The UnPerfect Podcast for Christian Women

Shelly Snead

As believers in Jesus, we live in the tension of the now and the not yet. This Scripture-packed, and humor-filled podcast helps women see glimpses of God’s glory among life’s imperfections. Let’s live fully the lives we’ve been dealt. Join the conversation at

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43 | Living Fearless: A Practical Guide to Kicking Worry and Fear to the Curb - part 3
4d ago
43 | Living Fearless: A Practical Guide to Kicking Worry and Fear to the Curb - part 3
Send me a text here! I’d love to hear from you.In this episode of the UnPerfect Podcast, we wrap up this series on fear. Thanks to some incredible gifts of God, we can kick worry and fear to the curb. He enables us to build a faith that is stronger than our fear!Link to the listener survey - thanks so much for taking the time to participate!In this episode, we will examine the last two God-given gifts that enable us to live fear-free. *** What you'll hear about worry and fear - and how faith makes them powerless - in Episode #43:Why my daughter's chocolate chip cookies are ALWAYS better than mine - even tho we use the same recipeHow to respond when God's protection doesn't seem very protectiveGod's response during one of my absolute lowest momentsMy desired response when deliverance looks different than I hopeA true story about a brave mama bird who epitomizes the final gift God gives us to scatter our fear of eternityWhat my mid-life crisis taught me about the eternal love of my Heavenly Father - and how it can drive out fear foreverQuestions and suggestions to utilize these gifts to their fullest potential in your faith and over your fear***In Episode #41, I reintroduced you to a passage in Scripture that has been strengthening my faith and weakening my fear for months. I told you about the first of five gifts hiding in plain sight in Psalm 91 that God gives us to do away with our fear—God's presence. We unpacked what that looks like in real time and learned some practical strategies. So head back to episode #41 if you missed it.)Then, in Episode 42, I shared with you the next two gifts mentioned in Psalm 91—God's pockets (abundant resources) and His person (character). Again, I shed new light on some mindset shifts and ways to live these out. Head back to that episode for more on kicking your worry and fear to the curb.Subscribe to my bi-monthly newsletter, "Musings for UnPerfect Ponderers" here:
42 | Living Fearless: A Practical Guide to Kicking Worry and Fear to the Curb - part 2
May 21 2024
42 | Living Fearless: A Practical Guide to Kicking Worry and Fear to the Curb - part 2
Send me a text here! I’d love to hear from you.I am no stranger to stressing over the "what ifs" of life. But I've found five fear-starving gifts presented in Psalm 91 to be an absolute balm to my fearful, worried soul! In episode #41, we talked about the first one - God's presence. Today, we explore the next two extraordinary gifts God gives us to combat the natural inclinations of our faithless flesh. Whether you fear what could happen five years from now or five minutes from now, I think you'll find hope in today's episode!In Episode #42 you'll find out:Some fun facts - a few phobias you may not know about and a word in Kinyarwandan we mistranslated from our Rwandan kids for years (just another addition to our parenting fails)What's in your "wallet" when it comes to fleeing fearEncouragement for times when prayer seems futileWhat truly knowing God's name has to do with drop-kicking fearThe first person in Scripture to give God a name - and how you can, tooSome questions to consider concerning your specific fearsHow to make a "Goliath" list, then replace it with a "God's-Got-This" listSome scriptures mentioned in this episode:Deuteronomy 8:4Matthew 7:7-11Revelation 19:11Psalm 91:11-14A special resource mentioned in today's episode for parents of high schoolers facing fears concerning their child's graduation or adult children reentering the home: Sending Your Senior. Check out this three-episode podcast series by Biltmore Church. (Spoiler alert: You'll hear a few more "unperfect" parenting stories by me and my hubs.)Link to the listener survey - thanks so much for taking the time to participate!Subscribe to my bi-monthly newsletter, "Musings for UnPerfect Ponderers" here:
40 | 4 Practical Steps to Trade One Habit for Another - part 2
May 7 2024
40 | 4 Practical Steps to Trade One Habit for Another - part 2
Send me a text here! I’d love to hear from you.In Episode #40, writer/speaker/ministry leader Jody Allen and I continue our conversation on making changes by trading one habit for another. In episode #39, she shared her personal journey into trading one habit for another and gifted us with the first two steps in the process. Head there now if you missed the first part of this mini-series on habits trading—find it here!In today's episode, Jody gives us some practical steps for making trades in our habits to create real change. Next, she offers tried and true encouragement as we engage in the process.  Listen in to hear more on the following:Why we don't have to be victims of our choicesThe balance between our efforts and God's empowermentHow the changes God makes in us are more permanentWhy our motivation makes a difference in our successRecognizing how Satan plays both "sides" to keep you defeatedHow to use the three circles diagram to trade bad choices for healthy ones and perceive areas of caution (free printable download here)What the famous swimmer Florence Chadwick can teach us about staying the courseFinally, today's episode was packed full of wisdom from God's Word! Check them out for further study: 2 Corinthians 5:17, Psalm 121:1-2, John 8:32, 1 Corinthians 10:13, 1 Peter 5:8, Psalm 28:7, Hebrews 12:1-2, Galatians 6:9Grab your printable copy of the 3 Circles Diagram here - I'll send it straight to your inbox.Subscribe to my bi-monthly newsletter, "Musings for UnPerfect Ponderers" here:
39 | 4 Practical Steps to Trade One Habit for Another
Apr 30 2024
39 | 4 Practical Steps to Trade One Habit for Another
Send me a text here! I’d love to hear from you.What if that habit you know you need to curb could be changed by a more intentional system than just self-discipline or an act of the will? In episode #39 of The UN-Perfect Podcast, we'll learn how to trade one habit for a better one. Out with the old, in with the new! I thoroughly enjoyed my interview with speaker/writer/ministry leader Jody Allen in this episode. She is wise (she once talked a tow truck driver into NOT towing her car out of an illegal parking spot), witty (she constantly makes me laugh—often at myself), strong (she birthed twins—need I say more?), and she LOVES Jesus. Fortunately for you as listeners, she also loves spiritually pouring into the lives of women!In this 2-episode series, Jody teaches us a new way to eliminate an old habit/behavior/mindset. Listen to hear Jody talk about:trades she has made in her own lifethe power of an outside voiceseeking God for the trades we need to makewhy change is absolutely possible for the believerthe enemy's role in holding us back from changeBe sure to stay tuned for the rest of Jody's interview in episode #40.Want to hear more from Jody or have her speak for your women's event or retreat? Find her at her website, Want a little more help changing some habits and mindsets that are keeping you from fully living the abundant life Jesus promises? Check out Embracing UN-Perfect, a 7-day email/recording dive that will give you Biblical insights and strategies to overcome the hurdles keeping you stuck.Subscribe to my bi-monthly newsletter, "Musings for UnPerfect Ponderers" here:
38 |  How to Ditch Your Regret and Embrace Hope - part 2
Apr 23 2024
38 | How to Ditch Your Regret and Embrace Hope - part 2
Send me a text here! I’d love to hear from you.As women, we often find ourselves stuck in the misery and disappointment of past regret. But God’s Word and the gospel of hope grant us a more productive and purposeful trajectory.Today, we are once again diving into ditching our regret and embracing hope.In episode #37 - How To Ditch Your Regret and Embrace Hope - part 1, we looked at two different types of regrets we often hold on to. We also found new narratives to replace the lies the enemy wants to keep us stuck in. Next, we discovered how and why the antithesis of regret - hope - gets the final say over our regret.In episode #38, we will look at two last essential truths we must understand to move from regret to hope, which will answer these questions:What role does Jesus play in helping us move past our regrets?Who is a Biblical example of successfully putting regret behind him and moving forward in faithfulness?How does this example give us hope?What's the best strategy for leaving the paralyzing place of deep regret?Finally, This episode was jam-packed with what God's Word says about regret AND hope, including these scriptures: Romans 15:4, 13Philippians 3:13-15Romans 5:8Joel 2:25Ezekiel 36:26Isaiah 61:31 Peter 1 and 31 Corinthians 15:3-51 Samuel 15:35-16:1More episodes like this one:#18 - The UN-Perfect Women God Chooses#31 - Restoration from Spiritual Brokenness in the Grace of Jesus#33 - Hidden Relationship WreckersSubscribe to my bi-monthly newsletter, "Musings for UnPerfect Ponderers" here:
