Reese Grey Analyzes


On Reese Grey Analyzes, Reese takes a look at creations & experiences in art, media, music, & even video-games to explore exactly WHY we think the way we think, question what we believe, and learn something new.

The media we consume undoubtedly impacts our lives & interactions and that doesn’t have to be an inherently good or bad thing. What is important is that there’s an awareness that we have that our minds and hearts...that we are in fact, being effected whether we like it or not.

Join Reese on her journey, clutching tourist pamphlets in one hand and an iced coffee in the other. Reese will be the best tour guide she can. Sarcastic quips, apathetic meltdowns, and when you need it, reassuring hi-fives—all included.

Visit for Full Source Notes, Transcript & YouTube Video [VodCast] + Twitch Stream Highlights!

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The Internet Lied to Me About Bunny Girl Senpai: Video Essay
Nov 13 2023
The Internet Lied to Me About Bunny Girl Senpai: Video Essay
The Japanese animation industry takes on some very mature topics. So, you’d see an anime titled “Bunny Girl Senpai” and immediately think…”fanservice trash”. But conceptually, the anime handles very complex themes such as depression, loneliness and struggling to find a healthy sense of self during puberty, and all in all had the promise of being a pretty wholesome and complex show.Culturally, we’re taught to largely ignore emotional pain and scars. Many teens learn that in adolescence, you must simply endure emotional pain and not necessarily heal from it. Seeing the depth of these emotional issues manifested physically with scars and invisibility gives us perspective into the severity of emotional pain. I appreciate anime as a visual medium that can take those abstract feelings of loneliness and “feeling invisible” and personify them by physically effecting the characters bodies. Though Bunny girl Senpai left a lot to be desired, I appreciate it. A lot of the time, in many different art mediums, we are used to seeing characters be blindly infatuated with one another with characters lacking chemistry and basically falling in love for no reason. However between Mai and Sakuta their connection and intimacy hinges on something as innocent and mundane as simply spending time together, and studying for a test. These simple and seeminngly mundane moments can leave us with something beautiful, intimate, and real. Though cliche, at the end of the day, appreciating simple moments of togetherness is such a special part about being human, and it’s these small shared intimate moments that makes us—-us.Support the Show.Reese Grey Socials! Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & More Instagram: Youtube: Twitch: TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end) Okay, Love you
19: Anime Uses Meta Sexualization As An Excuse to Objectify: Evangelion & Danganronpa
Apr 14 2023
19: Anime Uses Meta Sexualization As An Excuse to Objectify: Evangelion & Danganronpa
Hello my loves. Timestamps0:00 Intro & Life Update + Content Warning 2:33 Is Sexualizing/Objectifying Characters OK because they aren't real people?4:08 Japan's "Soft Power" & How Anime Can Effect Real Life6:04 Making Anime "Political"7:27 Sexualization is Subjective Objectification is Not9:09 The Evangelion Hospital Scene14:09 Asuka Can't Sleep Scene 15:53 The Subjectivity of what is "Appropriate"Critiquing the way anime sexualizes characters, mostly women, and albeit — very young women, isn’t something that is particularly new or revolutionary to the video essay or critical analysis space. However, what we don’t hear discussed as often is the use of “meta-sexualization” in anime. A simple definition of meta-sexualization explains sexualization of a character for narrative’s sake, or comedy sake, so basically any sexualization of a character that is not necessarily strictly for fan-service or viewer pleasure. Parallel to the conversation of sexualization of characters we also have the conversation of what constitutes as a legitimate plot point and/or character motivation when it comes to a characters sexualization. This is where we get into conversations about morality and things begin to be much more subjective.  Overall, this leads to the conversation of when is the depiction of sexual abuse, rape, and manipulation appropriate and respectful for a narrative basis and in what ways is disrespectful, unneeded or in some cases, fetishization. In the video essay below we discuss specific scenes in Evangelion & Dangonrompa that explore the conscious artistic decisions that lead to the viewers subconscious normalization of sexual content and asks if anime’s pattern of adding extreme sexualization could possibly be a commentary on the sexualization of anime girls in itself (truly meta) or is it explicit for explicit sake. As it’s easy to simply test the boundaries within anime because anime is a medium where boundaries of sexual exploitation are most easily tested on not-real people.  Creations in art, media, music, & videogames influence how and why we think the way we think. explore exactly WHY we think the way we think, and often, entertainment is diminished into an activity that is done passively instead of one to ponder and learn from, so when someone expects more from artists or creators or questions artistic decisions, the opposition is quick to reply with “chill, it’s just a song/movie/show”, and it is. But nothing artistic breathes air that is value neutral. Reese Grey Socials!Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & MoreInstagram:https://www.instagraSupport the Show.Reese Grey Socials! Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & More Instagram: Youtube: Twitch: TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end) Okay, Love you
