The Watchdog’s Bark Podcast


The watchdog’s job is to warn the sheep of wolves outside the gate and inside the corral. I’m a constitutional conservative trying to save our Republic. This podcast will be political but I also have a wide variety of interests so... who knows what each episode will bring. One thing I can promise is each episode will always end on a positive note because I’m an eternal optimist! read less


Ep 73 - The Black National Anthem, Navalny's death and our weaponized judicial system
Feb 19 2024
Ep 73 - The Black National Anthem, Navalny's death and our weaponized judicial system
In this epsiode I ask the question, why do we need a Black National Anthem? Why isn't our National Anthem good enough for all Americans. Why? Because many things that are thought to help us understand each other more and unite us actually divide us further. Why do we seem to want to go back to segregation? Those that want more power and control understand that if they divide us we will be easier to conquer and control. Trump ordered to pay $364 million dollars for what? For paying off his loans on time and as agreed. There was no victim. There was no plaintiff that brought these charges. There was no financial institution that sued to get these funds. This is just further proof that Trump was right and all of these are political prosecutions. Alexei Navalny died in prison. He was sentenced to 19 years in one of the worst prisons in the world that is near the Arctic Circle. He was said to have gone for a walk, felt ill and then just died. Remember he was poisoned with a nerve agent and survived that. Then, made the brave decision to return to Russia where he was arrested again. What was the charge "extremism." Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger have dropped a bombshell. A 50 page document that the CIA has that proves that Vladimir Putin wanted Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 election. She was considered more predictable and safe. Trump was too much of a wildcard. There is also proof that Obama and the DOJ targeted 26 people in the Trump organization to spy on in his 2016 election campaign. So, Trump was right again. Obama did indeed spy on Trump during the election. This also explains why the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago. Joe Biden is now on TikTok. TikTok was banned on all government devices but Joe has joined. This proves two things. 1. Joe doesn't think rules apply to him. 2. Democrats are scared to death about this next election and will break their own rules to win. And finally, Mathew McConaughey offers great advice in 5 minutes that will effect the next 50 years of your life. Thanks for listening and please help me RELAY THE BARK! :)
Ep 72 - Gina Carano sues Disney, Tucker goes to Russia and Special Council Hur’s findings.
Feb 11 2024
Ep 72 - Gina Carano sues Disney, Tucker goes to Russia and Special Council Hur’s findings.
In this episode I talk about Gina Carano suing Disney over her being fired from the Mandalorian TV show for re-tweeting something Disney disagreed with. Disney has gone too woke and is no longer the go to for videos appropriate for children in homes where parents are hoping for programming that has family values, standards and morals. They also want to indoctrinate your children to hate this country and convince them that our country was FOUNDED on slavery. That is 100% false. Walt would would be very disappointed in what his, once beloved, company has become. Tucker Carlson is in Russia interviewing Vladimir Putin and the left is loosing their minds. I heard that he is also going to interview Edward Snowden, The one that exposed our government's secret spying program on US citizens and Tara Reade, the woman that accused Joe Biden of raping her when she worked as an intern for him when he was a senator. Special Council Robert Hur has released his findings about Joe Biden having classified documents and his report is not good for Joe or Democrats. He basically found that Joe Biden would not be mentally fit enough to stand trial... but it's OK that he is president and carrying the nuclear codes?? Can you say Double Standard? We are forced to pay for things many illegal immigrants are getting for free. How is that at all fair. My thoughts on the Super Bowl and a few predictions and Steve Harvey tells us how to avoid negative thoughts and actions! Thank you again for listening! Please help me REALY THE BARK! :)
Ep 71 - Digital Identities, Terrorists in UNRWA and Black History Month
Feb 5 2024
Ep 71 - Digital Identities, Terrorists in UNRWA and Black History Month
In this episode I talk about how no new laws need to be created, or we do not need new "comprehensive immigration reform," we just need to ENFORCE the immigration laws that are already on the books. If Joe Biden REALY wanted to solve, or at least stem the tide of illegal immigrants he would immediately reinstate every one of Trumps border policies, especially the remain in Mexico policy. We know that Democrats won't do that unless their chance of being reelected is hurt... and let me tell you that is now the #1 issue on Americans minds. Just recently a dozen Illegal immigrants attacks NYPD officers in Times Square. 5 were arrested and then let go later the same day because of the idiotic sanctuary city and crime laws there. One of the illegal immigrants even flipped off the cameras and blew kisses because he knows NOTHING will happen to him for beating up a cop! It has been discovered that 12 people that worked for the charity organization UNRWA were actually involved in the heinous attacks on Israel on October 7th, 2023. They also discovered that hundreds of workers in Gaza helping distribute the aid given through UNRWA were actually members of the terrorist group Hamas! It's seriously time to kick the UN to the curb! Are you ready for Digital Identities? They're coming. Your entire life will be controlled through your digital identity. Whether you have access to medical care, your money, food and even internet access. The Tennessee Six are a group of people that were just praying/protesting outside of an abortion clinic. Not harassing, not blocking just praying and offering an alternative if a woman/girl was having second thoughts. They are facing 10 years in prison. Democrats want the ONLY choice for a woman in this position to be abort the baby. Happy Black History Month to all of my friends of color. Do you know how we stop racism in this country? Listen to Morgan Freeman tell Mike Wallace in an interview years back. He's absolutely right. My positive message is an incredible video I found. If you really want to succeed and soar in your life you have to have an Eagle Mentality! Thanks again for listening and please help me RELAY THE BARK! :)
Ep 69 - SCOTUS and the Chevron Law, Texas has it right and DEI in the airline industry?
