Securely Connected Everything

Michael van Rooyen

Welcome to "Securely Connected Everything," a dynamic podcast hosted by Michael van Rooyen (MVR), dedicated to exploring the intricate relationship between connectivity and security in the digital age.

Each week, MVR welcomes guests from diverse backgrounds, to shed some light on cutting-edge technologies and methodologies that enhance digital experiences while safeguarding against potential threats.

From exploring the origins and capabilities of innovative solutions, to dissecting the implications of recent acquisitions and advancements in AI-driven analytics, "Securely Connected Everything" offers invaluable insights into navigating the complexities of today's interconnected digital landscape.

With a keen focus on providing actionable takeaways and expert analysis, this podcast serves as an indispensable resource for anyone invested in ensuring the seamless and secure operation of their digital infrastructure.

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An Evolving Frontier: Navigating Cyber Threats and Defences with Wayne Phillips
May 26 2024
An Evolving Frontier: Navigating Cyber Threats and Defences with Wayne Phillips
Embark on a thrilling expedition into the heart of cybersecurity as we sit down with Wayne Phillips, APJ Field CTO for SentinelOne. His story isn't just a climb from desktop support to CTO; it's a revelation of how the digital defense landscape has shifted, with assets and data needing vigilant guardianship. In our chat, Wayne peels back the layers of cybersecurity strategies, discussing Zero Trust architecture and the significance of Cloud Native Application Platform Protection. Prepare to gain a deeper understanding of the tactics that keep businesses shielded in an era where technological advancements are both a boon and a battleground.Imagine a world where cyber threats are as cunning as they are relentless—welcome to the current state of cybersecurity, which Wayne Phillips knows all too well. Our conversation ventures into the darker alleys of social engineering, where phishing has evolved past the bait and hook to a shark in the water, thanks to generative AI. Wayne's anecdotes serve as a stark reminder of the human element's vulnerability in the face of increasingly sophisticated attacks. We tackle the hard-hitting implications of ransomware-as-a-service and the strategies to fortify defenses against the mirage of deep fakes and the necessity of robust authentication measures.As we round out our discussion, we touch upon the transformative impact of AI and the open XDR platform on cybersecurity. Wayne brings to light not only the technical aspects but also the leadership challenges, helping us understand how to communicate the ever-present nature of cyber threats to those at the helm of businesses. Through his insights into generative AI's potential and retrieval augmented generation for threat analysis, we're offered a glimpse into a not-so-distant future. A future where our protective measures against cyber threats are as quick and intelligent as the minds behind them—a future where knowledge empowers us to stay one step ahead.
Shaping the Future of Industry: A Deep Dive into IoT Innovation with Ross Delacour
May 19 2024
Shaping the Future of Industry: A Deep Dive into IoT Innovation with Ross Delacour
Unlock the future of industry with Ross Delacour, Cisco's seasoned expert, and learn how secure connectivity is revolutionizing sectors from manufacturing to transportation. Our enlightening discussion uncovers the critical role of partnerships in expanding IoT use cases, the transformative power of digitization, and the complexities of modernizing legacy systems without compromising security. Get ready to see how industries are getting smarter, safer, and more cost-efficient through the eyes of a veteran with 17 years in the vanguard of technological evolution.Ever wondered how AI spots a pothole before you do? Join us as we reveal the wonders of AI, machine learning, and edge computing in industrial IoT strategies, with Ross Delacour from Cisco. Together, we dissect real-world applications like the AI-enabled pothole detection on New South Wales buses, demonstrating proactive infrastructure maintenance. We'll also explore the rise of edge computing and its necessity for immediate data processing, and dive into the ongoing 5G versus private LTE network debate through practical, on-the-ground IoT strategies.As we gaze into the crystal ball of IoT, with Ross as our guide, we discuss the impact of various connectivity technologies and their cost-effectiveness, including 5G, Wi-Fi 6, and Cisco's wireless backhaul solutions. We'll tackle the big questions: Will 5G overshadow Wi-Fi? How are low-orbit satellite networks like Starlink changing the game for industries? Plus, we'll get a glimpse into Cisco's roadmap post-Splunk acquisition and its potential ripple effects on IoT and OT markets. Embrace the convergence of tech as we forecast an electrifying horizon for industry and IoT alike.
Defending Across the Ditch: Navigating New Zealand's Tech Landscape with Daryl Isaac
May 12 2024
Defending Across the Ditch: Navigating New Zealand's Tech Landscape with Daryl Isaac
Join the conversation with Daryl Isaac, the tech wizard behind Liquid IT, as he shares an intricate tapestry of tales from the IT frontline, tracing back to the dawn of desktop as a service in New Zealand. With a career that reads like a history book of technological advancements, Daryl brings to the table a wealth of knowledge and a 'fail-fast' philosophy that is as refreshing as it is enlightening. We navigate through the hallways of his professional life, from the early days at Saturn Telecommunications to the strategic expansion of Liquid IT, where cloud, connectivity, and security converge in a harmonious dance of innovation.Saddle up for a ride through the undulating landscape of New Zealand's tech scene, where the internet is as fast as the ideas that travel through it. This episode peels back the layers on how New Zealand's broadband services are sculpting the future of cybersecurity and cloud services. Plus, we're examining the ripple effects of AI across various business sectors and digging into strategies to combat the global tech talent drought, with a special focus on nurturing homegrown cybersecurity expertise.As we round off our techno-savvy expedition, we examine the influence of tech titans planting their data centers on New Zealand's soil and the nation's journey towards hybrid cloud bliss. Daryl shines a light on the murky waters surrounding Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) and cuts through the jargon to reveal the true essence of this cybersecurity approach. We're not just stopping at the present; we're peeking into the crystal ball to forecast the tech advancements that will shape New Zealand's future. From the promising horizons of 5G and private LTE to the pivotal role of satellite connectivity in remote areas, this conversation is your first-class ticket to understanding the forces driving innovation in the land of the long white cloud.
The Bobfather: Exploring the Evolution of Wireless with the “Godfather of Wi-Fi”, Bob Friday
May 9 2024
The Bobfather: Exploring the Evolution of Wireless with the “Godfather of Wi-Fi”, Bob Friday
Join me on a revelatory odyssey through the wonderland of wireless with the man they call The Godfather of Wi-Fi, and recipient of the 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Wi-Fi Awards, the legendary Bob Friday. As Bob shares his enthralling journey from the open spectrum of 1985 to his instrumental role in shaping wireless mesh networks, we uncover the profound changes in technology through his eyes. His early days, marked by curiosity and self-taught expertise, set the stage for a career that would intersect with pivotal startups like Airspace and culminate in his current position as Chief AI Officer and CTO of Enterprise at Juniper Networks. Through anecdotes and shared experiences, Bob's narrative is not just a history lesson but a masterclass in the tenacity required for innovation.The evolution of wireless tech is only the tip of the iceberg. The episode sails into the uncharted waters of AI's influence on networking, guided by the minds that dared to dream of intelligence beyond human limits. As we reminisce on the strategic decisions leading to Cisco's acquisition of Meraki and the birth of MIST Systems, a pattern of foresight emerges—where AI and cloud architecture, once nascent, now define the industry's cutting edge. Bob and I unpack these technological leaps, drawing unexpected connections between the precision of winemaking and the complexities of network variables, proving that the best innovations often come from the most surprising analogies.Gazing into technology's crystal ball, Bob and I paint a future where network management and security converge, language barriers in programming dissolve, and predictive network engineering becomes the norm. Predicting the rise of natural language interfaces, we muse on a world where simple English could soon be the lingua franca of software engineering. As we close this chapter, we celebrate the awe-inspiring shifts across four decades of tech, inspired by the wisdom of pioneers and the endless potential of wireless innovation. Join us for a tribute to the past and a toast to the future, where cultural wisdom and technical prowess blend into the extraordinary tale of technology's relentless march forward.
Heads in the Cloud: Strategies for Continuous Improvement and Competitive Edge
Mar 31 2024
Heads in the Cloud: Strategies for Continuous Improvement and Competitive Edge
Unlock the full potential of cloud services and shatter the myth that migration is a one-and-done deal as MVR sits down for an enlightening chat with Jonathan Plaskow and Nathan Wright. We delve into the dynamic landscape of cloud technology, where businesses must stay ahead of the curve or risk being left behind. Our guests, with their extensive backgrounds in cloud services and IT security, shed light on why continual upgrades and a robust strategy are essential for staying competitive.Throughout the conversation, we unpack the complexities surrounding cloud adoption, revealing that the promise of cost savings is just the tip of the iceberg. Performance and compliance are the real game-changers here. By listening to our experts, you'll gain a fresh perspective on how a meticulously planned single-cloud strategy can sometimes outperform a multi-cloud setup. The strategic acquisition of NW Computing by Orro is also on the table, showcasing how such moves can significantly boost a company's capabilities in cloud enablement.As we wrap up this insightful episode, we emphasize the need for a foolproof cloud strategy, one that leaves no stone unturned when it comes to your digital transformation. Guests, Nathan and JP, highlight the importance of selecting a knowledgeable partner to navigate the intricate web of cloud services, networking, and security. Join us for this critical discussion that could reshape your approach to cloud computing and safeguard your company's future in the digital domain.
From Troubleshooting to Optimisation: True Beauty Lies in the ThousandEyes of the Beholder
Mar 17 2024
From Troubleshooting to Optimisation: True Beauty Lies in the ThousandEyes of the Beholder