17 TikTok Asks: Why Hatred is Trending?
Jan 22 2023
17 TikTok Asks: Why Hatred is Trending?
Hey Guys :) Join me as we analyze TikTok creator Mol & "Karen" Memes. Mol is a LGBTQ TikTok influencer who was recently "cancelled" via unfounded sexual assault allegations via TikTok. His mannerisms and speech patterns are mocked, as well as his content highly criticized. We'll use Mol's TikTok account as a case study to analyze why people choose to hate and bully, and if the public ridicule is in this case, or any case for that matter, is deserved or not.  We'll also be analyzing the Karen meme, and why middle aged ;white ladies fall under this stereotype of inherent entitlement. We explore the social implications of white privilege and how it intersects in popular culture and comedy. 0:00 Intro (Chit Chat about Mcdonalds Coffee & my cat)2:41 Why Bullying Isn't Just for Children, But Adults Too.6:16 Analyzing Mol | LGBTQ TikTok Creator10:06 Exploring Academic Studies on WHY People Bully 14:09 "But I Didn't Mean to Hurt Them"18:39 The Compassionate View of the Human Beings Behind the Karen Meme23:56 The Desire To Put People In Boxes25:16 Anecdotes on the Karen Meme29:12 Bai Bai, Leave Your Comments in ChineseSupport the Show.Reese Grey Socials! Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & More Instagram: Youtube: Twitch: TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end) Okay, Love you
16: What Makes A Country "Unrecognized" Transnistria, Somaliland & The Principality of Sealand
Jan 15 2023
16: What Makes A Country "Unrecognized" Transnistria, Somaliland & The Principality of Sealand
Whether you want to start your own country, or wonder why others have such a difficult time being recognized in international law, there are a lot of politics that goes into the recognition of statehood. There are currently 195 countries in the world that are recognized by the United Nations, however there are countless others all over the world who are struggling to advocate for their people and independence of their land. Territories like Somaliland are rich in culture and have history of war and conflict while other territories such as the principality of sealand exist as more of a fun little place to call their own. Life is complicated and extremely dependent on not only individualistic belief, but communal ones as well. A country's boarders can exist because we agree they have legitimacy, and a territory can be internationally regarded as non-sovereign for the simple fact that the majority of people believe it shouldn't. The fact that our collective beliefs make abstract concepts tangible is something that is as equally beautiful as it is terrifying. Join me on today's adventure to question why we think the way we think and learn something new. 0:00 Intro (What Makes a Country a Country anyway?)5:35 Transnistria11:20 Somaliland13:50 Principality of Sealand17:33 Fun Facts On Political Recognition21:25 Closing Thoughts On Our Little AdventureSupport the Show.Reese Grey Socials! Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & More Instagram: Youtube: Twitch: TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end) Okay, Love you
13: Content Creation vs. Artistic Expression: Why We Feel Like We Need to Monetize Hobbies
Nov 15 2022
13: Content Creation vs. Artistic Expression: Why We Feel Like We Need to Monetize Hobbies
In this era of “branding yourself”, there's this unspoken feeling that your success is measured by the influence that you have. The bigger the number of subscribers—the bigger the number of views—the better that you're doing. The barrier for entry for content creation is low, nonexistent even. This is simultaneously both the best and the worst thing about the internet.  This popular notion of "selling yourself" and "self-branding" romanticizes content creation in a way that makes it seem like people will actually care about who you are on a deep level— but usually, they don't. There is simply too much content to choose from. There is no doubt that you will get the most emotional validation out of your content creation if you're honest with yourself as a content creator. Because it's not what the internet can do for you— but it's the value you can provide to your audience. And, of course, every person has inherent value. However, to be a successful content creator, you have to create value for an audience. And then of course, to just be creative and create for creation's sake, you don't owe anybody anything. The complicated issue here, is that most creators lie in the middle. Adventure with me today and explore how to find where we lie on the content creation vs. artistic expression spectrum. What We Discuss: - How to Figure out your artistic goal(s).- How to make content for an audience as your job VS. How to make content that is emotionally satisfying.- The constant stress of "creating value" by turning creativity into money.- Can anyone be a content creator?0:00 Intro: What is your Goal of Content Creation? Creative Expression or to make Money?0:51 The stress of "creating value" by turning creativity into money 1:51 your hobbies do NOT have to be your job....3:51 let's stop romanticizing of "self branding"5:48 not everyone has the skills & charisma to be a content creator 10:13 Emotions and Content Creation 15:39 Come to the Spooky Partython Live or watch highlights on my gaming channel on Youtube: HewwoReese NOTE: I do quote Jules Terpark directly!! I put her TikTok handle but it didn't show after rendering, so if any fans of her notice, yes! She's an inspiration of miSupport the Show.Reese Grey Socials! Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & More Instagram: Youtube: Twitch: TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end) Okay, Love you
12: Analyzing Social Media's Obsession with "Critique" & Unwarranted Hate (Bullying)
Nov 15 2022
12: Analyzing Social Media's Obsession with "Critique" & Unwarranted Hate (Bullying)
Social media platforms such as TikTok and YouTube have democratized fame & notoriety. Anyone can upload any content they wish, at anytime they please. Although this can be an incredibly freeing and cathartic experience for both creators and viwers, allowing both anyone to express themselves and create an audience, while simultaneously giving power to the consumer to choose they type of content they want to see. It also gives anonymous users with bad intent the ability to anonymously bully, harass, dox, or even virtue signal their way into getting anyone they wish “cancelled” i.e. de-platformed from their social media, and no longer be able to post. This episode takes a look at a few creators, mainly Sevyn Satiiva & Stephanie Soo and how public perception has both given them immense opportunity, but that also comes with the downfalls of unwarranted hate by viewers. Let’s adventure down into the “Dark Side of Content Creation”, that is commonly brushed off by critics as "what you get for putting yourself out there" or "that's Showbiz baby”. There is a stark difference between critique and unwarranted threats and hate. Let’s explore it!Chapters:0:00 Intro 0:59 You Don't Have Total Control When "Personal Branding"& It's Terrifying1:35 Sevyn Satiiva Sudden Vitality & Unwarranted Hate4:47 Stephanie Soo Mukbang Drama Controversy (Handled Gracefully)9:08 Stephanie Soo True Crime Controversy (Handled Gracefully Again) 11:25 PARTYTHON ON TWITCH HewwoReese with meeeee :) #stephaniesoo #videoessay #commentaryvideos #analysis Support the Show.Reese Grey Socials! Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & More Instagram: Youtube: Twitch: TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end) Okay, Love you
11: TikTok Asks: Female Gaze VS. Male Gaze | What Even is the Female Gaze?
Sep 23 2022
11: TikTok Asks: Female Gaze VS. Male Gaze | What Even is the Female Gaze?
So is there a female gaze? Yes. But it is not sexy men jumping around, like in Magic Mike, or a closeup of Thor’s badonk. This tends to confuse people. If hypersexualized depictions of female bodies, like up skirts in anime, and mega tight clothing in superhero movies (that shows a surprising amount of booba that is in no way tactical), why is it then, that the “female gaze” isn’t Magic Mike? How are they both the male gaze? Well, despite Magic Mike being about hypersexual and overly sexualized sexy men dancing for women, it still views people not as people, but as bodies, a habit the female gaze argues cinematographers should get out of.Linguistically, I completely understand how the female gaze sounds like it should be defined as "what women idealize" if the male gaze is of course what men are taught to idealize. But it is however, much more complicated and abstract. The "female gaze" and "male gaze" don't actually gender the abstract ideas they hold, though they are colloquially "gendered" terms. I believe these types of intricate differences between colloquial language & academic language is such a huge barrier to the understanding such abstract ideals, and at the risk of sounding pretentious, this video essay attempts to delve into the Male Gaze VS. Female Gaze debate. Conversations about the male gaze and female gaze can easily get really heated and muddled and people can argue about definitions, subjective experience and even biology. And the most complicated part of that conversation would be that nobody’s argument would be incorrect, but all parties must accept there are multiple lenses to the same issue. Without acknowledging both subjective experience and empirical evidence, we will never be able to to enact meaningful change. Having these sorts of conversations are pivotal because figuring out why we think the way we think isn’t as simple as it sounds. To acknowledge that the reason why we find something  or someone attractive has to do with what we’re taught, what is expected, and what is shown to us, and that is terrifying. So, if we understand what the male gaze is, and how it hypersexualizes women and has the ability to even degrade men too into being hyper masculine macho people. We then recognize how ridiculous it is to value someone’s attraction based purely on bodily aesthetics, and how much more important it is to value a person's personality and what makes them unique and different. This then goes into a deeper recognition that men and women should both be allowed to wear whatever they want. Like Harry Styles in a beautiful dress or Demi in an awesome pantsuit. They are just clothes after all, personal, how an individual chooses to showSupport the Show.Reese Grey Socials! Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & More Instagram: Youtube: Twitch: TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end) Okay, Love you
10: TikTok Asks Is The Male Gaze One Sided? | Mental Health Monday
Sep 18 2022
10: TikTok Asks Is The Male Gaze One Sided? | Mental Health Monday
Welcome to the first Mental Health Monday where Reese Grey answers questions about love, life, politics and questions about prior Reese Grey Analyzes Episodes! Chapters (Questions Asked) 0:00 Intro | The First Mental Health Monday! 1:58 Is the "Male Gaze" a one Sided Argument? 8:16 Why Do Parent's Bully their Kids? How Is Generational Trauma so Culturally Acceptable? 13:22 What is Optimistic Nihilism? Exploring Friedrich Nietzche 17:57 Why Do People Choose to Believe Lies Despite Facts & Logic? 21:37 Is GenZ Comedy a Revival of Dadaism? 24:53 Why Do People Self Harm? Learned Helplessness 27:58 Spooky Subathon On Twitch, Come Celebrate Halloween with me LIVE! Most of the questions came from TikTok, and in this segment, the topics vary but they all have a common theme of interpersonal communication. The TikTok questions brought up situations where they found it difficult to hold conversations with people who are unwilling to discuss things from another person’s perspective, and how it inhibits interpersonal communication, and at times even destroying relationships. Topics also include the concept of optimistic nihilism, and with an empathetic view, explore why parents, despite trying their best, can slip into narcissistic tendencies and bully their children with harsh truths, and the generational trauma that causes. That’s a lot, to let’s dive into it! Let’s explore why it’s ok to question our beliefs, and why staying self critical is integral to growth.HewwoReese Socials! Gaming Youtube Channel: Podcast: Instagram: @hewworeese TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end) (Submit your questions and see sourcenotes here!)Support the Show.Reese Grey Socials! Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & More Instagram: Youtube: Twitch: TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end) Okay, Love you
9: How Gaming & Twitch Streaming Changed my Life (For the Better) How Gaming Changed my Life (For the better)
Aug 21 2022
9: How Gaming & Twitch Streaming Changed my Life (For the Better) How Gaming Changed my Life (For the better)
With the rise of hustle culture, often times, people (especially adults) demonize video games, saying that it's a waste of time. But, what if that's the beauty of it? Let’s explore how maybe videogames aren't the bad guy.Gaming offers an outlet, a reprieve, and an escape from an often complicated, scary and stress inducing world. The world often tells us success is only deemed valuable if it makes you money or gives you prestige. As a recent graduate student who spent 7 years in higher education to enter the workforce unprepared and entry level, I felt so small and lonely and anything but successful despite my best efforts to prepare. So, how did gaming fix all of those feelings of inadequacy and loneliness? Well, it didn’t. But it helped me find a little bit of enjoyment in the day, it gave me a moment to smile, a little break. Gaming has been one of the most meaningful ways I have found balance in my life, and has overall been a positive impact that allowed me to meet new friends as an adult. Life is uncomfortably unpredictable. You can’t control where in the world you’re born, what economic status you’re born into, or how many opportunities you’re born with. There are almost no situations in real life where I can say "If I make this choice, then a predictable outcome will happen without question". Life can, for the most part, be unpredictable, and doesn't follow any rules. But games always have rules, objectives and mostly comfortably predictable outcomes. If I want to be Poppy’s best friend in Animal Crossing, I just send her little letters, give her cute little gifts, and bam— we’re instant besties.Not everything has to be so serious, life is about balance. In a way, gaming taught me how to be kind to myself. Because sometimes, the most seemingly mundane and silly things shape and mold us in the most unexpected and beautiful ways.What We Discuss: - Adulthood also comes with the responsibility of finding fulfilling hobbies.-Not everything has to be so serious, life is about balance. Be kind to yourself.-Sometimes in life, the most seemingly mundane and silly things shape and mold us in the most unexpected ways.-I was originally motivated to succeed out of fear of inadequacy, and that’s not having it all together.Support the Show.Reese Grey Socials! Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & More Instagram: Youtube: Twitch: TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end) Okay, Love you
8: How Everything Everywhere All at Once Rejects Nihilism & Encourages Empathy and Kindness
Jul 24 2022
8: How Everything Everywhere All at Once Rejects Nihilism & Encourages Empathy and Kindness
I left the theater after seeing Everything Everywhere All at Once with the phrase “nothing matters” echoing in my brain— and I felt at peace about it. Mundane and common issues such as taxes and laundry are brightened up by the movies sci-fi themes while diving head first into exploring a multiverse, which isn’t actually as fantastical as it seems. We all can’t help but entertain our imaginations and wonder “what if?”. It’s a cruel reality that we don’t get to choose where in the world we are born, what family we are born into, or what opportunities we are handed. But what we can choose, is how to play the divine cards that the world has dealt us. The film explores the idea that if we were given the opportunity to change our life’s path through the multiverse, would we truly choose to escape? Or would we instead be left with a greater appreciation of our present lives that we didn’t have before? What We Discuss:- Struggling with mental health issues due to generational trauma.- Questioning the notion of nihilism. Does “nothing matter?”- Is it possible to be optimistically nihilistic? - How “Hard Truths” do more to harm than help.Support the Show.Reese Grey Socials! Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & More Instagram: Youtube: Twitch: TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end) Okay, Love you
7: Bo Burnham Inside Outtakes - Why Being Yourself Is So Scary
Jul 11 2022
7: Bo Burnham Inside Outtakes - Why Being Yourself Is So Scary
All eloquence aside, being genuine is just — hard. People deemed “successful influencers” usually need to exist within a nuanced gray area space— an odd intersection between entertainment and impact. And of course, with most things in life, that influence that one holds can be a positive or a negative. For instance, an influencer can promote brands who are only trying to commodify social justice movements by using their stances to virtue signal and gain public support, which in the end encourages people buy their products. Or an influencer can use their platform to simply spread information without the guise of trying to sell anything. Despite the intentions—the action, as Bo would say, gives us this “funny feeling”. However, I do believe one can you can exist positively within that intersection of entertainment and impact, as that is essentially what Bo Burnham does. He entertains us with witty recreations of real life phenomena but the impact doesn’t come from what he’s trying to sell us, per-say. In the end, while watching his specials, we have the choice to realize issues & try and change, or we can simply take in the content, let go, and laugh for a while.In Bo’s outtakes, he talks about sharing dumplings, being too spooked to squish spiders, and other mundane everyday things. His songs made me smile and reminds me that there can be music in everything. It’s corny to say, and I mildly cringe and laugh at myself as I see the words type across the page, but the outtakes, mundane as they were, made me genuinely feel warm that Bo valued the little things in life enough to perform them. Seeing the celebration of the mundane gave me a hope and a reminder that not everything in art has to be so romanticized. Artistic representation is usually reserved for either traumatic moments, or grandiose showcases of love or affection, but Bo’s outtakes remind us life can also just be simple, and there is beauty in that too.  What We Discuss: - The difficulties of fame. The dark side of being a public figure with your past on display. Although you may grow and change as a person, your past permanently follows you.- Bo’s celebration of the beautiful mundane things in life, showing us there can be music in everything. -The difficulties of performing for the camera. Modern day performance via social media & other forms of self expression (the sharing of vlogs, memes, etc.) is more often a representation of the performer and their own performative intentions rather than a representation of a character as a performer for the audience. - An analysis of Bo Burnham’s “Chicken song”.Support the Show.Reese Grey Socials! Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & More Instagram: Youtube: Twitch: TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end) Okay, Love you
6: Why Memes Are SO Different Between GenZ and Millennials
May 22 2022
6: Why Memes Are SO Different Between GenZ and Millennials
