This is the Voice of the Prophet


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Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Feb 19 2024
STRENGTH! PART 2Remember what battles truly are, they’re tests. They’re a test of strength to see who’s stronger, you or the enemy. I love listening to Dr. Tony Evans out of Dallas, TX. Every morning I get a message from him as well as some type of encouraging word. One morning the word he shared stated; "God’s role is to fight. Our role is to have faith."  To have faith in God is to trust Him to fight our battles.  It's to trust Him to give us the strength we need when we need it as He fights for us. But we must have faith!When the Lord tested Abraham and told him to sacrifice Issac, it was just that, a test. It doesn’t read or say where God gave him strength because Abraham didn’t cry out to God for strength. Abraham had faith and his faith was in God! He had enough faith in God to do what needed to be done.  He had enough faith in Godn ot to try to bargain or negotiate with Him. He had a covenant with the Father whereas God is the greater and he was the lesser. God gave the orders and Abraham simply followed those orders. Abraham trusted God with his whole heart. What about us? Do we have that type of faith in God? Do we trust Him enough to let Him fight for us? Do we trust Him enough to give us the strength we need to believe Him during our battles? To hear more of what our Father is speaking in this episode click on the link or go to your favorite podcast app and search for This Is the Voice of the Prophet. Then look for the episode entitled "STRENGTH! Part 2"Support the Show.
Feb 5 2024
WHAT HAVE YOU LEFT OPEN?! WATCH AND PRAY!Once again God has given me a dream to minister a word to His people. Through this dream I know our Father is telling us to be alert, be aware and keep watch. We must be aware of where the gaps and breaches are in our hearts and minds. We cannot allow the enemy to have easy access into our lives and spirits. There are openings that the enemy will use to enter our lives if to do nothing more than to wreak havoc, bring turmoil, sow discord and calamity. Remember, this is a test! The prayer that Jehoshaphat prayed in 2 Chronicles 20 ended with these words in the 12th verse; For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”  Too many have forgotten that before the Lord will fight our battles our eyes have to be on Him. Listen to me, my sisters and brothers, in the 20th verse of that 20th chapter once again Jehoshaphat spoke to the people and said; “Listen to me, Judah and people of Jerusalem! Have faith in the Lord your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.”  We must have faith in the Lord our God and I ask you to have faith in me as one of His prophets in what I’m saying to you in this hour. Again, we must remember that we are being tested therefore, in order to past this test, our eyes must remain on the Lord our God. Watch and pray people, watch and pray! And keep our eyes on God! To hear more of what our Father is speaking to us in this episode click on the link or go to your favorite podcast app and search for the podcast This Is the Voice of the Prophet. Then click on the episode entitled "WHAT HAVE YOU LEFT OPEN?! WATCH AND PRAY"Support the Show.