Elemental Heart Wisdom Podcast

Mara Elaine O’Grady

The Elemental Heart Wisdom Podcast explores across multiple earth wisdom indigenous traditions and spirit esoteric based practices that hold nature and the cosmos as sacred. This is an exploration of embodied practices and contemplations that may help people in these evolutionary times to find their inner light in order to make sense of this human and cosmic journey. Mara Elaine O’Grady acts as host to open up spaces of heart connection with those she dialogues with, and in her own transmissions. Mara Elaine is a Irish born wisdom keeper, sacred heart guide and passionate sacred site/landscape guide. More about Mara Elaine here: Website: www.celtichearthealing.com Instagram: @celtichearthealing read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Vikings, Masculinity, Nature Connection & Freedom with Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen
Oct 25 2023
Vikings, Masculinity, Nature Connection & Freedom with Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen
WELCOME to my podcast ELEMENTAL HEART WISDOM. In this sacred container I have conversations and explorations for these evolutionary times with people who inspire me, and those I have walked parts of my own path with who share like-minded and diverse views of this human multi-dimensional journey. I am MARA ELAINE O'GRADY- a native Irish-born Healing Intuitive, Oracle & Explorer of the Mysteries of Earth and the Cosmos. I am a passionate earth wisdom keeper and sacred site/landscape journeyer with over 16 years of direct experience interacting with sacred landscapes; elemental consciousness and star wisdom.  I work with individuals and groups as a Transitional Ally & Sacred Landscape Guide in these times of evolutionary shift. MORE HERE: About Mara Elaine here: https://www.celtichearthealing.com/ DONATE TO SUPPORT THESE TRANSMISSIONS - Thank you so much I gratefully appreciate any heart donations that assist in facilitating my time to create these transmissions: paypal.me/MaraElaineO Revolut: IBAN: IE45REVO99036068171526 BIC REVOIE23   This conversation is with Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen. Bjørn is a bestselling Norwegian novelist. His recent work is a series of historical novels on the Vikings #jomsviking #vikings. Bjørn is a passionate nature advocate, bushcrafter and advocate for living a life that supports personal choice & freedom. He curates powerful videos in nature sharing his wisdom on rewilding, nature connection, masculinity and speaking up with regards to some of the challenging issues we are increasingly facing in these times. His popular YouTube channels are linked below & I highly recommend SUBSCRIBING. We speak about the land he lives upon in Norway, ancestral connection & lineages (2:00 - 7.26) - Nature connection ( 7:30 - 13.49) Natural freedom to roam (14.30) Toxic masculinity & the great need for positive role models for the younger generation in an age of increased division. Please enjoy this transmission - LIKE * SUBSCRIBE * SHARE   Bjorn's Website: to https://bull-hansen.com YouTube: Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@BjornAndreasBull-Hansen Bjorn Outdoors: @bjornoutdoors Bjorn Talks: @bjorntalks INSTAGRAM @bjornandreasbullhansen Some of Bjorn's Videos: "REAL V's FAKE MASCULINITY": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nD4YX_wpR_0 " '3 years without a smartphone": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FI1gP_K5K0 Wisdom from the Runes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odQfqa_81ws&t=548s
African Shamanism, Ancestral Inclusion, Dream Tracking & Xhosa Blessing with Sangoma John Lockley
Oct 25 2023
African Shamanism, Ancestral Inclusion, Dream Tracking & Xhosa Blessing with Sangoma John Lockley
WELCOME to my podcast ELEMENTAL HEART WISDOM. In this sacred container I have conversations and explorations for these evolutionary times with people who inspire me, and those I have walked parts of my own path with who share like-minded and diverse views of this human multi-dimensional journey. I am MARA ELAINE O'GRADY- a native Irish-born Healing Intuitive, Oracle & Explorer of the Mysteries of Earth and the Cosmos. I am a passionate earth wisdom keeper and sacred site/landscape journeyer with over 16 years of direct experience interacting with sacred landscapes; elemental consciousness and star wisdom.  I work with individuals and groups as a Transitional Ally & Sacred Landscape Guide in these times of evolutionary shift. MORE HERE: About Mara Elaine here: https://www.celtichearthealing.com/ DONATE TO SUPPORT THESE TRANSMISSIONS - Thank you so much I gratefully appreciate any heart donations that assist in facilitating my time to create these transmissions: paypal.me/MaraElaineO Revolut: IBAN: IE45REVO99036068171526 BIC REVOIE23 In this episode I speak with South African Sangoma John Lockley. John speaks to his powerful pathway of calling & initiation into the Xhosa tradition healing, and the bridging of different cultures. He talks about the importance of connecting the ancestors (12:30 - 18:00 ) and including ALL ancestors in our prayers and ritual work. John refers to colonisation and the Irish ancestral legacy of ancestral pain through poverty and survival trauma. We also speak about listening to the natural world and the animals, particularly the dream & nature tracking retreats John holds in the Kalahari Desert each year (41:00 onwards)  PLEASE GIFT YOURSELF THE WITH TUNING UNTIL THE END AS JOHN SHARES A POWERFUL INVOCATION & XHOSA BLESSING. ABOUT JOHN: John Lockley is an ancestrally trained and initiated Xhosa South African Sangoma (Shaman) and one of the first white men in recent history to have been invitied into this lineage to train. He was called to this pathway through initiatory illness which led him to be recognised by his teacher. He is author of Leopard Warrior: A Journey into the African Teachings of Ancestry, Instinct, and Dreams. John facilitates retreats in the Kalahari desert yearly and works with people in private practice and groups throughout the world. JOHN'S LINKS:  CONNECT: https://www.johnlockley.com/ YOUTUBE:    / @johnlockleysangoma   NEWSLETTER: https://www.johnlockley.com/newsletter BOOK: The Way of the Leopard https://www.amazon.com/Leopard-Warrio...
