Mar 8 2024
Justin Draeger
Justin Draeger, President and CEO of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, joins the ALP to share what colleagues in admissions, enrollment, student success, presidents' offices, etc. can do to support their financial aid colleagues, who are about to do 6 to 9 months of work in about 4 to 6 weeks. A deep thinker, reader, writer and speaker, Justin also shares a bunch of excellent leadership lessons, including how, as Bertrand Russell wrote, "Fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people full of doubts." Special shout-out to the Lawrence University financial aid team, "the finest team in all the land."ReferencesWhy I Choose the Harder Commute, July 2020Finding Motivation in Tough Times, August 2020Off the Cuff, NASFAA's podcastRapid DescentWalkout song: Walk This Way, Run DMC and AerosmithBest recent read: Uncultured: A Memoir, Daniella Mestyanek Young and Remarkably Bright Creatures, Shelby Van PeltEager to read next: Man's Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl (the cost of reading a new book is not rereading one of the best books you've already read) Favorite podcast: The Gray AreaFavorite thing to make in the kitchen: simple recipes with a chef's kiss, like fried eggs and bacon with a latte.Taking and keeping notes: a complex system of handwritten notes, Evernote and Roam Research.Memorable bit of advice: "Anyone who says he has finished a canvas is terribly arrogant. 'Finished' means 'complete, perfect.'" (Claude Monet)Bucket list: walk the Camino de Santiago.The ALP is supported by RHB. Music arranged by Ryan Anselment