The UnScripted Mind

Jim Cunningham, LPC

Welcome to "The Unscripted Mind," where you get fresh perspectives, practical insights and tools you can use to give you more choices, increased awareness and better control of your feelings, reactions and behaviors.

Join your host Professional Counselor, Jim Cunningham, as he dives into the complex world of mental wellness. From anxiety and depression to resilience and recovery, "The Unscripted Mind" offers candid conversations and expert insights, encouraging listeners to confront their own journeys while gaining tools and perspectives that promote healing and understanding—one unscripted conversation at a time.

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Transforming Pain into Growth: Embracing Grief's Lessons
Transforming Pain into Growth: Embracing Grief's Lessons
Send us a Text Message.How do you rebuild your life after an unimaginable loss? Join us for a deeply moving episode of the Unscripted Mind Podcast, where we sit down with Monica Mead, a licensed professional counselor whose journey into grief counseling was tragically inspired by the loss of her daughter in 2013. Monica challenges conventional grief models, offering profound insights into the complex and varied forms of grief that can stem from losing a loved one, a job, a pet, or even physical abilities. Through her story, Monica provides a raw and powerful narrative that will resonate with anyone who has faced loss.We venture into the concept of "collateral beauty"—the unexpected grace and growth that can emerge from grief. Monica and I discuss the importance of keeping the memory of lost loved ones alive and finding hope amidst the pain. We break down societal misconceptions about grief, address its permanence, and highlight the essential role that community support plays in the healing process. This conversation is a reminder that grief doesn't follow a set timeline and that it's okay to experience it in your own unique way.Relationships, especially marriages, often face significant challenges in the aftermath of profound loss. Monica shares startling statistics about the impact of losing a child on marital stability and offers wisdom on how couples can navigate this tumultuous journey. We explore the transformative power of grief, likening it to a forest regrowing after a fire, and discuss practical ways to honor loved ones through meaningful actions. Whether you're looking for ways to support a grieving friend or seeking solace in your own journey, this episode provides heartfelt guidance and hope.Support the Show.The goal of The UnScripted Mind Podcast is to give you fresh perspectives, practical insights and tools you can use to give you more choices, self-awareness and control of your feelings, reactions and behaviors.
How to feel awful: Proven strategies to destroy your mental heath
1w ago
How to feel awful: Proven strategies to destroy your mental heath
Send us a Text Message.Join me for a satirical yet impactful exploration of methods guaranteed to maximize your misery. From skipping exercise and endlessly scrolling through social media to the pitfall of comparing yourself to others, we cover all the surefire ways to sink your mental well-being. By tuning in, you’ll laugh through the dark humor and perhaps recognize some habits that could be steering you towards a path of stress and anxiety.But we don't leave you hanging in the depths of despair! After painting a grim picture, we shift to a brighter narrative, focusing on overcoming these mental health challenges. We’ll talk about how substance abuse, rumination, poor sleep, self-blame, and constant complaining form a toxic cocktail for your mind. Then, I’ll guide you through actionable, healthier alternatives that can foster a happier, more purposeful life. Learn how small, intentional changes in your daily routine can significantly impact your overall well-being and set you on the path to inner peace and joy. Get ready to transform your mindset and your life, all with a dose of humor and a touch of satire.Sources:American Psychological Association. (2018). Stress management. Retrieved from, A. T. (1967). Depression: Clinical, experimental, and theoretical aspects. University of Pennsylvania Press.Beck, J. S. (2011). Cognitive behavior therapy: Basics and beyond (2nd ed.). Guilford Press.Blumenthal, J. A., Babyak, M. A., Doraiswamy, P. M., Watkins, L., Hoffman, B. M., Barbour, K. A., ... & Sherwood, A. (2007). Exercise and pharmacotherapy in the treatment of major depressive disorder. Psychosomatic Medicine, 69(7), 587-596., J. T., & Cacioppo, S. (2018). Loneliness in the modern age: An evolutionary theory of loneliness (ETL). Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 58, 127-197., S. (2004). Social relationships and health. American Psychologist, 59(8), 676-684., R. A., & McCullough, M. E. (2003). Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(2), 377-389., L. (1954). A theory of social comparison processes. Human Relations, 7(2), 117-140., J. J., & John, O. P. (2003). Individual differences in two emotion regulation processes: Implications for affect, relationships, and well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85(2), 348-362. (2024). The Link Between Marijuana Use and Panic and Anxiety. Retrieved from HealthyPlace  Hofmann, S. G., Sawyer, A. T., Witt, A. A., & Oh, D. (2010). The effect of mindfulness-based therapy on anxiety and depression: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78(2), 169-183., J., Smith, T. B., Baker, M., Harris, T., & Stephenson, D. (2015). Loneliness and social isolation as risk factors for mortality: A meta-analytic review. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10(2), 227-237., J. S., Landis, K. R., & UmberSupport the Show.The goal of The UnScripted Mind Podcast is to give you fresh perspectives, practical insights and tools you can use to give you more choices, self-awareness and control of your feelings, reactions and behaviors.
