How Hacks Happen

Many Worlds Productions

Hacks, cyber crimes, and other shenanigans explored and explained. Presented by cyber security teacher and digital forensics specialist Michele Bousquet.

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Sony Hack
Feb 1 2022
Sony Hack
The hack of Sony Pictures Entertainment in 2014 was one of the most bizarre crimes of the decade. Instead of demanding money, the hackers threatened a terrorist attack on the USA if Sony didn't cancel the release of the film 'The Interview,' a comedy about two bumbling journalists who travel to North Korea and attempt to assassinate the country's Supreme Leader.  The release went forward anyway, and thankfully, the threats came to nothing. Enjoy the terrible English in the hackers' written threats against 'The Sony,' and Michele's terrible attempts at reading them aloud in a North Korean accent.Resources for this episode: the Show.Visit us on Patreon for bonus content and special offers! But only if you hate scams too.
Technology Peak: Why the Elderly Fall for Scams
Jan 15 2022
Technology Peak: Why the Elderly Fall for Scams
Why are older people so susceptible to scams? There could be a relationship to the music you loved in your teen years. Just as most of us have a Musical Peak in our teens, I propose that we also have a Technology Peak in our 20s-40s. Nudging our elderly relatives out of their Technology Peak,  and into the present, is the only way to break this pattern. And the only way to do it is by showing them.References:Study of link between  adolescent age and music preference: references: the Show.Visit us on Patreon for bonus content and special offers! But only if you hate scams too.
Blockchain and Bitcoin
Nov 15 2021
Blockchain and Bitcoin
You've heard of Bitcoin, but how does it work, and why are so many people talking about it? Let's talk about blockchain--the tech behind Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency--in plain English, including hashing, a key part of blockchain technology. We'll also talk about why people invest in cryptocurrency. Resources for this episodeDevelopment of blockchain:"A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" by Satoshi Nakamoto: Bitcoin value: fascinating original forum conversation about the pizza buy: accepted as currency: the key: blockchain works: the Show.Visit us on Patreon for bonus content and special offers! But only if you hate scams too.
Ashley Madison Breach
Oct 1 2021
Ashley Madison Breach
In July 2015, a very polite group of hackers called The Impact Team stole the data of over 30 million users from Ashley Madison, a website for cheating spouses, and threatened to dump it all over the dark web if the site wasn't shut down. The site stayed up, and the data went out. Learn about how hackers worldwide have used the data to blackmail users, the denials (and eventual resignations) of Ashley Madison executives, and the many clues, including the hackers' unusual level of politeness, that point to certain culprits. ResourcesPastebin notice of July 20: on Security report on breach: attributed to Ashley Madison breach: the Show.Visit us on Patreon for bonus content and special offers! But only if you hate scams too.