I asked my little brother why zoomer humor was so confusing and he said "I don't know, I guess I'm always just so confused anyway so I laugh as a coping mechanism" On Reese Grey Analyzes, we look at creations and experiences in art, media, music, & even videogames to explore exactly WHY we think the way we think, question what we believe, and learn something new. And what better way to explore popular media than with memes.So have you ever wondered WHY younger people tend to perceive older people as not funny, bland and boring & younger people are perceived as really weird and absurd. For example, older people tend to literally NOT understand a younger person's meme. Have you ever showed your parents a meme and they ask “who is that”, they need background, they’re asking questions because they don’t understand what is supposed to be funny. And this has A LOT to do with the metamorphosis of ironic humor, needing to have an understanding of “cringe” culture coupled with the understanding of how sincerity or in Gen Z’s case the lack of sincerity works in the generational divide of comedy.Join me as I go through a painfully long explanation of irony and give a mini tour of our grandfather of memes Richard Dawkins book “The Selfish Gene”. (His full book available for free in the PDF in the source notes on Support the Show.Reese Grey Socials! Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & More Instagram: Youtube: Twitch: TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end) Okay, Love you
5: Why Pixar's "Turning Red" Was Phenomenal: An Analysis of "Girlhood" in Cinema
May 15 2022
5: Why Pixar's "Turning Red" Was Phenomenal: An Analysis of "Girlhood" in Cinema
Hey :) Let’s talk about Turning Red, and how it gives excellent depictions on how the male gaze in film effects the girlhood and boyhood experience. Turning Red (2022) is a Disney Pixar movie directed by Domee Shi about a Chinese Canadian tween girl named Mei who must confront her mother during the midst of puberty.TimeStamps:Chapters0:00 Funky Fresh Intro2:30 Turning Red's "Relatability" (If You Don't Relate...That's okay)4:30 Mei's Greatest Strength & Greatest Weakness is her Emotions5:25 The Portrayal of "Girlhood" Through the Male Gaze 7:15 Turning Red Challenges Typical 2000's Makeover Movies10:34 It's Difficult For Girls to Have Innocent Hobbies (VSCO, Basic Bitch, Girly/Tomboy Stereotypes)11:10 The Manic Pixie Dream Girl Trope & GoneGirl "Cool Girl" Trope13:15 Wanting Not to Cause Too Much Attention To Yourself As a Girl14:14 Exploring the Boyhood Experience Through Tyler's Character!17:57 Tyler Being Gay? 19:26 Talking Puberty with Children NEEDS to happen20:23 Attraction/Crushes/Desire in Childhood21:55 Asian Parents Tend Not to Like White Friends (Sometimes)25:20 Why Turning Red Made A Lot of People So Angry 26:45 New Mental Health Mondays!Reese Grey SocialsHewwoReese Socials! Gaming Youtube Channel: & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end)ReeseGrey.comSupport the Show.Reese Grey Socials! Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & More Instagram: Youtube: Twitch: TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end) Okay, Love you
4: Bo Burnham’s Metamorphasis (2006-2022) : Authenticity vs. Performativity
Jan 23 2022
4: Bo Burnham’s Metamorphasis (2006-2022) : Authenticity vs. Performativity
Today, we are gonna be talking about the metamorphosis of Bo Burnham’s entire career and how all 3 of his comedy specials actually intertwine with each other, as they are very connected content wise. We’ll be talking about Bo’s struggle with his own concepts of himself and his authenticity. I was inspired to do this because I heard someone describe Bo’s Inside as “Pretentious Self-Importance, disguised as Woke Self-Reflection”. Fair enough, let’s talk about it! We’re going to try and break down his expressions and attempt to evaluate Bo’s authenticity. This special features a variety of songs and sketches about Burnham's day-to-day life indoors…and despite being released in 2021, this isn’t about COVID or quarantine, but it’s easy to empathize circa it’s release in 2021 because of the current social climate. In general, Bo depicts his deteriorating mental health and explores themes of performativity and his [seemingly unhealthy] relationship to the Internet and the audience he has almost grown dependent upon. Bo, as he does, addresses issues including climate change and social movements and how performativity has creeped into those type of forms of expression as well. I love Bo’s content & honestly this was a treat to make, it’s a bit different than what I usually make for sure, maybe just a bit more surface level. We don’t really talk about theory, but we don’t always have to. I believe discussion of art & expression is integral to growth, and what better way to do that than by gushing about one of my favorite performers ever. I guess, much like Bo, I’m just a creative person trying to express myself (but on a much tinier stage). Support the Show.Reese Grey Socials! Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & More Instagram: Youtube: Twitch: TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end) Okay, Love you
