Filter: Biblical Clarity in a Confusing World

Aaron Shamp

Our world can be confusing. Many of us are looking for clarity in how to think about the many topics and problems in our culture. In 'Filter,' Aaron Shamp engages the questions we all face in conversation with expert guests. This show provides you with biblical clarity for our confusing world so that you can face the chaos of life with wisdom, integrity, and courage. read less
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Trevin Wax on the Praying through the Life of Jesus in 30 Days
Dec 5 2023
Trevin Wax on the Praying through the Life of Jesus in 30 Days
In this conversation, Trevin Wax talks about his book Life of Jesus in 30 Days and the prayer journey it offers. He explains the inspiration behind the book and the structure of the prayer journey, which involves praying three times a day. Trevin emphasizes the importance of punctuating the day with prayer and the compounding effect of regular prayer. He also discusses the benefits of engaging with different genres of Scripture in prayer and the importance of blending structure and spontaneity. Finally, Trevin addresses the challenges of busyness and distractions, offering encouragement to maintain prayer discipline.Trevin Wax is vice president of research and resource development at the North American Mission Board and a visiting professor at Cedarville University. A former missionary to Romania, Trevin is a regular columnist at The Gospel Coalition and has contributed to The Washington Post, Religion News Service, World, and Christianity Today, which named him one of 33 millennials shaping the next generation of evangelicals. He has served as general editor of The Gospel Project and has taught courses on mission and ministry at Wheaton College. He is the author of multiple books, including The Thrill of Orthodoxy, Rethink Your Self, This Is Our Time, and Gospel Centered Teaching.SHOW NOTES: THIS PODCAST: Chapters00:00 Introduction to the conversation01:36 The inspiration behind the book 'Life of Jesus'04:07 The structure and purpose of the prayer journey05:21 The significance of praying three times a day08:19 The benefits of punctuating the day with prayer10:09 The compounding effect of regular prayer11:28 The importance of structure and spontaneity in prayer17:01 The value of engaging with different genres of Scripture23:28 The benefits of blending different genres in prayer35:04 Dealing with busyness and maintaining prayer disciplines41:08 Overcoming distractions and making time for prayer42:44 Challenges of Distraction and Temptation43:32 Reorienting Ourselves to God43:45 Becoming More Like Jesus44:42 Revolutionizing Prayer Life45:11 Recommendation and Conclusion––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Track: Perseverance — Land of Fire [Audio Library Release]Music provided by Audio Library Plus​––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Drew Dyck on Just Show Up and the Power of Small Acts of Faithfulness
Nov 27 2023
Drew Dyck on Just Show Up and the Power of Small Acts of Faithfulness
In this Filter episode, I talked with Drew Dyck about his new book, Just Show Up: How Small Acts of Faithfulness Change Everything. Dyck shares his insights on the power of persistence and the significance of everyday faithfulness, challenging the common belief that only big, bold moments matter. He emphasizes the importance of showing up for God, family, community, and oneself, and how these small acts of obedience to God accumulate into a life of meaning and impact. Dyck's candid reflections on his journey, coupled with inspiring stories of ordinary people saying yes to God, offer us a practical demonstration of the power of faithfulness in every area of life.Drew Dyck is an editor at Moody Publishers and the former managing editor of Leadership Journal. He is the author of several books, including Your Future Self Will Thank You: Secrets to Self-Control from the Bible and Brain Science (Moody, 2019). Drew’s work has been featured in Christianity Today, Relevant, and He lives with his wife, Grace, and their three children, near Portland, Oregon. Connect with Drew at or on Twitter @DrewDyck.SHOW NOTES: THIS PODCAST: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Track: Perseverance — Land of Fire [Audio Library Release]Music provided by Audio Library Plus​––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Neil Shenvi on Critical Dilemma and Responding to Social Justice Ideologies
Nov 14 2023
Neil Shenvi on Critical Dilemma and Responding to Social Justice Ideologies
I’m excited to present another episode featuring Neil Shenvi, co-author of Critical Dilemma. In this conversation, we unravel the complexities of contemporary critical theories like critical race theory and social justice ideology. Shenvi and co-author Pat Sawyer navigate the implications of these theories for society and the church, condemning racism while advocating for racial healing and unity. Their book balances the valid insights of critical theory with critical analysis, exposing its foundational flaws. Praised for its scholarly depth and accessibility, Critical Dilemma offers a nuanced understanding of these divisive theories. It provides a valuable resource for addressing societal challenges and engaging with illiberal progressive arguments. Neil Shenvi has an A.B. in chemistry from Princeton and a Ph.D. in theoretical chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley. He was a research scientist at Yale University and Duke University and has published over thirty peer-reviewed scientific papers. In addition, his writings on critical theory have been published by the Journal of Christian Legal Thought, the Gospel Coalition, Eikon, Ratio Christi, and the Liberty University Law Review, among others. He is married and currently homeschools his four children.SHOW NOTES: THIS PODCAST: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Track: Perseverance — Land of Fire [Audio Library Release]Music provided by Audio Library Plus​––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Jonathan Leeman on the Meaning, Limits, and Use of Authority
Oct 9 2023
Jonathan Leeman on the Meaning, Limits, and Use of Authority
What does the Bible have to say about authority? The use of power is addressed all over Scripture and is relevant to every area of our lives. Authority is used in our homes, churches, workplaces, and the broader society. Jonathan Leeman joins the show on this episode to discuss these topics along with his new book Authority.Jonathan Leeman is the editorial director for 9Marks. After doing undergraduate and graduate degrees in political science, Jonathan began his career in journalism where he worked as an editor for an international economics magazine in Washington, D.C. Since his call to ministry, Jonathan has earned a master of divinity and a Ph.D. in theology and worked as an interim pastor.Today he edits the 9Marks series of books as well as the 9Marks Journal and is the co-host of Pastors Talk. He has written for a number of publications and is the author or editor of a number of books.Jonathan lives with his wife and four daughters in a suburb of Washington, DC and serves as an elder at Cheverly Baptist Church. He teaches adjunctively at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the Reformed Theological Seminary. You can follow him on Twitter at @Jonathan Leeman.SHOW NOTES: THIS PODCAST: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Track: Perseverance — Land of Fire [Audio Library Release]Music provided by Audio Library Plus​––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Justin Whitmel Earley on Made for People, Loneliness, and Covenant Friendship
Sep 18 2023
Justin Whitmel Earley on Made for People, Loneliness, and Covenant Friendship
I’m excited to welcome back one of my favorite guests in this episode of Filter. I had the privilege of talking with Justin Whitmel Early about his new book, Made For People. Justin is insightful, clear, and practical as always. We discussed the theological foundations for friendship, what Justin calls “covenant friendship,” and practical ways to cultivate these kinds of friendship.Justin Whitmel Earley is a lawyer, author, and speaker from Richmond, VA. He graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in English Literature before spending four years in Shanghai, China, as a missionary. Justin got his law degree from the Georgetown University Law Center, and he now runs his own business law practice in Richmond, Virginia at Earley Legal Group.His book, The Common Rule – Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction, was published with InterVarsity Press in 2019. He frequently speaks at businesses and legal events on habits, technology, and mental health; and at churches and conferences on habits, spiritual formation, and parenting. His second book, Habits of the Household – Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms, was released with Zondervan in November of 2021. Justin also writes fiction and poetry and is working on a children's book. He is married to Lauren and has four sons – Whit, Asher, Coulter, and Shep.SHOW NOTES: THIS PODCAST: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Track: Perseverance — Land of Fire [Audio Library Release]Music provided by Audio Library Plus​––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Barry Rowan on the Spiritual Art of Business, Calling, and Connecting Faith to Career
Sep 11 2023
Barry Rowan on the Spiritual Art of Business, Calling, and Connecting Faith to Career
In this episode of Filter, I am pleased to welcome Barry Rowan to discuss his new book The Spiritual Art of Business. Drawing from his forty years of experience in corporate leadership, Barry teaches us about pursuing value in our relationship with God and bringing that value to work. He shares wisdom that applies to all of our lives whether you are in business, education, ministry, and even at home. I must confess that this episode immediately became one of my favorites, and I know you’ll enjoy it too. Barry Rowan is a Harvard Business School graduate who served his entire career in C-Suite roles. He has been instrumental in building and transforming eight businesses, primarily in the technology and communication space, with one selling for $10 billion. His leadership experience spans both private and public companies, including Gogo (the inflight connectivity company), Vonage, Nextel Partners, and Fluke Corporation.Based on his belief in giving back, Barry serves on both for-profit and non-profit boards, mentors young leaders, and leads international study trips. His non-profit boards have included InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Seattle Pacific University, Gordon College, the Gonzaga University Entrepreneurial Leadership Program, and advisory boards for Harvard Business School. He also served as president of Bellevue Christian School.Deeply immersed in Scripture and the classic spiritual writers, Barry is deeply committed to contemplation and prayer, leading him to complete a month-long silent retreat immediately following his retirement from a full-time executive career. His friends have dubbed him a “corporate mystic.”Barry is married to Linda, his wife of over forty-two years, and they have two adult sons. Together they are now engaged in multiple lines of service including walking with the poor and investing in the next generation of leaders. Their commitment to the poor has taken them to Central America over twenty times. They are members of the National Leadership Council of World Vision and support local organizations breaking the poverty cycle through sustainable programs.SHOW NOTES: THIS PODCAST: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Track: Perseverance — Land of Fire [Audio Library Release]Music provided by Audio Library Plus​––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Jason Thacker on The Age of AI
Aug 14 2023
Jason Thacker on The Age of AI
Jason Thacker joins the show to discuss the growth of AI technologies. The widespread accessibility of generative AI, such as ChatGPT, raises theological and ethical questions that thoughtful Christians must address. We cover these topics and explore the influence of the advanced digital age.Jason Thacker serves as an assistant professor of philosophy and ethics at Boyce College in Louisville, KY. He also is a research fellow in Christian ethics and director of the research institute at The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. He is the author of several books including Following Jesus in the Digital Age and The Age of AI: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity. He also serves as the editor of The Digital Public Square: Christian Ethics in a Technological Society and co-editor of the Essentials in Christian Ethics series with B&H Academic. He is the project leader and lead drafter of Artificial Intelligence: An Evangelical Statement of Principles, and his work has been featured at Slate, Politico, The Week, USA Today, Christianity Today, World Magazine, The Gospel Coalition, and Desiring God.Check out the full show notes for this episode: THIS PODCAST: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Track: Perseverance — Land of Fire [Audio Library Release]Music provided by Audio Library Plus​––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Nancy Pearcey on The Toxic War on Masculinity, Part 2
Jun 5 2023
Nancy Pearcey on The Toxic War on Masculinity, Part 2
Welcome back to this special two-part interview with Professor Nancy Pearcey to celebrate hitting 100 episodes here on Filter. If you missed part 1, I’d recommend going back to catch up. However, you’ll still get a lot out of part 2, even if you don’t. In this second segment, we continue our discussion on her latest book The Toxic War on Masculinity, exploring the roots of our cultural battle over masculinity, evaluating the voices and influences surrounding masculinity, and discussing how churches can better engage men.Nancy Pearcey is the author of the upcoming book The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes. Her most recently published book is Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality. Her earlier books include The Soul of Science, Saving Leonardo, Finding Truth, and two ECPA Gold Medallion Award Winners: How Now Shall We Live (coauthored with Harold Fickett and Chuck Colson) and Total Truth. Her books have been translated into 19 languages. She is professor and scholar in residence at Houston Christian University. A former agnostic, Pearcey has spoken at universities such as Princeton, Stanford, USC, and Dartmouth. She has been quoted in The New Yorker and Newsweek, highlighted as one of the five top women apologists by Christianity Today, and hailed in The Economist as "America's pre-eminent evangelical Protestant female intellectual."Check out the full show notes for this episode.SUPPORT THIS PODCAST ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Track: Perseverance — Land of Fire [Audio Library Release]Music provided by Audio Library Plus​––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Nancy Pearcey on The Toxic War on Masculinity, Part 1
May 29 2023
Nancy Pearcey on The Toxic War on Masculinity, Part 1
I’m thrilled to bring you the 100th episode of Filter. This podcast has been a blast to host and I hope that all of you in our audience have been helped by it. To celebrate our 100th episode, I am pleased to present this special two-part interview with Nancy Pearcey. Professor Pearcey and I discuss her latest book The Toxic War on Masculinity. In Part 1, she shares her story and tells us about her time at L’Abri. We also cover why she wrote this book and what she is addressing. At the end of part 1, she also gives her critique of the popular book Jesus and John Wayne by Kristin Kobes Du Mez.Nancy Pearcey is the author of the upcoming book The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes. Her most recently published book is Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality. Her earlier books include The Soul of Science, Saving Leonardo, Finding Truth, and two ECPA Gold Medallion Award Winners: How Now Shall We Live (coauthored with Harold Fickett and Chuck Colson) and Total Truth. Her books have been translated into 19 languages. She is professor and scholar in residence at Houston Christian University. A former agnostic, Pearcey has spoken at universities such as Princeton, Stanford, USC, and Dartmouth. She has been quoted in The New Yorker and Newsweek, highlighted as one of the five top women apologists by Christianity Today, and hailed in The Economist as "America's pre-eminent evangelical Protestant female intellectual."Check out the full show notes for this episode: THIS PODCAST: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Track: Perseverance — Land of Fire [Audio Library Release]Music provided by Audio Library Plus​––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Mitchell Chase on Theology of the Fall, Genesis 3, and Our Calling in God's World
May 22 2023
Mitchell Chase on Theology of the Fall, Genesis 3, and Our Calling in God's World
In this thought-provoking episode of Filter, I engage in a fascinating conversation with Mitchell Chase, biblical studies professor at SBTS and author of the new book Short of Glory. Together, we dive into the depths of understanding Genesis 3 within its rich context and explore its profound implications across Scripture.Join us as we explore the profound meaning of the two trees in the Garden of Eden, gaining fresh perspectives on their significance and the choices they represent. Furthermore, we unravel the significance of the serpent, examining its role in the narrative and its symbolic meaning across the biblical narrative. Mitch also sheds light on Adam's calling to work and keep the garden, revealing insights into the profound purpose and responsibility entrusted to humanity.Through this insightful dialogue, you will gain a deeper understanding of Genesis 3 and its implications for our understanding of God's redemptive plan and the human experience. Prepare to be challenged, enlightened, and equipped with biblical clarity. Tune in to this profound discussion on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube. Mitchell L. Chase (Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is an associate professor of biblical studies at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also the preaching pastor of Kosmosdale Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky, and is the author of several books. He blogs regularly at Biblical Theology on Substack.Check out the full show notes for this episode: THIS PODCAST: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Track: Perseverance — Land of Fire [Audio Library Release]Music provided by Audio Library Plus​––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Joshua Rasmussen on Minds, Consciousness, and Artificial Intelligence
May 16 2023
Joshua Rasmussen on Minds, Consciousness, and Artificial Intelligence
In this episode of Filter, we delve into fascinating topics with Joshua Rasmussen, a renowned philosophy professor at Azusa Pacific University and author of Who Are You, Really? We'll explore the deep implications of the philosophy of mind, consciousness, and their relevance to Christian apologetics and worldview. We discussed the debates surrounding foundational reality and philosophy of mind, as well as explored the intriguing realms of consciousness and artificial intelligence. In this episode, you will gain new insights into what it means to be human and how these concepts intersect with matters of faith and reason. Joshua Rasmussen, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Philosophy, and his area of expertise is analytic metaphysics, with a focus on basic categories of reality, such as minds, states of affairs, and necessary existence. He is the author of several books, including Defending the Correspondence Theory of Truth (Cambridge University Press, 2014), Necessary Existence (with Pruss; Oxford University Press, 2015), How Reason Can Lead to God (IVP, 2019), and his latest book on consciousness, "Who Are you Really?". He is also the founder of the Worldview Design Training Center (, which brings together explorers in the project of building a great worldview. Check out the full show notes for this episode: SUPPORT THIS PODCAST: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Track: Perseverance — Land of Fire [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus​ –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– --- Send in a voice message: