Reiki with Bronwen

Bronwen Logan

Keep up to date with the latest from "Reiki with Bronwen" with Bronwen Logan. Bronwen is a renowned Reiki author (think The Japanese Art of Reiki, The Reiki Sourcebook, Your Reiki Treatment, Reiki Techniques Card Deck), Reiki blogger, podcaster (The Reiki Show, Reiki Women Podcast) and teacher (International House of Reiki, Reiki with Bronwen).

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Urban Crow Oracle Meditations: Card 14
Nov 27 2023
Urban Crow Oracle Meditations: Card 14
Welcome to the playlist, "Urban Crow Oracle Meditations" by Bronwen Logan! YOU'LL HAVE TO WATCH THE VIDEO TO FIND OUT WHAT TODAY'S CARD IS.Hi, it's me Bronwen Logan, and I've got a question for you. Have you ever picked a tarot card or an oracle card and thought, Wow, that is really true for me right now... but what do I do about it? Well, I have. And, I think I've found an answer.With over 20 years of dedicated meditation practice and instruction, complemented by a deep immersion in both Eastern and Western philosophies, as well as rich cultural insights gained from extensive travel and innate curiosity, I've cultivated a unique and profound expertise. It is the crafting of bespoke guided meditations tailored to virtually any scenario, drawing from symbology, foundational meditation principles, and real-life contexts.What this boils down to is that I have a knack for creating supportive and practical meditations for each and any card that is picked randomly from a tarot or oracle deck. I am currently working with these Urban Crow Cards by MJ Cullinane: is not fascinated by crows? I certainly am. These cards have been sitting on my desk calling me to do something more with them, and I've found it: create practices to delve into their meanings. Crows are mystical characters and can be found throughout mythology in the east and the west and even in my own personal mythology (you can read about that here: to my channel for weekly card insights and practices. Not only will you learn about them, but you'll also have the opportunity to truly experience their essence.This is all about you, and your self-development!Don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel to stay updated with the latest videos from Bronwen:    / @bronwenlogan    See you at:https://www.ReikiwithBronwen.comSupport the showCheck out my website at my facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning. To subscribe just click support means the world to me and our community. x B
Should You Take the Risk?
Nov 19 2023
Should You Take the Risk?
In life, we often come across situations where taking a risk can lead us to success. These risks can range from making a career change to starting a new business venture. But how do we know if the risk is worth it? Think of a situation where you may be taking a risk. Close your eyes and visualize it. Can you feel the anticipation in your body? It’s a mix of excitement and fear, right? That’s completely normal. Taking risks is not always easy, but it is often necessary for personal and professional growth. Now, consider whether this risk will lead you to success.#risk #reiki #bronwenloganSupport the showCheck out my website at my facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning. To subscribe just click support means the world to me and our community. x B
What Does Reiki Feel Like?
Nov 19 2023
What Does Reiki Feel Like?
In a world filled with constant noise and distraction, finding a moment of stillness and connection is rare. For those who practise the system of Reiki, these moments take the form of profound and often subtle sensations. But what does Reiki, the energy, feel like, and how can we tune into it amidst the chaos of daily life?A Subtle NatureThis Japanese healing art is renowned for its ability to bring us back to an innate remembering of balance and wholeness. On occasion, when we are aligned to taking a step far greater than that of everyday humankind, this can be life-altering. Yet, its effects are more often experienced as delicate and nuanced, far from the dramatic fireworks some might expect. This subtlety is not a limitation but rather a testament to its profound depth.#feelingreiki #beingreikiSupport the showCheck out my website at my facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning. To subscribe just click support means the world to me and our community. x B
Cooking with Hara for Grief
Nov 19 2023
Cooking with Hara for Grief
The act of preparing this simple, nurturing meal was a small gesture, yet it was a heartfelt reminder of the essence of our actions and presence. It’s about the intention we weave into the daily fabric of our lives, the depth of spirit we bring to each task, each interaction. We should also never forget to nurture our own lives when supporting others. In life’s ceaseless whirl, it’s all too easy to forget these things — but every once in a while, we’re graced with a moment that recalls us to the profound beauty of a fully-lived moment and the nurturing power of a well-cooked meal.#grief #hara #reikiSupport the showCheck out my website at my facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning. To subscribe just click support means the world to me and our community. x B
Urban Crow Oracle Meditations: Card 13
Nov 17 2023
Urban Crow Oracle Meditations: Card 13
Welcome to the playlist, "Urban Crow Oracle Meditations" by Bronwen Logan! YOU'LL HAVE TO WATCH THE VIDEO TO FIND OUT WHAT TODAY'S CARD IS.Hi, it's me Bronwen Logan, and I've got a question for you. Have you ever picked a tarot card or an oracle card and thought, Wow, that is really true for me right now... but what do I do about it? Well, I have. And, I think I've found an answer.With over 20 years of dedicated meditation practice and instruction, complemented by a deep immersion in both Eastern and Western philosophies, as well as rich cultural insights gained from extensive travel and innate curiosity, I've cultivated a unique and profound expertise. It is the crafting of bespoke guided meditations tailored to virtually any scenario, drawing from symbology, foundational meditation principles, and real-life contexts.What this boils down to is that I have a knack for creating supportive and practical meditations for each and any card that is picked randomly from a tarot or oracle deck. I am currently working with these Urban Crow Cards by MJ Cullinane: is not fascinated by crows? I certainly am. These cards have been sitting on my desk calling me to do something more with them, and I've found it: create practices to delve into their meanings. Crows are mystical characters and can be found throughout mythology in the east and the west and even in my own personal mythology (you can read about that here: to my channel for weekly card insights and practices. Not only will you learn about them, but you'll also have the opportunity to truly experience their essence.This is all about you, and your self-development!Don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel to stay updated with the latest videos from Bronwen:    / @bronwenlogan    See you at:https://www.ReikiwithBronwen.comCheck outmy website at https://www.ReikiwithBronwen.commy facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenloganSupport the showCheck out my website at my facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning. To subscribe just click support means the world to me and our community. x B
Reiki Techniques Card Deck: Card 16
Nov 7 2023
Reiki Techniques Card Deck: Card 16
My YouTube channel: #reiki #reikimeditation #healing #reikiguidesWATCH TO FIND OUT WHICH CARD WE GET TODAY!Welcome to this free youtube playlist, "Reiki Techniques Card Deck" by Reiki with Bronwen! Hi, it's me Bronwen Logan, and in this weekly video series, I'll be offering a unique opportunity to explore the transformative world of Reiki and meditation. Join me as we delve into the Reiki Techniques Card Deck, discovering new practices and enhancing our self-development journey.Each week, I'll pull a card from the deck and guide you through a meditation designed to align with the card's purpose. Together, we'll explore the profound benefits of these Reiki techniques, unlocking our inner potential and nurturing our well-being.Next, we'll select a card from the Reiki Techniques Card Deck. Drawing from an energetically balanced space, we'll receive the card's guidance and wisdom, allowing it to resonate with our intentions and aspirations.Don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel to stay updated with the latest videos from Reiki with Bronwen.  / @bronwenlogan   Prepare to embark on a transformative exploration of the Reiki Techniques Card Deck, and let the magic of meditation unfold.See you at:https://www.ReikiwithBronwen.comCheck outmy website at https://www.ReikiwithBronwen.commy facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenloganCheck outmy website at https://www.ReikiwithBronwen.commy facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenloganSupport the showCheck out my website at my facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning. To subscribe just click support means the world to me and our community. x B
Urban Crow Oracle Meditations: Card 12
Nov 7 2023
Urban Crow Oracle Meditations: Card 12
Welcome to the playlist, "Urban Crow Oracle Meditations" by Bronwen Logan! YOU'LL HAVE TO WATCH THE VIDEO TO FIND OUT WHAT TODAY'S CARD IS.Hi, it's me Bronwen Logan, and I've got a question for you. Have you ever picked a tarot card or an oracle card and thought, Wow, that is really true for me right now... but what do I do about it? Well, I have. And, I think I've found an answer.With over 20 years of dedicated meditation practice and instruction, complemented by a deep immersion in both Eastern and Western philosophies, as well as rich cultural insights gained from extensive travel and innate curiosity, I've cultivated a unique and profound expertise. It is the crafting of bespoke guided meditations tailored to virtually any scenario, drawing from symbology, foundational meditation principles, and real-life contexts.What this boils down to is that I have a knack for creating supportive and practical meditations for each and any card that is picked randomly from a tarot or oracle deck. I am currently working with these Urban Crow Cards by MJ Cullinane: is not fascinated by crows? I certainly am. These cards have been sitting on my desk calling me to do something more with them, and I've found it: create practices to delve into their meanings. Crows are mystical characters and can be found throughout mythology in the east and the west and even in my own personal mythology (you can read about that here: to my channel for weekly card insights and practices. Not only will you learn about them, but you'll also have the opportunity to truly experience their essence.This is all about you, and your self-development!Don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel to stay updated with the latest videos from Bronwen:    / @bronwenlogan    See you at:https://www.ReikiwithBronwen.comCheck outmy website at https://www.ReikiwithBronwen.commy facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenloganSupport the showCheck out my website at my facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning. To subscribe just click support means the world to me and our community. x B
Do Not Anger, Be Wrathful Compassion
Oct 31 2023
Do Not Anger, Be Wrathful Compassion
#fudo #dainichi # Reiki #bronwenlogan #wrathful compassion #anger I’ve often noticed that anger is perceived as a motivational force in our culture—a fiery catalyst that spurs us into action. While this might sound empowering on the surface, working with the Reiki Precepts and contemplating the precept “Do Not Anger” has made me question the true nature of this volatile emotion.Support the showCheck out my website at my facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning. To subscribe just click support means the world to me and our community. x B
How We Embed Unhelpful Stories Into Ourselves—And How to Unlearn Them
Oct 31 2023
How We Embed Unhelpful Stories Into Ourselves—And How to Unlearn Them
#storytelling #reiki #bronwenloganWe are, essentially, a collection of stories—tales we’ve been told, tales we tell ourselves, and tales we share with the world. But not all stories serve us well. Some are unhelpful narratives that we’ve unknowingly allowed to embed themselves deep within us, influencing our thoughts, behaviors, and even our destinities. These narratives might stem from childhood, societal expectations, or past experiences, and they often manifest as limiting beliefs or self-doubts.Support the showCheck out my website at my facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning. To subscribe just click support means the world to me and our community. x B
Can Vulnerability & Resilience Co-Exist?
Oct 31 2023
Can Vulnerability & Resilience Co-Exist?
#Vulnerability #resilience #bronwenlogan #reiki It’s confusing to understand how dual elements can come together to create a state of harmony and balance. Yet, in traditional Japanese Taoist and Buddhist practices, harmony often arises from the marriage of opposites. Think of it as the elegant dance between light and shadow, or the serene balance of elements in a Zen garden. In and Yo are the Japanese names for the more commonly known dual elements of Yin and Yang. These and other dual states aren’t seen as conflicting forces, but rather as complementary elements that enrich one another. Japanese philosophy teaches us that it’s in the unity of dual states that we find true balance. We can also see this in elements of the Japanese Reiki symbols and mantras. This understanding allows us to approach life not as a series of battles between opposing forces, but as sitting with acceptance to experience a harmonious whole.Support the showCheck out my website at my facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning. To subscribe just click support means the world to me and our community. x B
Stress Relief and its Connection to Traditional Japanese Reiki
Oct 31 2023
Stress Relief and its Connection to Traditional Japanese Reiki
#stress #reiki #vagusnerve #bronwenLoganWe often think of stress as a mental or emotional condition, but it doesn’t end there. Stress manifests physically, creating a ripple effect throughout our bodies. One key player in our body’s response to stress—and, importantly, our ability to heal—is the vagus nerve. This nerve plays a critical role in managing stress and I find there’s a connection between its innate purpose and the deep wisdom behind the system of Reiki.Support the showCheck out my website at my facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning. To subscribe just click support means the world to me and our community. x B
Urban Crow Oracle Meditations: Card 11
Oct 31 2023
Urban Crow Oracle Meditations: Card 11
Welcome to the playlist, "Urban Crow Oracle Meditations" by Bronwen Logan! YOU'LL HAVE TO WATCH THE VIDEO TO FIND OUT WHAT TODAY'S CARD IS.Hi, it's me Bronwen Logan, and I've got a question for you. Have you ever picked a tarot card or an oracle card and thought, Wow, that is really true for me right now... but what do I do about it? Well, I have. And, I think I've found an answer.With over 20 years of dedicated meditation practice and instruction, complemented by a deep immersion in both Eastern and Western philosophies, as well as rich cultural insights gained from extensive travel and innate curiosity, I've cultivated a unique and profound expertise. It is the crafting of bespoke guided meditations tailored to virtually any scenario, drawing from symbology, foundational meditation principles, and real-life contexts.What this boils down to is that I have a knack for creating supportive and practical meditations for each and any card that is picked randomly from a tarot or oracle deck. I am currently working with these Urban Crow Cards by MJ Cullinane: is not fascinated by crows? I certainly am. These cards have been sitting on my desk calling me to do something more with them, and I've found it: create practices to delve into their meanings. Crows are mystical characters and can be found throughout mythology in the east and the west and even in my own personal mythology (you can read about that here: to my channel for weekly card insights and practices. Not only will you learn about them, but you'll also have the opportunity to truly experience their essence.This is all about you, and your self-development!Don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel to stay updated with the latest videos from Bronwen:    / @bronwenlogan    See you at:https://www.ReikiwithBronwen.comCheck outmy website at https://www.ReikiwithBronwen.commy facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenloganSupport the showCheck out my website at my facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning. To subscribe just click support means the world to me and our community. x B
Reiki Techniques Card Deck: Card 15
Oct 19 2023
Reiki Techniques Card Deck: Card 15
My YouTube channel: #reiki #reikimeditation #healing #handsonhealing WATCH TO FIND OUT WHICH CARD WE GET TODAY!Welcome to this free youtube playlist, "Reiki Techniques Card Deck" by Reiki with Bronwen! Hi, it's me Bronwen Logan, and in this weekly video series, I'll be offering a unique opportunity to explore the transformative world of Reiki and meditation. Join me as we delve into the Reiki Techniques Card Deck, discovering new practices and enhancing our self-development journey.Each week, I'll pull a card from the deck and guide you through a meditation designed to align with the card's purpose. Together, we'll explore the profound benefits of these Reiki techniques, unlocking our inner potential and nurturing our well-being.Next, we'll select a card from the Reiki Techniques Card Deck. Drawing from an energetically balanced space, we'll receive the card's guidance and wisdom, allowing it to resonate with our intentions and aspirations.Don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel to stay updated with the latest videos from Reiki with Bronwen.  / @bronwenlogan   Prepare to embark on a transformative exploration of the Reiki Techniques Card Deck, and let the magic of meditation unfold.See you at:https://www.ReikiwithBronwen.comCheck outmy website at https://www.ReikiwithBronwen.commy facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenloganSupport the showCheck out my website at my facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning. To subscribe just click support means the world to me and our community. x B
Urban Crow Oracle Meditations: Card 10
Oct 19 2023
Urban Crow Oracle Meditations: Card 10
Welcome to the playlist, "Urban Crow Oracle Meditations" by Bronwen Logan! YOU'LL HAVE TO WATCH THE VIDEO TO FIND OUT WHAT TODAY'S CARD IS.Hi, it's me Bronwen Logan, and I've got a question for you. Have you ever picked a tarot card or an oracle card and thought, Wow, that is really true for me right now... but what do I do about it? Well, I have. And, I think I've found an answer.With over 20 years of dedicated meditation practice and instruction, complemented by a deep immersion in both Eastern and Western philosophies, as well as rich cultural insights gained from extensive travel and innate curiosity, I've cultivated a unique and profound expertise. It is the crafting of bespoke guided meditations tailored to virtually any scenario, drawing from symbology, foundational meditation principles, and real-life contexts.What this boils down to is that I have a knack for creating supportive and practical meditations for each and any card that is picked randomly from a tarot or oracle deck. I am currently working with these Urban Crow Cards by MJ Cullinane: is not fascinated by crows? I certainly am. These cards have been sitting on my desk calling me to do something more with them, and I've found it: create practices to delve into their meanings. Crows are mystical characters and can be found throughout mythology in the east and the west and even in my own personal mythology (you can read about that here: to my channel for weekly card insights and practices. Not only will you learn about them, but you'll also have the opportunity to truly experience their essence.This is all about you, and your self-development!Don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel to stay updated with the latest videos from Bronwen:    / @bronwenlogan    See you at:https://www.ReikiwithBronwen.comSupport the showCheck out my website at my facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning. To subscribe just click support means the world to me and our community. x B
Reiki Techniques Card Deck: Card 13
Oct 11 2023
Reiki Techniques Card Deck: Card 13
My YouTube channel: #reiki #reikimeditation #healing #handsonhealing WATCH TO FIND OUT WHICH CARD WE GET TODAY!Welcome to this free youtube playlist, "Reiki Techniques Card Deck" by Reiki with Bronwen! Hi, it's me Bronwen Logan, and in this weekly video series, I'll be offering a unique opportunity to explore the transformative world of Reiki and meditation. Join me as we delve into the Reiki Techniques Card Deck, discovering new practices and enhancing our self-development journey.Each week, I'll pull a card from the deck and guide you through a meditation designed to align with the card's purpose. Together, we'll explore the profound benefits of these Reiki techniques, unlocking our inner potential and nurturing our well-being.Next, we'll select a card from the Reiki Techniques Card Deck. Drawing from an energetically balanced space, we'll receive the card's guidance and wisdom, allowing it to resonate with our intentions and aspirations.Don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel to stay updated with the latest videos from Reiki with Bronwen.  / @bronwenlogan   Prepare to embark on a transformative exploration of the Reiki Techniques Card Deck, and let the magic of meditation unfold.See you at:https://www.ReikiwithBronwen.comSupport the showCheck out my website at my facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning. To subscribe just click support means the world to me and our community. x B
Urban Crow Oracle Meditations: Card 9
Oct 10 2023
Urban Crow Oracle Meditations: Card 9
Welcome to the playlist, "Urban Crow Oracle Meditations" by Bronwen Logan! YOU'LL HAVE TO WATCH THE VIDEO TO FIND OUT WHAT TODAY'S CARD IS.Hi, it's me Bronwen Logan, and I've got a question for you. Have you ever picked a tarot card or an oracle card and thought, Wow, that is really true for me right now... but what do I do about it? Well, I have. And, I think I've found an answer.With over 20 years of dedicated meditation practice and instruction, complemented by a deep immersion in both Eastern and Western philosophies, as well as rich cultural insights gained from extensive travel and innate curiosity, I've cultivated a unique and profound expertise. It is the crafting of bespoke guided meditations tailored to virtually any scenario, drawing from symbology, foundational meditation principles, and real-life contexts.What this boils down to is that I have a knack for creating supportive and practical meditations for each and any card that is picked randomly from a tarot or oracle deck. I am currently working with these Urban Crow Cards by MJ Cullinane: is not fascinated by crows? I certainly am. These cards have been sitting on my desk calling me to do something more with them, and I've found it: create practices to delve into their meanings. Crows are mystical characters and can be found throughout mythology in the east and the west and even in my own personal mythology (you can read about that here: to my channel for weekly card insights and practices. Not only will you learn about them, but you'll also have the opportunity to truly experience their essence.This is all about you, and your self-development!Don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel to stay updated with the latest videos from Bronwen:    / @bronwenlogan    See you at:https://www.ReikiwithBronwen.comSupport the showCheck out my website at my facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning. To subscribe just click support means the world to me and our community. x B
Urban Crow Oracle Meditations: Card 8
Oct 3 2023
Urban Crow Oracle Meditations: Card 8
Welcome to the playlist, "Urban Crow Oracle Meditations" by Bronwen Logan! YOU'LL HAVE TO WATCH THE VIDEO TO FIND OUT WHAT TODAY'S CARD IS.Hi, it's me Bronwen Logan, and I've got a question for you. Have you ever picked a tarot card or an oracle card and thought, Wow, that is really true for me right now... but what do I do about it? Well, I have. And, I think I've found an answer.With over 20 years of dedicated meditation practice and instruction, complemented by a deep immersion in both Eastern and Western philosophies, as well as rich cultural insights gained from extensive travel and innate curiosity, I've cultivated a unique and profound expertise. It is the crafting of bespoke guided meditations tailored to virtually any scenario, drawing from symbology, foundational meditation principles, and real-life contexts.What this boils down to is that I have a knack for creating supportive and practical meditations for each and any card that is picked randomly from a tarot or oracle deck. I am currently working with these Urban Crow Cards by MJ Cullinane: is not fascinated by crows? I certainly am. These cards have been sitting on my desk calling me to do something more with them, and I've found it: create practices to delve into their meanings. Crows are mystical characters and can be found throughout mythology in the east and the west and even in my own personal mythology (you can read about that here: to my channel for weekly card insights and practices. Not only will you learn about them, but you'll also have the opportunity to truly experience their essence.This is all about you, and your self-development!Don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel to stay updated with the latest videos from Bronwen:    / @bronwenlogan    See you at:https://www.ReikiwithBronwen.comSupport the showCheck out my website at my facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning. To subscribe just click support means the world to me and our community. x B
Reiki Techniques Card Deck: Card 12
Sep 27 2023
Reiki Techniques Card Deck: Card 12
WATCH TO FIND OUT WHICH CARD WE GET TODAY!Welcome to this free youtube playlist, "Reiki Techniques Card Deck" by Reiki with Bronwen! Hi, it's me Bronwen Logan, and in this weekly video series, I'll be offering a unique opportunity to explore the transformative world of Reiki and meditation. Join me as we delve into the Reiki Techniques Card Deck, discovering new practices and enhancing our self-development journey.Each week, I'll pull a card from the deck and guide you through a meditation designed to align with the card's purpose. Together, we'll explore the profound benefits of these Reiki techniques, unlocking our inner potential and nurturing our well-being.Next, we'll select a card from the Reiki Techniques Card Deck. Drawing from an energetically balanced space, we'll receive the card's guidance and wisdom, allowing it to resonate with our intentions and aspirations.Don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel to stay updated with the latest videos from Reiki with Bronwen.  / @bronwenlogan   Prepare to embark on a transformative exploration of the Reiki Techniques Card Deck, and let the magic of meditation unfold.See you at:https://www.ReikiwithBronwen.comSupport the showCheck out my website at my facebook page at my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning. To subscribe just click support means the world to me and our community. x B