Adventurous Polyamory

Rachel Barth

The down and dirty truth about polyamory as I have lived it. Enjoy a big slice of no bullsh** pie with me about the lifestyle. I almost titled this thing "Disastrous Polyamory" but that seemed. . . negative. read less
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I Have Nothing To Say About The Middle East
Nov 13 2023
I Have Nothing To Say About The Middle East
Obviously that's a falsehood.For your education and edification, here are some ethnic and religious wars and genocides that currently are being completely ignored by pretty much everyone. The Tigray War:,(TPLF)%20on%20the%20other.More than 250,000 dead, along with extensive human rights violations such as rape.Myanmar Civil War: and the Rohyngya people: War:,United%20Nations%20by%20the%20PolisarioThe sad history of the Kurds: War in Syria (speaking of the Kurds):,occasional%20flareups%20in%20Northwestern%20Syria.Native Americans: in Sudan:,Khartoum%20and%20the%20 Darfur%20region.10,000 dead, millions displaced. The day I recorded this podcast,  I doomscrolled through my news feed. Apparently there are several new earpods coming out! The only source who wrote about Sudan was Al-Jazeera. 1300 dead in Darfur. I could go on but you get the idea. Nobody wants to discuss these horrific conflicts; I have little doubt that soon this miserable war will join those ranks. As many as 5700 Native American women and girls go missing every year, but no one is marching in Times Square over it, are they?  Am I heartless for pointing this out? VOCABULARY:Flooding: IN TOUCH:unlimitedheartcoaching@gmail.comIG: unlimitedheartfreedom