Backwards Compatible

Dan Kemp

Welcome to "Backwards Compatible: A Generation 'S' Podcast," your new go-to destination for diving deep into the golden era of video games. Formerly known as "Generation 'S'," we've honed our focus to bring you an even richer journey through the nostalgic lanes of gaming history.

From the pixelated adventures on the NES to the immersive, high-definition worlds of the PS3 and Xbox 360, we cover it all. Each episode is a deep dive into the games that shaped us, discussing not just the games themselves, but the stories behind them, their impact on culture, and how they've influenced the gaming landscape today.

And "Backwards Compatible" isn't just about the games. It's about reliving the pop culture of the '90s and early 2000s through the lens of retro gaming. Remember the excitement of flipping through a gaming magazine, the thrill of finally beating that level you were stuck on for weeks, or the camaraderie of playing with friends? We bring all that back and more.

Whether you're a long-time listener from the "Generation 'S'" days or a newcomer eager to explore the history of video games, "Backwards Compatible" promises a blend of nostalgia, insight, and fun. Join us as we revisit the classics, uncover hidden gems, and share our personal stories of gaming glory. "Backwards Compatible: A Generation 'S' Podcast" is your all-access pass to the past, celebrating the legacy of video games and their place in our hearts and culture.

Let's rewind and play!

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Backwards Compatible #4 - X-Men (Sega Genesis/Megadrive)
Apr 24 2024
Backwards Compatible #4 - X-Men (Sega Genesis/Megadrive)
Text us and say hello!In episode 4 of "Backwards Compatible: A Generation 'S' Podcast," Lou and I dive into the mutant frenzy with "X-Men" for the Sega Genesis, released in March 1993. We explore how this game captured the essence of the beloved comic book characters, featuring a robust selection of mutants and challenging gameplay that made it a standout title of its era. We discuss how the game’s design and mechanics were ahead of their time, allowing players to switch between characters like Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and Gambit, each with unique abilities that influenced gameplay.Additionally, we share our thoughts on the '90s "X-Men" animated series, an essential part of our—and many others'—Saturday morning rituals, and compare it to the new "X-Men '97" series on Disney+. This comparison gives us a chance to discuss the evolution of X-Men media and its impact on both old and new generations of fans. As always, we wrap up the episode by reflecting on other pop culture highlights from March 1993, providing context for the era when the X-Men game was first making waves. Join us for this nostalgic journey back to the time when mutants ruled both the small screen and our gaming consoles.Also, if you want to jump right into the gaming discussion, scroll over to 24:08 on your podcast player, if you want to skip past our thoughts on other X-Men related stuff.Support the Show.We've got merch!Check out the site for some awesome Gen 'S' swag :)
Backwards Compatible #3 - Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Playstation 2, Nintendo Wii)
Apr 17 2024
Backwards Compatible #3 - Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Playstation 2, Nintendo Wii)
Text us and say hello!In episode 3 of "Backwards Compatible: A Generation 'S' Podcast," Lou and I switch on our proton packs and dive into "Ghostbusters: The Video Game," released in June 2009 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Celebrated as the unofficial third Ghostbusters movie, this game arrived with the blessing of the original film's cast and creative team, offering fans a new chapter in the beloved franchise. We explore how this game stood out as a significant improvement over its predecessors in the gaming world, capturing the spirit and humor of the Ghostbusters universe while introducing new ghostly adventures. We discuss its mechanics, storytelling, and how it manages to feel like a true extension of the films.This episode also gives us a chance to reminisce about our own experiences with all things Ghostbusters—from the iconic movies to the animated series—and how they shaped our fandom. "Ghostbusters: The Video Game" not only bridged the gap between old and new fans but did so with a depth that few licensed games achieve. We also tease some of the other pop culture moments from June 2009, setting the stage for how this game fit into a broader cultural context. Join us as we relive the excitement of strapping on a proton pack and busting some ghosts, reflecting on why this title holds a special place in the hearts of Ghostbusters fans and gamers alike.Support the Show.We've got merch!Check out the site for some awesome Gen 'S' swag :)
Backwards Compatible #2 - Star Wars Battlefront 2 (XBox, PS2, PC, PSP)
Apr 10 2024
Backwards Compatible #2 - Star Wars Battlefront 2 (XBox, PS2, PC, PSP)
Text us and say hello!In episode 2 of "Backwards Compatible: A Generation 'S' Podcast," Lou and I take a hyperspace jump back to 2005 to revisit "Star Wars Battlefront II," a game that not only set the gold standard for multiplayer combat but also allowed players to live out their grandest "Star Wars" fantasies across the Original Xbox, PS2, and PSP platforms. We delve into the game's groundbreaking features, such as the expansive galaxy-spanning battles, the introduction of Jedi and Sith characters as playable heroes, and the rich, narrative-driven campaign that brought fans closer to the "Star Wars" universe. This episode doesn't just cover the mechanics and gameplay; we also explore the cultural significance of "Star Wars Battlefront II" and how it arrived at a pivotal moment for both "Star Wars" enthusiasts and the gaming community, riding the wave of excitement following the prequel trilogy.Beyond the game itself, we engage in a broader "Star Wars" discussion, touching on its impact on pop culture, the evolution of its fandom, and how "Star Wars Battlefront II" contributed to the lore and appeal of the franchise. We reflect on how the game served as a bridge between the original and prequel trilogies for many fans, offering a unique way to experience iconic battles and characters. Through this episode, Lou and I aim to share not just a love for a game but an appreciation for its role in expanding the "Star Wars" saga and its enduring legacy in both gaming and "Star Wars" history. Join us as we navigate the stars and the stories that have captivated generations, proving that the force is indeed strong with "Star Wars Battlefront II."Support the Show.We've got merch!Check out the site for some awesome Gen 'S' swag :)
Backwards Compatible #1 - Wrestlemania 2000 (Nintendo 64)
Apr 3 2024
Backwards Compatible #1 - Wrestlemania 2000 (Nintendo 64)
Text us and say hello!Welcome to the first episode of "Backwards Compatible: A Generation 'S' Podcast," where Lou and I jump into the squared circle with WrestleMania 2000 for the Nintendo 64, a game that took the late '90s by storm with its release in October of 1999. Diving into what made this game a cornerstone in wrestling video games, we reminisce about its innovative grappling system, the extensive roster of WWF legends, and how it mirrored the electrifying Attitude Era of wrestling. We also touch on the cultural zeitgeist of 1999, a year marked by the Y2K scare, the ascendancy of boy bands, and the dominance of teen cinema, setting the stage for WrestleMania 2000's impact beyond just the gaming world.Moreover, this episode takes a look back at the WWF's unforgettable moments on TV during this time, highlighting how storylines and characters from the Attitude Era were intricately woven into the game, enhancing its realism and appeal. Through listener memories and our own experiences, we explore the personal connections many of us had with this game, from the thrill of in-game victories to the frustrations and joy of its Championship Mode. So join us on "Backwards Compatible" as we celebrate the legacy of WrestleMania 2000, reliving the excitement and nostalgia of this iconic period in both wrestling and video game history.Support the Show.We've got merch!Check out the site for some awesome Gen 'S' swag :)
Generation 'S' and WrestleMania X-Seven - The End of an Era
Mar 27 2024
Generation 'S' and WrestleMania X-Seven - The End of an Era
Text us and say hello!Ladies and gentlemen, as the sun sets on Generation 'S', Lou and I couldn't think of a more fitting farewell than diving into what many consider the zenith of professional wrestling: WrestleMania X-Seven. Join us for this special final episode where we celebrate the event that epitomized the Attitude Era and marked the end of an era in the wrestling world.WrestleMania X-Seven wasn't just a showcase of some of the most memorable matches and moments in WWE history; it symbolized the culmination of the Monday Night Wars, with WWE standing victorious as WCW closed its doors. We explore the significance of this event not just in the context of its electrifying matches, but as the definitive conclusion to one of the most competitive periods in wrestling history. From the unforgettable Rock vs. Austin showdown to the dramatic TLC match, we delve into how WrestleMania X-Seven served as a grand finale for the Attitude Era's wildest stories and characters.But as we bid goodbye to the world of bodyslams and championship belts, we're also gearing up for an exciting new adventure. 