37 | How to Ditch Your Regret and  Embrace Hope - part  1
Apr 17 2024
37 | How to Ditch Your Regret and Embrace Hope - part 1
Send me a text here! I’d love to hear from you.As women, we often find ourselves stuck in the misery and disappointment of past regret. But God's Word and the gospel of hope grant us a more productive and purposeful trajectory...In episode #37 of The UN-Perfect Podcast, we begin a two-part series on handling regret through a Biblical lens. There are four fundamental truths we must realize and take to heart in order to move past a regret. This week we will discuss:How the enemy uses regret to distort the truthTwo types of regret we all experience and two statements of assurance to remember when we begin to rehearse our regretsHow the Greek word for hope in the New Testament shines light on our focus during times of regret or hopeCheck out the following scriptures concerning regret and hope:Ephesians 3:20Philippians 3:13-15Romans 15:4Romans 15:13Want to hear more on this topic? Check out the following episodes and resources...Episode #27  - Overcoming Anger with Elizabeth of  Emotionally Healthy Legacy PodcastEpisode #31 - Restoration for Sexual Brokenness  with Teresa WhitingEmbracing UN-Perfect: A 7-Day Dive to Fully Living the Life You Were Dealt.Each day of this email/recording resource covers topics like regret, comparison, insignificance, authenticity, worry, and more.Grab your free copy of The UN-Perfect Promises of God here.  This is a free printable download of 5 Biblical meditations for living in the now and the not-yet.Subscribe to my bi-monthly newsletter, "Musings for UnPerfect Ponderers" here:
36 | While Waiting: How to Make the Most of Waiting Through "Slower" Moments
Apr 9 2024
36 | While Waiting: How to Make the Most of Waiting Through "Slower" Moments
Send me a text here! I’d love to hear from you.Waiting. Not sure it's enjoyable for anyone. While waiting happened a lot to God's people in scripture, it also happens often to us in life. Sophia Light once wrote, "Once the waiting is over, whatever we were waiting for pales in comparison to the prize of his presence, which we already won in the waiting. "In Episode #36 of The UN-Perfect Podcast, I have a fun and meaningful conversation with author/poet Jody Lee Collins concerning our response and God's purposes for us while waiting.While we discuss everything from my poor gardening skills to "Dexter," her new garden gnome, the meat of our discussion is about waiting spaces. Listen in to hear Jody and I talk through the following:How our attitude toward waiting can be compared to a home renovation project...God's ultimate purpose for our lives - and how waiting makes this easier for Him to accomplish...A reading of one of Jody's poems, "Exodus 13" from her book, Mining the Bright Birds: Poems of Longing for Home...How the "shadows" and "fog" of waiting actually enable us to see more clearly...Some great advice Jody would give a younger version of herself...Jody Lee Collins is the author of three books, two of which are collections of her poetry. A retired teacher, Jody began writing when Smith Corona typewriters graced the desk of her 8th-grade typing class. Nowadays, you can find her work online at her website or on Substack. When she’s not visiting with grandkids or writing at her desk, she enjoys watching birds from the back deck and messing about in her Seattle land garden.Visit Jody at her website,, or on her Substack.Order her book, Mining the Bright Birds: Poems of Longing for Home, here.For more on this topic, check out the following:episode #15 When Best-Laid Plans Unravel - Delayedepisode #32 Finding Jesus in the Land of My CaptivityHow To Know God Is Enough, Even if You Never Bless Me Again. (blog post)The quote from Sophia Light came from this article.Subscribe to my bi-monthly newsletter, "Musings for UnPerfect Ponderers" here:
30 | How to Ultimately Trust God With My Kids' Heart
Feb 27 2024
30 | How to Ultimately Trust God With My Kids' Heart
Send me a text here! I’d love to hear from you.If there's anything I've learned as a parent, it's that I am ultimately NOT in control of my child's outcomes. Today, I am joined by author/podcaster Laurie Christine. She gives us truth and hope as we answer the question, "How can I trust God with my kid's heart?"In episode #29 of The UN-Perfect Pocast, Laurie Christine shares her personal story of navigating through the challenges of raising a child with a congenital heart defect. She discusses the journey of trusting God with her son's physical heart along with reflecting on the importance of trusting God with our kids' spiritual hearts. Listen in to hear her answers to the following questions:Why Is It Hard to Trust God With My Kid's Heart?...First, Laurie begins by listing the reasons we often find it difficult to trust God with the outcomes of our children's spiritual lives, ranging from fear to our deep understanding of this world's brokenness.What Does It Look Like to Trust God With My Kid's Heart?Next, we discuss what it looks like (and doesn't look like) to entrust our kids' hearts to Jesus, going into detail about intentionality and our knowledge of God's character.Listen in as Laurie exhorts us in our parenting journeys through the lens of God's eternal Word. Also, click on the link below for a special resource to encourage you in your prayer life for your kids entitled"Confident Prayers."For more episodes or blogs on this topic, check out the following:Episode #16 Leaving the Results to God (Interview with author Kimberlee Ireton)Trusting God With Enough for Today, blogpost at www.shellysnead.comWhy Your Family Doesn't Need A Good Mom, blogpost at www.shellysnead.comSubscribe to my bi-monthly newsletter, "Musings for UnPerfect Ponderers" here:
29 | Healthy Ways to Listen to the Stories Others Tell
Feb 20 2024
29 | Healthy Ways to Listen to the Stories Others Tell
Send me a text here! I’d love to hear from you.Most of us were never taught healthy ways to listen to the stories others were telling us. In today's episode, we'll discuss how we view others' stories and practical strategies to be more present as we listen to them.Healthy Ways to Listen: Giving dignity to the stories others are sharing…In Episode #28 of The UN-Perfect Podcast, we discussed the value of our own stories – no matter how simple or complex they may be. God wants to use our stories in the lives of those around us that only WE can influence. In episode #29, we carry this discussion into the value of the stories of those around us. Often, we invent inaccurate stories about others and fail to value the one God has given them.Healthy Ways to Listen: Strategies for exhibiting the with-ness of God as we sit with others in their stories… Emanuel. God with us. Jesus is our ultimate example for sitting with others in their stories and reflecting the very presence of God. (Matthew 1:23) Next, we discuss practical ways to refrain from “selfish listening” and move toward healthy listening. This involves our posture, eyes, and the words we say – and refrain from saying – as we listen to another share their story. Listen in to hear the specifics (plus some behind-the-scenes to my podcast hosting techniques that may surprise you:).Interested in taking an empathic listening course to improve your ability to listen to the stories others tell?  If you are local to Western North Carolina, you can find one at if you’re listening in from afar, there are lots of great resources listed on the site, so check it out!Thanks for sharing this episode link with others on your social media feeds!Take advantage of one of the free Episode Image: Image by Mircea Iancu from PixabayOutro Music Credit: Music by Pavel Bekirov from PixabaySubscribe to my bi-monthly newsletter, "Musings for UnPerfect Ponderers" here:
26 | Becoming Fearless
Jan 30 2024
26 | Becoming Fearless