Discover the cutting-edge world of network visibility and observability as host MVR sits down with Heath Russell, ThousandEyes' technical solution architect, in a session that will revolutionize your understanding of digital infrastructure. As ThousandEyes joins forces with Cisco, we navigate the complexities of modern network monitoring and the indispensable role of active techniques in managing SaaS applications. Heath takes us from the inception of ThousandEyes at an academic level to its current status as a critical player in Cisco's toolkit, offering a lens into the deployment of agents that ensure digital experiences remain seamless.The conversation heats up as we unpack Cisco's strategic acquisition of Splunk, a move that's reshaping the tech giant's approach towards a software-driven future and its quest for recurring revenue. This integration not only fortifies Cisco's security landscape but also brings about a new era of enhanced network analytics. Heath sheds light on the synergy between ThousandEyes and Cisco's broader security ambitions, and we get an exclusive peek at the AI-fueled predictive capabilities now in the testing phase with Meraki, poised to transform SD-WAN management.Wrapping up, we venture into the expanding universe of network visibility tools, where Cisco's acquisitions of SamKnows and Exceeding are setting new benchmarks for monitoring and device management. Heath walks us through the transformative impact these technologies have on mobility, IoT, and the next wave of 5G networks, ensuring that every byte of data contributes to an intelligent, AI-optimized network. For those hungry for more, the ThousandEyes blog awaits, brimming with insights on the backbone of our digital world. Join us for a journey through the nuances of network stability and the heroes dissecting each SaaS hiccup to keep our digital domains running smoothly.
Happy Wi-Fi, Happy Li-Fi: A MIST Opportunity
Mar 10 2024
Happy Wi-Fi, Happy Li-Fi: A MIST Opportunity
In this episode, Michael van Rooyen (MVR) engages in a deep dive conversation with Greg Yelas, the regional sales leader at Juniper, responsible for overseeing the go-to-market strategy for the MIST portfolio. The discussion centers around the concept of Enhanced Access, which encompasses wireless, switching, and SD-WAN technologies. Greg shares his extensive experience in the networking industry, tracing his journey from technical roles to sales and account management positions before landing at Juniper Mist.The conversation delves into the origins of MIST as an acquisition by Juniper, highlighting its focus on AI-driven enterprise solutions and its seamless integration into the Juniper portfolio. Greg emphasizes the importance of quality data in driving AI and machine learning advancements, drawing parallels with winemaking to illustrate the necessity of superior ingredients. He elaborates on the unique capabilities of MIST's AI engine, Marvis, which empowers users with proactive troubleshooting, natural language interface, and unparalleled visibility into network operations.Greg underscores the significance of Enhanced Access in today's landscape, particularly amidst the rise of remote work and heightened demands for seamless connectivity and collaboration. He discusses how MIST's microservices architecture enables real-time data analysis, driving operational efficiencies and enhancing user experiences. Furthermore, Greg touches upon the convergence of wireless and switching technologies, emphasizing MIST's role in simplifying network management and reducing operational complexities.The episode concludes with a glimpse into the future of networking, with Greg shedding light on upcoming innovations such as local cloud deployments, IoT assurance, and partnerships with Cradlepoint for 5G integration. Through educational initiatives, trial programs, and industry recognition, Juniper Mist continues to lead the charge in revolutionizing networking paradigms, delivering unparalleled value to customers worldwide.
Unravelling the Future of Technology with Kevin Bloch - Part 1
Feb 12 2024
Unravelling the Future of Technology with Kevin Bloch - Part 1
In this episode of Securely Connected Everything, host Michael van Rooyen (MVR) engages in a dynamic discussion with Kevin Bloch, former CTO for Australia and New Zealand at Cisco and founder of Bloch Advisory. The conversation delves into Bloch's transition from a corporate role to running his own advisory firm, shedding light on the motivations driving this shift. With insights gained from over two decades in the tech sector, Bloch offers valuable perspectives on the current technological landscape and emerging market trends.Bloch emphasizes the importance of understanding and leveraging new technologies across various industries, highlighting the ubiquitous impact of technological advancements. From cybersecurity to managed services, Bloch identifies recurring themes and investment opportunities, drawing on his extensive experience working with startups and established enterprises alike. He emphasizes the critical role of strategic planning in navigating the evolving tech landscape, stressing the need for businesses to leverage tools like AI and cloud computing to stay ahead.Throughout the conversation, Bloch and van Rooyen explore the intersection of technology and strategy, touching on topics such as prompt engineering, skill shortages, and the evolving role of hardware in cloud computing. They discuss the imperative for organizations to adapt and innovate in response to technological advancements, underscoring the importance of staying abreast of emerging trends to remain competitive in today's rapidly evolving market.