Veil + Armour

Sheila Nonato

Veil + Armour is a podcast where we share stories of The Sacred and The Feminine Genius. Sheila Nonato is a stay-at-home Mom and a freelance Catholic journalist. Seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the inspiration of Our Lady, I strive to tell stories that inspire, illuminate and enrich the lives of Catholic women to help them in living out our vocation of raising the next generation of leaders and saints. Listen every week to hear inspiring stories about faith, family, and ideas on fulfilling our mission and vocation as Catholic wives and mothers. Let's be bold, be brave and be blessed together!
@veilandarmour on Instagram
@sheilanonato on X/Twitter

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Ep. 8: Blaise Alleyne talks music, technology and Pro-Life Apologetics
May 17 2024
Ep. 8: Blaise Alleyne talks music, technology and Pro-Life Apologetics
Send us a Text Message.Finding cultural common ground in pro-life issuesWhen you're navigating life's moral maelstroms, where do you find your anchor? This episode of Veil and Armor seeks to find the beacon in the fog, featuring Blaise Alleyne from the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform. Together, we steer through the tumultuous topics of abortion, euthanasia, and Canada's medically assisted suicide program, also known as (MAID). Blaise higlights the importance of genuine conversation as a suicide prevention tool, sharing how we can tap into our innate regard for human equality and human dignity to show the rational argument of the pro-life stance to people who oppose it. Blaise talks about secular apologetics, where he explores a path that connects through shared values rather than religious rhetoric. It's a journey that promises hope and the ability to shift perspectives with empathy and sound reasoning. He also calls out able-ism, age-ism, and a privileged mindset that is often overlooked in the debate about Canada's Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) program.Blaise's inspiration: His mother, JuliaHeartfelt stories often strike chords that reason alone cannot reach. In this broadcast, Blaise highlights his mother as his role model for sparking Blaise's inspiration in pro-life apologetics and his pro-life work. His mother, Julia, a sports physician, struggled through high-risk pregnancies. She was recommended abortion, however found a doctor who respected her pro-life conviction. What is "Heart Apologetics"?Visuals can disrupt the status quo, as Blaise's blue mohawk hairstyle proves, demonstrating the impact of individuality in serious discourse. This episode reveals that a touch of whimsy can disarm heated debates, allowing us to reconstruct bridges over ideological divides. We delve into "Heart Apologetics," a method of advocacy that is not merely about winning arguments, but about winning hearts. It's about listening with the intent to understand, expressing truths with compassion, and presenting an inspired and compassionate perspective on hot-button issues of our time.For more information on the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform and Blaise Alleyne's work, please visit: www.blaise.cawww.defendourvoice.caOur next episode: Speaking coach Emanuela Hall teaches women to speak boldly and confidentlyIn the next episode, we will be speaking with Speaking Coach and Story Consultant Emanula Hall. The public speaking skills that Emanuela has mastered and is now teaching can sharpens one's skills for bold dialogue, and can encourage us to engage fearlessly with challenging topics. For all listeners, especially Catholic moms, this episode is an invitation to embrace bravery, boldness, and blessings as we continue our conversations and our vocation in motherhood with renewed hope, confidence and inspiration.Please follow our Facebook/Meta page "Veil + Armour" and on Instagram @veilandarmour Let's build a community of God-fearing, legacy-minded mothers raising leaders and saints!We would love to hear your feedback about our podcast. Please feel free to send us a text message about what topics you would like us to cover. Buzzsprout has a feature called "Fan Mail" which allows listeners to send us a text message. Please click on the link above the Episode description. Thank you, God bless!
Ep. 7: A Million Roses for Mother Mary with Cassandre Verhelst of the Rosario App
May 8 2024
Ep. 7: A Million Roses for Mother Mary with Cassandre Verhelst of the Rosario App
Send us a Text Message.As the May flowers bloom, it signals the time for honouring Our Blessed Mother in this month of May. It is also the time when we honour our mothers for Mother's Day, celebrated during the same month. In this week's episode, our Veil and Armour podcast welcomes Cassandre Verhelst, the Hozana App's Development Manager of the English Edition. Cassandre speaks with Sheila from Paris, France. She introduces us to the newly released and transformative Rosario App by Hozana, a remarkable prayer platform designed to unite believers in prayer . The new Rosario App is challenging believers from around the world to pray a million decades of the Rosary. If this challenge is met, these prayer roses will be turned into a gift of a million roses at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico. Cassandre's passion for this project shines as she recounts how the app not only unites users in spiritual solidarity, but also keeps track of our collective progress toward the lofty goal of a million Rosary decades. Hear how this digital sanctuary is redefining the way we offer our devotions and celebrate the maternal embodiment of faith.This week's episode weave personal tales with the rich tapestry of history, showcasing the enduring strength and grace of women through the lens of Our Lady. We uncover the profound symbolism nestled within the Rosary and the veil, touching upon the notion of Our Blessed Mother as the new Ark of the Covenant. Sheila also recounts the miraculous power of prayer she witnessed as a young girl during the Philippines' peaceful People Power revolution. Through these personal stories, we pay homage to the maternal figures in our lives, drawing inspiration from Our Lady's unwavering "Yes" to God and her steadfast courage at the Crucifixion. Join us for an episode that honours the spiritual journey of womanhood, and explores the depths of faith and devotion through heartfelt discussion and historical insights.
6. Retreat: A Spring Cleaning for Our Soul
Apr 30 2024
6. Retreat: A Spring Cleaning for Our Soul
Send us a Text Message.In Episode 6 of the Veil + Armour podcast, Sheila shares some insights she had gained from attending a recent silent retreat for women. She debunks her top three excuses for the necessity of an annual retreat: no time, no money, no need for it. Sheila also shares a talk by her friend, Ina, during the retreat. A mother of six, Ina shared her reflection on Jesus' Parable of Salt and Light, and how we are being called to share the salt of our example, to share the flavour of the Gospel, through our words and in the example of our daily life. This doesn't mean, however, that we are perfect all the time. Ina shares that our imperfections can also draw people to our witness, to make us more relatable. Ina encouraged the women at the retreat to deepen their relationship with God, by knowing Him through Scripture, by reaching out to Our Blessed Mother through praying the Holy Rosary, and to seeking the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.Sheila also discusses the link between a spiritual retreat and a spring cleaning of our souls. The season of spring is a season of renewal, just like a retreat can be a time of prayer, reflection and contemplation, which can lead to a renewal of faith, a rejuvenation of our soul, and a new perspective on our life's purpose.There is also a discussion on cherry blossoms, which are in peak season in early Spring and a brief look at a book about faith and conversion  in Japan through the experience of Opus Dei. Finally, Sheila links the theme of the book, "Holiness for Housewives and Other Working Women" to the theme of retreats, her friend, Ina's talk, cherry blossom season, and the book, "When the Cherry Trees Blossomed: The Expansion of Opus Dei in Japan." The overall theme has been an invitation and a call to develop a closer relationship with God, and to take steps towards experiencing a springtime of faith and spiritual renewal.Connect with Sheila:- Instagram- X / Twitter- Website