Decoding Anger: Creating Calm and Control from Chaos
Jun 17 2024
Decoding Anger: Creating Calm and Control from Chaos
Send us a Text Message.Ever wondered why anger seems to be skyrocketing in today’s world? On this episode of the Unscripted Mind, host Jim Cunningham, a licensed professional counselor, promises to unravel the intricate web of triggers that fuel our modern-day rage. From political polarization and economic disparity to job stress and financial anxieties, we break down the factors contributing to this emotional surge. But it doesn't stop there—discover the deeper layers behind anger, often rooted in underlying emotions like anxiety and frustration. Recognize anger as more than just an outburst, but a defensive mechanism with profound physiological and cognitive consequences.Prepare to gain invaluable strategies for managing anger and resolving conflicts, especially when emotions are at their peak. Jim dives into the significance of having a premeditated plan and maintaining a calm demeanor in the face of fury. Drawing inspiration from Stoic philosophy, we explore how to control our actions despite natural emotional reactions and keep long-term relationship goals in focus. As the episode wraps up, we invite you to embrace life’s unexpected moments and stay curious. Your journey towards a more empathetic and effective approach to handling anger starts here—don’t miss out on these practical insights and tools.Sources: AAIDD (American Association on Intellectual Developmental Disabilities). Intellectual disability: Definition, classification, and systems of supports. Washington, DC: AAIDD; 2010.American Heart Association. (n.d.). Anger and Your Heart.American Psychological Association (2019). Stress in America: Stress and Current Events.American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. fifth ed. Washington, DC: APA; 2013, p. 33.Arnold, J. L., & Boger, M. S. (2019). Neurobiological Correlates of Emotional Dysregulation and Cognitive Performance. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 31(3), 198-204. (2020). Gallup Poll Social Series: Emotions.Pew Research Center. (2021). How Americans View Anger in Society Today.Santarnecchi, E., Emmendorfer, A., & Pascual-Leone, A. (2019). The Effects of Emotional Dysregulation on Cognitive Functioning in Adults. Journal of Affective Disorders. the Show.The goal of The UnScripted Mind Podcast is to give you fresh perspectives, practical insights and tools you can use to give you more choices, self-awareness and control of your feelings, reactions and behaviors.
The Echo of Our Words: Shaping Lives through Speech and Appreciation
Jun 10 2024
The Echo of Our Words: Shaping Lives through Speech and Appreciation
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever considered the lasting echo your words might leave in someone's life? Join me, Jim Cunningham, on the Unscripted Mind as we unravel the enigmatic power that our everyday language holds over personal connections, self-perception, and the resilience we muster in the face of life's challenges. In a heart-to-heart conversation inspired by the profound insights of Carol Dweck and John Gottman, we'll reveal how the seemingly innocuous labels we assign to children, like "smart," can inadvertently set them on a path of risk-aversion and dishonesty, while the ratio of positive-to-negative interactions can make or break the strength of our relationships. This episode is not just a look at the psychology behind our speech—it's an invitation to become architects of encouragement, crafting our dialogues to uplift and empower those within our sphere of influence.We often forget to stop and express gratitude, but imagine the cascading impact your words of thanks could have. As we conclude our journey through the spoken and unspoken intricacies of our daily discourse, I challenge you to act on the power of appreciation, to see the remarkable changes it can inspire in both the giver and receiver. This episode is for those ready to embrace the unpredictable narrative of life with intention and curiosity, recognizing that each phrase we choose is a brushstroke in the larger picture of our relationships. So come along and let's forge a community where thoughtful communication is not just practiced, but celebrated.ReferencesBandura, A. (1977). Social Learning Theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.Becker, W.C., Engelmann, S., & Thomas, D.R. (1975). Teaching 2: Cognitive Learning and Instruction. Chicago: Science Research Associates.Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. New York: Random House.Gottman, J. M., & Silver, N. (1999). The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. New York: Three Rivers Press. (While focused on marriage, Gottman's research on positive-to-negative interaction ratios applies to other relationships, including parent-child interactions.)Pfiffner, L. J., Rosen, L. A., & O'Leary, S. G. (1985). The efficacy of an all-positive approach to classroom management. [Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't]. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 18(3), 257– 261.Simonsen, B., Fairbanks, S., Briesch, A., Myers, D., & Sugai, G. (2008). Evidence-based practices in classroom management: Considerations for research to practice. Education & Treatment of Children, 31(3), 351–380. the Show.The goal of The UnScripted Mind Podcast is to give you fresh perspectives, practical insights and tools you can use to give you more choices, self-awareness and control of your feelings, reactions and behaviors.
Embracing Empathy: Gifts and Trials of Being an Empath
Jun 3 2024
Embracing Empathy: Gifts and Trials of Being an Empath
Send us a Text Message.Ever felt like you're a lightning rod for emotions, absorbing the moods of those around you? I'm Jim Cunningham, your guide through the Unscripted Mind podcast, and in this heartfelt episode, we unravel the bittersweet existence of empaths. With my background as a licensed professional counselor, I'm shedding light on how a high sensitivity to others' feelings can be both a profound gift and a formidable challenge. We navigate through the often-treacherous waters of emotional overload, the art of setting boundaries, and the pitfalls of connecting with toxic personalities. Understand why empaths mistakenly think they can mend every heart and soul they encounter, and learn how to avoid the mental health pitfalls when that ideal crashes against reality.I couldn't end the show without expressing a mountain of thanks for joining the journey. Your engagement fuels my passion for sharing, learning, and growing together. I'm all ears for your questions and burning topics you'd like us to explore in future episodes, so don't hesitate to reach out. Our conversation is aimed to empower you to embrace the unpredictable with an adventurous spirit, and if you've felt a connection with our exploration today, subscribing and leaving a review would be greatly appreciated. So, until our paths cross again, carry with you the courage to find joy in the unscripted moments of life, and seize every day with vigor.Support the Show.The goal of The UnScripted Mind Podcast is to give you fresh perspectives, practical insights and tools you can use to give you more choices, self-awareness and control of your feelings, reactions and behaviors.
The Profound Power of Pause: Reclaiming Stillness in a Digital World
May 27 2024
The Profound Power of Pause: Reclaiming Stillness in a Digital World
Send us a Text Message.Are we losing the battle against the relentless buzz of the modern world? Find out as I, Jim Cunningham, delve into the transformative power of stillness on mental wellness. In this engaging episode of Unscripted Mind, we rekindle the age-old wisdom of Blaise Pascal and examine the heavy toll our omnipresent digital distractions impose on our lives. From the deteriorating mental health of adolescents glued to social media to the eroding attention spans and relationships in adults, we uncover research that reveals today's digital dilemma. But fear not, as we also uncover a cost-free remedy to the stresses of contemporary life that requires no more than a pause.This episode isn't just a wake-up call; it's an invitation to rediscover tranquility in your daily routine. We offer practical strategies to reclaim moments of peace, which, as Ryan Holiday suggests, help steady the archer's aim in life. We're not just talking theory; we're proposing a lifestyle shift towards balance and mindfulness. Join me in exploring how embracing the profound power of pause can lead to a more balanced existence and the profound benefits that ripple out from the simple act of being still. Whether it's engaging with neighbors or savoring quietude alone, this podcast episode is your guide to stepping back from the cacophony and embracing the profound power of stillness.Sources:Exelmans, L., & Van den Bulck, J. (2016). Bedtime mobile phone use and sleep in adults. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 12(4), 447-453. Hari, Johann. Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention--and How to Think Deeply Again. New York: Crown Publishing Group, 2022.Harvard Health Publishing. (2021). Journaling: A tool for stress relief. Retrieved from, Ryan. Stillness is the Key. New York: Portfolio/Penguin, 2019.Keles, B., McCrae, N., & Grealish, A. (2020). A systematic review: The influence of social media on depression, anxiety, and psychological distress in adolescents. Computers in Human Behavior, 91, 234-243.Lepp, A., Barkley, J. E., & Karpinski, A. C. (2015). The relationship between cell phone use and academic performance in a sample of U.S. college students. Educational Psychology, 35(4), 507-515. LinkPsych Central. (2021). The mental health benefits of journaling. Retrieved from https://psychcentral.comRa, C. K., Cho, J., Stone, M. D., De La Cerda, J., Goldenson, N. I., Moroney, E., ... & Leventhal, A. M. (2018). Association of digital media use with subsequent symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder among adolescents. JAMA, 320(3), 255-263. LinkShensa, A., Escobar-Viera, C. G., Sidani, J. E., Bowman, N. D., Marshal, M. P., & Primack, B. A. (2017). Problematic social media use and depressive symptoms among U.S. young adults: A nationally-representative study. Computers in Human Behavior, 69, 71-79. LinkTremblay, M. S., LeBlanc, A. G., Kho, M. E., Saunders, T. J., Larouche, R., Colley, R. C., ... & Duggan, M. (2011). Systematic review of sedentary behavior and health indicators in school-aged children and youth. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 8, 98. University of Rochester Medical Center. (n.d.). Benefits of journaling. Retrieved from https://www.urmc.rochester.eduSupport the Show.The goal of The UnScripted Mind Podcast is to give you fresh perspectives, practical insights and tools you can use to give you more choices, self-awareness and control of your feelings, reactions and behaviors.
