dr. Hodges is a Professor of Pediatric Urology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine and is a leading authority on childhood toileting issues. In this episode, Dr Hodges and I discuss enuresis (bedtime and daytime wetting) and encopresis (poop accidents). Dr Hodges is dedicated to debunking common myths surrounding enuresis (bedtime and daytime wetting) and encopresis (poop accidents), emphasizing that these issues are never a child's fault. Dr. Hodges has authored eight books for parents and children, including "The M.O.P. Anthology" and "Bedwetting and Accidents Aren't Your Fault."In this episode, Dr. Hodges and I go over:The common misconceptions he has encountered when it comes to enuresis and encopresis;Why it is important to emphasize that accidents are never a child's fault;The key differences between enuresis and encopresis;The motivation behind Dr Hodges's writing "The M.O.P. Anthology" and "Bedwetting and Accidents Aren’t Your Fault"? and what these books offer to parents and children;The main challenges parents face when dealing with bedwetting and accidents in their children, and how you can work to help them overcome these challenges;Plus Dr. Hodges shares his insights on the prevalence of bedwetting and daytime wetting issues in children.Episode Links:For more information on Dr Hodges, plus access to his resources - click here. Sign up for our FREE Immunity masterclass here.
Episode 153: Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis, lung health, and the gut microbiome
Feb 24 2024
Episode 153: Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis, lung health, and the gut microbiome
If you are a parent of a child who has been diagnosed with a lung condition such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, or acute respiratory infections such as influenza, RSV, or the common cold then this episode is valuable for you. Research tells us that there is promise for these chronic lung conditions and that the gut microbiome plays a significant role in improving lung function. In this episode Jess shares:How dysbiosis in gut microbiota is associated with lung disorders and respiratory infections;More information on the lung-gut axis and how gut health is connected to lung function;Jess shares research from studies focusing on the gut-lung connection;Plus, the importance of short-chain fatty acids when it comes to nourishing the gut, lung health, immunity and more;Some of the specific respiratory and lung conditions we see in children and our strategies for improving symptoms including:Hayfever and environmental allergies; Asthma; Cystic Fibrosis;The benefits of a fibre-rich diet for influencing the lungs;Specific strains of probiotic strains play a beneficial role in improving the gut-lung axis.Episode Links:Episode 6: The Hygiene Hypothesis and Allergies in Kids;Research Paper: The lung–gut axis during viral respiratory infections: the impact of gut dysbiosis on secondary disease outcomesResearch Paper: Diet, Microbiota and Gut-Lung ConnectionResearch Paper: The Role of the Microbiome in Asthma: The Gut–Lung AxisSign up for our FREE Immunity masterclass here.
Episode 151: What is the gut-brain connection and why does it matter for our kids?
Feb 10 2024
Episode 151: What is the gut-brain connection and why does it matter for our kids?
The rise in mental health issues among children is concerning, but did you know that it's tightly woven with changes in their gut microbiome? In this episode, I will share with you how nurturing a diverse microbiome can balance neurotransmitters and enhance mental well-being to improve mood, sleep, behaviour, and more. In this episode, we will delve into:Understanding what the gut-brain connection is;What the gut-brain connection means for our children's overall health and well-being;Steps we can take to improve our children's mental health through the gut-brain connection, including dietary, lifestyle, and nutrient suggestions;I will share more information on the gut and why our microbes are so important for brain health;What affects microbiome diversity in our children;The link between gastrointestinal complaints & mental health disorders;I share more information on neuroinflammation and what we can do to reduce this;I delve into the topic of psychobiotics and what specific strains have been researched in connection to improving mood, sleep, and mental health outcomes.Plus my favourite herb & nutrient for gut-brain connection.Episode Links:Download our free Kids Gut Health eBook to start improving your kid's gut health here;Book an express consultation with our practitioners to receive supplement advice. Reach out to us on Instagram here. Sign up for our FREE Immunity masterclass here.
Episode 149: Time Saving Hacks for Packing a Healthy Lunchbox
Jan 27 2024
Episode 149: Time Saving Hacks for Packing a Healthy Lunchbox
Packing school lunch boxes every day can be such a chore, especially when your kid comes home and you realise they haven't eaten a thing you've prepared.  When it comes to packing school lunchboxes, it's important to focus on building a nutritionally balanced lunchbox that balances your children's blood sugar levels, but we also need to find foods our kids want to eat (which is the tricky part!)In this episode, I will be sharing my time-saving hacks for packing a healthy lunchbox. For more insights on packing a healthy lunchbox, be sure to listen to Episode 53 of the Natural Super Kids podcast. Let's dive into: Why packing a healthy lunchbox is such a significant part of our kid's overall wellbeing;Tips for packing a lunchbox for a fussy eater;How to improve nutrition throughout the day, if they won't eat it out of their lunchbox;Why healthy lunchbox options are so beneficial for our kids.. (hint: it involves balancing blood sugar levels..);We dive into some of my time-saving hacks including:Batch cooking recipes that freeze well and are made to last (hint: sweet snack options);How having a schedule or a plan to "prep ahead" is a game-changer;Why I love to have the lunchboxes cleaned and ready to go when I'm cooking dinner;The key macronutrient you should include, and how to make it easier for you to include it in the lunchbox;How to get the kids involved and put them in charge, plus tips for all ages;Quick, easy supermarket options to have on hand.Episode Links:Join us for the Natural Super Kids Lunchbox Challenge in February. Click here to have access to recipes, masterclasses, community, prizes, and more. Listen to Episode 53: Packing a healthy lunchboxNot ready to join us? Join the KLUB waitlist here. Sign up for our FREE Immunity masterclass here.