Mystic Memoirs, Interdimensional Experiences, The Power Of Love & Timeline Shifts with Rev. Barbara Korte
Oct 25 2023
Mystic Memoirs, Interdimensional Experiences, The Power Of Love & Timeline Shifts with Rev. Barbara Korte
Welcome to my channel - Elemental Heart Wisdom. In this sacred container I have conversations , explorations and sharings for these evolutionary times with people who inspire me, and those I have walked parts of my own path with who share like-minded, and also diverse views of this human multi-dimensional journey. I am Mara Elaine O'Grady - a native Irish-born Healing Intuitive, Oracle & Explorer of the Mysteries of Earth and the Cosmos. I am a passionate earth wisdom keeper and sacred site/landscape journeyer with over 16 years of direct experience interacting with sacred landscapes; elemental consciousness and star wisdom. I have lived and spent time on some of the most powerful natural earth & cosmic vortex sites in the world - always with Ireland being my home beacon. I also work with individuals and groups as a Transitional Ally & Guide in these times of evolutionary shift. MORE HERE: About Mara Elaine here: https://www.celtichearthealing.com/​ DONATE TO SUPPORT THESE TRANSMISSIONS - Thank you so much I gratefully appreciate any heart donations that assist in facilitating my time to create these transmissions: paypal.me/MaraElaineO Revolut: IBAN: IE45REVO99036068171526 BIC REVOIE23   Today's Guest is REV. Barbara Korte Connect with her here: https://www.aligningthesoul.com/ Facebook:   / barbara.korte.545   Barbara is an energy/sound practitioner, life coach, spiritual counsellor, psychic, and spiritual teacher for the past 20 years. She has worked with thousands of clients from all over the world within all walks of life. Each has been an individualized journey into helping them let go of that which no longer serves them so that they can move into a more empowered and balanced life. She helps others to re-align with the inner calling of the Soul. To foster expansion of peoples consciousness beyond the reality that we live in, and to guide people into their inner-knowing and guidance.   In this conversation Barbara shares about cultivating energy perception - the importance of speaking intentions/prayers out loud - love as a superpower in clearing disharmonic energies and entity attachments. How to discern between our own unhealed/disowned parts and entity attachments - Creating optimal timelines for self and humanity - Observing your thoughts - Discernment on the spiritual path - Important Messages for the children of future earth/Grandmother wisdom - Nature Consciousness and grounding.
Feminine Rites of Passage, Ancestral Healing & Spiritual Evolution with Bridget Nielsen
Mar 13 2023
Feminine Rites of Passage, Ancestral Healing & Spiritual Evolution with Bridget Nielsen
This conversation with speaks to the archetypes of maiden/mother/crone;  ancestral healing; the necessity of discerning role models; the spiritual journey & evolution; the mindful use of psychotropic plants & misuse, as well as the importance of being mindful of conscious social media use.   Bridget Nielsen's Channel: @bridgetnielsen Bridget's Website: https://bridgetnielsen.com/    Welcome to my channel - Elemental Heart Wisdom. In this sacred container I have conversations , explorations and sharings for these evolutionary times with people who inspire me, and those I have walked parts of my own path with who share like-minded, and also diverse views of this human multi-dimensional journey. I am Mara Elaine O'Grady - a native Irish-born Healing Intuitive, Oracle & Explorer of the Mysteries of Earth and the Cosmos.   I am a passionate earth wisdom keeper and sacred site/landscape journeyer with over 16 years of direct experience interacting with sacred landscapes; elemental consciousness and star wisdom. I have lived and spent time on some of the most powerful natural earth & cosmic vortex sites in the world - always with Ireland being my home beacon. I also work with individuals and groups as a Transitional Ally & Guide in these times of evolutionary shift. MORE HERE: About Mara Elaine here: https://www.celtichearthealing.com/​   DONATE TO SUPPORT THESE TRANSMISSIONS - Thank you so much I gratefully appreciate any heart donations that assist in facilitating my time to create these transmissions: paypal.me/MaraElaineO   Revolut: IBAN: LT263250096725496779 BIC REVOLT21   Today's Guest is Bridget Nielsen Bridget Nielsen is an intuitive healer and personal development mentor, who specializes in uniting our metaphysical reality with our modern world.. She has evolved as an international speaker and published author, promoting messages that have awakened a devoted following. She is also a professional artist and plant-based chef, sharing her personal wisdom with those drawn to her energy. Through her online courses and private sessions, she reawakens the inner starseed to their mission and life purpose. She also acts as a bridge for connecting with hybrid children as well as stimulating contact experiences. She is a world renowned facilitator and has hosted many retreats in sacred sites, including Hawaii, Mt. Shasta, Sedona, Tulum, Glastonbury, Ireland, and more. She is passionate about bringing like-hearted people together to experience a natural, high vibrational setting, described by past participants as life changing. She has inspired the lives of many, with over 200 videos and 2.7 million views to enlighten your spiritual awakening, extraterrestrial engagement, and living a healthy life that fulfills your soul.