Jan 22 2024
Ep 69 - SCOTUS and the Chevron Law, Texas has it right and DEI in the airline industry?
In this episode I talk about why the Chevron Law has been brought back and is being argued in front of the Supreme Court. Unelected bureaucratic agencies are gaining too much power and not allowing the Judicial Branch to interpret the wording of some laws that have vague language. Texas has the right to defend it's border when they are being invaded. What is happening on our southern border qualifies as an invation because we all know there are those coming in our country that intend to do us harm. Anthony Fauci revealed in his deposition that social distancing and masks were not based on science and they knew early on that the Corona Virus was NOT deadly to children and they still allowed school closures and masks on toddlers! The World Economic Forum in Davos this week say that the number one threat worldwide now is misinformation and disinformation because independent content providers, LIKE ME, are spreading what THEY call misinformation. In other words they want to censor what you and I say publicly. The E. Jean Carrol law suit against Donald Trump does NOT prove his guilt. The laws were changed in NY, by the Lincoln Project, so she could sue him and the many ignorant citizens of this country do not understand that a civil judgement awarding damages is not the same as a federal indictment. But, the Democrats know this and are counting on nobody knowing that. United Airlines CEO has announced that DEI will be the priority in their hiring process from now on. I personally do not care about anyones identity as long as they are trained, competent and have the skills for the job. When you prioritize DEI you cannot guarantee that. Ads are showing people with Downs Syndrome "flying a plane." In reality they are being a "pilot for a day" and flying in, but not flying, an airplane. So deceptive. Lastly, my positive message is to STOP wasting time! Thanks for listening and please help me RELAY THE BARK! ;)
Ep 68 -Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Food... all connected.
Jan 15 2024
Ep 68 -Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Food... all connected.
In this episode I talk about how our government, the pharmaceutical industry and the food industry all work together for profit. There are chemicals still allowed in our foods here in the US that have been banned in other countries. Chemicals that I believe are contributing to the rise in hormonal problems, cases of transgenderism and even ED. You need to read the labels of what you are buying and avoid these 11 ingredients to avoid harmful and carcinogenic chemicals in our food. Big Pharma is also offering our doctors monetary and other incentives so doctors will diagnose patients with certain conditions to push a new medication. Over 440,000 people die each year from medical mistakes. Speaking of medical mistakes. You need to watch the movie Shot Dead on Rumble. The link is here... There is now enough evidence that proves that children should have never, and still should not, get the Covid vaccine. There was a sudden uptick in teenagers dying of cardiac arrest and permanently damaging their heart with myocarditis. There is no transparency in this administration. Secretary of Defense was hospitalized for, what he and his team said was, a elective surgery. It turned out to be prostate cancer and he did not tell the White House or anyone else until he had been in the hospital for 3 days... so, WHO was running our military while he was having surgery? A disturbing video showing a trans woman stripping in a public gazebo in front of young children and parents are just standing there laughing. The parents and teachers, if this was a school event, should be arrested and charged with child abuse and endangerment and the "performer" should be arrested and charged with public indecency and put on the nation sex offenders list for stripping in front of young children. And... Illegal immigrants are being treated better than US citizens. They are offered free food, medical care, phones and now rent-free apartments in Maine! Lastly, I play a funny video of what happens when you're offended! Thanks for listening and please help me RELAY THE BARK! :)
Ep 67 - What is the radical left’s plan for America?
Jan 8 2024
Ep 67 - What is the radical left’s plan for America?
In this episode I talk about the radical left's plan to tear down the America that has existed for nearly 250 years and rebuild a socialist utopia, or so they think. I told you about the Sal Alinsky book Rules For Radicals with his 8-step plan to usher in socialism here in the US. Other's have also quote The Cloward / Piven Effect which takes Sal Alinksy's steps and applies it to what they think will end poverty. The only problem is every time this has been tried it has destroyed the country where it has been implemented. You see the radical left's plan is to overwhelm the welfare system so that the government can step in and "save" us all and end poverty. In other words a HUGE redistribution of wealth. The left is also using the media and social media to create what is called the Mandela Effect. Or getting millions of people to actually believe, and remember, the wrong things, especially history. In 2024 we could actually see a contingent election. Where neither Republican or Democrat can obtain the 270 votes to win the electoral college. That would mean that Congress would choose the next President and Vice-President. Robert F Kennedy Jr is counting on it. I play a could of clips where you hear an INSANE minister leading her congregation in a extremely sacrilegious chant and a person that really understand that those people claiming to be "Queers for Palestine," don't realize that Palestine would rather kill them than accept their support. Then, I end with a wonderful video of a young Bob Proctor and his advice to manifesting your dreams into reality! Thanks for listening! Happy New Year and please help me RELAY THE BARK!
Ep-66- A look back on 2023 and my predictions for 2024
Jan 1 2024
Ep-66- A look back on 2023 and my predictions for 2024
A look back on the events I remember most and the things I thought were most important to talk about in 2023... Also, to see what may happen in the future you have to look to our past, I mean our Ancient Roman past. The powers that be thought that Julius Caesar was going to make himself a permanent ruler and create a monarchy. So much so, that they assassinated him. Ironically his nephew Octavius did the same thing they thought Caesar was going to do. Later, in his writings, they discovered that Julius Casar had no intention of becoming a dictator or creating a Monarchy. I see a lot of similarities with how the powers that be today are trying to do the same to someone they see as their biggest threat. They TELL everyone that he will be a dictator and rule like a King, but I think Donal Trump has no intention of that. He just wants to get our country back to strength and independence. The puppet masters controlling this administration will do anything to prevent that from happening. I predict that in this next year people will get sick of organizations like BLM and LGBTQIA+ and the fact that they are NOT doing what they claim to be doing. The leaders of BLM Inc only enriched themselves and the LGBTQIA+ Inc only wants to sexualize and demoralize your children. I also, sadly, believe that we will have a terrorist attack in our country this next year. Last month 300,000 illegals came into our country. You cannot have that many people coming in unchecked and not be allowing many bad actors that want to do us harm. I also predict that Donald Trump will win the 2024 election because people are fed up with high prices, high inflation and DEI permeating everything. I think even those who don't necessarily like him will hold their nose in the voting booth and vote for him because they know he will bring prosperity, security, energy independence and our sovereignty back... and 4 things that you need to know when you are past your 30's. Great advice for the new year! Happy New Year. Thanks for listening and please help me RELAY THE BARK in '24!
Ep 65 - This plan for a world governance all started in 1910!
Dec 25 2023
Ep 65 - This plan for a world governance all started in 1910!
In this episode I talk about how the plan for this world governance all started in 1910 on Jekyll Island, off the coast of Georgia. A meeting was held to plan how to introduce a Central Bank here in the US. It was rejected in 1910 but accepted when the title of the bill was changed to The Federal Reserve Act. Our Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank that our government borrows money from and our taxes go to pay the interest in those loans. We also went away from the gold standard, or having all of our money backed by gold, in 1933. If our government can ask the Federal Reserve to print more money any time it wants why do we even pay taxes. I mean the government has basically a blank check to spend on whatever they want. Colorado just removed Donald Trump from their 2024 ballot. Ya know, to save our democracy they removed the leading candidate so you would be able to choose him. You can't make this stuff up. Texas Lt Governor Dan Patrick wants to remove Biden from their ballot in retaliation. This election should be FUN! Record numbers of illegal immigrants came across our southern border last week. 10,000 a DAY for the first time in our history. Do you really think all of those coming in have good intentions. A woman was given a NTA, or Notice To Appear, for her asylum hearing in 2031! Some ignorant idiots want to remove a statue in Arlington National Cemetery called the Reconciliation Memorial, that commemorates the END of the Civil War and both sides reconciling with each other. 170 Names on the Epstien client list are scheduled to be released in January. Don't expect ANY famous, powerful or uber wealthy to be among them. These are the scapegoats meant to placate those who are dying to see the list. Actor, John Schneider, is being investigated for saying that Biden and Hunter are trainers to this country and should be hung. I remember Madonna saying she'd like to blow up the White House and Johnny Depp asking "When is the last time an actor assisinated a president," but because that was against Trump it was allowed. SCOTUS rejected Jack Smith's request to fast track his case and a Christmas massage on this holiday. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. Thanks for listening and please Relay the Bark!
