Afford Anything

Paula Pant | Cumulus Podcast Network

You can afford anything, but not everything. We make daily decisions about how to spend money, time, energy, focus and attention – and ultimately, our life. How do we make smarter decisions? How do we think from first principles? On the surface, Afford Anything seems like a podcast about money and investing. But under the hood, this is a show about how to think critically, recognize our behavioral blind spots, and make smarter choices. We’re into the psychology of money, and we love metacognition: thinking about how to think. In some episodes, we interview world-class experts: professors, researchers, scientists, authors. In other episodes, we answer your questions, talking through decision-making frameworks and mental models. Want to learn more? Download our free book, Escape, at Hosted by Paula Pant. read less

Our Editor's Take

Living life to the fullest involves financial independence and solid decision-making. That is why podcasts such as Afford Anything are so popular. The top-ranked podcast offers life lessons interwoven with financial literacy. It is much more than a business advice podcast. It teaches lessons many people need to forge a healthy and productive lifestyle.

The podcast covers the financial basics—the stock market, entrepreneurship, and personal finance. But it also offers practical tips for personal and behavioral changes. In addition, the show provides different approaches and perspectives on business. The award-winning podcast boasts millions of downloads since its debut in 2016. Its success is unsurprising, as it has important discussions and information.

Paula Pant created and hosts the Afford Anything podcast. Paula has decades of experience as a financial commentator. She has written for MSN Money, Forbes, and The Washington Post. The podcast is the audio version of her personal finance website of the same title. Cohost Joe Saul-Sehy sometimes joins Paula on the show. Joe is the host of another popular podcast, Stacking Benjamins.

Afford Anything provides simplified versions of complex business issues. Financial topics are well summarized and articulated in a digestible manner. It's engaging, informal and offers strategies and insight. For example, real estate is a business most people tend to avoid. On the show, Paula does a great job of making real estate less formidable. The show emphasizes finding a balance in all aspects of life.

Some episodes of Afford Anything have a question-and-answer segment. Paula and Joe's responses are thorough and knowledgeable. Guests on the show range from financial advisors to life coaches. These include investment expert J. David Stein and fellow podcaster Dr. Jordan Grumet. They discuss investment portfolios, frameworks, and other engaging topics. New episodes drop several times each week.

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How to Master the Psychology of Persuasion, with Michael McQueen
2d ago
How to Master the Psychology of Persuasion, with Michael McQueen
#510: Maybe you’re trying to convince: – Your spouse | to embrace the FIRE movement. – Your teenage kids | to invest some of their summer job money in stocks. – Your neighbor | to sell you their house in a private, off-market deal. – Your boss | to give you more vacation time. – Your client | to pay you more. Today’s episode is about how to change minds, build trust, navigate conversations, and influence and persuade others. We chat with Michael McQueen, a social researcher, strategist, and the author of 10 books. He’s spoken alongside Bill Gates, Apple co-founder Steve Woznick and Dr. John C. Maxwell, and was named Australia’s Keynote Speaker of the Year. His latest book, Mindstuck, focuses on how to be more persuasive. Here are some of the ideas we cover: Stubbornness: We tend to be stubborn because of our inherent desire to protect our existing beliefs and identities. This is partly due to the fact that the human mind has a tendency to make quick judgments and resist challenges. Logical Fallacy: People often rely on confirmation bias and tribalism when evaluating information. We tend to favor information that aligns with our existing beliefs and groups we identify with. Complexity over Extremes: When presented with opposing viewpoints, exposure to extreme viewpoints can – counterintuitively – make people more entrenched in their own beliefs. Introducing complexity and nuance can foster a more open-minded approach. Here are some of his tips: Uncover the Hidden Fear Address the Loss Aversion Use "Right and Reflect" to Get People Talking Build Rapport and Choose the Right Moment Frame Your Message for Impact Move Beyond Persuasion and Focus on Progress McQueen elaborates on these tips in today’s podcast episode. Enjoy! For more information, visit the show notes at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jean Chatzky: The 50% Off Fallacy & Other Ways You're Sabotaging Your Savings [GREATEST HITS WEEK]
Apr 15 2024
Jean Chatzky: The 50% Off Fallacy & Other Ways You're Sabotaging Your Savings [GREATEST HITS WEEK]
Today’s guest is Jean Chatzky, financial editor for the TODAY Show, host of the HerMoney podcast and a frequent guest on TV shows like Oprah, Regis & Kelly, and The View. We discuss six money rules to guide your spending, including: #1: The more time you spend looking, the less happy you’ll be with what you find. #2: Your retirement trumps their tuition. #3: Losing money hurts more than it should. #4: Big numbers make smart people do stupid things. #5: Don’t lend money to friends & relatives, and don’t co-sign for loans. #6: If it's 50% off, it’s still 50% on. This leads us into discussing tactics to prevent wasteful spending, such as: -- The 10/10/10 Rule: How will you feel about this purchase in 10 minutes? 10 months? 10 years? -- The 24 Hour Rule: Delay the purchase by 24 hours. Do you still want it? -- Only Pay Full Price: Paradoxically, avoiding sales – and ONLY buying items at full price – might help you save more money in the long run. Finally, we chat about how to balance financial priorities when you and your spouse want different things. What if you want to retire early, but your spouse doesn’t? How do you handle this? Jean shares her ideas on these topics in this episode, which we originally recorded and aired in 2016. We're sharing this as part of GREATEST HITS WEEK, a 5-day series in which we're sharing 5 episodes, across 5 days, that we produced during the earliest years of the Afford Anything podcast. You may have missed it then; enjoy it now. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit