The Christian Café

Wesley Kivett

Serving up fresh bread of the word of God. It shows us the path that we should travel in order to be with God. We will study the word of God to help us learn more about Him and all His goodness read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Moving From Anointing To Glory
May 4 2024
Moving From Anointing To Glory
Send us a Text Message.Welcome back to the Christian Cafe, where we're not just serving up your average cup of spiritual java. Today's brew is a robust blend, rich with the aroma of divine reverence as we explore the journey from anointing to the very weight of God's glory. A.W. Tozer joins us, offering wisdom on handling the holy with the care it demands. Sip slowly, friends, as we immerse ourselves in a discussion that promises to elevate your heart closer to the heavens and deepen your understanding of what it truly means to be in God's sacred presence.Have you ever felt a stirring within to rediscover the core of your worship? This episode is a sanctuary for reflection as we strip away the excesses of modern church practices to reveal the pure heart of devotion. We'll navigate through biblical times to draw lessons from the high priest's reverence and the dire consequences of losing God's glory. It's a poignant reminder that our spiritual abode's role is not just to exist but to thrive as a beacon of God's presence. By making room for the Almighty, we become vessels for the miraculous, reshaping our understanding of the church's purpose in showcasing God's splendor.As the world seems to spin into chaos, echoing the biblical prophecies of Matthew 24, we anchor ourselves in the pursuit of what truly matters—God's presence in our church and in our lives. This episode is an invitation to weigh the significance of this divine pursuit against the casual familiarity with which we sometimes dare to approach the holy. Through the sobering tale of Uzzah and the Ark, we're reminded of the gravity of God's standards of holiness and the unique path He has charted for each of us. So, let's join hands and hearts as we seek to carry God's glory with the reverence it deserves, transforming our worship into a true reflection of His majesty.Support the Show.
He Wants Us To Be Intimate
Mar 16 2024
He Wants Us To Be Intimate
Send us a Text Message.If we are to become the church he is coming after, then we must get intimate with him. Not run away when he calls us but draw closer to him. In our latest podcast episode, we delve into the essence of what it means to be a "God chaser" and the profound impact this pursuit can have on our lives, especially during times of trial and uncertainty. The episode invites listeners to contemplate their personal relationship with the divine and encourages a spiritual journey towards a deeper and more resilient faith.The concept of a "God chaser" is introduced as a beacon against the tide of complacency that threatens our spiritual vitality. It calls for a fervent relationship with God that transcends the need for religious figureheads. This notion draws inspiration from the early church's direct communion with the Almighty, prompting us to reflect on the intimacy of our own spiritual practices and to rekindle our personal connection with God.The episode also touches on the transformative potential of shifting our perspectives on life's challenges. We are encouraged to embrace these trials not as obstacles but as opportunities to grow and deepen our faith. By viewing our hurdles as catalysts for spiritual development, we are empowered to forge an unyielding faith that stands firm in the face of adversity.Moreover, the podcast discusses the impact of community and service, exemplified by an invitation to join a mission trip to Belize. This trip is not only about helping others but also about experiencing spiritual growth through service. The communal aspect of faith is highlighted as we are urged to come together in building and strengthening the bonds within our communities.The episode further confronts the concept of "hot house Christians" – believers who thrive only within comfortable environments and struggle when faced with real-world adversities. In stark contrast, the resilience of persecuted believers is examined to inspire a faith that is not dependent on ideal circumstances but is deeply rooted in a relationship with God.In summary, this podcast episode serves as a blueprint for building an unwavering faith. It stirs the soul and urges a personal revival that aligns with the collective resurgence of spiritual energy. Listeners are called to pursue God with passion and purity, to become true "God chasers" who seek a profound and transformative relationship with the divine.The discussion in this episode is both timely and timeless, providing wisdom and guidance for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual life. Whether you are facing personal trials, seeking to serve your community, or simply yearning for a closer relationship with God, this episode offers valuable insights into the heart's journey to deeper faith.As we conclude, the podcast stands as an invitation to explore the depths of our spirituality and to actively pursue a faith that is vibrant, resilient, and intimately connected with God. It is a journey that promises to transform not only our spiritual selves but also the world around us, one step at a time.Support the Show.