'Backwards Compatible' is more than just a continuation of Generation 'S'; it's a new chapter where we embrace the nostalgia of retro gaming. As a sneak peek, we share a teaser from our premiere episode where we'll cover the iconic WrestleMania 2000 for the Nintendo 64. This game not only captures the essence of the era we love but also bridges our transition from the wrestling ring to the gaming console.So, as we close the book on Generation 'S', we invite you to join us one last time to reflect on the legacy of WrestleMania X-Seven. And then, we'll turn the page together to 'Backwards Compatible', where we'll continue to explore the nostalgia and memories that connect us all, from the squared circle to the pixelated battlefields of our favorite video games.This isn't just a farewell; it's a celebration of all the moments that have brought us together and a look forward to the many adventures that lie ahead. Thank you for being a part of Generation 'S'. Now, let's get ready to level up with 'Backwards Compatible'!Thank you, everyone, for your support, your stories, and your passion. Your enthusiasm has made Generation 'S' a journey we'll never forget. Now, let's embark on this new adventure with 'Backwards Compatible' and create even more unforgettable memories. See you on the other side of the screen!Support the Show.We've got merch!Check out the site for some awesome Gen 'S' swag :)
Revisiting WrestleMania 30 and the Downfall of the Undertaker
Mar 20 2024
Revisiting WrestleMania 30 and the Downfall of the Undertaker
Text us and say hello!Hello, Generation 'S' faithful! This week, we're diving into an episode that's a bit bittersweet for us, especially for my co-host, Lou. We're tackling WrestleMania 30, an event that's etched in the annals of WWE history for many reasons, but there's one moment in particular that stands out — and not in a way we fondly remember. Yes, we're talking about The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar, a match that ended with the shocking conclusion of The Undertaker's legendary WrestleMania streak. For Lou, this isn't just a moment of surprise; it's a point of contention, marking WrestleMania 30 as one of his least favorite events.In this episode, we'll dissect the build-up to this historic match, the atmosphere in the Superdome as the unthinkable happened, and the aftermath that followed. We'll explore what this moment meant for WWE, for The Undertaker, and for fans like Lou who saw it as a controversial twist in WrestleMania lore.But WrestleMania 30 wasn't just about The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar. We'll also cover the entire event, discussing other key matches and moments that made the night memorable in both glorious and infamous ways. From Daniel Bryan's triumphant victory to the evolution of the WWE landscape, we'll break down the highs and lows of an evening that remains polarizing to this day.As we continue to pivot towards our podcast's exciting transition to 'Backwards Compatible,' this episode serves as a reminder of the broad spectrum of nostalgia we cover. Just as we dissect the pivotal moments of wrestling's past, we're gearing up to explore the rich history of retro gaming. The countdown is on, and as we move closer to embracing the world of pixels, polygons, and nostalgia-filled gaming adventures, we invite you to join us on this new journey.So, whether you're here for the wrestling history, the heated debates over controversial outcomes, or the anticipation of diving deep into retro gaming culture, this episode has something for everyone. Join Lou and me as we unpack WrestleMania 30, reflect on the moments that have shaped our views, and look forward to the future of 'Backwards Compatible.'Remember, as we transition from the squared circle to the console, our passion for bringing you engaging discussions on the memories that define us remains stronger than ever. Stay tuned, and let's get ready to explore the vast universe of retro gaming together!Support the Show.We've got merch!Check out the site for some awesome Gen 'S' swag :)
WrestleMania 20 Revisited: A Live Experience Perspective & A New Chapter
Mar 13 2024
WrestleMania 20 Revisited: A Live Experience Perspective & A New Chapter
Text us and say hello!Welcome back, Generation 'S' aficionados, to another episode that's not just a trip down memory lane but a leap into an exciting future for our podcast. This week, we're taking a deep dive into WrestleMania 20, an event that holds a special place in our hearts, especially for Lou, who had the incredible opportunity to experience the magic live at Madison Square Garden. But that's not all – we've also got some big news to share about the future direction of our podcast, so stick around for the journey.WrestleMania 20, with its tagline "Where it all begins again," was a landmark event in WWE history, and revisiting it brings back a flood of emotions and memories. Lou shares his firsthand account of being there, soaking in the atmosphere, the crowd's energy, and witnessing some of the most iconic moments in wrestling history live. From the opening bout to the grand finale that saw [redacted to avoid specifics], every match is revisited with the passion and detail only someone who lived it could provide. Though we're keeping our favorite moments under wraps for now, expect plenty of insights, laughter, and maybe a few surprises as we break down the card.Then, there's the big announcement we teased in the last episode. If you've been with us for the ride, you know that nostalgia is the heart and soul of what we do. It's with great excitement (and a hint of nostalgia, of course) that we announce our podcast will be transitioning to a retro-gaming focus in a few weeks, under the new name 'Backwards Compatible'. This shift represents not just a new chapter for us, but a whole new world of memories, games, and culture to explore, from the arcade classics to the console masterpieces that shaped our childhoods and the gaming industry.'Backwards Compatible' will be your go-to source for all things retro gaming, from deep dives into legendary game libraries, interviews with industry icons, and of course, the same lively discussions and debates that you've come to love from Lou and me. We're incredibly excited about this evolution and believe it will bring even more value, entertainment, and nostalgia to our amazing community.Support the Show.We've got merch!Check out the site for some awesome Gen 'S' swag :)
The Road to WrestleMania Begins & A Major Podcast Announcement!
Mar 5 2024
The Road to WrestleMania Begins & A Major Podcast Announcement!
Text us and say hello!Hey, Generation 'S' listeners, it's time for an episode that's packed with excitement, nostalgia, and a surprise that's sure to shake things up! As we embark on the road to WrestleMania, Lou and I have something special in store for you, and trust me, you don't want to miss this.First off, let's talk about the heart of this episode: WrestleMania 10. This event isn't just another milestone in WWE history; it's a cornerstone of wrestling lore that delivered unforgettable moments and legendary matches. Together, Lou and I dive into each match on the WrestleMania 10 card, dissecting the highs, the lows, and everything in between. While we're not spoiling our favorite picks just yet, let's just say that revisiting these classic confrontations stirred up a whirlwind of emotions and memories.But that's not all we've got lined up. We're also teasing a big announcement about the future of the Generation 'S' podcast. We've been keeping this under wraps for a while, and we can't wait to share the news with all of you. This announcement is a game-changer, and it's all about making our podcast even more engaging, entertaining, and epic. So, make sure to tune in until the end to catch the big reveal.As we kick off our journey to WrestleMania, this episode is a celebration of wrestling's rich history, the excitement of looking forward, and a testament to the passion Lou and I share with each of you for the world of wrestling. Whether you're a die-hard wrestling aficionado or just love a good stroll down memory lane, this episode is crafted with you in mind.So, join us as we step into the ring to relive WrestleMania 10 and gear up for an announcement that promises to take Generation 'S' to the next level. It's a thrilling time to be a part of our community, and we're just getting started.Remember, your support means the world to us, so hit that subscribe button, share your thoughts on social media, and let's keep building this amazing nostalgia-fueled journey together. Here's to the road to WrestleMania and beyond!Support the Show.We've got merch!Check out the site for some awesome Gen 'S' swag :)
The Red Ring of Death and other Xbox 360 Memories
Feb 14 2024
The Red Ring of Death and other Xbox 360 Memories
Text us and say hello!It's time to plug in our controllers and dive into the digital world of the mid-2000s with a special episode dedicated to the Xbox 360. Lou and I are about to take you on a high-definition journey through the glory days of gaming with one of the most influential consoles of all time.We start off by setting the scene: the Xbox 360's release in 2005, a time when gaming was transitioning into a mainstream powerhouse. We share our first impressions of the console, the excitement of HD gaming, and how Xbox Live revolutionized the way we play and interact online.But it wasn't all smooth sailing. No discussion about the Xbox 360 is complete without mentioning its infamous Achilles' heel – the Red Ring of Death (RRoD). Lou recounts his battle with the RRoD, sharing a story that many of our listeners will find all too familiar. We explore what caused these hardware failures and how Microsoft responded to this widespread issue, turning a significant challenge into a testament to customer service and resilience.Then, we shift gears to a happier topic: the Top 20 selling games of all time for the Xbox 360. This list is a who's who of gaming greatness, featuring titles that have left a lasting legacy on the industry. We discuss each game, sharing our personal experiences, favorite moments, and how these games contributed to the Xbox 360's legendary status. From the groundbreaking adventures of "Halo 3" and "Gears of War" to the open-world wonders of "Grand Theft Auto V" and the kinetic energy of "Kinect Adventures," we cover the spectrum of what made gaming on the Xbox 360 so unforgettable.We wrap up the episode by reflecting on the Xbox 360's legacy, its impact on gaming culture, and how it paved the way for future generations of consoles. The Xbox 360 wasn't just a machine; it was a gateway to worlds beyond our imagination, friendships across the globe, and countless hours of joy.So, whether you were a hardcore gamer, a casual player, or just someone who appreciated the cultural phenomenon that was the Xbox 360, this episode is for you. Join Lou and me as we celebrate the console that defined a gaming generation on Generation 'S'.Support the Show.We've got merch!Check out the site for some awesome Gen 'S' swag :)
Where Fun Never Ended: The 90s Toy Store Experience
Feb 7 2024
Where Fun Never Ended: The 90s Toy Store Experience
Text us and say hello!In this episode, Lou and I take you on a nostalgic journey back to the magical world of 90s toy stores.We kick things off by reminiscing about the sheer excitement of stepping into a toy store back in the day. It wasn't just about shopping; it was an adventure. We chat about the giants of the era—Toys "R" Us, KB Toys, FAO Schwarz—and what made each of them special. From Geoffrey the Giraffe welcoming us into Toys "R" Us to the enchanting atmosphere of FAO Schwarz, it’s a trip down memory lane you won't want to miss.  Plus, we don't forget the local and independent toy stores either, praising their unique charm and the personal touch they brought to our childhoods.As we move towards the end of the episode, we touch on the decline of brick-and-mortar toy stores and how the rise of online shopping marked the end of an era. Yet, it's not all gloomy; we also talk about the stores that have adapted and survived, keeping the magic alive for new generations.We wrap up the episode by sharing some heartwarming stories from our listeners, who were kind enough to send in their most cherished memories of 90s toy stores. It’s a beautiful reminder of how these places weren't just stores; they were where our imaginations were ignited.So, join Lou and me as we explore the aisles of the past, reliving the wonder and excitement of the 90s toy store experience. It’s an episode full of laughter, memories, and maybe even a few surprises. Don't forget to hit subscribe and follow us on our social channels to share your own toy store tales. Let's keep the nostalgia alive together on Generation 'S'.Support the Show.We've got merch!Check out the site for some awesome Gen 'S' swag :)
Ranking the 2000s Royal Rumbles
Jan 31 2024
Ranking the 2000s Royal Rumbles
Text us and say hello!In this episode, we're diving into the thrilling world of WWE's Royal Rumble events from the 2000s – a decade known for some of the most unforgettable moments in wrestling history.Join me and Generation 'S' first ballot Hall of Famer Lou Carnevale, as we step into the ring to rank each Royal Rumble event from 2000 to 2009. We'll discuss the iconic matches, the surprise entries, and the nail-biting eliminations that defined an era in WWE. For many of us who grew up in the 90s and early 2000s, these events were not just wrestling matches; they were larger-than-life spectacles that left us on the edge of our seats.We both agree that the Royal Rumble stands as the second biggest WWE event of the year, only trailing behind the grandeur of WrestleMania. But which year's Rumble took the top spot in our rankings? Which superstar's performance left us in awe? And which Rumble match do we think didn't quite live up to the hype?A heads-up to our listeners: We faced some technical gremlins while recording this episode, but we've done our best to smooth things out. Hopefully, it's as seamless to you as a well-executed Royal Rumble elimination!Tune in for a trip down memory lane, filled with bodyslams, high-flying action, and the unmistakable excitement that only the Royal Rumble can deliver. Whether you're a long-time wrestling fan or just love reliving the glory days of the early 2000s, this episode is for you!Let's get ready to rumble! (Please don't sue me, Michael Buffer)Support the Show.We've got merch!Check out the site for some awesome Gen 'S' swag :)
Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man, Part 3: "Now, Dig on This"
Jan 24 2024
Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man, Part 3: "Now, Dig on This"
Text us and say hello!In the epic conclusion of our 3-part retrospective on the Sam Raimi Spider-Man saga, Odian Levy and I return for one final web-slinging adventure into "Spider-Man 3." As the closing chapter of a trilogy that captivated a generation, this film brought a tumultuous yet heartfelt ending to the story of Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker.Under Sam Raimi's visionary direction, "Spider-Man 3" presented a narrative brimming with complexity and controversy. Released over fifteen years ago, it left a distinct impression on both Odian and myself, challenging our expectations of superhero narratives. The film's ambitious attempt to weave multiple storylines and introduce iconic characters like Venom and Sandman has been a topic of much debate among fans and critics alike.In this episode, we delve into the intricate web of "Spider-Man 3," exploring its narrative choices, character developments, and the emotional weight carried by Peter Parker as he confronts his darkest challenges yet. We analyze the portrayal of heroism and villainy, examining how the movie navigates themes of forgiveness, identity, and the consequences of power and revenge.As we've done throughout this series, Odian and I share our personal reflections on the film, including how our perceptions have evolved over time. We discuss the broader impact of the trilogy on the superhero genre and its legacy in shaping the cinematic landscape.So join us as we swing into the heart of "Spider-Man 3" – a film that, despite its polarizing reception, holds a special place in our journey through the world of Spider-Man. It's not just a conclusion to a beloved trilogy, but a testament to the enduring complexity and appeal of one of the most iconic superheroes in cinema.Support the Show.We've got merch!Check out the site for some awesome Gen 'S' swag :)
Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man, Part 2: "Pizza Time"
Jan 17 2024
Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man, Part 2: "Pizza Time"
Text us and say hello!In the second installment of our 3-part look back at the Sam Raimi Spider-Man saga, I team up once again with Odian Levy, the soon-to-be best-selling author behind "Hummingbird," to dissect what is widely hailed as the pinnacle of superhero cinema: Spider-Man 2. This sequel didn't just raise the stakes; it set a new gold standard for what superhero movies could be, intertwining heart-pounding action with the all-too-human drama of balancing life's competing demands.Directed by the horror maestro Sam Raimi, Spider-Man 2 burst onto the scene over twenty years ago, leaving an indelible mark on both Odian and myself. Its blend of thrilling action, deep emotional resonance, and groundbreaking visual effects not only redefined the genre but also resonated with us on a personal level, etching vivid memories of our first viewings (and in Odian's case, the numerous repeat viewings in theaters).This episode dives deep into the rich tapestry of Spider-Man 2, exploring how Peter Parker's juggling act between his duties as a student, photographer, friend, and masked vigilante strikes a chord with anyone who's ever struggled to find balance in their life. We peel back the layers of this cinematic gem, discussing its complex characters, innovative visuals, and the compelling narrative that elevates it from a mere superhero flick to a cinematic tour de force.As always, we sprinkle in anecdotes of our own experiences with the film and wax nostalgic about our enduring love for everything Spider-Man – from the comics and video games to the beloved 90s animated series.So kick back, relax, and join us on this journey through Spider-Man 2 – a film that not only epitomizes the thrill and burden of great power and great responsibility but also continues to swing high as a beacon in superhero storytelling.Support the Show.We've got merch!Check out the site for some awesome Gen 'S' swag :)