3: How Does The World REALLY Work with Bo Burnham | Art, Jargon & International Relations Theory
Jan 16 2022
3: How Does The World REALLY Work with Bo Burnham | Art, Jargon & International Relations Theory
Join me, Bo Burnham & Socko as we try and figure out How The World Works? Spoiler: It’s complicated. Bo tries to tell us that “The secret is the world can only work, when everything works together”, but more than stating a fact, I believe Bo may be wishing the world worked that simply. This is a deep dive on just 1 song on Bo’s Netflix Special: “Inside” titled:“How The World Works”. This podcast works as a response to my original YouTube video. We Discuss: Realism VS. Liberalism Debate in International Politics. [The question are humans good or are they evil is a question as old as time. But as we all know the world is not so black and white]Bo Burnham’s nod to Marxist Critique on capitalism: Seeing exploitation through a global lens. Many times, exploitation is thought of as a national issue, but our world is a global economy and when valuing human rights we must look further than our own backyard.Bo’s “Neoliberal Fascists ’  Destroying the Left” Argument : Discussing the Left VS. Right Divide & how harmful the Us VS. Them mentality can be.History’s Bias taught to children in class [In terms of Racism, Classism & Nationalism]Critique on the use of Jargon by Socko (Could Socko be alienating Bo in the conversation? This could be an explanation for the tense argument)Support the Show.Reese Grey Socials! Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & More Instagram: Youtube: Twitch: TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end) Okay, Love you
2: Squid Game: Gambling Addiction, Capitalism & Foreign Worker Exploitation + Korean Culture Nuances You May Have Missed
Jan 9 2022
2: Squid Game: Gambling Addiction, Capitalism & Foreign Worker Exploitation + Korean Culture Nuances You May Have Missed
Squid game is shiny new. Kinda. As per usual, I’m a bit tardy to the party. Released in September 2021, Squid Game is totally binge-able. Its only a 9 part series and 1 season long, so you have about roughly 8 hours of content to consume. So it’s all in a days work right? With Squid Game being such a worldwide phenomenon, we’re going to get into the shows depictions of human nature, violence for monetary gain and desperation vs. addiction. And of course, we’re going to get into some Korean cultural nuances you might have missed if you’re either not familiar with Korean culture or you watched the dubbed version witch has some notable differences.Today We Will Discuss:The Sub VS. Dub Debate Breaking Down GiHun's Gambling Addiction Behavior & The Irony of Gambling being "Illegal" in Korea.Exploitation of Migrant Workers & Misinterpretations of Colorism considering Ali’s CharacterKorean Language Honorific Nuances The Difficulty of Translation Work considering Cultural Nuances when they are Conceptual and not Rooted in Actual VocabularyReese Grey Socials!Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & MoreInstagram: TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end)Support the Show.Reese Grey Socials! Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & More Instagram: Youtube: Twitch: TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end) Okay, Love you
1: Afong Moy | Barnum & Baileys "Chinese Lady": The First Chinese Woman to Come to the United States
Jan 2 2022
1: Afong Moy | Barnum & Baileys "Chinese Lady": The First Chinese Woman to Come to the United States
Afong Moy | Barnum & Baileys "Chinese Lady": The first ever documented Chinese woman to come to the United States in 1834. Afong Moy’s case is a fascinating one, as it crosses lines between capitalism and exoticism. Afong Moy, as a Chinese woman, as a person rather, was used as an exhibition. And it sounds bizarre —because it is. She was marketed as a “Chinese Doll” and put into a literal box, ornamented with paintings as she drank tea, used chopsticks and spoke Chinese. This was done as a capitalistic strategy to garner American interest in buying Chinese goods. Unique for her time, Afong Moy experienced the conjoining of two worlds—that of the market and the theater.Today we will be discussing:Afong Moy’s Known Employment with the Carnes Brothers & Later the Barnum & Bailey Circus.The conditions of her Exhibition Space in New York in 1848; shared with Tom Thumb.The changing political climate of Chinese & US relations during Afong Moy’s 17 year stay in the United States & how this effected her overall treatment by both the carnival goers & her employers. Exploring how Barnum & Bailey’s Exploitative tactics worked to discredit Afong Moy to later replace her with a new woman: Miss Pwan Yee Koo, whom they dubbed the “Chinese Belle”.Support the Show.Reese Grey Socials! Visit Reese for Sourcenotes, Full Transcripts, Videos & More Instagram: Youtube: Twitch: TikTok & Twitter: @HewwoReese_ (yup, an underscore at the end) Okay, Love you