The Power of Caring Less: Shedding the Weight of External Validation
May 20 2024
The Power of Caring Less: Shedding the Weight of External Validation
Send us a Text Message.Ever felt crushed under the weight of what everyone else thinks?  I've discovered that shedding the burden of external opinions can be liberating in ways you never imagined. Join me on Unscripted Mind as we unpack our emotional backpacks, revealing how the art of caring less can lead to a more fulfilling life. We'll navigate through the fog of anxiety and depression that often clouds our path when we place too much stock in external validation. With personal stories and expert wisdom, this episode offers actionable steps to diminish the power others' views have over our happiness and self-worth. It's a candid exploration of self-discovery that equips you with the tools to tread lighter and find joy in the unpredictability of life.As we round off our discussion, I leave you with a thought-provoking nudge from the wise Olin Miller: People are far less fixated on us than we suppose. I challenge you to select just one part of your life to care less about this coming week. Your stories fuel our conversations, so I'm eager for your feedback and suggestions for what topics we should tackle next. Let's embrace the beauty of spontaneity together, maintaining curiosity, and seizing each day with renewed passion. Thanks for listening, and remember, life's script is unwritten—let's enjoy the improvisation.Support the Show.The goal of The UnScripted Mind Podcast is to give you fresh perspectives, practical insights and tools you can use to give you more choices, self-awareness and control of your feelings, reactions and behaviors.
Transformative Conversations: The Road to Meaningful Relationships
May 16 2024
Transformative Conversations: The Road to Meaningful Relationships
Send us a Text Message.Ever feel like you're speaking, but no one's truly listening? You're not alone. I'm Jim Cunningham, and on the latest Unscripted Mind podcast, we're unpacking the art of listening—a cornerstone of connection so often neglected that its absence can be mistaken for indifference. It's a conversation that promises to equip you with the insights and tools necessary to not only hear but also to be heard, ensuring that you walk away with a newfound appreciation for the power of empathetic communication.In our deep dive into the intricacies of interaction, we confront the common barriers that thwart our ability to fully engage with those around us. From the allure of incessant problem-solving to the comfort of shallow exchanges, I shed light on the invisible hurdles that keep us from truly tuning in. With a blend of candor and expertise, I lay out a three-pronged strategy for refining listening skills and responding with genuine empathy, accompanied by five actionable steps that promise to transform your conversations, alleviate stress, and forge more meaningful bonds in every facet of your life. Join us and take the first step towards nurturing the connections that matter the most.Support the Show.The goal of The UnScripted Mind Podcast is to give you fresh perspectives, practical insights and tools you can use to give you more choices, self-awareness and control of your feelings, reactions and behaviors.
The Anxiety of Uncertainty: Six Strategies for Embracing the Unknown
May 3 2024
The Anxiety of Uncertainty: Six Strategies for Embracing the Unknown
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever been held captive by the 'what ifs' that haunt every corner of your thoughts? Join me, Jim Cunningham, on the Unscripted Mind podcast for a conversation that could very well be the key to unlocking your peace of mind. We're tackling the beast of uncertainty, a force so powerful it can induce a whirlwind of anxiety with just a whisper of 'what's next?' But, as we dive into the crux of why the unknown is such a formidable adversary, you'll discover that it's not an invincible one. As Ursula K Le Guin nudges us to recognize, life is an endless series of unpredictable moments – yet within that chaos lies our chance to thrive.Throughout our discussion, we'll arm you with six potent strategies to reframe your view of uncertainty, transforming it from a source of dread to a manageable aspect of life. Prepare to challenge the very nature of your fears, examining their validity and the evidence – or lack thereof – that supports them. By embracing these practical steps, you'll learn to interrupt the cycle of intrusive thoughts that so often lead to sleepless nights and anxious days. Whether you're navigating the complexities of daily stressors or the seismic shifts of life-changing events, this episode is your compass through the fog of the unknown, guiding you toward clarity and control over the anxiety that has overstayed its welcome in your mind.Support the Show.The goal of The UnScripted Mind Podcast is to give you fresh perspectives, practical insights and tools you can use to give you more choices, self-awareness and control of your feelings, reactions and behaviors.