35. Level 2 Ultrasound with a Flashback

Tired Moms Club with bemybreastfriend

Feb 29 2024 • 29 mins

Sometimes we have to make difficult decisions.

Six years ago, I faced a heartbreaking chapter in my pregnancy journey. In today’s episode, we're going to revisit that time — a moment that shaped my role as a mother and an advocate. We'll talk about the challenges of pregnancy loss, the importance of seeking second opinions, and finding our voices in the loud and often overwhelming world of medical decisions.

I'll be sharing a very personal story of a Level 2 ultrasound that triggered memories of my past pregnancy, where I was advised to consider a reduction due to severe complications with one of my triplets. Together with my family and against the initial grim forecast, we sought another opinion which led us down a different, life-altering path. In the midst of the fear, we found hope and the critical need to ask questions and to trust our instincts.

So, let's embrace our past experiences, learn from them, and use them to empower our choices today. Remember, you are not alone, and your feelings are valid. Whether you're here seeking comfort, understanding, or just a space to feel heard — you're in the right place.

Links and Resources:

Milk storage guideline by the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine

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