Ep 64 - Hard truths
Dec 18 2023
Ep 64 - Hard truths
In this episode I talk about the hard truths that we need to understand and talk about. First, The #1 problem that is contributing to the percentage of people of color committing crimes and being incarcerated is the percentage of fatherless homes. In the 60's during the Civil Rights Era the rate of fatherless homes was 23-24% today it is 70%. Children, particularly young boys, raised in a home without a father are more likely to join gangs, drop out of school, commit crimes and be put in jail. If we changed this one thing it would dramatically help the black community. Also, people of color overwhelmingly, like over 90%, vote for Democrats. Why? What has the Democratic party done for you? They depend on your vote and take it for granted. Second, the reason we have so much anti-semitism in our country is because the Palestinians coming into our country, either through our universities or immigrating here, is they still bring that hatred with them. Palestinian parents are still teaching their children to hate Jews and America. There's even an Imam in Michigan preaching that parents should raise their children to participate in the Jihad against the country that they are living in? Third, the media is lying to you. For me, that realization started with the reports on the Michael Brown story. The media lied about everything to match a narrative they wanted. Same with George Floyd. All of the facts the media told you, that many still believe, are completely false. Also, the media lied to you about Trump/Russia collusion. There was no evidence... at all! Yet, people still believe it. They don't understand the reason they hate him so much is because they have been told to. Now, ask yourself, why. And... Kevin Hart shares a personal story about a mistake he learned from and personal responsibility! Thanks again for listening and please RELAY THE BARK! :)
Ep 63 - DEI is bringing on this rise in anti-semitism.
Dec 11 2023
Ep 63 - DEI is bringing on this rise in anti-semitism.
In this episode I talk about how the teaching of DEI in our schools is bringing about this huge rise in anti-semitism because it's basically, universally accepted that Jewish people are nothing more than white oppressors. The presidents of 3 prestigious Univeristies (Harvard, UPenn and MIT) testified recently in front of the House oversight committee and not one of them could directly condemn the call for genocide of Jew and the Intifada chanted on their campuses. If the presidents cannot directly condemn calls for genocide of the Jews how do we expect our students to. New York is trying to bring back Rule 2.13 which was created during the pandemic to quarantine those they see as a health threat. Now Gov. Hochel wants to bring that rule back permanently so they can decide if someone needs to be put in quarantine for an indefinitely time for the publics safety. Doesn't this sound a bit like a police state? Ireland is trying to pass a similar law that will allow the police to come in and access your phone or computer for any reason. You would either be required to give them your passwords or, what I believe, they will create back doors to surpass anyone security. Again, this is steps leading us to a police state and both of these cases are trial balloons to see how the public will react. We need everyone to stand up and say NO! TX supreme court has reissued a ban on a woman that want to have an abortion because her baby has been diagnosed with a deadly disease and carrying to term could hurt her chances of recreating in the future. This needs to be allowed. We need to come to a compromise that will allow women to make the choice on whether to abort their child or not but doctors cannot lie to these girls anymore and tell them it's not really a life. It's just a clump of cells. An organization called Preborn is helping big time. The final positive message is know your worth. No matter what happens to you in life you are still worth the same. Thanks for listening and please help me RELAY THE BARK!
Ep 62 - It’s time to close the border, kick the UN out of the US and a country that harbors evil!
Dec 4 2023
Ep 62 - It’s time to close the border, kick the UN out of the US and a country that harbors evil!
In this episode I talk about how I believe it is time to CLOSE the border and stop any kind of immigration into our country for 1 year. I meant REALLY shut our border down. Send the US military to close the border completely and stop the cartels from transporting any more to our border. After that year we can start letting LEGAL immigrants back in but absolutely no more illegal immigrants. It is so bad now that mothers are being instructed to give their young daughters birth control pills so their daughters won't get pregnant from being raped by the cartels on the way here. With all of the people on the terrorist watch list coming into our country we WILL have another 9/11 and it will be because people have gotten to a 9/10 mentality again. "Those who erase history are doomed to repeat it!" We need to kick the UN out of the country. Let some other country deal with the expense and the diplomatic immunity! Let's turn the UN building in to housing for the homeless complete with treatment centers for addiction and mental illness. Let that money finally go to good use! There is a country that allows the majority of the evil organizations like the WEF, WHO and DAVI to live and work there, not pay any taxes and have complete diplomatic immunity for ANYTHING they do. Why would companies that are trying to do good need that type of unlimited diplomatic immunity. Listen to what a woman says our lives will be like if we allow this tyranny worldwide to keep rising. A reporter for Deadspin has attacked a 5 year old for wearing face paint to a Kansas City Chiefs game and the story of the young boy will surprise you. Lastly, if you want to make yourself impermeable to disease and even negativity... raise your consciousness! Thanks for listening! Please help me RELAY THE BARK!