Send me a text here! I’d love to hear from you.In episode #26 of the UN-Perfect Podcast, we delve into fear and its implications for our spiritual lives. Fear is not a one-size-fits-all package, and understanding its different aspects can help us live fearlessly.We unpack three types of fear - timidity/cowardice, fear of tomorrow (the unknowns and the knowns, the "what-ifs"), and fear of eternity - and look to God's word for hope, peace, and the next steps to move out of fear and into confident security and rest.Some scriptures found in today's episode:2 Timothy 1:5-8Matthew 25:14-30Psalm 911 John 4:18 (with  Matthew 14:26 and John 20:19)Matthew 10:28 Powerful Quotes shared in the episode:* When a train goes through a tunnel, and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.  - Corrie Ten Boom* If the Lord be with us, we have no cause of fear.  His eye is upon us, His arm over us, His ear open to our prayer – His grace sufficient, His promise unchangeable. Under his protection, though the path of duty should lie through fire and water, we may cheerfully and confidently pursue it.  - John Newton* Everything you’re afraid could happen. It might even happen. But if you are safely tucked under my wings, my protective shield, if you know me like you know your own soul, YOU DON’T HAVE TO FEAR IT.  - Shelly Snead* Even the enemy needs permission from God to do what he wants with you.  - Joyce Rachelle* ...Even when our deliverance doesn’t look the way we thought it would - He is still protecting us. Sometimes, deliverance comes through a crown of thorns and a cross, not just a healing or a miracle. I want to be so tightly resting under his feathers that I’m no longer fearful of which route he chooses. - Shelly SneadTake a 7-day journey toward living fully in the midst of life's imperfections. We cover getting over hurdles like worry, insignificance, and regret and offer hope and action steps to propel you into purpose, peace, and contentment: Embracing UnPerfect - a 7-Day Dive to Living Fully the Life You've Been DealtFor information on joining the Voxer group to memorize Psalm 91 with us, click HERE (through the end of February 2024) or simply send me an email at for more encouragement as you live in the now and the not-yet? Check out my free printable resource,  “The UN-perfect Promises of God," here. It’s a  download of 5 Biblical meSubscribe to my bi-monthly newsletter, "Musings for UnPerfect Ponderers" here:
25 | 12 Reasons You Don't Have Peace at Your Table Part 2
Jan 23 2024
25 | 12 Reasons You Don't Have Peace at Your Table Part 2
Send me a text here! I’d love to hear from you.Today, in episode 25, I continue my discussion with registered dietician Jane Curry Weber for part 2 of 12 Reasons You Don’t Have Peace at Your Table. If you missed part one, head back to episode 24, where we cover the first eight reasons you don’t have peace at your table. They ranged from feeling rushed or not even having a table available to giving shame a seat, food scars, and emotional eating, to name a few. Jane is a Dietitian who has helped individuals and families work towards better nutrition for 20+ years.  Listen in as she discusses the remainder of her "12 Reasons You Don't Have Peace at Your Table."·       9. Picky eating – some who dine with you will not eat what you make, no matter how hard you try.·       10. Cravings take over, and you feel out of control when you eat.·       11. Cooking skills – they are not there yet, or you simply have no interest. ·       12. You’re not setting a place for Peace itself at your table yet. And if you are being honest, you don’t see how that will change anything. Jane offers several wonderful suggestions and strategies to help us overcome these barriers to peace. AND, she is offering a very valuable and FREE resource JUST FOR YOU to help get you started! Click the link  to grab your free copy of “7 Steps To Bring Peace To Your Table.”For more strategies on tweaking your cravings, check out Jane’s helpful posts, “How Food Cravings Overwhelm & 5ish Strategies to Conquer Them” and “2 Easy Tweaks to Create Balanced Eating (and Tone Down Cravings)”For Jane’s blog post on this topic, entitled “12 Reasons We Don’t Have Peace At Our Table“, visit her blog and community on substack, The Contented Table.For the blog post Jane mentioned entitled "What Is Anointed Motherhood" by Monica Switzer, head over here. For information on joining the Voxer group to memorize Psalm 91 with us, click HERE (through the end of February, 2024), or simply send me an email at to my bi-monthly newsletter, "Musings for UnPerfect Ponderers" here: